970 resultados para Triton (Ship)
A simple, sensitive and selective cloud point extraction procedure is described for the preconcentration and atomic absorption spectrometric determination of Zn2+ and Cd2+ ions in water and biological samples, after complexation with 3,3',3",3'"-tetraindolyl (terephthaloyl) dimethane (TTDM) in basic medium, using Triton X-114 as nonionic surfactant. Detection limits of 3.0 and 2.0 µg L-1 and quantification limits 10.0 and 7.0 µg L-1were obtained for Zn2+ and Cd2+ ions, respectively. Relative standard deviation was 2.9 and 3.3, and enrichment factors 23.9 and 25.6, for Zn2+ and Cd2+ ions, respectively. The method enabled determination of low levels of Zn2+ and Cd2+ ions in urine, blood serum and water samples.
A new cloud point extraction (CPE) method was developed for the separation and preconcentration of copper (II) prior to spectrophotometric analysis. For this purpose, 1-(2,4-dimethylphenyl) azonapthalen-2-ol (Sudan II) was used as a chelating agent and the solution pH was adjusted to 10.0 with borate buffer. Polyethylene glycol tert-octylphenyl ether (Triton X-114) was used as an extracting agent in the presence of sodium dodecylsulphate (SDS). After phase separation, based on the cloud point of the mixture, the surfactant-rich phase was diluted with acetone, and the enriched analyte was spectrophotometrically determined at 537 nm. The variables affecting CPE efficiency were optimized. The calibration curve was linear within the range 0.285-20 µg L-1 with a detection limit of 0.085 µg L-1. The method was successfully applied to the quantification of copper in different beverage samples.
This aim of this work was to compare two methods for copper determination in insulating oils from power transformers by GFAAS. The first method was extraction induced by emulsion breaking, which determined the preconcentration of copper in an aqueous solution and exhibited a limit of quantification of 0.27 µg L-1. Also, a second method based on the direct introduction of samples into GFAAS in the form of detergent emulsions, prepared with Triton X-114 and HNO3, was investigated. In this case, the limit of quantification was 1.7 µg L-1. Seven samples of used oils were successfully analyzed by both methods.
A new analytical approach was developed involving cloud point extraction (CPE) and spectrofluorimetric determination of triamterene (TM) in biological fluids. A urine or plasma sample was prepared and adjusted to pH 7, then TM was quickly extracted using CPE, using 0.05% (w/v) of Triton X-114 as the extractant. The main factors that affected the extraction efficiency (the pH of the sample, the Triton X-114 concentration, the addition of salt, the extraction time and temperature, and the centrifugation time and speed) were studied and optimized. The method gave calibration curves for TM with good linearities and correlation coefficients (r) higher than 0.99. The method showed good precision and accuracy, with intra- and inter-assay precisions of less than 8.50% at all concentrations. Standard addition recovery tests were carried out, and the recoveries ranged from 94.7% to 114%. The limits of detection and quantification were 3.90 and 11.7 µg L-1, respectively, for urine and 5.80 and 18.0 µg L-1, respectively, for plasma. The newly developed, environmentally friendly method was successfully used to extract and determine TM in human urine samples.
The electrochemical oxidation of lambdacyhalotrin in a triton X-100 water solution on a PbO2-Bi electrode has been studied. It was discovered that electrocatalytic degradation proceeded through the Langmuir-Hinshelwood (L-H) mechanism. The Langmuir adsorption equilibrium constant of the organic compound on the PbO2-Bi surface (0.67 (±0.02) mg-1L) and the L-H maximum reaction rate for lambdacyhalotrin oxidation (0.040 (±0.002) mg L-1 min-1) was also determined on the basis of kinetic data. Oxidation/mineralization was tested at electrode potential higher than 2.3 V vs. Ag/AgCl, in this conditions the higher degradation percent of 85 (±4) % has been obtained.
