609 resultados para circles


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Recent advances in mobile phone cameras have poised them to take over compact hand-held cameras as the consumer’s preferred camera option. Along with advances in the number of pixels, motion blur removal, face-tracking, and noise reduction algorithms have significant roles in the internal processing of the devices. An undesired effect of severe noise reduction is the loss of texture (i.e. low-contrast fine details) of the original scene. Current established methods for resolution measurement fail to accurately portray the texture loss incurred in a camera system. The development of an accurate objective method to identify the texture preservation or texture reproduction capability of a camera device is important in this regard. The ‘Dead Leaves’ target has been used extensively as a method to measure the modulation transfer function (MTF) of cameras that employ highly non-linear noise-reduction methods. This stochastic model consists of a series of overlapping circles with radii r distributed as r−3, and having uniformly distributed gray level, which gives an accurate model of occlusion in a natural setting and hence mimics a natural scene. This target can be used to model the texture transfer through a camera system when a natural scene is captured. In the first part of our study we identify various factors that affect the MTF measured using the ‘Dead Leaves’ chart. These include variations in illumination, distance, exposure time and ISO sensitivity among others. We discuss the main differences of this method with the existing resolution measurement techniques and identify the advantages. In the second part of this study, we propose an improvement to the current texture MTF measurement algorithm. High frequency residual noise in the processed image contains the same frequency content as fine texture detail, and is sometimes reported as such, thereby leading to inaccurate results. A wavelet thresholding based denoising technique is utilized for modeling the noise present in the final captured image. This updated noise model is then used for calculating an accurate texture MTF. We present comparative results for both algorithms under various image capture conditions.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Direito, Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Direito, 2016.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Psicologia Social e das Organizações, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2016


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A eficiência dos mercados tem sido uma questão que tem despertado muito interesse no campo dos investimentos e da investigação financeira durante as últimas décadas, mas nos últimos anos com a intensificação dos estudos e surgimento de evidências da existência de comportamentos anómalos nas rentabilidades dos ativos financeiro, esta teoria passou a ser questionada no meio académico. A discussão do tema é ainda muito polémico, pois existem de um lado os defensores da hipótese de eficiência que defendem que as anomalias identificadas não podem ser generalizadas e não são consistentes ao longo do tempo, e de outro lado os defensores da corrente das finanças comportamentais, segundo os quais as anomalias são provocadas por padrões documentados de comportamento irracional dos investidores, sendo que estes comportamentos são inconsistentes com a teoria de eficiência dos mercados. Entre as anomalias detetadas, destacam-se as anomalias de Calendário, tais como o efeito Janeiro, efeito dia da semana, efeito feriado, entre outros; anomalias na valorização de ativos, tais como o efeito tamanho e outras anomalias de sobre reação. O efeito dia da semana é dos mais persistentes detetados em vários mercados internacionais e tendo em conta este cenário, o objetivo desta dissertação é a verificação da existência das anomalias de calendário, mais precisamente o efeito dia da semana onde se irá analisar o efeito segunda-feira, efeito sexta-feira, o efeito fim-de­ semana. Para esta verificação foram utilizadas as cotações diárias médias do Índice da Bolsa de Valores de Cabo Verde, no período de finais de 2005 a finais de 2008. A análise estatística dos resultados diários indicou que não existem evidências da existência do efeito dia da semana. ABSTRACT: The markets efficiency has been an issue of particular interest in the field of financial investigation in recent decades. However, due to the intensification of the studies and the arise of evidences about the existence of abnormal behaviours on financial assets returns, over the last years, this theory begun to be discussed in academic circles. The debate of this theme is still very controversial, because on one hand there are the defenders of the efficiency hypothesis, who defend that identified anomalies cannot be generalized and are not consistent in the long-term; on the other hand, there are the defenders of behavioral finance tendency, to whom the anomalies are caused by documented patterns about the irrational behaviour of investors. These behaviours are inconsistent with the markets efficient theory. Among the detected anomalies, we highlight the calendar anomalies, such as: the January effect, the day of week effect and holiday effect among others; anomalies over the valuation of assets, such as: the size effect and other anomalies on the reaction. The day of week effect is one of the most persistent effect detected in several international markets, and due to this scenario, the objective of this essay is the finding of calendar abnormalities, namely the day of week effect, where the Monday, the Friday and the weekend effects will be analyzed. For this checking, we used the average daily exchange rates from the prices of the Cape Verde Stock Exchange, for the period from late 2005 to late 2008. The statistical analysis of daily results indicated that there is no evidence of the existence of the day of the week effect.


