931 resultados para computer processing of language


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Dislexia é uma condição neurológica associada a deficiências na aquisição e processamento da linguagem. Variando em graus de gravidade, que se manifesta por dificuldades na linguagem receptiva e expressiva, incluindo processamento fonológico, na leitura, escrita, ortografia, caligrafia, e por vezes em aritmética. Dislexia é uma condição hereditária associada a diversas anormalidades neurológicas em áreas corticais visuais e auditivas. Uma das mais influentes teorias para explicar os sintomas disléxicos é a chamada hipótese magnocelular. Segundo esta hipótese, a dislexia resulta de processamento de informações visuais anormais, devido principalmente a disfunção no sistema magnocelular. Esta dissertação explora esta hipótese comparando quinze indivíduos com dislexia e quinze controles, com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 30 anos através de dois testes visuais de atenção. Ambos os experimentos avaliam tempo de reação a estímulos que apareciam em toda tela do computador, enquanto os indivíduos permaneciam instalados, com a cabeça apoiada por um chin rest e com os olhos fixos em um alvo central. O experimento I consistiu de estímulos (pequenos círculos) brancos apresentados em um fundo preto. No experimento II, a mesma metodologia foi utilizada, mas agora com os estímulos (pequenos círculos) verdes sobre um fundo vermelho. Os resultados foram analisados levando em consideração os quadrantes onde os estímulos foram apresentados. Pacientes e controles não diferiram em relação ao tempo de reação a estímulos apresentados no campo visual inferior, em comparação ao quadrante superior de um mesmo indivíduo. Considerando todos os quadrantes, disléxicos tiveram tempo de reação mais lento no experimento I, mas apresentaram tempos de reação semelhantes aos controles no experimento II. Estes resultados são compatíveis com anormalidades no sistema magnocelular. As implicações destes achados para a fisiopatologia da dislexia, bem como para o seu tratamento devem ser mais discutidos.(AU)


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A sieve plate distillation column has been constructed and interfaced to a minicomputer with the necessary instrumentation for dynamic, estimation and control studies with special bearing on low-cost and noise-free instrumentation. A dynamic simulation of the column with a binary liquid system has been compiled using deterministic models that include fluid dynamics via Brambilla's equation for tray liquid holdup calculations. The simulation predictions have been tested experimentally under steady-state and transient conditions. The simulator's predictions of the tray temperatures have shown reasonably close agreement with the measured values under steady-state conditions and in the face of a step change in the feed rate. A method of extending linear filtering theory to highly nonlinear systems with very nonlinear measurement functional relationships has been proposed and tested by simulation on binary distillation. The simulation results have proved that the proposed methodology can overcome the typical instability problems associated with the Kalman filters. Three extended Kalman filters have been formulated and tested by simulation. The filters have been used to refine a much simplified model sequentially and to estimate parameters such as the unmeasured feed composition using information from the column simulation. It is first assumed that corrupted tray composition measurements are made available to the filter and then corrupted tray temperature measurements are accessed instead. The simulation results have demonstrated the powerful capability of the Kalman filters to overcome the typical hardware problems associated with the operation of on-line analyzers in relation to distillation dynamics and control by, in effect, replacirig them. A method of implementing estimator-aided feedforward (EAFF) control schemes has been proposed and tested by simulation on binary distillation. The results have shown that the EAFF scheme provides much better control and energy conservation than the conventional feedback temperature control in the face of a sustained step change in the feed rate or multiple changes in the feed rate, composition and temperature. Further extensions of this work are recommended as regards simulation, estimation and EAFF control.


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Caffeine is known to increase arousal, attention, and information processing–all factors implicated in facilitating persuasion. In a standard attitude-change paradigm, participants consumed an orange-juice drink that either contained caffeine (3.5 mg/kg body weight) or did not (placebo) prior to reading a counterattitudinal communication (anti-voluntary euthanasia). Participants then completed a thought-listing task and a number of attitude scales. The first experiment showed that those who consumed caffeine showed greater agreement with the communication (direct attitude: voluntary euthanasia) and on an issue related to, but not contained in, the communication (indirect attitude: abortion). The order in which direct and indirect attitudes were measured did not affect the results. A second experiment manipulated the quality of the arguments in the message (strong vs. weak) to determine whether systematic processing had occurred. There was evidence that systematic processing occurred in both drink conditions, but was greater for those who had consumed caffeine. In both experiments, the amount of message-congruent thinking mediated persuasion. These results show that caffeine can increase the extent to which people systematically process and arc influenced by a persuasive communication.