The Multi-Sensor Core Logger (MSCL) enables non-destructive, quasi-continuous measuroments of physical properties, reducing the time needed for discrete sample analysis. Density, compressional wave velocity (Vp), and magnetic susceptibility are measured on water-saturated sediment cores. Rapid variations in the lithology can thus be more easily recognized. The advantages of MSCL measurements over traditional sedimentological investigation methods are illustrated using several examples. Density-Vp relationships provide detailed lithological information prior to splitting the sediment cores. In terrigenous sediments, density increases with Vp, whereas in biogenic sediments it decreases. In biogenic sediments in the South Atlantic, low densities and high Vp are associated with high opal content. In biogenic sediments in the Peru Basin, density increases with carbonate content. Carbonate, which is very important for deep-sea environmental protection and for paleoclimatic studies, can be determined quantitatively from MSCL measurements in this area. In terrigenous sediments in the Bengal Fan, the acoustic impedance (the product of density and Vp) increases with grain size. There, the grain-size distribution can be rapidly derived from the acoustic impedance. Moreover, in hemipelagic sediments in the Bengal Fan, it is possible to correlate variations in magnetic susceptibility with cyclic changes in the earth's orbital parameters - an important prerequisite for detailed stratigraphic studies.
Meiobenthos densities and higher taxon composition were studied in an active gas seepage area at depths from 182 to 252 m in the submarine Dnieper Canyon located in the northwestern part of the Black Sea. The meiobenthos was represented by Ciliata, Foraminifera, Nematoda, Polychaeta, Bivalvia, Gastropoda, Amphipoda, and Acarina. Also present in the sediment samples were juvenile stages of Copepoda and Cladocera which may be of planktonic origin. Nematoda and Foraminifera were the dominant groups. The abundance of the meiobenthos varied between 2397 and 52593 Ind./m**2. Maximum densities of Nematoda and Foraminifera were recorded in the upper sediment layer of a permanent H2S zone at depths from 220 to 250 m. This dense concentration of meiobenthos was found in an area where intense methane seeps were covered by methane-oxidizing microbial mats. Results suggest that methane and its microbial oxidation products are the factors responsible for the presence of a highly sulfidic and biologically productive zone characterized by specially adapted benthic groups. At the same time, an inverse correlation was found between meiofauna densities and methane concentrations in the uppermost sediment layers. The hypothesis is that the concentration of Nematoda and Foraminifera within the areas enriched with methane is an ecological compromise between the food requirements of these organisms and their adaptations to the toxic H2S.
The petrography, mineralogy and geochemistry of volcanic and subvolcanic rocks in CRP-3 core have been examined in detail in order to characterise and to compare them with volcanic and subvolcanic rocks cropping out in the Victoria Land area, and to define the clast provenance or to establish possible volcanic activity coeval with deposition. Clasts with sizes ranging from granule to boulder show geochemical and mineralogical features comparable with those of Ferrar Supergroup rocks. They display a subalkaline affinity and compositions ranging from basalts to dacite. Three different petrographic groups with distinct textural and grain size features (subophitic, intergranular-intersertal, and glassy-hyalopilitic) are recognised and are related to the emplacement/cooling mechanism. In the sand to silt fraction, the few glass shards that have been recognised are strongly altered: however chemical analyses show they have subalkalic magmatic affinity. Mineral compositions of the abundant free clinopyroxene grains found in the core, are less affected by alteration processes, and indicate an origin from subalkaline magmas. This excludes the presence, during the deposition of CRP-3 rocks of alkaline volcanic activity comparable with the McMurdo Volcanic Group. Strong alteration of the magmatic body intruded the Beacon sandstones obliterates the original mineral assemblage. Geochemical investigations confirm that intrusion is part of the Ferar Large Igneous Province.
