770 resultados para Turkey--Officials and employees
The thesis presented is committed to a poetic reading that results in the creation of meaning and images of the death from the various cultural practices and symbolic representations exposed in urban cemeteries in some Brazilian cities, aiming to give visibility to new understandings about the imaginary of the in the contemporary scene. Death, therefore, will be seen as a imagining condition of anthroposwhen starts itself from the prerogative of the human consciousness of death (MORIN, 1970), in other words, this awareness that man has he will die and that triggers reflections about their existence allows the emergence of a number of practices such as: mourning, funeral rituals and the creation of several impregnated representations of human emotions emerged from the death facing the man and present, in a more evident form in cemeterial spaces. For this, it focuses on the conflictuous dimension that man establishes with death, because the cultural practices and symbolic representations observed in the research field are the result of this conflict and allow the expansion of the senses about this issue, to the extent that these are coated with a fantastic aura, mystical, secret, spooky, fearful, religious, building a complex imagination. The general plan of this study is to discuss and create, from a phenomenology of imagination and materials / dynamics imagination, as well as along the lines treated by Gaston Bachelard, images of death, from a field experience in cemeteries in Brazil. For this, it is assumed, to observe the cultural practices and symbolic representations in these spaces, a posture able to make the experience into the search field a moment of symbolic exchanges and creation. Thus, it was used observation, conversations with visitors and employees of the cemeteries and the capture of photographic records. The data produced as a fragment of a conversation, a tearful outburst about the loss of a relative, a melancholic epitaph, a flower on the grave or a cry captured by photography were seen as detonators of meanings and a poetic of the imagination.
The thesis presented is committed to a poetic reading that results in the creation of meaning and images of the death from the various cultural practices and symbolic representations exposed in urban cemeteries in some Brazilian cities, aiming to give visibility to new understandings about the imaginary of the in the contemporary scene. Death, therefore, will be seen as a imagining condition of anthroposwhen starts itself from the prerogative of the human consciousness of death (MORIN, 1970), in other words, this awareness that man has he will die and that triggers reflections about their existence allows the emergence of a number of practices such as: mourning, funeral rituals and the creation of several impregnated representations of human emotions emerged from the death facing the man and present, in a more evident form in cemeterial spaces. For this, it focuses on the conflictuous dimension that man establishes with death, because the cultural practices and symbolic representations observed in the research field are the result of this conflict and allow the expansion of the senses about this issue, to the extent that these are coated with a fantastic aura, mystical, secret, spooky, fearful, religious, building a complex imagination. The general plan of this study is to discuss and create, from a phenomenology of imagination and materials / dynamics imagination, as well as along the lines treated by Gaston Bachelard, images of death, from a field experience in cemeteries in Brazil. For this, it is assumed, to observe the cultural practices and symbolic representations in these spaces, a posture able to make the experience into the search field a moment of symbolic exchanges and creation. Thus, it was used observation, conversations with visitors and employees of the cemeteries and the capture of photographic records. The data produced as a fragment of a conversation, a tearful outburst about the loss of a relative, a melancholic epitaph, a flower on the grave or a cry captured by photography were seen as detonators of meanings and a poetic of the imagination.
