612 resultados para ammonossidazione, etanolo, acetonitrile


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The ligand 2-(2-pyridyl)benzothiazole (L) can act both as an N-N and an N-S chelating donor. The latter coordination mode is expected to be preferred when it is involved in coordination to Ru(II) which is a soft acceptor centre However, in the title compound, chlorobis(acetonitrile)triphenylphosphino-2-(2-pyridyl)benzothiazole-N,N-ruthenium(II) chlride, [Ru(L)(PPh3(CH3CN)2Cl]Cl, the ligand acts in N,N-bidentate manner and the Ru(II) ion is found to be present in an N4PCl coordination environment. PPh3 and Cl are trans to each other and the two CH3CN ligands occupy cis positions facing the NN donor atoms of ligand L.


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Recently, we demonstrated the possibility to extend the range of capillary electrophoresis (CE) applications to the separation of non-water-soluble synthetic polymers. This work focuses on the control of the electro-osmotic flow (EOF) and on the limitation of the solute adsorption in nonaqueous electrolytes. For these purposes, different strategies were investigated. For the initial, a viscous additive (ethylene glycol or glycerol) was used in the electrolyte in order to decrease the EOF magnitude and, possibly, to compete with solute adsorption. A second strategy was to modify, before separation, the fused-silica capillary wall by the adsorption of poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) via hydrogen bonding. The influence of the molecular mass of the adsorbed PEO on the EOF magnitude and direction was studied in electrolytes based on methanol/acetonitrile mixtures containing ammonium ions. For PEO molecular masses above 1000 g/mol, reversed (anodic) EOF were reported in accordance with previous results obtained with PEO covalently bonded capillaries. The influence of the nature and the concentration of the background electrolyte cation on the EOF magnitude and direction were also investigated. A third strategy consisted in modifying the capillary wall by the adsorption of a cationic polyelectrolyte layer. Advantageously, this polyelectrolyte layer suppressed the adsorption of the polymer solutes onto the capillary wall. The results obtained in this work confirm the high potential and the versatility of CE for the characterization of ionizable organic polymers in nonaqueous media.


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Copper(II) acetylacetonate was anchored onto a hexagonal mesoporous silica (HMS) material using a two-step procedure: (i) functionalisation of the surface hydroxy groups with (3-aminopropyl)triethoxysilane (AMPTSi) and then (ii) anchoring of the copper(II) complex through Schiff condensation with free amine groups, using two different metal complex loadings. Upon the first step, nitrogen elemental analysis, XPS and DRIFT showed the presence of amine groups on the surface of the HMS material, and porosimetry indicated that the structure of the mesoporous material remained unchanged, although a slight decrease in surface area was observed. Atomic absorption, XPS and DRIFT showed that copper(II) acetylacetonate was anchored onto the amine-functionalised HMS by Schiff condensation between the free amine groups and the carbonyl groups of the copper(II) complex; using EPR an NO3 coordination sphere was proposed for the anchored copper(II) complex. The new [Cu(acac)2]-AMPTSi/HMS materials were tested in the aziridination of styrene at room temperature, using PhI=NTs as nitrogen source and acetonitrile as solvent. The styrene conversion and total TON of the heterogeneous phase reaction are higher than those of the same reaction catalysed in homogeneous phase by [Cu(acac)2]; nevertheless, the initial activity decreases and the reaction time increases due to substrate and product diffusion limitations. The heterogeneous catalyst showed a successive slight decrease in catalytic activity when reused for two more times. © Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 2006.


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Isoguanosine-containing dendritic small molecules self-assemble into decameric nucleodendrimers as observed by 1D NMR spectroscopy, 2D DOSY, and mass spectrometry. In particular, apolar building blocks readily form pentameric structures in acetonitrile while the presence of alkali metals promotes the formation of stable decameric assemblies with a preference for cesium ions. Remarkably, co-incubation of guanosine and isoguanosine-containing nucleodendrons results in the formation of decameric structures in absence of added salts. Further analysis of the mixture indicated that guanosine derivatives facilitate the formation, but are not involved in decameric structures; a process reminiscent of molecular crowding. This molecular system provides a powerful canvas for the rapid and modular assembly of polyfunctional dendritic macromolecules. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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Poly(Nε-trifluoroacetyl-l-lysine) was used as a model solute to investigate the potential of nonaqueous capillary electrophoresis (NACE) for the characterization of synthetic organic polymers. The information obtained by NACE was compared to that derived from size exclusion chromatography (SEC) experiments, and the two techniques were found to be complimentary for polymer characterization. On one hand, NACE permitted (i) the separation of oligomers according to their molar mass and (ii) the separation of the polymers according to the nature of the end groups. On the other hand, SEC experiments were used for the characterization of the molar mass distribution for higher molar masses. Due to the tendency of the solutes (polypeptides) to adsorb onto the fused-silica capillary wall, careful attention was paid to the rinsing procedure of the capillary between runs in order to keep the capillary surface clean. For that purpose, the use of electrophoretic desorption under denaturating conditions was very effective. Optimization of the separation was performed by studying (i) the influence of the proportion of methanol in a methanol/acetonitrile mixture and (ii) the influence of acetic acid concentration in the background electrolyte. Highly resolved separation of the oligomers (up to a degree of polymerization n of ∼50) was obtained by adding trifluoroacetic acid to the electrolyte. Important information concerning the polymer conformations could be obtained from the mobility data. Two different plots relating the effective mobility data to the degree of polymerization were proposed for monitoring the changes in polymer conformations as a function of the number of monomers.


