998 resultados para User manual


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Departmental Data Protection manual


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The user guide describes how to undertake an assessment using the nursing needs assessment tool.


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Guidance on Management and Administration of Grant Making


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L’objectiu de l’estudi va ser determinar si la força de prensió manual (FPM) era factor pronòstic de mortalitat en malalts amb càncer avançant ingressats a una Unitat de cures pal•liatives (UCP). Es va determinar la força de prensió a l’ingrés i l’evolució de la FPM els primers 12 dies mitjançant un dinamòmetre. Ni la FPM inicial ni a l’evolució va demostrar diferències significatives entre els malalts donats d’alta vius i els que van morir a la UCP. Conclusions: la determinació de FPM no va ser factor pronòstic de supervivència en malalts ingressats per càncer en una UCP.


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Este manual se ha solicitado como parte del encargo que Iberdrola realizó al IRTA dentro del proyecto SOST-CO2, financiado por el programa CENIT (Consorcios Estratégicos Nacionales en Investigación Técnica), que forma parte del Programa Ingenio 2010, un proyecto del Gobierno español para incrementar la inversión en I+D, tanto pública como privada, con el objetivo de alcanzar en 2010 el 2% del PIB. El proyecto SOST-CO2 tiene como objetivo abordar el ciclo de vida completo del CO2, desde su captura en las fuentes de emisión pasando por su transporte, su almacenamiento y su valorización a gran escala. Se pretende enlazar la captura del CO2 con su posterior revalorización, buscando así una alternativa sostenible al mero confinamiento geológico de las emisiones. En el contexto del proyecto SOST-CO2, Iberdrola se planteó la utilización directa en horticultura intensiva de gases de combustión procedentes de sus plantas de ciclo combinado que utilizan gas natural como combustible, dado su contenido enriquecido en CO2, y encargó al IRTA su estudio. El objetivo general era, a parte de una importante fijación de carbono por parte de los cultivos, un elevado nivel de sostenibilidad ambiental por reducción de los inputs energéticos empleados en la climatización de los invernaderos y en la depuración de los gases. El trabajo se desarrolló a lo largo de cuatro años (2008-2011) en diversos escenarios experimentales. De las diferentes facetas que abarcó este trabajo, se presentan aquí las más directamente relacionadas con el principal resultado del estudio, es decir, la adecuación de los gases de combustión mencionados para obtener una mejora en la producción y rendimiento por su aplicación en horticultura intensiva.


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BACKGROUND: Recent clinical recommendations still propose active exercises (AE) for CNSLBP. However, acceptance of exercises by patients may be limited by pain-related manifestations. Current evidences suggest that manual therapy (MT) induces an immediate analgesic effect through neurophysiologic mechanisms at peripheral, spinal and cortical levels. The aim of this pilot study was first, to assess whether MT has an immediate analgesic effect, and second, to compare the lasting effect on functional disability of MT plus AE to sham therapy (ST) plus AE. METHODS: Forty-two CNSLBP patients without co-morbidities, randomly distributed into 2 treatment groups, received either spinal manipulation/mobilization (first intervention) plus AE (MT group; n = 22), or detuned ultrasound (first intervention) plus AE (ST group; n = 20). Eight therapeutic sessions were delivered over 4 to 8 weeks. Immediate analgesic effect was obtained by measuring pain intensity (Visual Analogue Scale) before and immediately after the first intervention of each therapeutic session. Pain intensity, disability (Oswestry Disability Index), fear-avoidance beliefs (Fear-Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire), erector spinae and abdominal muscles endurance (Sorensen and Shirado tests) were assessed before treatment, after the 8th therapeutic session, and at 3- and 6-month follow-ups. RESULTS: Thirty-seven subjects completed the study. MT intervention induced a better immediate analgesic effect that was independent from the therapeutic session (VAS mean difference between interventions: -0.8; 95% CI: -1.2 to -0.3). Independently from time after treatment, MT + AE induced lower disability (ODI mean group difference: -7.1; 95% CI: -12.8 to -1.5) and a trend to lower pain (VAS mean group difference: -1.2; 95% CI: -2.4 to -0.30). Six months after treatment, Shirado test was better for the ST group (Shirado mean group difference: -61.6; 95% CI: -117.5 to -5.7). Insufficient evidence for group differences was found in remaining outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: This study confirmed the immediate analgesic effect of MT over ST. Followed by specific active exercises, it reduces significantly functional disability and tends to induce a larger decrease in pain intensity, compared to a control group. These results confirm the clinical relevance of MT as an appropriate treatment for CNSLBP. Its neurophysiologic mechanisms at cortical level should be investigated more thoroughly. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Trial registration number: NCT01496144.


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The MHFA Manual is the basis of the MHFA Northern Ireland training programme. It has been adapted from the original MHFA programme deveoped in Australia. The manual gives an overview of mental health in Northern Ireland, outlines the MHFA action plan, explores in detail the MHFA approach to major mental health problems, and provides an in-depth resource section with details of related organisations and sources of help.