This dissertation investigates the effects of internationalization in two gaps related to the capital structure that have not been discussed by the Brazilian literature yet. To this, were developed two independent sections. The first examined what the effects of internationalization on the deviation from the target capital structure. The second examined what the effects of internationalization on speed of adjustment (SOA) of the capital structure. It used data from Brazil, multinational and domestic companies, from 2006 to 2014. The results of the first analysis indicate that internationalization helps reduce the difference between the target and the current debt. That is, to the extent that the level of internationalization increases; whether only export or a combination of export, assets and employees abroad, the gap between the current structure and the target structure decreases. This reduction is given as a function of internationalization as a consequence of the upstream effect of the upstream-downstream hypothesis. Thus, as the Market Timing theory, it can be seen as an opportunity for adjustment of the capital structure, and with the reduction of deviation, there is also a reduction in the cost of capital of the firm. The result of the second analysis indicates that internationalization is able to significantly increase the speed adjustment, ensuring for the multinational a faster adjustment of its capital structure. Exports increase the SOA in 9 to 23%. And when also kept active assets and employees abroad the increase is 8 to 20%. In terms of time, while domestic company takes more than three years to reduce half of the deviation that has, while multinacional companies take on average one and a half year to reduce the same proportion of the deviation. The validity of the upstream-downstream hypothesis for the effect of internationalization in SOA was confirmed by comparing the results for US companies. Thus, the phenomenon of internationalization increases SOA when companies are from less stable markets, such as Brazil; and it has a less significcative effect when companies are derived from more stable markets, because they already have a high speed of adjustmennt. In addition, the adequacy analysis of the estimators also showed the model pooled OLS (Ordinary Least Squares) presents the highest quality in predicting the SOA than the system GMM (Generalized Method of Moments). For future studies it is suggested to analyze the effect of international event, by itself, and to validate the hypothesis using samples of different markets and the use of other estimators.
The Caliphate was a fundamental part of Islamic society for nearly 1300 years. This paper seeks to uncover what effect the removal of this institution had on the mobilization of Muslims in several parts of the world; Turkey, Egypt, and British India. These countries had unique experiences with colonialism, secularism, nationalism, that in many ways conditioned the response of individuals to this momentous occasion. Each country’s reaction had a profound impact on the future trajectory of civil society, and the role of Islam in the lives of its citizens. The conclusions of this paper challenge the monolithic depiction of Islam in the world, and reveal the origins of conflict that these three centers of Muslim power face today. Much of the religious narrative now commonplace in Muslim organizations derive from this pivotal event in world history.
Integrated project delivery (IPD) method has recently emerged as an alternative to traditional delivery methods. It has the potential to overcome inefficiencies of traditional delivery methods by enhancing collaboration among project participants. Information and communication technology (ICT) facilitates IPD by effective management, processing and communication of information within and among organizations. While the benefits of IPD, and the role of ICT in realizing them, have been generally acknowledged, the US public construction sector is very slow in adopting IPD. The reasons are - lack of experience and inadequate understanding of IPD in public owner as confirmed by the results of the questionnaire survey conducted under this research study. The public construction sector should be aware of the value of IPD and should know the essentials for effective implementation of IPD principles - especially, they should be cognizant of the opportunities offered by advancements in ICT to realize this. In order to address the need an IPD Readiness Assessment Model (IPD-RAM) was developed in this research study. The model was designed with a goal to determine IPD readiness of a public owner organization considering selected IPD principles, and ICT levels, at which project functions were carried out. Subsequent analysis led to identification of possible improvements in ICTs that have the potential to increase IPD readiness scores. Termed as the gap identification, this process was used to formulate improvement strategies. The model had been applied to six Florida International University (FIU) construction projects (case studies). The results showed that the IPD readiness of the organization was considerably low and several project functions can be improved by using higher and/or advanced level ICT tools and methods. Feedbacks from a focus group comprised of FIU officials and an independent group of experts had been received at various stages of this research and had been utilized during development and implementation of the model. Focus group input was also helpful for validation of the model and its results. It was hoped that the model developed would be useful to construction owner organizations in order to assess their IPD readiness and to identify appropriate ICT improvement strategies.