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação, 2016.


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The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has developed impressive machinery to produce international comparative data across more than 70 systems of education and these data have come to be used extensively in policy circles around the world. In many countries, national and international comparative data are used as the bases for significant, high-stakes policy and reform decisions. This article traces how international comparability is produced, using the example of equity measurement in OECD's Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). It focuses on the construction of the objects of comparison and traces the struggles to produce equivalence and commensurability across diverse and complex worlds. Based on conversations with a number of measurement experts who are familiar with the OECD and PISA, the article details how comparability is achieved and how it falters and fails. In performing such an analysis, this research is not concerned with ‘exposing’ the limitations of comparison or challenging their validity. Rather, based on the work of Steve Woolgar and other scholars, it attempts to mobilise a ‘sociology of measurement’ that explores the instrumentalism and performativity of the technologies of international comparisons.


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The present article investigates the linkages between conserving cultural heritage, maintaining cultural diversity and enforcing human rights. While there seems to be a growing awareness of these linkages in international heritage and human rights circles, they remain poorly understood by many heritage practitioners who see their conservation work merely as a technical matter. The article argues that it is essential for practitioners engaged in heritage conservation projects to understand the broader economic, political and social context of their work. However, heritage scholars and teachers, too, need to recognise that there can be many motives behind official heritage interventions, that such action is sometimes taken primarily to achieve political goals, and that it can undermine rather than strengthen community identity, cultural diversity and human rights. Such a reorientation is an extension of the paradigm shift in which heritage is understood as cultural practice. In this more critical heritage studies discipline human rights are brought to the foreground as the most significant part of the international heritage of humanity.


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By way of definition, dictionaries such as the Oxford Dictionary note that the word ‘icon’ is a noun meaning ‘a person or thing regarded as a representative symbol or as worthy of veneration’ (p. 654). More recently, the phrase ‘iconic development’ has crept into the town planning vernacular making reference to built or planned works that are intended to be an urban ‘benchmark’. However, in terms of planning practice in the State of Victoria, Australia, the meaning of ‘iconic development’ is unclear amongst property development professionals – one only needs to peruse the local newspaper, The Age on any given week and publications by key bodies such as the Planning Institute of Australia, the Victorian Planning and Environment Law Association, the Urban Development Institute of Australia and the Property Council of Australia on their websites and in professional newsletters, to appreciate the different ways the phrase is used in the property development context. This paper reports on key themes arising from interviews with 52 Victorian property development professionals, who were interviewed to determine their perceptions about what constitutes ‘iconic development’ in Victoria. Arising from the interviews, the study confirms that ‘iconic development’ is the new buzz phrase in property development circles, it is no longer just being used as a sales and marketing tool, but has been appropriated by technical professionals and introduced into different planning documents including certain local clauses in the Victorian Planning Provisions. Different professionals in the development industry, such as architects, planners and lawyers ascribe different meanings to this phrase, thereby presenting confusion in the property development industry. By understanding what these different professionals mean by the phrase ‘iconic development’ a more collaborative understanding of the phrase is arrived at to provide the practitioner and public with a more informed understanding to review realised and/or planned 'iconic development’.


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Dissertação apresentada para obtenção a grau de Mestre na área de Educação Social e Intervenção Comunitária


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The intellectual production of Johannes Gallensis (also known as John of Wales, c. 1210/30 – 1285), regent-master of the Friars Minor at Oxford and later a lecturer and Doctor of Theology at Paris, was oriented towards furnishing Catholic preachers with a variety of compilations of moral philosophy aimed to serve them in their pastoral ministry. One of these compilations is the Communiloquium, a manual of a kind, which displays its author's attempt to provide adequate and specific argumentation for admonishing all sorts and types of devotees. Its most prominent characteristic is a highly accurate use of classical auctoritates and exempla, which turned this work into a kind of anthology of quotations and references, for it offered its readers the possibility of citing sources and texts that they themselves had never actually consulted. The impressive number of manuscript copies of the Communiloquium that reached our times bears witness to its great popularity (some one hundred and sixty dispersed in different European libraries, according to Jenny Swanson’s John of Wales. A Study of the Work and Ideas of a Thirteenth-Century Friar). The Communiloquium must have reached the Iberian soil by means of Franciscan friars and soon spread through courtly circles, as much as in the religious milieu, due to the political taint of its first part, rooted in the organological metaphor and containing extensive reflections on the virtues and the due behaviour of a monarch. In the Crown of Aragon, the Communiloquium used to be read out loud even among the artisans. In Castile, on the other hand, particularly between the XIIIth and the XVth centuries, its main audience happened to be the lettered nobility and those intellectuals who, dedicated to composing glosas and specula principum, required its resources...


