999 resultados para bioliquefazione florotannini biotecnologia estrazioni enzimi chimica industriale
I CFRP laminati offrono vari vantaggi rispetto ai materiali metallici: su tutti un peso ridotto e migliori proprietà meccaniche. Tuttavia, hanno un basso damping (smorzamento delle vibrazioni) e una bassa resistenza alla delaminazione, che possono portare a forti limitazioni durante la vita d’uso del materiale. Lo scopo del seguente elaborato riguarda la produzione di vari tessuti nanofibrosi in polimeri termoplastici, tra cui Nylon 66, eventualmente additivati con grafene, da includere in laminati compositi al fine di migliorare i problemi sopracitati. I tessuti nanofibrosi sono stati ottenuti mediante la tecnica dell'elettrofilatura, dopo ottimizzazione delle soluzioni e del processo stesso. Prima di essere integrate, le membrane sono state caratterizzate morfologicamente tramite analisi SEM e termicamente mediante analisi DSC. I laminati nano-modificati, prodotti tramite laminazione manuale, sono quindi stati caratterizzati meccanicamente. In particolare, è stata valutata la tenacità a frattura interlaminare in Modo I e II tramite test DCB e ENF. Inoltre, sono stati eseguiti anche test Three-Point Bending al fine di avere un quadro più completo sulle proprietà meccaniche dei compositi nano-modificati.
Questa tesi presenta la sintesi di un copolimero a blocchi successivamente funzionalizzato per ottenere le caratteristiche necessarie alla formazione di micelle con l’obbiettivo di un futuro impiego nel campo del drug delivery. Si è cominciato con la sintesi del copolimero poli(glicidil metacrilato)-block-poli(metil metacrilato) mediante tecnica di polimerizzazione radicalica controllata RAFT al fine di ottenere una distribuzione di peso molecolare e polidispersità definite.La funzionalizzazione del copolimero ottenuto tramite uno specifico nucleofilo, la morfolina, fornisce una nuova molecola (PHMPMA-b-PMMA) con caratteristiche anfifiliche e capace di autoassemblarsi in micelle polimeriche. Le micelle così ottenute sono state ulteriormente stabilizzate fisicamente mediante la reticolazione di polidopamina (PDA) sulla superficie esterna della micella e quindi analizzate mediante varie tecniche analitiche (UV-Vis; IR; TGA) per correlare il grado di reticolazione finale alla quantità di dopamina aggiunta in soluzione.
Il presente elaborato finale è incentrato sulla sintesi, caratterizzazione e studio della reattività di nuovi cluster idrurici carbonilici di rutenio e iridio a bassa nuclearità; inoltre, l’attività catalitica di suddetti cluster è stata valutata in modo preliminare in reazioni di idrogenazione e trasferimento di idrogeno. In particolare è stata ottimizzata la sintesi del composto [NEt4][H2Ru3Ir(CO)12] (2), cluster principale dello studio catalitico, e sono stati sintetizzati altri cinque cluster bimetallici Ru-Ir di cui non risulta nota la struttura in letteratura: [H3Ru3Ir(CO)12] (3), [PPN]2[H2Ru3Ir(CO)12] (4a) ([PPN]+= [N(PPh3)2]+), [NEt4][HRu3Ir2(CO)12(COD)] (5) (COD = C8H12) e [H2Ru3Ir2(CO)10(COD)2]-[HRu2Ir3(CO)12(COD)2] (miscela 1:1) (6). Tutte le specie ottenute sono state caratterizzate mediante diffrazione a raggi X su cristallo singolo (SC-XRD), spettrometria di massa ESI-MS, spettroscopia IR e 1H-NMR. Il cluster 2 è risultato attivo nella reazione di idrogenazione di doppi legami polari mediante meccanismo di H transfer, utilizzando iPrOH come fonte di idrogeno, e 4-fluoro acetofenone come substrato modello; inoltre, con l'utilizzo di un'autoclave, si sono condotte prove di idrogenazione sotto pressione di idrogeno molecolare H2 utilizzando come substrato trans-cinnamaldeide, al fine di valutare l'effetto del catalizzatore sia in presenza di gruppi C=O che di un doppio legame C=C (aldeide α,β insatura).
