940 resultados para demcraotic consolidation


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Tämän työn tarkoituksena oli kehittää toimintamalli, joka yhdenmukaistaisi Kone Elevators:in modernisointiliikealueen logistiset käytännöt. Toimintamalli luotiin kartoittamalla euroopan maayksiköiden nykyisiä logistisia käytäntöjä sekä perehtymällä asiaankuuluvaan kirjallisuuteen, case study:ihin sekä sähköisiin artikkeleihin. Tärkeää osaa työssä esittivät maayksiköiden sekä Koneen toimittajayksiköiden edustajien haastattelut. Haastatteluiden tuloksia vertailtiin ja analysoitiin. Niiden pohjalta huomattiin, että logistiset toimintatavat vaihtelevat maittain. Ongelmat ovat kuitenkin hyvin samanlaisia; tiedonkulun katkot toimitusprosessin aikana. Muiden Koneen liikealueiden toimintatapoja tutkimalla, haastattelujen tuloksia käyttämällä sekä kirjallisuustutkimuksen pohjalta muodostettiin näkemys parhaasta toimintatapamallista. Modernisointiliikealueen toimitusprosessi tullee perustumaan keskitettyyn ohjaukseen, mutta paikalliseen koordinointiin. Se tullee hyväksikäyttämään ulkoistetun logistiikan tarjoamia mahdollisuuksia sekä sähköistä tiedonsiirtoa. Fyysiselle siirrolle tarjotaan kolmea vaihtoehtoa, joista maayksiköt voivat valita tilanteeseen parhaiten sopivan.


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Useat ”uuden” talouden piirteet, kuten ympäristön ennustamattomuus, globalisaatio, vapaa kauppa ja teknologian leviäminen, ovat lisänneet organisaatioiden muutospaineita. Yritysostoista on tullut resurssien ja markkinavoiman hankkimistyökalu, jonka avulla yritykset voivat kohdata ympäristön niille asettamat haasteet sekä hyödyntää markkinoiden tarjoamat mahdollisuudet. Yritysostojen onnistumisprosentit ovat kuitenkin olleet alhaiset, mahdollisesti siitä syystä, että yritysostoissa on keskitytty taloudellisiin ja oikeudellisiin asioihin henkilöstöprosessien kustannuksella. Tästä syystä henkilöstöjohtamista ja erityisesti integraatiojohtamista on enenevässä määrin pidetty tärkeänä yritysostojen onnistumisen kannalta. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin yritysostojen vaikutuksia yritysten henkilöstöön ja yrityskulttuureihin. Tutkimuksessa verrattiin kolmen eri yrityksen kohdalla suoritettuja yritysostoprojekteja, ja niissä esiin tulleita ongelmakohtia. Vertailut osoittivat yritysostojen merkitsevän henkilöstölle suurta epävarmuutta, jota voitiin vähentää muun muassa toimivalla sisäisellä viestinnällä ja suunnitelmallisella muutosjohtamisella. Suurimmiksi ongelmiksi koettiin ostokohteen maantieteellinen etäisyys ostavasta yrityksestä, pienen ja ison yrityksen kulttuurien yhteensovittaminen sekä henkilöstön huomiointi yritysostotilanteessa ja sen jälkeen.


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on IFRS-standardien eli uusien kansainvälisten raportointistandardien tuomien muutosten selvittäminen koskien konsernitilinpäätöksen yhdistelyjä. Tutkimusmenetelmä on normatiivinen, teoreettinen ja kvalitatiivinen. IAS/IFRS (International Accounting Standards / International Financial Reporting Standards eli kansainväliset raportointistandardit) tulee pakolliseksi pörssiyrityksille 1.1.2005 alkaen Euroopan Unionin alueella. IAS/IFRS:n mukaan tytäryritykset yhdistellään hankintamenomenetelmällä, osakkuusyritykset pääomaosuusmenetelmällä ja yhteisyritykset suhteellisella yhdistelyllä. Yritysten yhteenliittymät – standardi on olennaisesti uudistettu 31.3.2004. Pooling-menetelmä kiellettiin kokonaan. Hankintamenomenetelmässä kaikki yksilöitävissä olevat varat ja velat arvostetaan käypiin arvoihin. Aineettomien hyödykkeiden ryhmittelyssä on tapahtunut muutoksia. Yksilöitävissä olevat aineettomat hyödykkeet, esimerkiksi asiakassuhteet, aktivoidaan taseeseen ja poistetaan. Aineettomat hyödykkeet, joille ei ole määriteltävissä rajallista käyttöikää, tulee testata pakollisilla arvonalentumistestauksella. Siihen ryhmään kuuluu esimerkiksi liikearvo.


