789 resultados para Tabelas de contingência
This study aimed to evaluate the dynamic factor applied to the results obtained by dynamic resistance formulas Janbu and Hiley, would lead to the results obtained by static strength analysis CAPWAPC ®. The evaluation was done by backcalculation dynamic loading tests (ECD), taking into consideration the type of soil in which the cutting base precast concrete were settled, and using the information on the effective energy transmitted to the stakes by hammers, obtained by CAPWAPC ®. The results are shown in tables and graphs, and showed that the use of these formulations and their dynamic factors can become an efficient and economical field, assisting the engineer in making decisions regarding the staking of the work
This experimental study aimed the evaluation of the use of anthropomorphic phantoms in the analysis of the influence of the acquisition parameters in the contrast of radiographic images. The analyzed factors were the variation of the peak kilovoltage (kVp) and the product of the filament circuit by the time of exposition (mAs). The influence of these factors was verified for different anthropomorphic phantoms: foot, knee and chest. The image contrast behavior with the simulators was compared to values obtained with the use of an aluminum ladder being the behavior of this reference for analysis and discussion. To assure the reproducibility of images, quality control tests were made and evaluation of procedure conditions before the experiments. The results obtained are shown in a scale of images where it was possible to evaluate the impact in the darkness of images. Regions with different compositions were analyzed which were different in image, this way the values of optical density and contrast are represented as charts and graphics. We conclude that the use of anthropomorphic phantoms in the evaluation of the influence of tension of the tube and time of exposition in the contrast of the radiographic images is not indicated for a quantitative analysis through optical density, once they present incompatible results with the data as reference as the aluminum ladder even so these simulators present a great property in qualitative analysis regarding the differentiation of structures and subjective evaluations
This study aimed to analyze the characteristics of temperature and air humidity from neighborhoods of Presidente Prudente according to the pattern of land use specific to each of them, over a representative period of winter (July 2011), at different times of day in order to identify the major changes in climatic elements and their causes in urban areas. The work is based mainly on the Monteiro’s theory (1976) of Urban Climate System and for its implementation was used data of temperature and relative humidity of the air in three urban neighborhoods and one rural area. With them, a Chart of Rhythmic Analysis was elaborated for identification of the operating atmospherics systems and basic climate conditions in the period. Were prepared, also, graphs and charts to evaluate and compare the data. There were significant differences in the characteristics of temperature and air humidity between the neighborhoods, especially when compared the urban areas with the rural area
Cartography is one of the languages that express the knowledge of the geographic space and, therefore, the official curriculum proposals have highlighted the importance of the geography teaching which articulates its contents with this language in primary education. So, we present an analysis of the content selected to the curriculum mapping specifications of the São Paulo faz escola material, specifically for the 6th year of Elementary School II, version 2009. From the perspective of qualitative research, with instruments and techniques of quantitative and qualitative research, we analyzed documents and observed little concern with the proposition works that present the physical and social characteristics of the state of São Paulo. Also, we noticed the lack of concern with representations in local and regional scales. The research brings many examples on the global scale. It explores few activities using graphics and charts. Despite bringing thematic maps in their entirety, it does not show an example of conical projection as well as cartograms and anamorphosis. Furthermore, the trend of a technicist education is announced in the document
Even today tables are used in the calculation of structures formed by flat elements, these methods are acceptable only for a limited number of cases, but even so, in some situations, tables are used. With time some methods of differential equations resolutions were emerging and accepted as the most effective solution. Today, with the advancement in technology, there are already some programs able to solve more complex problems in less time using these methods. Aiming to optimize time and better understand the physical behavior of plates, this work presents the theory of plate, the Boundary Element Method (BEM) applied to solve problems of plates (slabs) with various boundary conditions and load through the program Placas2 (TAGUTI, Y.-2010) in Fortran language
The Measurement System Analysis (MSA - Measurement System Analysis) is a statistical methodology developed to study and analyze the behavior of the measurement systems, and, therefore, allow the increased of the confidence readings performed by measuring instruments. It’s widely used in the automotive industry since the 90’s and is a mandatory requirement for the approval of the parts according to ISO Standard of the automotive sector. However, the aerospace industry doesn’t require this type of Study, once which the vast majority of aeronautics parts have characteristics (dimensions) with very tight tolerances, closed, ie, at the home of microns. This work aims to create lists of recommendations for definitions of measuring instruments in developing of control plans, which correlates tolerances fields of characteristics for different settings and acceptance of the instrument, classified as optimum, recommended and not recommended, through of the study of R&R (Repeatability and Reproducibility) in aeronautics parts. Every methodology of the experimental part was based on modern strategy of continuous improvement, the DMAIC (Define Measure Analyze Implant Control), in order to achieve better measurement method used in the control of milling aeronautics parts, identifying and reducing the variations of the measurement process. The results of the R&R Study in large part of measuring instrument manuals were considered acceptable and/or recommended, ie with values of %P/T and %RR lower than 30%, providing statistical data which have enabled the elaboration of tables of recommendations, which, from this work, have turned into very important documents and aid for Process Engineering, having in their hands a technical study able to identify which is the most appropriate instrument to get a more robust dimensional... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Fossil fuels are the main energy sources of the modern industrial age. Very sophisticated processes have been developed to extract these resources, due to increased demand on a global scale, as the extraction of oil. However, the complexity of these processes can cause accidents such as the release of oil to seas and oceans. In this context, this study proposes to carry out the implementation of a system of information to charts of environmental sensitivity to oil and prepare maps of vulnerability to oil for the city of Caraguatatuba-SP. The implementation of the database with geographical information of coastal environments was appropriate to be provided by the Internet, allowing wide access of data. The maps of vulnerability are important tool developed for the Individual Emergency Plans, because they were developed in operational scale, appropriate to actions to combat oil.