La tubercolosi è una malattia infettiva causata dal batterio patogeno Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Tale micobatterio è in grado di secernere due importanti tirosin-fosfatasi, MptpA e MptpB, che esplicano un importante ruolo come fattori di virulenza permettendo la sopravvivenza del batterio all’interno dell’ospite mediante evasione della risposta immunitaria. In particolare, MptpA è un membro della famiglia delle tirosin-fosfatasi a basso peso molecolare ed è composta da 163 amminoacidi (17,9 kDa). L’enzima impedisce la normale maturazione del fagosoma e la fusione fagosoma-lisosoma, attraverso la defosforilazione della proteina VPS33B, inibendo così la risposta cellulare all’infezione. Obiettivo del seguente lavoro di tesi è stato analizzare il comportamento catalitico di MptpAW152F, variante caratterizzata dalla presenza di un solo triptofano, in funzione del pH. È stata inoltre valutata l’eventuale inibizione dell’attività enzimatica ad opera di alcuni composti naturali, i glucosinolati e di un inibitore di sintesi (L335-M34). Lo studio cinetico effettuato in presenza del substrato fosfotirosina ha evidenziato la presenza di un secondo sito allosterico, adiacente al sito attivo dell’enzima, che influenza l’attività di MptpAW152F. Questo risulta essere un promettente bersaglio per la progettazione di nuovi farmaci ed inibitori selettivi. La valutazione di alcuni tra questi, come l’inibitore sintetico L335-M34 ha riportato risultati promettenti. I saggi di attività in pre-steady-state in funzione del pH e le analisi SPR hanno permesso di indagare ulteriormente l’affinità di legame tra MptpAW152F e la fosfotirosina e di evidenziare il riarrangiamento strutturale dell’enzima da una forma aperta ad una forma chiusa, cataliticamente attiva.
Due to the limited resources of lithium, new chemistries based on the abundant and cheap sodium and even zinc have been proposed for the battery market. Prussian Blue Analogues (PBAs) are a class of compounds which have been explored for many different applications because of their intriguing electrochemical and magnetic properties. Manganese and titanium hexacyanoferrate (MnHCF and TiHCF) belong to the class of PBAs. In this work, MnHCF and TiHCF electrodes were synthetized, cycled with cyclic voltammetry (CV) in different setups and subsequently, the surfaces were characterized with X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS). The setups chosen for CVs were coin cell with zinc aqueous solution for the MnHCF series, three-electrode cell and symmetric coin cell with sodium aqueous solution for the TiHCF series. The electrodes were treated with different number of cycles to evaluate the chemical changes and alterations in oxidation states during cycling.
This thesis project presents a work based on the study of bis-arylboryl-carbazoles a particular class of aminoboranes. The peculiarity of these compounds is the -B=N+ chemical moiety and their conformational behaviour coming from the combination of steric constrain and conjugation of the B-N bond. Our work is focused on three products: 9-(mesityl(naphthalen-1-yl)boraneyl)-9H-carbazole 1a, 9-(mesityl(2-methylnaphthalen-1-yl)boraneyl)-9H-carbazole 1b and 9-(anthracen-9-yl(mesityl)boraneyl)-9H-carbazole 1c. We firstly focused our attention on the synthesis optimizing conditions. Then the products were synthetized and characterized with NMR. The products were eventually analysed through conformational studies, by a theoretical approach with DFT calculations and by experimental techniques, such as standard kinetic and EXSY. In the end of this work the products were characterized through fluorescence studies both by DFT, TD-DFT calculations and experimentally by emission spectroscopy.
Il progetto di tesi si è focalizzato sullo studio della reattività del cluster carbonilico [Rh7(CO)16]3- in presenza del sale Au(Et2S)Cl. Ogni reazione investigata è stata svolta in atmosfera controllata di CO, modificando i rapporti stechiometrici tra il precursore e il sale di Au(I) in diversi solventi. Inizialmente si è tentato di riprodurre la sintesi del cluster bimetallico [Rh20Au7(CO)45]5- già noto, utilizzando Au(Et2S)Cl. Si è poi amplificato lo studio con l’obiettivo principale di sintetizzare nuovi cluster bimetallici ad alta nuclearità. È stato ottenuto un composto nuovo analizzato tramite diffrattometria ai raggi X a cristallo singolo: [Rh22Au3(CO)x]n-. Tramite i dati cristallografici è stato possibile definirne la sola struttura metallica, e nonostante i diversi tentativi, il composto non ha prodotto cristalli migliori per una completa caratterizzazione. Viste le quantità significative di sottoprodotti a bassa nuclearità ottenute nelle reazioni studiate, parallelamente sono state condotte prove di recupero del rodio in quanto metallo prezioso. Infine, è stato ottimizzato un metodo per separare due specie già note con carica negativa simile, [Rh10Au(CO)26]3- e [Rh16Au6(CO)36]4-. Tutti i composti sono stati caratterizzati tramite spettroscopia IR, mentre sul nuovo cluster è stata effettuata anche un’analisi alla spettrometria di massa.