This study focuses on the analysis of lake sediments retrieved from the deepest part of Lake Nam Co (Tibetan Plateau). One gravity core of 115 cm length, covering the last ~ 4000 cal BP, was analyzed for geochemical and biological parameters. High organic content at ~ 4000 cal BP and the coinciding presence of pyrite framboids until ~ 2000 cal BP point to hampered decomposition of organic material due to anoxic conditions within the lake sediments. At the same time sedimentological and biological proxies suggest a rather high lake level, but still ~ 5 m below the recent one, with less saline lake water due to enhanced monsoonal activity. During this time a change in the source of organic matter to lowered input of terrestrial components is observed. A rather quick shift to a dry environment with less monsoonal influence and a lake level ~ 15 m lower than today at ~ 2000 cal BP lead to the oxygenation of sediment, the degradation of organic matter and the absence of pyrite. Oscillations of the lake level thereafter were of minor amplitude and not able to establish anoxia at the lake bottom again. A wet spell between ~ 1500 cal BP and ~ 1150 cal BP is visible in proxies referring to catchment hydrology and the ostracod-based water depth transfer function gives only a slightly elevated lake level. The last ~ 300 years are characterized by low TOC and rising TN values reflecting enhanced nutrient supply and hence an advancing influence of human activity in the catchment. Decreasing TOC/TN values point to a complete shift to almost solely aquatic biomass production. These results show that hydrological variations in terms of lake level change based on monsoonal strength can be linked to redox conditions at the lake bottom of Nam Co. Comparison with other archives over larger parts of the Tibetan Plateau and beyond exhibits a rather homogeneous climatic pattern throughout the late Holocene.
The compressional and the shear wave velocities in the Greenland ice sheet are derived from seismic records of the EGIG 1959. Further the variation of velocities in the firn and the dependance of Poisson's ratio from depth are determined. At Station Centrale, two P-waves are recorded from underground layers. Their velocities show that the ice basement consists of crystalline rocks. The P-wave velocities derived from reflections agree well with those obtained by refraction shooting. From this agreement results that the ice is ± homogenous and ± isotropic for Pwaves. The elastic constants for isotropic ice are calculated. Finally the temperature dependence of the velocities is discussed.
Seventy-one samples from nine sites were analyzed for total organic carbon (TOC). Fifty-six samples, containing 0.2% or more TOC, were evaluated by Rock-Eval to assess the nature of their kerogen and its petroleum source potential. Visual kerogen studies were carried out. Petroleum potential was encountered only in Valanginian calcareous claystones at Hole 692B close to the margin of Dronning Maud Land. A section of 44.7 m was penetrated. The unit possesses a revised mean TOC of 9.8% and petroleum potential of 43.2 kg/Mg, relatively high values in comparison to other Cretaceous anoxic oceanic sections and the totality of petroleum source rocks. At Sites 689 and 690, extremely low TOC levels, mean 0.07%, preclude kerogen analysis. Kerogens in Eocene to Pliocene sediments of the central and western Weddell Sea (Sites 694, 695, 696, and 697) are similar everywhere, largely comprising brown to black, granular, amorphous material of high rank, and generally possessing several reflectance populations of vitrinite particles. The latter are interpreted as indicative of the recycling of sediments of a variety of levels of thermal maturity.
As anthropogenic climate change is an ongoing concern, scientific investigations on its impacts on coral reefs are increasing. Although impacts of combined ocean acidification (OA) and temperature stress (T) on reef-building scleractinian corals have been studied at the genus, species and population levels, there are little data available on how individual corals respond to combined OA and anomalous temperatures. In this study, we exposed individual colonies of Acropora digitifera, Montipora digitata and Porites cylindrica to four pCO2-temperature treatments including 400 µatm-28 °C, 400 µatm-31 °C, 1000 µatm-28 °C and 1000 µatm-31 °C for 26 days. Physiological parameters including calcification, protein content, maximum photosynthetic efficiency, Symbiodinium density, and chlorophyll content along with Symbiodinium type of each colony were examined. Along with intercolonial responses, responses of individual colonies versus pooled data to the treatments were investigated. The main results were: 1) responses to either OA or T or their combination were different between individual colonies when considering physiological functions; 2) tolerance to either OA or T was not synonymous with tolerance to the other parameter; 3) tolerance to both OA and T did not necessarily lead to tolerance of OA and T combined (OAT) at the same time; 4) OAT had negative, positive or no impacts on physiological functions of coral colonies; and 5) pooled data were not representative of responses of all individual colonies. Indeed, the pooled data obscured actual responses of individual colonies or presented a response that was not observed in any individual. From the results of this study we recommend improving experimental designs of studies investigating physiological responses of corals to climate change by complementing them with colony-specific examinations.