RFID-teknologian käyttöönotto on vakaassa kasvussa ja kiinnostus tekniikan soveltami-seen on erityisesti yksilöseurannan alueella. Diplomityössä on tutkittu RFID -teknologian mahdollisuuksia puolustusvoimien normaaliolojen kriittisen yksilöseurattavan materiaalin hallintaan. Case-joukko-osastona tutkimuksessa on toiminut Karjalan Prikaati. Tutkimus-aihetta on tarkasteltu prosessiajattelun näkökulmasta, mutta myös tiedon keräämistä on käsitelty. RFID-pohjainen tieto eroaa perinteisellä tavalla kerätystä tiedosta. RFID-teknologian hyödyntäminen tarjoaa kuitenkin entistä monipuolisemman ja virheettö-mämmän tiedon keräämisen reaaliajassa, joten se tukee hyvin prosessimaista toimintaa. Tutkimuksen painopisteenä on ollut logistiikan resurssien käytön tehostaminen RFID-teknologiaan tukeutuvan prosessimaisen toiminnan kautta. Tehokas prosessimainen toi-minta soveltuu hyvin sotilasorganisaatioihin. Prosessien määrittely ja kuvaaminen autta-vat tunnistamaan niissä ilmeneviä ongelmia ja samalla kuvaamaan mahdollisten muutos-ten vaikutukset prosesseihin sekä organisaatioihin. Perusteet prosessien uudelleen suun-nittelulle lähtevät prosessimaisen toiminnan tunnistamisesta ja kuvaamisesta. Case-joukko-osaston nykytilan kartoituksessa havaittiin, että joukko-osastotasolta on tähän asti puuttunut kokonaisvaltainen prosessimainen toimintatapa. Nykytila-analyysin pohjalta tutkimustyössä rakennettiin yksilöseurattavan materiaalin käsittelyä kuvaava toimintaprosessi, joka muodostui kuudesta eri osaprosessista. Tutki-mustyölle valitun painopisteen mukaisesti osaprosesseista viisi liittyi logistiikkaan ja kun-nossapitoon yksi. Tämän jälkeen keskityttiin tutkiman RFID-tekniikan avulla saavutetta-via keskeisiä hyötyjä. RFID-teknologian ja prosessimaisen toiminnan avulla joukko-osastotasolla on saavutettavissa useita hyötyjä verrattuna nykytilan toimintaan. Uudessa toimintatavassa keskeisiä tunnistettuja hyötyjä ovat toiminnan automatisoituminen, teho-kas tiedonkeruu, toiminnan hyvä laatu ja tehokkuus. Toiminnan tehokkuutta organisaati-on logistisissa toiminnoissa on siis mahdollista kasvattaa ja samalla lisätä näkyvyyttä toimitusketjun sisälle ja sen eri vaiheisiin. Lisäksi RFID-teknologian käyttöönotolla pys-tytään tukemaan hyvin puolustusvoimien kunnossapidon strategista kumppanuutta.
The purpose of the thesis is to generate scenarios of future purposes and of use of ships, suitable for STX Finland Cruise Oy to design and build, over a 50 year time span by applying the Delphi method and an open innovation approach in a future workshop. The scenarios were mapped out with help of two Delphi survey rounds and one future workshop. The number of participants in both surveys and the workshop was some twenty experts in each, representing various fields. On the basis of the first survey round, four different subject areas were selected for analysis: purposes for the use of ships; energy efficiency of cruises and ships; cost efficiency of sea transportation and vacation; and the views and expectations of the customers in the future. As a result of the future workshop, four different themes were established, which were studied further during the second Delphi round. The themes are future service and operation concepts; versatile uses of the space in ships; communication of environmental benefits of ships, future energy solutions and social interaction between passengers onboard. In addition to generating the scenarios, further aim of the thesis is to implement the Delphi method and workshop activity as foresight tools for STX Europe and to produce a chart of a future shipbuilding foresight community to can serve the open innovation processes in the maritime cluster as a whole.
Tämän työn tarkoituksena oli tutkia miten rahtialuksen kansiluukut voitaisiin valmistaa mahdollisimman kevyiksi. Katettavan ruuman pinta-ala on n. 10 m x 40 m. Luukkujen suuresta jännevälistä johtuen, rakenteelta vaaditaan suurta jäykkyyttä. Erilaisina vaihtoehtoina tutkittiin vaahtomaista alumiinia, alumiinisia kennorakenteita ja polyuretaanisia sandwich-rakenteita. Työssä vertailtiin myös erilaisia geometrisia ratkaisuja, joilla kansiluukkujen jäykkyyttä pyrittiin lisäämään ja sitä kautta pääsemään pienempään materiaalin tarpeeseen. Geometriaa suunniteltaessa huomioitiin myös vaikutukset ruuman tilavuuteen ja lainsäädännön asettamat reunaehdot. Lainsäädännöstä saatiin esimerkiksi turvakaiteiden minimikorkeus, joka vaikuttaa suoraan ruuman tilavuuteen, kun aluksen korkeimmaksi kohdaksi on valittu laivan keskilinja ja tämä korkeus on annettu suunnittelun lähtötietona. Tietokoneavusteisen lujuuslaskennan avulla eri vaihtoehdoista muodostettiin elementtimallit. Malleja varioimalla ja tuloksia vertailemalla saatiin selville kevyin mahdollinen rakenne ja geometria. Malleista saatiin selville myös luukkujen tukireaktiovoimat, eli voimat, jotka luukut kohdistavat aluksen muihin rakenteisiin. Lisäksi työssä mietittiin erilaisia tapoja ruuman avaamiseen ja avaamistavan vaikutusta kansiluukkujen painoon, geometriaan ja ruuman tilavuuteen.