L’aumento del consumo di energia globale e le problematiche legate all’inquinamento stanno rendendo indispensabile lo spostamento verso fonti di energia rinnovabile. La digestione anaerobica rappresenta una possibile soluzione in quanto permette di produrre biogas da biomassa organica di scarto ma, l’ottimizzazione del processo risulta difficoltosa a causa delle numerose variabili chimiche, biologiche, fisiche e geometriche correlate. Nel presente elaborato, concentrandosi sulle problematiche relative alla miscelazione interna, è stata investigata la fluidodinamica interna di un reattore modello ottenuto tramite scale-down di un digestore anaerobico industriale che presentava problemi di sedimentazione di sostanza solida sul fondo del reattore. Tramite tecniche di diagnostica ottiche, è stato studiato il movimento del fluido, prima utilizzando acqua demineralizzata e poi una soluzione di gomma di xantano come fluido di processo, al fine di studiare il campo di moto medio interno al reattore. Le tecniche utilizzate sono la Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) e la Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence (PLIF). Al fine di rendere il sistema investigato il più rappresentativo possibile del digestore industriale, è stato utilizzato come fluido di processo per alcune delle prove raccolte, una soluzione acquosa 1,0g/kg di gomma di xantano, le cui proprietà reologiche sono state investigate grazie ad un Reometro Anton Paar MCR 301.
In recent years, 3D bioprinting has emerged as an innovative and versatile technology able to produce in vitro models that resemble the native spatial organization of organ tissues, by employing or more bioinks composed of various types of cells suspended in hydrogels. Natural and semi-synthetic hydrogels are extensively used for 3D bioprinting models since they can mimic the natural composition of the tissues, they are biocompatible and bioactive with customizable mechanical properties, allowing to support cell growth. The possibility to tailor hydrogels mechanical properties by modifying the chemical structures to obtain photo-crosslinkable materials, while maintaining their biocompatibility and biomimicry, make their use versatile and suitable to simulate a broad spectrum of physiological features. In this PhD Thesis, 3D bioprinted in vitro models with tailored mechanical properties and physiologically-like features were fabricated. AlgMa-based bioinks were employed to produce a living platform with gradient stiffness, with the aim to create an easy to handle and accessible biological tool to evaluate mechanobiology. In addition, GelMa, collagen and IPN of GelMa and collagen were used as bioinks to fabricate a proof-of-concept of 3D intestinal barrier, which include multiple cell components and multi-layered structure. A useful rheological guide to drive users to the selection of the suitable bioinks for 3D bioprinting and to correlate the model’s mechanical stability after crosslinking is proposed. In conclusion, a platform capable to reproduce models with physiological gradient stiffness was developed and the fabrication of 3D bioprinted intestinal models displaying a good hierarchical structure and cells composition was fully reported and successfully achieved. The good biological results obtained demonstrated that 3D bioprinting can be used for the fabrications of 3D models and that the mechanical properties of the external environment plays a key role on the cell pathways, viability and morphology.