This dissertation examines three important issues. The first issue is about the human capital investment and entrepreneurship as a career choice. The standard human capital theory shows that firms (employees) never invest in general (firm-specific) human capital of the employee as they do not extract any return from it. However, when entrepreneurship is introduced as a career option for an innovative employee, both firm’s and employee’s human capital investments change. Employee starts investing in his firm-specific human capital to increase the probability to innovate (and to become an entrepreneur). However, the firm uses general human capital investment to reduce the risk of employee’s departure. The second issue is regarding the factors motivating entry regulations reforms and the possible nonlinear effects of entry regulation reforms. The current literature and the policy recommendations assume that these reforms have linear effects on entrepreneurship. Nevertheless, the anecdotal evidence shows that the outcomes of such reforms vary greatly from country to country. To investigate this issue, I collect a sample data on entry regulations and firm creation from World Bank. The empirical analysis indicates that the effect of entry regulation reforms depends on the pre-reform level of bureaucracy in the country. More specifically, while low-bureaucracy countries benefit from entry regulation reforms, high-bureaucracy countries do not benefit. Moreover, the probability of making a reform increases if the country has reformist neighbors, cumbersome entry regulations, high unemployment rate, or low corruption level. The last issue is related to the individual and joint effects of bureaucracy and corruption on different types of entrepreneurs. The current literature investigates these effects only on unified measures of entrepreneurship. However, entrepreneurs are very different in many senses. To address this issue, I collect the necessity-based and opportunity-based entrepreneurship data from Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. The empirical analysis yield two important results: First, bureaucracy has a direct negative (positive) effect on necessity-based (opportunity-based) entrepreneurs. Second, corruption mitigates the effect of bureaucracy for both groups of entrepreneurs. All three chapters offer useful insights and important implications to academics and policymakers.
Absorptive Capacity (ACAP) depicts the sequential order of activities connecting externally generated knowledge into an organisation; this involves a company’s ability to acquire new knowledge from an external source, assimilate and transform it, and eventually exploit it via its industrial processes and products/services. The sandwiched role of middle managers, being interlinked between decision makers and employees, has been argued as vital to organisational success. However, their role is often viewed as having conflicts astride management i.e. between employees and decision makers. This study, using a thematic analysis approach, explores and identifies the common and conflicting role of middle managers, as viewed by different respondents in organisational hierarchies. Results, based on a sample of 33 employees operating in the Pakistan Pharmaceutical sector, indicate that conflicting roles of middle managers also persist with more common roles in organisations.
Telecommuting has been perceived as an effective means of reducing commuter related trips, travel time and emissions. Previously, the lack of access to broadband Internet connection and teleconferencing software from home has acted as a barrier to telecommuting regularly or at all. However, with advances in information and communication technology in recent years telecommuting is becoming a viable option for employers and employees to undertake. This paper examines the current trends of full day and part day telecommuting in the Greater Dublin Area (GDA), and attempts to ascertain the most influential drivers and constraints related to telecommuting. The research presented estimates of the environmental benefits from individuals that telecommute. Finally, this paper seeks to determine the magnitude of carbon emissions savings from individuals adopting telecommuting and provides a social cost of carbon saving value. The survey results presented suggest that approximately 44% of the population of the GDA telecommute at least once a month. The findings also indicate that needing contact with colleagues is the most influential constraint to telecommuting, while greater flexibility and avoiding travelling in peak periods are the most important drivers in the propensity to telecommute. Finally, this study shows that there are substantial carbon reductions and social cost of carbon savings. Thus illustrating how telecommuting can be a viable and sustainable policy in the GDA or in other similar sized regions.
This presentation is about the law of professional negligence as it applies to sport. The presentation asks, paradoxically, if the skills you have as a sports coach or official might ever, on not being reasonably applied, leave you or your sport vulnerable to a claim in negligence. To inform this debate, the recent judgment in Bartlett v English Cricket Board Association of Cricket Officials (unreported, County Court (Birmingham), 27 August 2015) is critically considered. Arguably, this case is indicative of the extension of tortious liability in the UK, most notably, for officials and coaches in the context of amateur sport, essentially requiring HHJ Lopez to determine what might be termed the ‘professional liability of an amateur’.
