949 resultados para Voting-machines
This paper draws upon part of the findings of an ethnographic study in which two seventeen year old girls were employed to interview their peer about engineering as a study and career choice. It argues that whilst girls do view engineering as being generally masculine in nature, other factors such as a lack of female role models and an emphasis on physics and maths act as barriers to young women entering the discipline. The paper concludes by noting that engineering has much to offer young women, the problem is, they simply don't know this is the case! Copyright © 2013 Jane Andrews & Robin Clark.
This thesis studies survival analysis techniques dealing with censoring to produce predictive tools that predict the risk of endovascular aortic aneurysm repair (EVAR) re-intervention. Censoring indicates that some patients do not continue follow up, so their outcome class is unknown. Methods dealing with censoring have drawbacks and cannot handle the high censoring of the two EVAR datasets collected. Therefore, this thesis presents a new solution to high censoring by modifying an approach that was incapable of differentiating between risks groups of aortic complications. Feature selection (FS) becomes complicated with censoring. Most survival FS methods depends on Cox's model, however machine learning classifiers (MLC) are preferred. Few methods adopted MLC to perform survival FS, but they cannot be used with high censoring. This thesis proposes two FS methods which use MLC to evaluate features. The two FS methods use the new solution to deal with censoring. They combine factor analysis with greedy stepwise FS search which allows eliminated features to enter the FS process. The first FS method searches for the best neural networks' configuration and subset of features. The second approach combines support vector machines, neural networks, and K nearest neighbor classifiers using simple and weighted majority voting to construct a multiple classifier system (MCS) for improving the performance of individual classifiers. It presents a new hybrid FS process by using MCS as a wrapper method and merging it with the iterated feature ranking filter method to further reduce the features. The proposed techniques outperformed FS methods based on Cox's model such as; Akaike and Bayesian information criteria, and least absolute shrinkage and selector operator in the log-rank test's p-values, sensitivity, and concordance. This proves that the proposed techniques are more powerful in correctly predicting the risk of re-intervention. Consequently, they enable doctors to set patients’ appropriate future observation plan.
A hagyományos szavazási játékok speciális átruházható hasznosságú, kooperatív játékok, úgynevezett egyszerű játékok, ahol a játékosok a pártok, és az egyes koalíciók értéke 1 vagy 0 attól függően, hogy az adott koalíció elég erős-e az adott jogszabály elfogadásához, vagy sem. Ebben a cikkben bevezetjük az általánosított súlyozott szavazási játékok fogalmát, ahol a pártok mandátumainak száma a valószínűségi változó. Magyar példákon keresztül mutatjuk be az új megközelítés használhatóságát. / === / Voting games are cooperative games with transferable utility, so-called simple games, where the players are parties and the value of a coalition may be 0 or 1 depending on its ability to pass a new law. The authors introduce the concept of generalized weighted voting games where the parties' strengths are random variables. taking examples from Hungary to illustrate the use of this approach.
Az új választási törvény egyik célja a korábbinál igazságosabb választási körzetek kialakítása. Ezt a Velencei Bizottság választási kódexében megfogalmazott ajánlásokhoz hasonló, bár azoknál némileg megengedőbb szabályok révén biztosítja. A szabályok rögzítik a körzetek számát, illetve hogy a körzetek nem oszthatnak ketté kisebb településeket, és nem nyúlhatnak át a megyehatárokon. Tanulmányunkban belátjuk, hogy a szabályok betartása mellett a körzetek kialakítása matematikailag lehetetlen. Javaslatot teszünk a probléma optimális megoldására elvi alapon is, vizsgáljuk a módszer tulajdonságait, majd az általunk megfogalmazott hatékony algoritmussal, a 2010. évi országgyűlési választások adatainak felhasználásával meghatározzuk a körzetek megyék közti elosztásának legjobb megoldását. Végül kitérünk a demográfiai változások várható hatásaira, és több javaslatot teszünk a korlátok hosszú távú betartására: javasoljuk a választási körzetek számának körülbelül 130-ra növelését; egy-egy felülvizsgálat alkalmával a választási körzetek számának megváltoztathatóságát; illetve a körzetek megyék helyett régiók szerinti szervezését. _______ One of the aims of the new electoral law of Hungary has been to apportion voters to voting districts more fairly. This is ensured by a set of rules rather more permissive than those put forward in the Code of Good Practice in Electoral Matters issued by the Venice Commission. These rules fix the size of the voting districts, and require voting districts not to split smaller towns and villages and not to cross county borders. The article shows that such an apportionment is mathematically impos-sible, and makes suggestions for a theoretical approach to resolving this problem: determine the optimal apportionment by studying the properties of their approach, and use the authors efficient algorithm on the data for the 2010 national elections. The article also examines the expected effect of demographic changes and formulates recommendations for adhering to the rules over the long term: increase the number of voting districts to about 130, allow the number of voting districts to change flexibly at each revision of the districts, and base the districts on regions rather than counties.