The present research work focused on the valorisation and upgrading of bio-ethanol over heterogeneous catalysts in a lab-scale continuous gas-flow system. In the Unibo laboratories, catalytic tests have been carried out in the temperature range 300-600°C by feeding an ethanol/He mixture in the reactor. After choosing the reaction conditions, ion-exchanged hydroxyapatite with transition metals (i.e., Fe, Cu) and alkaline earth metal (i.e., Sr) have been synthesized and tested. The Sr-HAP catalyst led to the formation of a complex reaction mixture the composition of which need further optimization in order to fill the requisite to be used as fuel-blend. Then, some zirconium-oxide based catalysts have been prepared through two different methods, precipitation and hydrothermal, by varying some synthetic parameters (i.e., pH, the nature of the base) and by adding a transition metal as dopant agent (i.e., Ti and Y). The presence of a dopant into the zirconia structure favoured the stabilization of the tetragonal or cubic phase against the monoclinic one. Interestingly, 5%mol Ti-doped zirconia exhibited a different catalytic behaviour yielding diethyl ether as major product at 300°C, while all the others samples produced mainly ethylene. Then, the effect of acid-base properties of sepiolite, using alkali metals (i.e., Na, K, Cs) with different metal loading (i.e., 2, 4, 5, 7, 14 wt%) as promoters, and of the redox properties of sepiolite-supported CuO or NiO, on the catalytic conversion of ethanol into n-butanol has been investigated. Thermal treated sepiolite samples mainly acted as acid catalyst, yielding preferentially the dehydration products of ethanol (ethylene and diethyl ether). Best results in terms of activity (ethanol conversion, 59%) and n-butanol selectivity (30%) where obtained at 400ºC and a contact time, W/F, of 2 g/mL·s over the catalyst consisting of sepiolite calcined at 500ºC modified with 7 wt% of cesium.
The increasing environmental global regulations have directed scientific research towards more sustainable materials, even in the field of composite materials for additive manufacturing. In this context, the presented research is devoted to the development of thermoplastic composites for FDM application with a low environmental impact, focusing on the possibility to use wastes from different industrial processes as filler for the production of composite filaments for FDM 3D printing. In particular carbon fibers recycled by pyro-gasification process of CFRP scraps were used as reinforcing agent for PLA, a biobased polymeric matrix. Since the high value of CFs, the ability to re-use recycled CFs, replacing virgin ones, seems to be a promising option in terms of sustainability and circular economy. Moreover, wastes from different agricultural industries, i.e. wheat and rice production processes, were valorised and used as biofillers for the production of PLA-biocomposites. The integration of these agricultural wastes into PLA bioplastic allowed to obtain biocomposites with improved eco-sustainability, biodegradability, lightweight, and lower cost. Finally, the study of novel composites for FDM was extended towards elastomeric nanocomposite materials, in particular TPU reinforced with graphene. The research procedure of all projects involves the optimization of production methods of composite filaments with a particular attention on the possible degradation of polymeric matrices. Then, main thermal properties of 3D printed object are evaluated by TGA, DSC characterization. Additionally, specific heat capacity (CP) and Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion (CLTE) measurements are useful to estimate the attitude of composites for the prevention of typical FDM issues, i.e. shrinkage and warping. Finally, the mechanical properties of 3D printed composites and their anisotropy are investigated by tensile test using distinct kinds of specimens with different printing angles with respect to the testing direction.
The field of medical devices has experienced, more than others, technological advances, developments and innovations, thanks to the rapidly expanding scientific knowledge and collaboration between different disciplines such as biology, engineering and materials science. The design of functional components can be achieved by exploiting composite materials based on nanostructured smart materials, that due to the inherent characteristics of single constituents develop unique properties that make them suitable for different applications preserving excellent mechanical proprieties. For instance, recent developments have focused on the fabrication of piezoelectric devices with multiple biomedical functions, as actuation and sensing functions in one component for monitoring pressure signals. The present Ph.D. Thesis aims at investigating nanostructured smart materials embedded into a polymeric matrix to obtain a composite material that can be used as a functional component for medical devices. (i) Nanostructured piezoelectric material with self-sensing capability was successfully manufactured by using ceramic (i.e. lead zirconate titanate (PZT)) and (ii) polymeric (i.e. poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoro ethylene (PVDF-TRFE)) piezoelectric materials. PZT nanofibers were obtained by sol-gel electrospinning starting from synthetized PZT precursor solution. Synthesis, sol-gel electrospinning process, and thermal treatment were accurately controlled to obtain PZT nanofibers dimensionally stable with densely packed grains in the perovskite phase. To guarantee the impact resistance of the laminate, the morphology and size of the hosting filler were accurately designed by increasing the surface area to volume ratio. Moreover, to solve the issue relative to the mechanical discrepancy between rigid electronic materials/soft human tissues/different material of the device (iii) a nanostructured flexible composite material based on a network of Poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) made of curled nanofibers that present a tuneable mechanical response as a function of the applied stress was successful fabricated.