I en organisation belägen på Dalarnas landsbygd framkommer det i en medarbetarundersökning att ett ökande missnöje finns hos de anställda, där flera av problemen kan kopplas till den kraftiga expansion som organisationen just nu genomgår. Även en positiv organisationsförändring som tillväxt kan alltså bidra till problem hos de anställda. Denna studie har avsett att undersöka vilka utmaningar och möjligheter som upplevs hos de anställda i organisationen kopplat till den tillväxtfas de genomgår. Detta genom åtta djupintervjuer där urvalet var såväl chefer, medarbetare som HR-ansvariga. Utifrån respondenternas upplevelse av situationen fann vi fyra stora problemområden; avsaknad av gemensamma rutiner, otydliga roller, bristfällig information och kommunikation samt brist på proaktivt arbete för att säkerställa medarbetarnas kompetens. Vårt empiriska material tyder på att organisationen har ett gap när det kommer till utvecklingen av såväl de mänskliga resurserna, arbetssystem som ledarskapet. Antalet anställda ökar i en högre takt än organisationens infrastrukturella processer, något som kan ses som en organisatorisk växtvärk. Med utgångspunkt från resultatet ger vi förslag på vilka aktiviteter HR-funktionen bör fokusera på. För att bemöta utvecklingsgapet samt förhindra att fler växtvärkssymptom uppstår anser vi att HR bör fokusera på ett proaktivt arbete. En nyckelfaktor som vi genom vår utvecklade modell visar är att ledaren är av stor vikt för hur organisationen och dess medarbetare hanterar en växtvärkssituation. HR bör därför ha en klar bild över vilket stöd verksamhetens ledare behöver för att kunna skapa värde för organisationen, ledarna och medarbetarna. Några generella förslag på HR-aktiviteter går däremot inte att ge eftersom, precis som tidigare forskning visar, verksamheters individuella situation och kontext avgör vilka aktiviteter som är aktuella.
The need to steer economic development has always been great and as management model has the balanced scorecard has been popular since the mid- 1990s, mainly in the private sector but also in the municipal sector. The introduction of the balanced scorecard has been primarily to organizations to see more than economic dimensions. The Balanced Scorecard was originally a measurement system, and today it works more as a strategic instrument. In our study is a case study to evaluate a municipality and how they make use of the balanced scorecard as a tool for strategic and value-adding work in municipal activities. In the local business is it important that the organization adapts the balanced scorecard, so it fits on the basis that it is a politically driven organization, with mandates, committees and administrations. In our study, we used a qualitative method with a deductive approach. In the study, we have gathered information through a case study where we interviewed 7 people in leading positions. In our analysis and results section, we came to the conclusion that the municipality does not use the balanced scorecard correctly. We also found that the balanced scorecard as a tool for value creation and strategic planning does not work in a favorable way. In our study, we see difficulties with the implementation of the balanced scorecard. If the municipality has invested in implementing the balanced scorecard at all levels of the business so the municipality would be able to use it on one of the activities more adequately. When the municipality is a politically driven organization, it is important that vision alive and changing based on the conditions that reflect the outside world and the municipality in general. Looking at a vivid vision, goals and business ideas, it's balanced scorecard in line with how a balanced scorecard should look like. The municipality has a strategic plan in terms of staff and employees at large. In the study, we have seen that the strategic plan is not followed up in a good way and for the business favorably, the municipality chooses the easy way out for evaluation. Employee participation to changes and ongoing human resources management feels nonexistent. However, as has been the vision of creating empowered and motivated employees. In our conclusion, we describe how we in our study look at the use of the balanced scorecard in municipal operations. We can also discern that a balanced scorecard as a tool for value creation and strategic work is good if it is used properly. In the study, we have concluded that the municipality we have chosen to study should not use the balanced scorecard when you have not created the tools and platforms required for employees, civil servants and politicians to evaluate, monitor and create a living scorecard change over time. The study reveals major shortcomings in the implementation, evaluation and follow-up possibilities, and the consequence of this is that the balanced scorecard is not - 4 - preferable in municipal operations as a strategic instrument for value creation and long-term planning.