Die Bodentiergemeinschaft des Wattenmeeres ist von Frühjahr bis Herbst eines jeden Jahres durch extrem hohe Dichten von Jungtieren charakterisiert. Die Kenntnisse über die Ansiedlung von fplanktischen Larven im Wattenmeer, sowie die Dynamik postlarvaler Stadien sind aufgrund der üblicherweise verwendeten, großen Siebmaschenweiten gering. Gerade aber diesen Altersstadien kommt möglicherweise eine besondere Stellung im Energiefluß des Wattenmeeres zu. An 5 Stationen (von NWL bis HWL, B1-B5) im Rückseitenwatt der ostfriesischen Insel Borkum wurden 1986 Ansiedlung, räumliche Verteilung, Wachstum, Mortalität und Produktion der Altersklasse 0 von Macoma balthica, Mya arenaria und Cerastoderma edule untersucht. Um die Ansiedlung der planktotrophen Larven dieser Arten zu beschreiben, wurden ihre Dichten in Plankton und Bodenproben miteinander verglichen. Die Untersuchungen zur Dynamik der benthischen Stadien wurden mit zwei in der Probenfläche und der Siebmaschenweite unterschiedlichen Probenserien durchgeführt. Die Drift postlarvaler Stadien wurde durch bodennahe Planktonfänge innerhalb des Eulitorals nachgewiesen. Parallel zu den Untersuchungen an der Endofauna wurden das Vorkommen und die Größe epibenthischer Räuber im Untersuchungsgebiet erfaßt. Die Hauptansiedlung von M. balthica- und M. arenaria-Larven erfolgte nahezu gleichzeitig Ende Mai/Anfang Juni. Die meisten Larven beider Arten gingen an der prielnächsten (tiefsten) Station (B1) zum Bodenleben über, gefolgt von der nächst höher gelegenen Station B2. Während frühe Bodenstadien von M. arenaria nicht im oberen Bereich des Watts (B3,B4) gefunden wurden, ist eine geringfügige Erstansiedlung von M. balthica in diesem Gebiet nicht auszuschließen. Ein die Ansiedlung limitierender Einfluß der relativ dichten Mya arenaria-Siedlung an den Stationen B1 und B2 sowie der Alttiere von M. balthica konnte nicht festgestellt werden. Die Ähnlichkeit des Ansiedlungsprozesses bei beiden Arten, die sich im Zahlenverhältnis Larvenangebot zu Anzahl der ersten Bodenstadien widerspiegelt, kann ein Hinweis auf eine überwiegend passive Ansiedlung der Larven am Boden sein. Der Ort der Hauptansiedlung von C. edule wurde durch den Transekt nicht erfaßt. Die Station B2 war zwar durch ein Herzmuschelfeld charakterisiert, dieses war aber nach zwei Eiswintern nahezu vollständig eliminiert. Der Abundanz der planktischen Larven zufolge war der Hauptansiedlungszeitraum ebenfalls Ende Mai/Anfang Juni. Zu dieser Zeit wurden nur vereinzelt frühe Bodenstadien an den Stationen B1 und B2 gefunden, keine an den Stationen B3 und B4. Während die frühen postlarvalen Stadien von M. arenaria überwiegend am Ort der Ansiedlung blieben, verbreiteten sich die von M. balthica bis in den oberen Bereich des Untersuchungsgebietes (B3-B5). Analog zu der Besiedlung dieser Gebiete durch postlarvale M. balthica wurde die im Verlauf des Untersuchungsjahres stattfindende Kolonisierung der Station B1 durch C. edule ebenfalls postlarvalem Transport zugeschrieben. Demzufolge spielt bei beiden Muschelarten postlarvaler Transport eine wichtige Rolle bei der Besiedlung von Habitaten. Planktonfänge innerhalb der bodennahen Wasserschicht bestätigten, daß im Untersuchungsgebiet M. balthica die am stärksten verdriftende Muschelart war, gefolgt von C. edule. Mortalität, Wachstum, mittlere Biomasse, Produktion und P/B-Verhältnis wurden für M. balthica an den Stationen B1, B3 und B4 sowie für M. arenaria an der Station B1 bestimmt. Wachstum und damit auch Produktion beider Arten erwiesen sich hier - wie an den höher gelegen Stationen (nur M. balthica) - als durch größenselektiven Feinddruck beeinflußt. Der Effekt postlarvalen Transports auf Wachstum wird diskutiert. Übergreifend über die auf Artebene diskutierten Ergebnisse wird die Bedeutung der Dispersion postlarvaler Stadien und die Wirkung epibenthischen Feinddrucks im Wattenmeer erörtert. Der Vergleich postlarvalen Transportes mit der Dispersion planktischer Larvenstadien, der Dispersion von Meiofauna und der Mobilität adulter Stadien der Makrofauna verdeutlicht, daß es sich hierbei um eine Strategie handeln kann, innerhalb eines unvorhersagbaren Biotops freiwerdende Ressourcen zu nutzen und dadurch Konkurrenz zu vermeiden. Es wird die Hypothese aufgestellt, daß Initialansiedlung und Immigration einerseits sowie Feinddruck und Emigration andererseits einen Regelkreis darstellen, der in verschiedenen Teilbereichen des Watts mit unterschiedlicher Geschwindigkeit abläuft.
