775 resultados para creative labour
Neste ensaio, procuro explorar como Ghosh traça a trajetória do silêncio do subalterno, principalmente através do personagem Fokir, enquanto movimento que ocorre desde o ato de ser silenciado até ao primeiro ato de resistência a esse silêncio, em seguida, até ao ato de se apropriar desse silêncio e, finalmente, até uma derradeira jornada que consiste em tornar esse silêncio seu, transformando- o de tal modo que acaba por caracterizar o seu, o nosso, modo de saber e ser. O silêncio não se opõe, então, à linguagem, mas é algo complementar: acrescenta significado à linguagem. O silêncio funciona aqui enquanto retórica e, como se verá, não é tratado em termo dos binários ocidentais como algo que se opõe ao discurso e que é caracterizado pela ausência. O meu argumento neste ensaio é semelhante ao do escritor Phulboni em The Calcutta Chromosome - o silêncio é caracterizado pela presença e possui vida própria; o silêncio é, aqui, uma força criativa. Em ambos os casos, será uma questão de escolha o facto de se ter em consideração as personagens subalternas ou marginais. Os grupos de subalternos usam frequentemente o silêncio como retórica, uma vez que muitas vezes lhes é negado o privilégio de representação nas narrativas principais. O silêncio seria, muitas vezes, uma ferramenta melhor do que a linguagem, porque a linguagem é o discurso dos poderosos. O silêncio não resistiria à equação do poder, mas também corromperia as mesmas ferramentas responsáveis pela criação da discriminação. Neste ensaio, gostaria de salientar como em The Hungry Tide, de Ghosh, nos deparamos com uma viagem que parte de um silêncio forçado para um silêncio criativo e colaborativo.
The work on Social Memory, focused on the biographic method and the paths of immaterial Heritage, are the fabric that we have chosen to substantiate the idea of museum. The social dimensions of memory, its construction and representation, are the thickness of the exhibition fabric. The specificity of museological work in contemporary times resembles a fine lace, a meticulous weaving of threads that flow from time, admirable lace, painstaking and complex, created with many needles, made up of hollow spots and stitches (of memories and things forgotten). Repetitions and symmetries are the pace that perpetuates it, the rhythmic grammar that gives it body. A fluid body, a single piece, circumstantial. It is always possible to create new patterns, new compositions, with the same threads. Accurately made, properly made, this lace of memories and things forgotten is always an extraordinary creation, a web of wonder that expands fantasy, generates value and feeds the endless reserve of the community’s knowledge, values and beliefs.
This paper discusses the results of study to determine differences in artwork done by hearing impaired and normal hearing children.
This paper discusses whether participation in creative art affects the hearing impaired child's self expression in written language.
The purpose of this study was to develop a theme based creative movement curriculum that would help hearing-impaired students develop language, speech and audition skills.
Este estudio contiene un breve análisis de la compatibilidad de las licencias de Creative commons (CC), con la Decisión 351 de la Comunidad Andina de Naciones (CAN), que regula el tratamiento de los derechos de autor para los países miembros de la CAN. Una primera parte de este estudio está dedicada a los antecedentes y aspectos generales de las licencias CC, en ella son estudiadas las licencias GNU que las inspiran así como la filosofía que las orienta, una vez definidos sus antecedentes, paso a describir el contenido de las licencias en sus tres aspectos common deeds, legal code y digital code. La segunda parte comprende el estudio de compatibilidad realizado a partir de la definición de los conceptos básicos y de cada uno de los derechos reconocidos a los autores, desde la doctrina de la corriente latina y del copyright, identificando los elementos comunes y los diferenciadores para, paso seguido, revisar la consagración normativa de los mismos elementos y su tratamiento en las licencias objeto de esta investigación.
Sectoral shifts, such as shrinkage of low labour productivity and the low-wage construction sector, can lead to apparent increased aggregate average labour productivity and average wages, especially when capital intensity differs across sectors. For 11 main sectors and 13 manufacturing sub-sectors, we quantify the compositional effects on productivity, wages and unit labour costs (ULCs) based and real effective exchange rates (REER), for 24 EU countries. Compositional effects are greatest in Ireland, where the pharmaceutical sector drives the growth of output and productivity, but other sectors have suffered greatly and have not yet recovered. Our new ULC-REER measurements, which are free from compositional effects, correlate well with export performance. Among the countries facing the most severe external adjustment challenges, Lithuania, Portugal and Ireland have been the most successful based on five indicators, and Latvia, Estonia and Greece the least successful. There is evidence of downward wage flexibility in some countries, but wage cuts have corrected just a small fraction of pre-crisis wage rises and came with massive reductions in employment even in the business sector excluding construction and real estate, highlighting the difficulty of adjusting wages downward.
As a background document for Bruegel Policy Contribution 2012/11 ‘Compositional effects on productivity, labour cost and export adjustment’, this working paper presents detailed results for 24 EU countries on: • The sectoral changes in the economy; • The unit labour costs (ULC) based real effective exchange rate (REER) and its main components; • Export performance. • The ULC-REERs are calculated: • For the total economy, the business sector (excluding agriculture, construction and real estate activities), and some main sectors; • Using both actual aggregates and fixed-weight aggregates, as the latter are free from the impacts of compositional changes; • Against 30 trading partners and against three subsets of trading partners: euro-area, non-euro area EU, non-EU.
We investigate the changes in women’s employment patterns across EU countries over the last 20 years both in terms of labour market participation and type of jobs using individual data from ECHP and EUSILC databases. Using a logistic multilevel model, we then pin down the role played by institutional and policy changes in explaining women’s employment. The key results indicate that women’s employment trends are related to the institutional and policy changes that have been introduced in almost all European countries since the end of the 1990s. Such changes had an important impact on the labour market opportunities’ of women by affecting the quality of potential jobs available, the chances to (re-)enter the labour market and the opportunity costs of employment (vs. non-employment).