O presente trabalho reporta um método para a determinação de cromo (VI) por espectrometria de absorção atômica com chama (FAAS) após a extração e pré-concentração no ponto nuvem. O cromo (VI) é complexado com 1,5-difenilcarbazida (DFC) em meio ácido (pH 2,0) e é extraído para um volume de fase rica de 25 µL, com o uso do surfactante Triton X-114. As variáveis que afetam a formação do ponto nuvem, tais como a concentração de surfactante (0,1-1,0% m/v) e de complexante (0,01-0,80% m/v), o tempo de complexação (0-60 min) e o efeito da adição do eletrólito NaCl (0-20% m/v), são avaliadas. Sob condições otimizadas, são utilizados o Triton X-114 a 0,3% m/v, a DFC a 0,05% m/v e o NaCl a 10% m/v para a extração do cromo (VI). Esse método fornece limites de detecção e quantificação de 0,4 µg L-1 e 1,5 µg L-1, respectivamente, e uma faixa linear de calibração de 5 a 500 µg L-1. O fator de pré-concentração obtido é igual a 27 e a eficiência de extração varia de 87 a 99,3%.
Electrical motors on a ship attackable to different factors which decrease these lifetimes. One of the main external factors on a ship which usually is a reason of the motor failure is a moisture condensation which decreases the motor winding insulation and increase a probability of the short circuit. Therefore, the protection against moisture is necessary for ship electrical motors. The motor should be protected against moisture all time when it does not operate. The necessity of such protection requires a lot of energy consumption. This master’s thesis is focused on the creation of the electrical motor thermal model and on the different methods of the motor protection against moisture analysis with energy consumption point of view.
Marine traffic is expected to increase rapidly in the future, both in the Baltic Sea and in the Gulf of Finland. As the number of vessels in the area increases, so does the risk of serious marine accidents. To help prevent such accidents in the future, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has put forth the International Safety Management Code (the ISM Code), which aims to improve the safety of the vessels. The second work package of the Development of maritime safety culture (METKU) project investigates the effects of the ISM Code and potential areas of improvement in maritime safety. The first phase in the work package used a literature review to determine how maritime safety culture could be improved. Continuous improvement, management commitment and personnel empowerment and motivation were found to be essential. In the second phase, shipping companies and administrators were interviewed. It was discovered that especially incident reporting based on continuous improvement was felt to be lacking. This third phase aims to take a closer look at incident reporting and suggest improvements based on the findings. Both the IMO and national legislation encourage shipping companies in incident reporting, and on the national level a shared incident reporting system (ForeSea) is being pushed forward. The objective of this research project was to find out the IMO’s attitude towards incident reporting, to establish a theoretical framework of reference in incident reporting, and to observe how reporting is actually being employed on the seas. Existing incident reporting systems were also researched. The study was carried out using a literature review and the results previously gathered in interviews. The results of phase two were elaborated further for themes relating to incident reporting. According to the findings of this research, the theoretical background of incident reporting dates back to the early 20th century. Although some theories are widely accepted, some have also received criticism. The lack of a concise, shared terminology poses major difficulties in maritime incident reporting and in determining its efficiency. A central finding is the fact that existing incident reporting focuses mostly on information flow away from the ship, whereas the backward information flow is much less planned and monitored. In incident reporting, both nationally and internationally, stakeholders are plenty. The information produced by these parties is scattered, however, and thus not very usable. Based on this research, the centralizing of this information should be made a priority. Traditionally, the success of incident reporting has been determined statistically, from the number of reported incidents. Yet existing reporting systems have not been designed with such statistical analysis in mind, so different methodologies might yield a more comprehensive view. The previous findings of seafarers and management (including shipping companies and administration) having differing views on safety work and safety management were backed up by the results of this study. Seafarers find seamanship and storytelling important, while management wants a more systematic and broad approach on safety matters. The research project was carried out by the Centre for Maritime Studies of the University of Turku, in the Kotka unit (Maritime Logistics Research), with coordination by the Kotka Maritime Research Centre. The major financiers of the project were the European Union and the city of Kotka. The financing authority was the Regional Council of Päijät-Häme. Partners in the project were the shipping companies Finnlines Oyj, Kristina Cruises Oy, Meriaura Oy and VG-Shipping Oy, and the ports of Helsinki, Kotka and Hamina. The partners provided both funding for the project and information for the research.