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AbstractDigitalization gives to the Internet the power by allowing several virtual representations of reality, including that of identity. We leave an increasingly digital footprint in cyberspace and this situation puts our identity at high risks. Privacy is a right and fundamental social value that could play a key role as a medium to secure digital identities. Identity functionality is increasingly delivered as sets of services, rather than monolithic applications. So, an identity layer in which identity and privacy management services are loosely coupled, publicly hosted and available to on-demand calls could be more realistic and an acceptable situation. Identity and privacy should be interoperable and distributed through the adoption of service-orientation and implementation based on open standards (technical interoperability). Ihe objective of this project is to provide a way to implement interoperable user-centric digital identity-related privacy to respond to the need of distributed nature of federated identity systems. It is recognized that technical initiatives, emerging standards and protocols are not enough to guarantee resolution for the concerns surrounding a multi-facets and complex issue of identity and privacy. For this reason they should be apprehended within a global perspective through an integrated and a multidisciplinary approach. The approach dictates that privacy law, policies, regulations and technologies are to be crafted together from the start, rather than attaching it to digital identity after the fact. Thus, we draw Digital Identity-Related Privacy (DigldeRP) requirements from global, domestic and business-specific privacy policies. The requirements take shape of business interoperability. We suggest a layered implementation framework (DigldeRP framework) in accordance to model-driven architecture (MDA) approach that would help organizations' security team to turn business interoperability into technical interoperability in the form of a set of services that could accommodate Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA): Privacy-as-a-set-of- services (PaaSS) system. DigldeRP Framework will serve as a basis for vital understanding between business management and technical managers on digital identity related privacy initiatives. The layered DigldeRP framework presents five practical layers as an ordered sequence as a basis of DigldeRP project roadmap, however, in practice, there is an iterative process to assure that each layer supports effectively and enforces requirements of the adjacent ones. Each layer is composed by a set of blocks, which determine a roadmap that security team could follow to successfully implement PaaSS. Several blocks' descriptions are based on OMG SoaML modeling language and BPMN processes description. We identified, designed and implemented seven services that form PaaSS and described their consumption. PaaSS Java QEE project), WSDL, and XSD codes are given and explained.


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A Manual in Quality Standards in Substance Use Education is published by The Drug Education Workers Forum (DEWF). The manual looks at different areas of substance use education, such as schools, youth work and community settings, and provides clear information on the best practice for delivering such education.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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Since the "DSM-IV(R)" was published in 1994, we've seen many advances in our knowledge of psychiatric illness. This "Text Revision" incorporates information culled from a comprehensive literature review of research about mental disorders published since "DSM-IV(R)" was completed in 1994. Updated information is included about the associated features, culture, age, and gender features, prevalence, course, and familial pattern of mental disorders. The "DSM-IV-TR(R)" brings this essential diagnostic tool up-to-date, to promote effective diagnosis, treatment, and quality of care. Now you can get all the essential diagnostic information you rely on from the "DSM-IV(R)" along with important updates not found in the 1994 edition. Stay current with important updates to the "DSM-IV-TR(R)": Benefit from new research into Schizophrenia, Asperger's Disorder, and other conditions Utilize additional information about the epidemiology and other facets of DSM conditions Update ICD-9-CM codes implemented since 1994 (including Conduct Disorder, Dementia, Somatoform Disorders) DSM-IV-TR(R), the handheld version of the "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, "Fourth Edition, Text Revision, is now available for both Palm OS and PocketPC handhelds. This Text Revision incorporates information culled from a comprehensive literature review of research about mental disorders and includes associated features, culture, age, and gender features, prevalence, course, and familial pattern of mental disorders.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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The Walking for Health programme was established in 2001 and continues to be an integral part of Government policy to address the health and wellbeing of the population in Northern Ireland. The programme is delivered through HSC Trusts across Northern Ireland and is supported by the Public Health Agency. Walking for Health aims to encourage inactive people to increase their level of physical activity by participating in local led health walks.


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This case study introduces our continuous work to enhance the virtual classroom in order to provide faculty and students with an environment open to their needs, compliant with learning standards and, therefore compatible with other e-learning environments, and based on open source software. The result is a modulable, sustainable and interoperable learning environment that can be adapted to different teaching and learning situations by incorporating the LMS integrated tools as well as wikis, blogs, forums and Moodle activities among others.


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La llegada de las tecnologías de la información, y su uso cada vez mayor y generalizado que se está haciendo de ellas, ha permitido para que una nueva situación aparezca que, a su vez, ha originado - de hecho, que ha precipitado - una serie de cambios de gran importancia en todos los niveles, pero especialmente en los niveles sociales, económicos y culturales. Este nueva escena ha tenido una gran influencia en el entorno pedagógico. De hecho, la aparición de nuevos modelos educativos como resultado de este cambio ha estado sucediendo de una manera continuada e ininterrumpida durante la década pasada. Estos cambios recientes en los sistemas actuales de enseñanza y de aprendizaje han significado un aumento y un cambio en el tipo de demandas hechas desde las bibliotecas y los centros de documentación.