In our study we rely on a data mining procedure known as support vector machine (SVM) on the database of the first Hungarian bankruptcy model. The models constructed are then contrasted with the results of earlier bankruptcy models with the use of classification accuracy and the area under the ROC curve. In using the SVM technique, in addition to conventional kernel functions, we also examine the possibilities of applying the ANOVA kernel function and take a detailed look at data preparation tasks recommended in using the SVM method (handling of outliers). The results of the models assembled suggest that a significant improvement of classification accuracy can be achieved on the database of the first Hungarian bankruptcy model when using the SVM method as opposed to neural networks.
This research is motivated by a practical application observed at a printed circuit board (PCB) manufacturing facility. After assembly, the PCBs (or jobs) are tested in environmental stress screening (ESS) chambers (or batch processing machines) to detect early failures. Several PCBs can be simultaneously tested as long as the total size of all the PCBs in the batch does not violate the chamber capacity. PCBs from different production lines arrive dynamically to a queue in front of a set of identical ESS chambers, where they are grouped into batches for testing. Each line delivers PCBs that vary in size and require different testing (or processing) times. Once a batch is formed, its processing time is the longest processing time among the PCBs in the batch, and its ready time is given by the PCB arriving last to the batch. ESS chambers are expensive and a bottleneck. Consequently, its makespan has to be minimized. ^ A mixed-integer formulation is proposed for the problem under study and compared to a formulation recently published. The proposed formulation is better in terms of the number of decision variables, linear constraints and run time. A procedure to compute the lower bound is proposed. For sparse problems (i.e. when job ready times are dispersed widely), the lower bounds are close to optimum. ^ The problem under study is NP-hard. Consequently, five heuristics, two metaheuristics (i.e. simulated annealing (SA) and greedy randomized adaptive search procedure (GRASP)), and a decomposition approach (i.e. column generation) are proposed—especially to solve problem instances which require prohibitively long run times when a commercial solver is used. Extensive experimental study was conducted to evaluate the different solution approaches based on the solution quality and run time. ^ The decomposition approach improved the lower bounds (or linear relaxation solution) of the mixed-integer formulation. At least one of the proposed heuristic outperforms the Modified Delay heuristic from the literature. For sparse problems, almost all the heuristics report a solution close to optimum. GRASP outperforms SA at a higher computational cost. The proposed approaches are viable to implement as the run time is very short. ^
With the advantages and popularity of Permanent Magnet (PM) motors due to their high power density, there is an increasing incentive to use them in variety of applications including electric actuation. These applications have strict noise emission standards. The generation of audible noise and associated vibration modes are characteristics of all electric motors, it is especially problematic in low speed sensorless control rotary actuation applications using high frequency voltage injection technique. This dissertation is aimed at solving the problem of optimizing the sensorless control algorithm for low noise and vibration while achieving at least 12 bit absolute accuracy for speed and position control. The low speed sensorless algorithm is simulated using an improved Phase Variable Model, developed and implemented in a hardware-in-the-loop prototyping environment. Two experimental testbeds were developed and built to test and verify the algorithm in real time.^ A neural network based modeling approach was used to predict the audible noise due to the high frequency injected carrier signal. This model was created based on noise measurements in an especially built chamber. The developed noise model is then integrated into the high frequency based sensorless control scheme so that appropriate tradeoffs and mitigation techniques can be devised. This will improve the position estimation and control performance while keeping the noise below a certain level. Genetic algorithms were used for including the noise optimization parameters into the developed control algorithm.^ A novel wavelet based filtering approach was proposed in this dissertation for the sensorless control algorithm at low speed. This novel filter was capable of extracting the position information at low values of injection voltage where conventional filters fail. This filtering approach can be used in practice to reduce the injected voltage in sensorless control algorithm resulting in significant reduction of noise and vibration.^ Online optimization of sensorless position estimation algorithm was performed to reduce vibration and to improve the position estimation performance. The results obtained are important and represent original contributions that can be helpful in choosing optimal parameters for sensorless control algorithm in many practical applications.^