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Enrique García Álvarez (Madrid, 1883-1931) belonged to the group of writers who stood out in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth in what was known as “género chico”, label used to oppose this kind of theater to the dramaturgy considered serious. It was composed of brief and comic works whose intention was to generate a fun time for the spectators. Our author was one of the leading representatives and his numerous creations appeared profusely in the posters of the theaters per hour. In the twentieth century, he adapted to the new forms imposed on the scene. Despite his enormous fame at the time, nowadays Enrique García Álvarez remains completely unknown, not only in the eyes of the general public but also to the more knowledgeable circles of our literature. Studies of his dramatic work are almost nonexistent and basically limited to their collaborations with other authors who had more luck as Arniches or Muñoz Seca. The purpose of this thesis is, therefore, to complete a thorough study of the figure and production of Enrique García Álvarez, as well as its impact on the literature. The opening chapter is a reconstruction of the life and work of the author. In the following chapters, we proceeded to the analysis of structural features such as theme, time, space, and characters of his dramatic world. At the end of these pages, we have included a photographic appendix that illustrates some moments of his personal and professional career. We have also developed appendices to classify his librettos chronologically, by collaborator and by genre...


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The present Doctoral Thesis is framed within the study of the poetry of the great Peruvian artist Jorge Eduardo Eielson (April 13, 1924 – March 8, 2006). In general terms, it focuses on the symbols that articulate both his literary productions and his work in the field of visual arts. Throughout this project, I used the principles of the modern semiotics as well the myth criticism theory developed by Gilbert Durand in his work The Anthropological Structures of the Imaginary as the basis. Following the assumption of considering Eielsońs work as an indivisible whole, in contrast to many studies that often attempted to analyse part of his creative work by privileging one medium over the others, I analyzed each symbol in all its forms, looked at its presence and relevance in his entire work and sought the archetypal level of each term. For this task, the works of Joseph Campbell and Mircea Eliade provided valuable guidances. At the beginning of this study I present a short author's biography, in order to help to understand the circumstances under which his poems were composed. (Let us remember that most of his books were published many years after their conception). Throughout this chapter, I have carefully considered the Lima period, his relationship with his first mentor, the anthropologist and writer José María Arguedas who introduced him to the knowledge of the ancient civilizations of Peru, his link with the literary circles of Lima and his first acknowledgments: the National Poetry Award (1944) and the National Drama Award (1948)...


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Introduction. This thesis is framed in the last 15 years of history of the Spanish equity market (years 2000 to 2014). In this sense and, as an introduction of this work, in the first chapter the main features of the background of the electronic market for shares and the implications that the migration from out-c1y circles to this automatic system is explained. The main changes of this electronic system (Spanish stock exchange interconnection system) are detailed in this part. Also in this first chapter is explained the important European meeting, in December 1999, of eight stock exchanges which foresee, in a first step, to design a single market model for, lately, try to merge, final step that did not take place. After this initial moment in December 1999, in this work the main features of the market model of the main European markets (London, Paris, Germany and Italy) are generally described, given that it is important to consider the European context of the Spanish equity market, specially during these last fifteen years. Along chapter two, the thesis is supported with the theoretic frame explaining here the nature of markets and their important role in the economy, detailing afte1wards the Spanish case from the point of view of its institutional structure and legal framework. Besides, in this chapter, a deep review of initial public offerings (main concepts and calendar steps) is done as well as take-over bids (typology and key-concepts)...


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As organizações participam em ambientes que, além de complexos, são repletos de ambiguidade e de exigências contraditórias. A capacidade de trabalhar com os paradoxos é necessária para responder a essa complexidade ambiental. Este artigo discute como esse desafio pode ser levado a cabo. Começa por esclarecer a diferença entre processos por vezes equiparados a paradoxos por envolverem contradições, nomeadamente dilemas e dialéticas. Trata, depois, de diferentes possibilidades de resposta às situações paradoxais. Discute, finalmente, como dessas respostas podem resultar círculos viciosos versus virtuosos.


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Dissertação apresentada para obtenção a grau de Mestre na área de Educação Social e Intervenção Comunitária