A quantitative analysis is made on the correlation ship of thermodynamic property, i.e., standard enthalpy of formation (ΔH fº) with Kier's molecular connectivity index(¹Xv),vander waal's volume (Vw) electrotopological state index (E) and refractotopological state index (R) in gaseous state of alkanes. The regression analysis reveals a significant linear correlation of standard enthalpy of formation (ΔH fº) with ¹Xv, Vw, E and R. The equations obtained by regression analysis may be used to estimate standard enthalpy of formation (ΔH fº) of alkanes in gaseous state.
B lymphocytes constitute a key branch of adaptive immunity by providing specificity to recognize a vast variety of antigens by B cell antigen receptors (BCR) and secreted antibodies. Antigen recognition activates the cells and can produce antibody secreting plasma cells via germinal center reaction that leads to the maturation of antigen recognition affinity and switching of antibody effector class. The specificity of antigen recognition is achieved through a multistep developmental pathway that is organized by interplay of transcription factors and signals through BCR. Lymphoid malignancies arise from different stages of development in abnormal function of transcriptional regulation. To understand the B cell development and the function of B cells, a thorough understanding of the regulation of gene expression is important. The transcription factors of the Ikaros family and Bcl6 are frequently associated with lymphoma generation. The aim of this study was to reveal the targets of Ikaros, Helios and Bcl6 mediated gene regulation and to find out the function of Ikaros and Helios in B cells. This study uses gene targeted DT40 B cell lines and establishes a role for Ikaros family factors Ikaros and Helios in the regulation of BCR signaling that is important at developmental checkpoints, for cell survival and in activation. Ikaros and Helios had opposing roles in the regulation of BCR signals. Ikaros was found to directly repress the SHIP gene that encodes a signaling lipid-metabolizing enzyme, whereas Helios had activating effect on SHIP expression. The findings demonstrate a balancing function for these two Ikaros family transcription factors in the regulation of BCR signaling as well as in the regulation of gene expression. Bcl6 was found to repress plasma cell gene expression program while maintaining gene expression profile of B cells. Analysis of direct Bcl6 target genes suggested novel mechanisms for Bcl6-mediated suppression of plasma cell differentiation and promoting germinal center phenotype.
Jäänmurtajien ja jäänmurtopalveluiden kehittymisen myötä Suomen teollisuus ja ulkomaankauppa on voinut tukeutua ympärivuotisiin merikuljetuksiin. Vuodesta 1889 lähtien, yli sadan vuoden ajan, jäänmurto oli valtion virkamiesten hoitamaa palvelua. Viimeisen seitsemän vuoden aikana jäänmurtajat ja palveluntuotanto on siirtynyt liikelaitoksen kautta valtion omistamalle osakeyhtiölle. Tarkoituksena on ollut monien muiden palveluiden tapaan saada myös jäänmurto kilpailutuksen piiriin. Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena oli selvittää jäänmurto -liiketoiminnan kannattavuutta kilpailuun mahdollisesti osallistuvien yritysten näkökulmasta. Kannattavuutta selvitettiin kolmen tutkimuskokonaisuuden avulla. Tutkittavat osa-alueet olivat jäänmurron sopimukset, kustannusrakenne sekä muu mahdollinen jäänmurtajalla avovesikaudella suoritettava liiketoiminta. Tutkimus toteutettiin haastattelututkimuksena. Haastateltavina oli sekä jäänmurrossa mukana olevia ja siitä kiinnostuneita varustamoita että muita merenkulun sidosryhmiä, joiden toiminta vaikuttaa liiketoiminnan kannattavuuteen. Lisäksi tehtiin laskelmia kilpailutekijöiden selventämiseksi. Työn tuloksena ei pyritty saamaan ehdotonta tulosta kannattavuudesta, vaan tuloksina esiteltiin yritysten ja sidosryhmien näkemyksiä siitä, miten jäänmurron kilpailutusta voisi kehittää. Erityisesti haluttiin tuoda esille ne seikat, mitkä varustamot näkivät tärkeänä ja mitkä tukisivat heidän osallistumistaan mahdolliseen kilpailuun.
This study compares different electric propulsion systems. Results of the analysis of all the advantages and disadvantages of the different propulsion systems are given. This thesis estimates possibilities to apply different diesel-electric propulsion concepts for different vessel types. Small and medium size vessel’s power ranges are studied. The optimal delivery system is chosen. This choice is made on the base of detailed study of the concepts, electrical equipment market and comparison of mass, volume and efficiency parameters. In this thesis three marine generators are designed. They are: salient pole synchronous generator and two permanent magnet synchronous generators. Their electrical, dimensional, cost and efficiency parameters are compared. To understand all the benefits diagrams with these parameters are prepared. Possible benefits and money savings are estimated. As the result the advantages, disadvantages and boundary conditions for the permanent magnet synchronous generator application in marine electric-power systems are found out.