Subg1acially precipitated calcites, formed since 1860, are exposed by the retreating of the Tsanfleuron glacier in the Swiss Alps. They have been sampled together with different types of ice and water, for their isotopic composition. The isotopic study suggests that the initial water, from which calcium carbonate is precipitated by partial freezing, is produced by melting of the basal ice layer, not of glacier ice. Because of the wide range of isotopic composition of basal ice, some doubts are expressed on the possibility given by such subglacially precipitated calcites to determine the isotopic composition of Pleistocene ice sheets and to correct the paleotemperature scale.
Paleomagnetic inclination, declination and relative paleointensity were reconstructed from the sediments of Laguna Potrok Aike in the framework of the International Continental scientific Drilling Program (ICDP) Potrok Aike maar lake Sediment Archive Drilling prOject (PASADO). Here we present the u-channel-based full vector paleomagnetic field reconstruction since 51.2 ka cal BP. The relative paleointensity proxy (RPI) was built by normalising the natural remanent magnetisation with the anhysteretic remanent magnetisation using the average ratio at 4 demagnetisation steps part of the ChRM interval (NRM/ARM10e40 mT). A grain size influence on the RPI was removed using a correction based on the linear relationship between the RPI and the median destructive field of the natural remanent magnetisation (MDFNRM). The new record is compared with other lacustrine and marine records and stacks from the mid- to high-latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere, revealing consistent millennial-scale variability, the identification of the Laschamp and possibly the Mono Lake geomagnetic excursions, and a direction swing possibly associated to the Hilina Pali excursion at 20 ka cal BP. Nonetheless, a global-scale comparison with other high-resolution records located on the opposite side of the Earth and with various dipole field references hint at a different behaviour of the geomagnetic field around southern South America at 46 ka cal BP.
AMS-14C dated sediment cores from the Ob and Yenisei estuaries and the adjacent inner Kara Sea were investigated to determine the siliclastic and organic carbon fluxes and their relationship to paleoenvironmental changes. The variability of sediment fluxes during Holocene times is related to the post-glacial sea-level rise and changes in river discharge and coastal erosion input. Whereas during the late/middle Holocene most of the terrigenous sediments were deposited in the estuaries and the areas directly off the estuaries, huge amounts of sediments accumulated on the Kara Sea shelf farther north during the early Holocene before about 9 Cal. kyrs. BP. The maximum accumulation at that time is related to the lowered sea level, increased coastal erosion, and increased river discharge due to the final stage of mountain deglaciation of the Putoran Massif. Increased supply of Yenisei-derived material indicated by peak magnetic susceptibility values probably occurred in climate-related pulses culminating near 11, 10, and 9 Cal. kyrs. BP. As sea level rose, the main Holocene depocenter migrated southward. Based on hydrogen index values and n-alkanes, the organic matter is predominantly of terrigenous origin. Maximum accumulation rates of 1.5 to more than 6 g/cm**2/y occurred in the early Holocene sediments, suggesting more humid climatic conditions with an increased vegetation cover in the source area at that time. In general, high organic carbon accumulation rates characterize the estuaries and the inner Kara Sea as important sink for terrigenous organic carbon. A high-resolution record of Holocene variability of magnetic susceptibility (MS) in an AMS14C-dated sediment core from the northern Yenisei estuary may indicate natural variability of Arctic climate change and river discharge on a centennial to millenial time scale. Short-term maxima in MS probably related to warmer climate, enhanced precipitation, intensified weathering/erosion and increased river discharge, display a frequency of about 300 to 700 years.