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The amygdala nuclei appear to be critically implicated in emotional memory. However, in most studies, encoding and consolidation processes cannot be analyzed separately. We thus studied the verbal emotional memory in a young woman with a ganglioglioma of the left amygdala and analyzed its impact (1) on each step of the memory process (encoding, retrieval, and recognition) (2) on short- and long-term consolidation (1-hour and 1-week delay) and (3) on processing of valence (positive and negative items compared to neutral words). Results showed emotional encoding impairments and, after encoding was controlled for, emotional long-term consolidation. Finally, although the negative words were not acknowledged as emotionally arousing by the patient, these words were specifically poorly encoded, recalled, and consolidated. Our data suggest that separate cerebral networks support the processing of emotional versus neutral stimuli.


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Functional advantages and drawbacks are commonly mentioned to rationally justify or condemn municipality amalgamations. However, many consolidation projects are resisted by local governments or citizens on the grounds that amalgamation would dampen local identity. A municipality's name change is probably the most visible sign of the loss of community bond experienced by citizens at amalgamation time. This article aims to put a value on this loss by measuring citizen willingness to pay for their city name. This methodological approach innovates upon the literature on municipal amalgamation and place branding by exploiting the versatility of the so-called contingent valuation method (CVM). CVM confronts respondents, in a survey setting, with a hypothetical market in which a characteristic of interest is exchanged. Here the characteristic is the possibility to retain one's city name for an amalgamated jurisdiction. The article presents the estimates provided by a survey conducted in four Swiss cities.


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The present study aimed to compare the main features of infection with pandemic influenza A virus in pregnant and nonpregnant women admitted to hospitals in Spain during the first waves of the 2009-2010 influenza pandemic. This was a prospective (November 2009 to June 2010), multicenter observational study. All cases were women of reproductive age who had not been vaccinated against seasonal or pandemic influenza A. Influenza infection was confirmed by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). The sociodemographic and clinical data of all cases were reviewed. A total of 219 inpatients, including 49 pregnant women and 170 nonpregnant women, were enrolled in the study upon admission to participating hospitals. The most substantially different symptoms between the groups were respiratory distress and unilobar consolidation, both of which were more frequent among nonpregnant women. Antibiotics and systemic corticosteroids were more frequently used in nonpregnant women; however, there were no differences in the rates of treatment with antivirals. Our findings indicated that the compared with nonpregnant women, pregnant women in this study did not have significantly different symptoms and were not at increased risk of complications from pandemic influenza virus infection.


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El següent treball tracta sobre les principals relacions existents entre la memòria i les emocions. Una vegada revisats els dos conceptes de manera separada, el nostre objectiu serà vincular els dos conceptes, per tal de saber com influeixen les emocions en el processos mnèmics com són la codificació, la consolidació i el record. Per assolir aquest objectiu, també realitzarem una part empírica en la qual prendrem com a referent la teoria de la Memòria Dependent de l'Estat d'Ànim proposada per Bower (1981). En la línia d'aquesta teoria, la hipòtesi general que ens plantegem a la part empírica és que si induïm a un subjecte a un estat d'ànim determinat i li fem aprendre un llistat de paraules amb diferent valència emocional, recordarà millor les paraules que coincideixin amb l'estat afectiu del subjecte en el moment de l'aprenentatge. Per a resoldre aquesta hipòtesi prendrem com a referent el disseny experimental de Meilan, Carro, Guerrero, Carpi, Gómez & Palmero (2012). Els nostres resultats recolzen les hipòtesis basades en la teoria de congruència afectiva de Bower (1981) i, parcialment el disseny d'investigació de Meilan et. al (2012).


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STUDY OBJECTIVES: The nuclear receptor REV-ERBα is a potent, constitutive transcriptional repressor critical for the regulation of key circadian and metabolic genes. Recently, REV-ERBα's involvement in learning, neurogenesis, mood, and dopamine turnover was demonstrated suggesting a specific role in central nervous system functioning. We have previously shown that the brain expression of several core clock genes, including Rev-erbα, is modulated by sleep loss. We here test the consequences of a loss of REV-ERBα on the homeostatic regulation of sleep. METHODS: EEG/EMG signals were recorded in Rev-erbα knockout (KO) mice and their wild type (WT) littermates during baseline, sleep deprivation, and recovery. Cortical gene expression measurements after sleep deprivation were contrasted to baseline. RESULTS: Although baseline sleep/wake duration was remarkably similar, KO mice showed an advance of the sleep/wake distribution relative to the light-dark cycle. After sleep onset in baseline and after sleep deprivation, both EEG delta power (1-4 Hz) and sleep consolidation were reduced in KO mice indicating a slower increase of homeostatic sleep need during wakefulness. This slower increase might relate to the smaller increase in theta and gamma power observed in the waking EEG prior to sleep onset under both conditions. Indeed, the increased theta activity during wakefulness predicted delta power in subsequent NREM sleep. Lack of Rev-erbα increased Bmal1, Npas2, Clock, and Fabp7 expression, confirming the direct regulation of these genes by REV-ERBα also in the brain. CONCLUSIONS: Our results add further proof to the notion that clock genes are involved in sleep homeostasis. Because accumulating evidence directly links REV-ERBα to dopamine signaling the altered homeostatic regulation of sleep reported here are discussed in that context.