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Quorum sensing (QS) is the phenomenon by which microorganisms regulate gene expression in response to cell-population density. These microorganisms synthesize and secrete small molecules known as autoinducers that increase in concentration as a function of cell density. Once the cell detects the minimal threshold concentration of an autoinducer, the gene expression is altered accordingly. Although the cellular circuitry responding to QS is relatively conserved, the cellular processes regulated by QS, for example are conjugation, motility, sporulation, biofilm formation and production of virulence factors importamt for infection. Since many pathogens have developed resistance to available antibiotics, novel therapies are required to further treat these pathogens. Inhibitors of QS are potential therapeutic candidates since they would inhibit virulence without selecting for antibiotic resistant strains. Previous studies have shown that the Chinese herb Panax ginseng contains compounds that inhibit QS activity. To further characterize this activity, a highly sensitive quantitative liquid assay was developed using a Chromobacterium violaceum AHL mutant, CV026 as a biomonitor strain. After confirmation that P. ginseng aqueous extracts had anti-QS activity, the extract was fractionated on a reverse phase C18 Sep Pak column. Most anti-QS activity was present in the flow through, and compounds eluted with ten percent acetonitrile in water antibacterial activity. We thus conclude that P. ginseng has anti-QS activity and the active compound is water soluble. Compounds from P. ginseng, could be used as a lead structure to design compound with higher anti-QS activity for therapeutic treatments.


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This work aimed to promote the synthesis, characterization and propose a plausible molecular structure for coordination compounds involving furosemide (4-Chloro-2-(2- furylmethylamino)-5-sulfamoyl-benzoic acid) with the metal ions Ni+2, Zn+2 and Co+2. The compounds were obtained in methanoic medium by evaporation of the solvent after the synthesis procedure. For characterization of coordination compounds determining the levels of metals by EDTA complexometry, infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), solubility of compounds in various solvents, thermogravimetry (TG), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), differential thermal analysis were made (DTA), determination of the carbon , hydrogen and nitrogen (CHN). The results of infrared spectroscopy in the region suggest that the organic ligand is coordinated in a bidentate fashion to the metal ions, the metal center interactions to occur by the coordination of the nitrogen atom of the amino group and the oxygen atom of the carboxylic acid of the structure of furosemide. With the results of the levels of metal, elemental analysis (CHN) and thermal analysis has been possible to propose the structure of the ligand. The values of the molar conductivity of the complex in acetonitrile behavior suggest the non acetonitrile electrolyte solution. With the solubility tests it was found that the compounds have high solubility in methanol and acetonitrile, as are partially insoluble in water. From the results of thermal analysis (TG, DSC, DTA), it was possible to obtain the thermal behavior of the compounds as stages of dehydration, thermal stability, decomposition and the energies involved.