Mesozooplankton production was estimated by using a new sampling technique and two alternative calculation methods. In essence, production estimates are based on significantly higher abundances. The contribution of juvenile stages to copepod and fish dynamics was generally low, so that the omission of juvenile stages in budgets will result in a small error. The situations reported in this study present a unique food web szenario, which in detail, however, was strongly dependent on methodology. Furthermore relations between trophic levels were considered with respect to vertical distribution.
According to monitoring data gained between 1982-1992, macrobenthos in the Tiksi Bay is characterized by low indices of the total abundance, biomass and taxonomic diversity. 30 macrobenthic species have been recorded in the Tiksi Bay. The bottom biocenoses within the estuarine-arctic water mass consist of widespread eurybiontic boreal-arctic and brackish-water species. The maximal number of species was observed at a depth of 8.5 m. The maximum biomass was recorded on muddy grounds. The studied bottom fauna is characterized by a high population density (from 1160-600 ind/m**2) and low biomass of 15.5-22.4 g/m**2. The predominant benthic animals of the main Lena River channel 4.7 km upstream Stolb Island are Chironomidae, Plecoptera and Oligochaeta. In total, 48 species of macrobenthos were registered here. In spring the average density of macrozoobenthos in the channel is 680, in summer 770, in autumn 720 and in winter 380 ind/m**2, with the average biomass varying between 2.9 g/m**2 in spring, 7.06 in summer, 4.4 in autumn, and 2.6 in winter.
Joint interpretation of magnetotelluric and geomagnetic depth sounding data in the western European Alps offer new insights into the conductivity structure of the Earth's crust and mantle. This first large scale electromagnetic study in the Alps covers a cross-section from Germany to northern Italy and shows the importance of the alpine mountain chain as an interrupter of continuous conductors. Poor data quality due to the highly crystalline underground is overcome by Remote Reference and Robust Processing techniques. 3d-forward-modelling reveals on the one hand interrupted dipping crustal conductors with maximum conductance of 4960 S and on the other hand a lithosphere thickening up to 208 km beneath the central western Alps. Graphite networks arising from Paleozoic sedimentary deposits are considered to be accountable for the occurrence of high conductivity and the distribution pattern of crustal conductors. The influence of huge sedimentary molasse basins on the electromagnetic data is suggested to be minor compared with the influence of crustal conductors. In conclusion, electromagnetic results can be attributed to the geological, tectonic and palaeogeographical background. Dipping direction (S-SE) and maximum angle (10.1°) of the northern crustal conductor reveal the main thrusting conditions beneath the Helvetic Alps whereas the existence of a crustal conductor in the Briançonnais supports theses about its palaeographic belonging to the Iberian Peninsula.
The decomposition rate of organic, Compounds, following the death of a plant, is dependent on several external factors. Assimilatory pigments generally undergo a rapid degradation. In certain condition, however, their decomposition may be considerably retarded; e.g. compounds similar to chlorophyll and some carotenoids, as a and ß-carotene, lutein and others, may persist several thousand years in marine and lake Sediments (Vallentyne 1960). Derivatives of chlorophyll were also found in the surface layer of wood soil (Gorham 1959). In this connection the question arises, in what a way a still different environment, namely peat, influences the decomposition rate of pigments. The starting point in these investigations was the fact observed by one of the co-authors, that many subfossil fir needles from various depths of the peat bog in Cergowa Gora were bright yellow green pigmented. Macroscopic otoservations have already suggested that, at least, a part of the pigments did not undergo decomposition. A study was undertaken with the aim to determine the quantitative and qualitative changes in assimilatory pigments, occurring in fir needles in dependence on the pexiod of time they were lying in the peat bog.