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The present study aimed to review high resolution computed tomography findings in patients with H1N1 influenza A infection. The most common tomographic findings include ground-glass opacities, areas of consolidation or a combination of both patterns. Some patients may also present bronchial wall thickening, airspace nodules, crazy-paving pattern, perilobular opacity, air trapping and findings related to organizing pneumonia. These abnormalities are frequently bilateral, with subpleural distribution. Despite their nonspecificity, it is important to recognize the main tomographic findings in patients affected by H1N1 virus in order to include this possibility in the differential diagnosis, characterize complications and contribute in the follow-up, particularly in cases of severe disease.


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The present study is aimed at describing scrotal collections observed at ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging. The authors describe the main features of hydrocele, hematocele and pyocele, as well as the most common causes, clinical manifestations and associated diseases, with a brief review of the embryology and anatomy of the scrotum. Collections are frequently found in the evaluation of the scrotum, which is often performed on an emergency basis, and in most cases can be differentiated by means of imaging studies. With the consolidation of magnetic resonance imaging as the method of choice complementary with ultrasonography, the authors also describe magnetic resonance imaging findings of scrotal collections as well as the situations where such method is indicated.


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El objetivo de este artículo es presentar una investigación sobre el desarrollo del Programa Cooperar para Aprender /Aprender a Cooperar a través de un proceso de formación-asesoramiento, diseñado por el Grup de recerca Atenció a la diversitat (GRAD) de la Universidad de Vic. Presentamos los objetivos, centrados en el aprendizaje cooperativo y la inclusión del alumnado que encuentra más barreras para el aprendizaje y la participación en las aulas ordinarias. Describimos el diseño de investigación y los instrumentos para identificar los cambios en las representaciones del profesorado, la evaluación de los aprendizajes realizados con estructuras cooperativas, la cohesión del grupo clase y la evolución de los procesos de inclusión desde las fases de introducción hasta la consolidación del aprendizaje cooperativo, en los seis centros escolares en que se realiza la investigación. Finalizamos presentando algunos resultados iniciales de la investigación.


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AbstractObjective:The present study was aimed at retrospectively reviewing high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) findings in patients with pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis in order to evaluate the frequency of tomographic findings and their distribution in the lung parenchyma.Materials and Methods:Thirteen patients (9 females and 4 males; age, 9 to 59 years; mean age, 34.5 years) were included in the present study. The HRCT images were independently evaluated by two observers whose decisions were made by consensus. The inclusion criterion was the presence of abnormalities typical of pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis at HRCT, which precludes lung biopsy. However, in 6 cases lung biopsy was performed.Results:Ground-glass opacities and small parenchymal nodules were the predominant tomographic findings, present in 100% of cases, followed by small subpleural nodules (92.3%), subpleural cysts (84.6%), subpleural linear calcifications (69.2%), crazy-paving pattern (69.2%), fissure nodularity (53.8%), calcification along interlobular septa (46.2%) and dense consolidation (46.2%).Conclusion:As regards distribution of the lesions, there was preferential involvement of the lower third of the lungs. No predominance of distribution in axial and anteroposterior directions was observed.


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The main objectives of this article are to present and discuss the facts that lead to the conception of JBCS in 1987, its birth in 1990 and the stages traveled until its consolidation. The community's of Chemistry participation and the role of the Sub-program of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of PADCT are emphasized.


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Catalunya disposa a l’actualitat de nombrosos equipaments culturals destinats a la difusió memorial mitjançant la pràctica turística creant-se, tanmateix, les primeres estructures en xarxa per tal de fer que aquests espais disposin d’un relat conjunt, element indispensable en el qual recolzar-se a l’hora d’emprendre qualsevol estratègia de difusió. El model català, però, pot dir-se que està en fase embrionària, i des d’aquest moment en endavant ens correspon als professionals i acadèmics treballar de cara a la seva consolidació. Aquest estudi posa les bases per a la investigació en clau turística sobre els Espais de Memòria


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The toxic character of organochloride compounds, their habitual presence in many industrial effluents, and mainly the low efficiency of the current remediation processes, are important aspects that have been promoted to study new degrading technologies. Among the great number of new physical and chemical alternatives, the photochemical and electrochemical processes have been played an important role, mainly due to their high degradation capacity through relatively low-cost procedures. In these contexts biological processes, the use of white-rot fungi, or even ligninolytic enzymes produced from them, are also very promising alternatives. However, the necessity of long reaction time and the high cost of the enzyme production process are some of the drawbacks that difficult the definitive consolidation of these processes.