This research aims at a study of the hybrid flow shop problem which has parallel batch-processing machines in one stage and discrete-processing machines in other stages to process jobs of arbitrary sizes. The objective is to minimize the makespan for a set of jobs. The problem is denoted as: FF: batch1,sj:Cmax. The problem is formulated as a mixed-integer linear program. The commercial solver, AMPL/CPLEX, is used to solve problem instances to their optimality. Experimental results show that AMPL/CPLEX requires considerable time to find the optimal solution for even a small size problem, i.e., a 6-job instance requires 2 hours in average. A bottleneck-first-decomposition heuristic (BFD) is proposed in this study to overcome the computational (time) problem encountered while using the commercial solver. The proposed BFD heuristic is inspired by the shifting bottleneck heuristic. It decomposes the entire problem into three sub-problems, and schedules the sub-problems one by one. The proposed BFD heuristic consists of four major steps: formulating sub-problems, prioritizing sub-problems, solving sub-problems and re-scheduling. For solving the sub-problems, two heuristic algorithms are proposed; one for scheduling a hybrid flow shop with discrete processing machines, and the other for scheduling parallel batching machines (single stage). Both consider job arrival and delivery times. An experiment design is conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed BFD, which is further evaluated against a set of common heuristics including a randomized greedy heuristic and five dispatching rules. The results show that the proposed BFD heuristic outperforms all these algorithms. To evaluate the quality of the heuristic solution, a procedure is developed to calculate a lower bound of makespan for the problem under study. The lower bound obtained is tighter than other bounds developed for related problems in literature. A meta-search approach based on the Genetic Algorithm concept is developed to evaluate the significance of further improving the solution obtained from the proposed BFD heuristic. The experiment indicates that it reduces the makespan by 1.93 % in average within a negligible time when problem size is less than 50 jobs.
Political scientists have long noted that Congressional elections are often uncompetitive, often extremely so. Many scholars argue that the cause lies in the partisan redistricting of Congressional districts, or “gerrymandering”. Other scholars emphasize polarization created by a fragmented news media, or the candidate choices made by a more ideological primary electorate. All these explanations identify the cause of party-safe elections in institutions of various kinds. This dissertation, by contrast, presents a structural explanation of uncompetitive elections. My theory is that population composition and patterns of migration are significant causes and predictors of election results in Florida. I test this theory empirically by comparing the predictions from four hypotheses against aggregate data, using the county as the unit of analysis. The first hypothesis is that Florida can be divided into clearly distinguishable, persistent partisan sections. This hypothesis is confirmed. The second hypothesis is that Florida voters have become increasingly partisan over time. This hypothesis is confirmed. The third hypothesis is that the degree of migration into a county predicts how that county will vote. This hypothesis is partially confirmed, for the migration effect appears to have waned over time. The last hypothesis is that the degree of religiosity of a county population is a predictor of how that county will vote. This hypothesis is also supported by the results of statistical analysis. By identifying the structural causes of party-safe elections, this dissertation not only broadens our understanding of elections in Florida, but also sheds light on the current polarization in American politics.
The proliferation of legalized gaming has significantly changed the nature of the hospitality industry. While several aspects of gaming have flourished, none has become more popular, profitable, or technologically advanced as the slot machine. While more than half of all casino gambling, and earnings, is generated by slot machines, little has been written about the technology integral to these devices. The author describes the workings of computer-controlled slot machines and exposes some of the popular operating myths.
This Paper discusses the food and beverage machines that are located at Memorial University's Grenfell Campus and endeavors to assess how much those vending machines are being used and how they affect sustainability initiatives on campus. A survey was conducted to gauge the use of vending machines, their content and what is purchased, and if participants did not purchase from thes machines they were also asked why they did not.This survey produced many other questions that are directly linked to vending machines.Water quality on campus was heavily disscussed, along with the use of bottled water and implications associated with drinking only from bottles that are thrown away. The study concludes with a discussion of the alternative choices that can be implemented to replace vending machines.
Peer reviewed
Peer reviewed
General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.
General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.