Over the last decade, graphene and related materials (GRM) have drawn significant interest and resources for their development into the next generation of composite materials. This is because these nanoparticles have the ability to operate as reinforcing additives capable of imparting considerable mechanical property increases while also embedding multi-functional advantages on the host matrix. Because graphene and 2D materials are still in their early stages, the relative maturity of different types of composite systems varies. As a result, certain nanocomposite systems are currently commercially accessible, while others are not yet sufficiently developed to enter the market. A substantial emphasis has been placed on developing thermoplastic and thermosetting materials that combine a variety of mechanical and functional qualities. These include higher strength and stiffness, increased thermal and electrical conductivity, improved barrier properties, fire retardancy, and others, with the ultimate goal of providing multifunctionality to already employed composites. The work presented in this thesis investigates the use and benefits that GRM could bring to composites for a variety of applications, with the goal of realizing multifunctional components with improved properties that leads to lightweight and, as a result, energy and cost savings and pollution reduction in the environment. In particular, we worked on the following topics: • Benchmarking of commercial GRM-based master batches; • GRM-coatings for water uptake reduction; • GRM as thermo-electrical anti-icing /de-icing system; • GRM for Out of Oven curing of composites.
This Ph.D. thesis concerns the synthesis of nanostructured Cu-containing materials to be used as electrode modifiers for the CO2 electroreduction in aqueous phase and the evaluation of their catalytic performances. Inspired by the fascinating concept of the artificial photosynthesis-oriented systems, several catalytic layers were electrochemically loaded on carbonaceous gas diffusion membranes, i.e., 3D structures that allow the design of eco-friendly materials for applications in green carbon recycling processes. In particular, early studies on Cu(I-II)-Cu(0) nanostructured materials were carried out to produce films on 4 cm2 sized supports by means of a fast and low-cost electrochemical procedure. Besides, through a screening of potentials, it was possible to find out a selective value for the CH3COOH production at -0.4 V vs RHE with a maximum productivity (1h reaction), ensured by the presence of the Cu+/Cu0 active redox couple (0.31 mmol gcat-1 h-1). On the basis of these results, further optimisations of the electrocatalyst chemical composition were carried out with the aim of (i) facilitating the interaction with CO2, (ii) increasing the dispersion of the catalytic active phase, and (iii) enhancing the CH3COOH productivity. To this aim, novel electrocatalysts based on layered double hydroxides (LDHs) were optimised, having as a final goal the formation of a new Cu2O-Cu0 based electrocatalyst derived from electrochemically achieved CuMgAl LDHs, subjected to calcination and reduction processes. The as-obtained electrocatalysts were tested for the selective production of CH3COOH and unprecedented results were obtained with the pristine CuMgAl LDH (2.0 mmol gcat-1 h-1). Additional characterisations of such an electrocatalyst have highlighted the possibility to achieve a ternary LDH in intimate contact with Cu2O-Cu0 species starting from the electrochemical deposition. The presence of these species, along with an alkaline environment on the electrode surface, were essential to preserve the selectivity towards the desired product, as confirmed by further operando studies.
Furfural is one of the most promising biomass derived platform molecules. It is to this day produced in volumes above 300 ktons per year from the hydrolysis and dehydration of hemicellulose, one of the main components of lignocellulosic biomass. While the majority of the yearly production is destined to selective reduction to furfuryl alcohol for the production of furan resins, these molecules hold great potential for the production of more valuable chemicals, fuels, fuel additives and solvents. Among these products are alkyl levulinates and γ-valerolactone. To convert furfural to these target products, a cascade process involving Lewis acidity-catalysed reduction steps and Brønsted acidity-catalysed steps. In order to develop catalysts capable of promoting the one-pot domino reaction from furfural to γ-valerolactone, the two kinds of acidity must both be present. To this end, in this work, the spray freeze-drying technique is employed to combine the high activity and strong Brønsted acidity of Aquivion with the structural properties and Lewis acidity of different supporting metal oxide, forming composite catalysts. The flexibility of the spray freeze-drying technique and the modulable composition of the catalysts allowed a thorough study of the complex network of equilibria underlying the cascade reaction, while achieving high selectivities towards the final product.