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Sensors for real-time monitoring of environmental contaminants are essential for protecting ecosystems and human health. Refractive index sensing is a non-selective technique that can be used to measure almost any analyte. Miniaturized refractive index sensors, such as silicon-on-insulator (SOI) microring resonators are one possible platform, but require coatings selective to the analytes of interest. A homemade prism refractometer is reported and used to characterize the interactions between polymer films and liquid or vapour-phase analytes. A camera was used to capture both Fresnel reflection and total internal reflection within the prism. For thin-films (d = 10 μm - 100 μm), interference fringes were also observed. Fourier analysis of the interferogram allowed for simultaneous extraction of the average refractive index and film thickness with accuracies of ∆n = 1-7 ×10-4 and ∆d < 3-5%. The refractive indices of 29 common organic solvents as well as aqueous solutions of sodium chloride, sucrose, ethylene glycol, glycerol, and dimethylsulfoxide were measured at λ = 1550 nm. These measurements will be useful for future calibrations of near-infrared refractive index sensors. A mathematical model is presented, where the concentration of analyte adsorbed in a film can be calculated from the refractive index and thickness changes during uptake. This model can be used with Fickian diffusion models to measure the diffusion coefficients through the bulk film and at the film-substrate interface. The diffusion of water and other organic solvents into SU-8 epoxy was explored using refractometry and the diffusion coefficient of water into SU-8 is presented. Exposure of soft baked SU-8 films to acetone, acetonitrile and methanol resulted in rapid delamination. The diffusion of volatile organic compound (VOC) vapours into polydimethylsiloxane and polydimethyl-co-polydiphenylsiloxane polymers was also studied using refractometry. Diffusion and partition coefficients are reported for several analytes. As a model system, polydimethyl-co-diphenylsiloxane films were coated onto SOI microring resonators. After the development of data acquisition software, coated devices were exposed to VOCs and the refractive index response was assessed. More studies with other polymers are required to test the viability of this platform for environmental sensing applications.


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A novel cyclic sulfonium cation-based ionic liquid (IL) with an ether-group appendage and the bis{(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl}imide anion was synthesised and developed for electrochemical double layer capacitor (EDLC) testing. The synthesis and chemical-physical characterisation of the ether-group containing IL is reported in parallel with a similarly sized alkyl-functionalised sulfonium IL. Results of the chemical-physical measurements demonstrate how important transport properties, i.e. viscosity and conductivity, can be promoted through the introduction of the ether-functionality without impeding thermal, chemical or electrochemical stability of the IL. Although the apparent transport properties are improved relative to the alkyl-functionalised analogue, the ether-functionalised sulfonium cation-based IL exhibits moderately high viscosity, and poorer conductivity, when compared to traditional EDLC electrolytes based on organic solvents (propylene carbonate and acetonitrile). Electrochemical testing of the ether-functionalised sulfonium IL was conducted using activated carbon composite electrodes to inspect the performance of the IL as a solvent-free electrolyte for EDLC application. Good cycling stability was achieved over the studied range and the performance was comparable to other solvent free,
IL-based EDLC systems. Nevertheless, limitations of the attainable performance are primarily the result of sluggish transport properties and a restricted operative voltage of the IL, thus highlighting key aspects of this field which require further attention.


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Dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC) is currently a promising technology that makes solar energy efficient and cost-effective to harness. In DSSC, metal free dyes, such indoline-containing D149 and D205, are proved to be potential alternatives for traditional metal organic dyes. In this work, a DFT/TDDFT characterization for D149 and D205 were carried out using different functionals, including B3LYP, MPW1K, CAM-B3LYP and PBE0. Three different conformers for D149 and four different conformers for D205 were identified and calculated in vacuum. The performance of different functionals on calculating the maximum absorbance of the dyes in vacuum and five common solvents (acetonitrile, chloroform, ethanol, methanol, and THF) were examined and compared to determine the suitable computational setting for predicting properties of these two dyes. Furthermore, deprotonated D149 and D205 in solvents were also considered, and the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) were calculated, which elucidates the substitution effect on the rhodanine ring of D149 and D205 dyes on their efficiency. Finally, D149 and D205 molecules were confirmed to be firmly anchored on ZnO surface by periodic DFT calculations. These results would shed light on the design of new highly efficiency metal-free dyes.