Vårt syfte med denna studie är att belysa de verktyg som kan erfordras för att enhetschefer ska kunna förmedla sitt ledarskap till sina medarbetare. Detta på grund av att medarbetarna inom kommunen inte är helt belåtna med ledarskapet från kommun eller sina chefer, vilket framgår i den medarbetarundersökning som genomfördes 2014 av kommunen. I samma medarbetarundersökning framkom det likaså att sjukskrivningar bland medarbetarna i kommunen kan beror på ledarskapet. Därför har vi valt att undersöka en del av kommunens enhetschefer och hur de ser på sitt eget ledarskap samt vad de kan göra för att få sina medarbetare att må bättre och förebygga sjukskrivningar. Då tiden inte fanns till att undersöka alla enhetschefer inom den valda kommunen, valdes vård och omsorgsförvaltningens enhetschefer ut för vår egen enkätundersökning. Resultatet av vår enkätundersökning utföll sig på så sätt att enhetscheferna erfordrar mer tid att ägna sig åt sina medarbetare och att administrativt stöd fordras för att underlätta enhetschefernas arbetsmiljö. Om enhetscheferna erhåller mer tid till att spendera med sina medarbetare kan det skapa ett starkare psykologiskt band emellan dem, vilket gör att tilliten från medarbetarna till enhetscheferna stärks. När tilliten stärks vågar medarbetarna vända sig till sina enhetschefer för att berätta hur de mår. Genom att plocka bort de administrativa uppgifterna och i stället ge dem till en assistent får enhetscheferna mer tid till att spendera med sin personal och utifrån detta kan de eventuellt få en översikt av hur verksamheten fungerar. Översikten gör att de kan fatta bättre strategiska beslut för deras verksamhet och medarbetare.
Ser resiliente implica ser capaz de adaptar positivamente a contextos de grande adversidade. Esta capacidade depende de múltiplos fatores (individuais, relacionais e contextuais) cuja mobilização se encontra dificultada entre os adolescentes cujo desenvolvimento ficou comprometido pela experiência de maus-tratos. Quando protegidos pelo acolhimento institucional, é nos pares, nos professores e nos funcionários da instituição que estes adolescentes encontram o cuidado, o suporte e o encorajamento de que necessitam, e que tanto pesa sobre o seu bem-estar. Foi, assim, objetivo deste estudo examinar o papel que a qualidade da vinculação aos pares, professores e funcionários da instituição desempenha na promoção da resiliência em adolescentes institucionalizados. Os dados foram recolhidos junto de 45 adolescentes (18 rapazes e 27 raparigas), com idades compreendidas entre os 10 e os 20 anos, em regime de acolhimento institucional prolongado. Para o efeito foram utilizados um breve questionário sociodemográfico, o Child and Youth Resilience Measure – 28 – versão para Jovens (Liebenberg, Ungar & Van de Vijver, 2012; versão portuguesa Ferreira & Nobre-Lima, 2013), o Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment Revised (Armsden & Greenberg, 1987; versão portuguesa Figueiredo & Machado, 2008) – versão para Pares e Professores – e o Questionário de Ligação aos Professores e Funcionários (Mota & Matos, 2005). Ainda que tenham sido encontradas correlações significativas entre a resiliência e cada uma das variáveis em estudo, a percepção de vinculação aos pares e aos funcionários da instituição sobressaem como as variáveis que melhor explicam a resiliência nestes adolescentes, em particular nos rapazes. Já nas raparigas, a única variável que parece explicar a resiliência é a percepção de vinculação aos funcionários da instituição. A discussão explora estes resultados em termos do seu significado e implicações práticas. / Being resilient implies the ability to positively adapt to contexts of great adversity. This ability depends on a variety of factors (individual, relational and contextual) that are mostly non operative among the adolescents whose development was compromised by maltreatment. When protected by residential care these adolescents rest on peers, teachers and residential caregivers to find the care, support and encouragement they need to improve their sense of wellbeing. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine how attachment to peers, teachers and residential caregivers can contribute to foster resilience in institutionalized adolescents. Data was collected from a sample of 45 adolescents (18 boys and 27 girls), aged between 10 and 20 years old, under extended placement in an institution. The PI is composed by a brief social-demographic questionnaire, the Child and Youth Resilience Measure – 28 – Youth version (Liebenberg, Ungar & Van de Vijver, 2012, Portuguese version Ferreira & Nobre- Lima, 2013), the Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment Revised (Armsden & Greenberg, 1987; Portuguese version Figueiredo & Machado, 2008) – Peers and Teacher’s version – and the Questionnaire of the Affective Relationship with Teachers and Employees (Mota & Matos, 2005). Although findings showed significant correlations between resilience and each one of the variables in study, the perception of attachment to peers and residential caregivers stood out as the most correlated variables to resilience among these adolescents, mainly among the boys. Conversely, the only variable that seems to explain resilience among girls is the perception of attachment to residential caregivers. The discussion explores the possible meaning and practical implications of these findings.
Com o aumento da esperança média de vida e, consequentemente, com o aumento do número de idosos que necessitam de respostas sociais capazes de proporcionar uma melhor qualidade de vida, a escolha da Instituição onde colocar o nosso familiar é cada vez mais exigente. Este estudo teve como principal objetivo realizar uma análise comparativa do grau de satisfação dos utentes, familiares e colaboradores de duas instituições distintas da região centro (uma do sector solidário e outra do sector lucrativo) pelos serviços prestados, procurando acima de tudo, acabar (ou talvez não) com o estereótipo de que a qualidade dos serviços prestados por uma instituição do sector lucrativo é sempre melhor que aqueles prestados por uma Instituição Privada de Solidariedade Social. As conclusões retiradas deste estudo revelaram que, contrariamente ao estereótipo que a sociedade nos impõe, os utentes, famílias e colaboradores da Instituição Privada de Solidariedade Social são os que mais se encontram satisfeitos com a qualidade dos serviços prestados. No entanto, para além de não pudermos extrapolar estes resultados para a generalidade das instituições, para se compreender melhor os resultados obtidos neste estudo foi tido em conta a zona geográfica em que cada uma das instituições se encontra e o públicoalvo que ambas abrangem. / With increasing life expectancy and hence with the increasing number of elderly people who need social solutions capable of providing a better quality of life , the choice of the institution where you put our family is increasingly demanding . This study aimed to carry out , between these two types of institutions , a comparative analysis of the degree of user satisfaction , family and employees of two different institutions of the central region ( a supportive sector and one from the profit sector ) for services rendered, looking above all, end (or maybe not) with the stereotype that the quality of services provided by an institution of the profit sector is always better than those provided by a Private institution of Social Solidarity. Findings from this study revealed that, contrary to the stereotype that society imposes on us , the users , families and colleagues of Private Institution of Social Solidarity are the ones who are satisfied with the quality of services provided. However , besides we can not extrapolate these results to the majority of institutions , to better understand the results obtained in this study was taken into account the geographical area in which each institution is and the audience that both cover .
This case study research reports on a small and medium-sized (SME) business-to-business (B2B) services firm implementing a novel new service development (NSD) process. It provides accounts of what occurred in practice in terms of the challenges to NSD process implementation and how the firm overcame these challenges. It also considers the implications for NSD in this and other firms’ innovation practices. This longitudinal case study (18 months) was conducted “inside” the case organization. It covered the entire innovation process from the initiation to the launch of a new service. The primary method may be viewed as participant observation. The research involved all those participating in the innovation system in the firm, including decision-makers, middle managers and employees at lower hierarchical levels and the firm’s external networks. Implications for researchers and managers focusing on structured innovation models for the services sector are also presented.