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Electrochemical double layer capacitors (EDLCs), also known as supercapacitors, are promising energy storage devices, especially when considering high power applications [1]. EDLCs can be charged and discharged within seconds [1], feature high power (10 kW·kg-1) and an excellent cycle life (>500,000 cycles). All these properties are a result of the energy storage process of EDLCs, which relies on storing energy by charge separation instead of chemical redox reactions, as utilized in battery systems. Upon charging, double layers are forming at the electrode/electrolyte interface consisting of the electrolyte’s ions and electric charges at the electrode surface.In state-of-the-art EDLC systems activated carbons (AC) are used as active materials and tetraethylammonium tetrafluoroborate ([Et4N][BF4]) dissolved in organic solvents like propylene carbonate (PC) or acetonitrile (ACN) are commonly used as the electrolyte [2]. These combinations of materials allow operative voltages up to 2.7 V - 2.8 V and an energy in the order of 5 Wh·kg-1[3]. The energy of EDLCs is dependent on the square of the operative voltage, thus increasing the usable operative voltage has a strong effect on the delivered energy of the device [1]. Due to their high electrochemical stability, ionic liquids (ILs) were thoroughly investigated as electrolytes for EDLCs, as well as, batteries, enabling high operating voltages as high as 3.2 V - 3.5 V for the former [2]. While their unique ionic structure allows the usage of neat ILs as electrolyte in EDLCs, ILs suffer from low conductivity and high viscosity increasing the intrinsic resistance and, as a result, a lower power output of the device. In order to overcome this issue, the usage of blends of ionic liquids and organic solvents has been considered a feasible strategy as they combine high usable voltages, while still retaining good transport properties at the same time.In our recent work the ionic liquid 1-butyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium bis{(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl}imide ([Pyrr14][TFSI]) was combined with two nitrile-based organic solvents, namely butyronitrile (BTN) and adiponitrile (ADN), and the resulting blends were investing regarding their usage in electrochemical double layer capacitors [4,5]. Firstly, the physicochemical properties were investigated, showing good transport properties for both blends, which are similar to the state-of-the-art combination of [Et4N][BF4] in PC. Secondly, the electrochemical properties for EDLC application were studied in depth revealing a high electrochemical stability with a maximum operative voltage as high as 3.7 V. In full cells these high voltage organic solvent based electrolytes have a good performance in terms of capacitance and an acceptable equivalent series resistance at cut-off voltages of 3.2 and 3.5 V. However, long term stability tests by float testing revealed stability issues when using a maximum voltage of 3.5 V for prolonged time, whereas at 3.2 V no such issues are observed (Fig. 1).Considering the obtained results, the usage of ADN and BTN blends with [Pyrr14][TFSI] in EDLCs appears to be an interesting alternative to state-of-the-art organic solvent based electrolytes, allowing the usage of higher maximum operative voltages while having similar transport properties to 1 mol∙dm-3 [Et4N][BF4] in PC at the same time.


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The ability of SnCl2.2H2O as catalyst to promote the Biginelli three-component condensation reaction from a diversity of aromatic aldehydes, ethyl acetoacetate and urea or thiourea is described. The reaction was carried out in acetonitrile or ethanol as solvents in neutral media and represents an improvement of the classical Biginelli protocol and an advantage in comparison with FeCl3.6H2O, NiCl2.6H2O and CoCl2.6H2O which were used with HCl as co-catalyst. The synthesis of 3,4-dihydropyrimidinones was achieved in good to excelent yields.


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The ability of SnCl2.2H2O as catalyst to promote the Biginelli three-component condensation reaction from a diversity of aromatic aldehydes, ethyl acetoacetate and urea or thiourea is described. The reaction was carried out in acetonitrile or ethanol as solvents in neutral media and represents an improvement of the classical Biginelli protocol and an advantage in comparison with FeCl3.6H2O, NiCl2.6H2O and CoCl2.6H2O which were used with HCl as co-catalyst. The synthesis of 3,4- dihydropyrimidinones was achieved in good to excelent yields.


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Dissertação composta por 02 artigos.


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The forensic toxicologist faces challenges in the detection of drugs and poisons in biological samples due to transformations which occur both during life and after death. For example, changes can result from drug metabolism during life or from the use of formalin solution for post mortem embalming purposes. The former requires the identification of drug metabolites and the latter the identification of chemical reaction products in order to know which substances had been administered. The work described in this thesis was aimed at providing ways of tackling these challenges and was divided into two parts. Part 1 investigated the use of in vitro drug metabolism by human liver microsomes (HLM) to obtain information on drug metabolites and Part 2 investigated the chemical reactions of drugs and a carbamate pesticide with formalin solution and formalin-blood. The initial aim of part I was to develop an in vitro metabolism method using HLM, based on a literature review of previous studies of this type. MDMA was chosen as a model compound to develop the HLM method because its metabolism was known and standards of its metabolites were commercially available. In addition, a sensitive and selective method was developed for the identification and quantitation of hydrophilic phase I drug metabolites using LC/MS/MS with a conventional reverse-phase (C18) column. In order to obtain suitable retention factors for polar drug metabolites on this column, acetyl derivatives were evaluated for converting the metabolites to more lipophilic compounds and an optimal separation system was developed. Acetate derivatives were found to be stable in the HPLC mobile phase and to provide good chromatographic separation of the target analytes. In vitro metabolism of MDMA and, subsequently, of other drugs involved incubation of 4 µg drug substance in pH 7.4 buffer with an NADPH generating system (NGS) at 37oC for 90 min with addition of more NGS after 30 min. The reaction was stopped at 90 min by the addition of acetonitrile before extraction of the metabolites. Acetate derivatives of MDMA metabolites were identified by LC/MS/MS using multiple reaction monitoring (MRM). Three phase I metabolites (both major and minor metabolites) of MDMA were detected in HLM samples. 3,4-dihydroxy-methamphetamine and 4-hydroxy-3-methoxymethamphetamine were found to be major metabolites of MDMA whereas 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine was found to be a minor metabolite. Subsequently, ten MDMA positive urines were analysed to compare the metabolite patterns with those produced by HLM. An LC/MS method for MDMA and its metabolites in urine samples was developed and validated. The method demonstrated good linearity, accuracy and precision and insignificant matrix effects, with limits of quantitation of 0.025 µg/ml. Moreover, derivatives of MDMA and its metabolites were quantified in all 10 positive human urine samples. The urine metabolite pattern was found to be similar to that from HLM. The second aim of Part 1 was to use the HLM system to study the metabolism of some new psychoactive substances, whose misuse worldwide has necessitated the development of analytical methods for these drugs in biological specimens. Methylone and butylone were selected as representative cathinones and para-methoxyamphetamine (PMA) was chosen as a representative ring-substituted amphetamine, because of the involvement of these drugs in recent drug-related deaths, because of a relative lack of information on their metabolism, and because reference standards of their metabolites were not commercially available. An LC/MS/MS method for the analysis of methylone, butylone, PMA and their metabolites was developed. Three phase I metabolites of methylone and butylone were detected in HLM samples. Ketone reduction to β-OH metabolites and demethylenation to dihydroxy-metabolites were found to be major phase I metabolic pathways of butylone and methylone whereas N-demethylation to nor-methylone and nor-butylone were found to be minor pathways. Also, demethylation to para-hydroxyamphetamine was found to be a major phase I metabolic pathway of PMA whereas β-hydroxylation to β-OH-PMA was found to be a minor pathway. Formaldehyde is used for embalming, to reduce decomposition and preserve cadavers, especially in tropical countries such as Thailand. Drugs present in the body can be exposed to formaldehyde resulting in decreasing concentrations of the original compounds and production of new substances. The aim of part II of the study was to evaluate the in vitro reactions of formaldehyde with selected drug groups including amphetamines (amphetamine, methamphetamine and MDMA), benzodiazepines (alprazolam and diazepam), opiates (morphine, hydromorphone, codeine and hydrocodone) and with a carbamate insecticide (carbosulfan). The study would identify degradation products to serve as markers for the parent compounds when these were no longer detectable. Drugs standards were spiked in 10% formalin solution and 10% formalin blood. Water and whole blood without formalin were used for controls. Samples were analysed by LC/MS/MS at different times from the start, over periods of up to 30 days. Amphetamine, methamphetamine and MDMA were found to rapidly convert to methamphetamine, DMA and MDDMA respectively, in both formalin solution and formalin blood, confirming the Eschweiler-Clarke reaction between amine-containing compounds and formaldehyde. Alprazolam was found to be unstable whereas diazepam was found to be stable in both formalin solution and water. Both were found to hydrolyse in formalin solution and to give open-ring alprazolam and open-ring diazepam. Other alprazolam conversion products attached to paraformaldehyde were detected in both formalin solution and formalin blood. Morphine and codeine were found to be more stable than hydromorphone and hydrocodone in formalin solution. Conversion products of hydromorphone and hydrocodone attached to paraformaldehyde were tentatively identified in formalin solution. Moreover, hydrocodone and hydromorphone rapidly decreased within 24 h in formalin blood and could not be detected after 7 days. Carbosulfan was found to be unstable in formalin solution and was rapidly hydrolysed within 24 h, whereas in water it was stable up to 48 h. Carbofuran was the major degradation product, plus smaller amounts of other products, 3-ketocarbofuran and 3-hydrocarbofuran. By contrast, carbosulfan slowly hydrolysed in formalin-blood and was still detected after 15 days. It was concluded that HLM provide a useful tool for human drug metabolism studies when ethical considerations preclude their controlled administration to humans. The use of chemical derivatisation for hydrophilic compounds such as polar drug metabolites for analysis by LC/MS/MS with a conventional C18 column is effective and inexpensive, and suitable for routine use in the identification and quantitation of drugs and their metabolites. The detection of parent drugs and their metabolites or conversion and decomposition products is potentially very useful for the interpretation of cases in forensic toxicology, especially when the original compounds cannot be observed.