Estima-se que anualmente, em função do tráfico de animais silvestres, cerca de 12 milhões de espécimes sejam retirados de nossas florestas, sendo que apenas uma ínfima porcentagem de indivíduos é recuperada e destinada à soltura com o devido rigor técnico. O tráfico de animais silvestres constitui um dos fatores mais relevantes da destruição da fauna, acarretando em um desequilíbrio na estruturação e manutenção dos ecossistemas. Este comércio ilegal constituise o terceiro maior do mundo, perdendo apenas para o tráfico de narcóticos e armas. Assim, para otimizar o processo de soltura da fauna como estratégia para conservação de espécies torna-se necessário uma análise quantitativa e qualitativa da fauna atendida e dos procedimentos realizados nos Centros de Triagem de Animais Silvestres (CETAS). Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo fazer uma caracterização da fauna recebida e uma avaliação dos procedimentos realizados em dois CETAS, além de discutir sobre a importância desse órgão na triagem, reabilitação e conservação de animais silvestres. O presente estudo é justificado pela escassez de informações sobre a fauna retirada da natureza. Estas são necessárias para servir de base científica para a adoção de políticas públicas para o combate ao tráfico de animais silvestres; elaborar um programa de fauna que contemple a triagem e destinação adequada e contribuir para o desenvolvimento de trabalhos educativos com o fim de esclarecimento da sociedade. Foram analisados o “Livro de Registro” do CETAS da Fundação Animália e o “Livro de Plantão” do CETAS DEPAVE – 3, bem como os “Relatórios CETAS” que esses dois Centros enviaram ao IBAMA. O período escolhido foi do ano de 2003 a 2008. Os dados foram compilados e organizados em planilhas do Microsoft Office Excel e foram elaborados tabelas e gráficos para análise dos resultados.
This study aimed to perform the analysis and characterization of environmental sensitivity to oil from Baixada Santista in the State of São Paulo. The work was done by integrating data of physical environmet, socio-economic activities and the biological / ecological provided by the Research Group on Environmental Sensitivity to Oil Spill in the Institute of Geosciences and Exact Sciences of UNESP “Julio de Mesquita Filho” wich works in the conjunction with the Program of Human Resources Training in Geosciences and Environmental Sciences Applied to the Oil and Gas (PRH-05) of the National Petroleum Agency (ANP). Were also performed descriptive statistical analysis, based on dispersion and trend parameters, which allowed to answer questions related to environmental sensitivity index (ISL) prevalence, the predominance of the ISL by environment and the predominance of the environments of the area, thus providing an overview of Baixada Santista’s main towns about sensitivity to oil. Analyses performed in this study may also help mitigate the environmental and socioeconomic impacts and contribute to contingency plans development for Baixada Santista
A erosão genética de espécies domesticadas, provocada pelos processos associados a Revolução Verde despertou o interesse mundial pela agrobiodiversidade manejada em sistemas agrícolas de pequena escala onde situam-se agricultores familiares. Propostas de conservação in situ e/ou on farm têm sido elaboradas. No Brasil, a agricultura familiar tem grande importância na produção de alimentos e a mandioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) é a espécie que se sobressai, sendo a agricultura familiar responsável por 87% da sua produção. O presente estudo teve como objetivos: um levantamento etnobotânico dos cultivos alimentícios de raízes e tubérculos de agricultores familiares do município de Rio Claro, São Paulo; e analisar aspectos sócio-econômicos visando estratégias para a conservação in situ de variedades por eles cultivadas e potencial continuidade das atividades pelas gerações futuras. Foram entrevistados 31 agricultores, em sua maioria homens, usando o método “Bola de neve”, distribuídos entre nove bairros ou distritos rurais da cidade de Rio Claro. As entrevistas realizadas para coleta dos dados foram semi-estruturadas, tanto para dados sócioeconômicos como para os dados sobre as variedades reconhecidas pelos agricultores. As entrevistas foram realizadas nos sítios dos agricultores e suas áreas de cultivo foram visitadas, onde foram feitas coletas botânicas. Os dados foram analisados de forma qualitativa utilizando-se gráficos e tabelas e descrições do estudo de caso. A espécie predominante da amostra foi a mandioca. Os agricultores mostraram possuir fatores positivos que os caracterizam como mantenedores da diversidade agrícola, como o fato de cultivarem etnovariedades de mandioca diversas e terem um sistema de caracterização e reconhecimento delas de base empírica, contudo, estes agricultores perderam, em sua maioria... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Este trabajo tiene como objetivo principal oferecer una herramienta alternativa para la resolución de placas finas, presentes en edifícios, relacionadas con los métodos de cálculo adquiridos durante la universidad, calculo a través de tablas con pocas condiciones de controno. El método utilizado es el Método de los elementos de contorno que discretiza la placa en partes finitas, aproximando los resultados obtenidos a valores reales. En este trabajo se ha utilizado el programa de ordenador Placas2.for (TAGUTI,Y. 2010) basado en el Método de los elementos de contorno para la resolución de las placas finas con varias condiciones de contorno geométricas y de cargas
A pesquisa consiste na análise de uma avaliação diagnóstica aplicada em escolas estaduais do Estado de São Paulo no ano de 2012, essa avaliação é concedida pelo próprio Estado, porém essa análise se restringe em apenas uma escola com cinco salas de sétimos anos, totalizando cerca de cento e trinta alunos. O objetivo é examinar as provas de matemática e através dos resultados verificarem se as habilidades e competências dos alunos estão de acordo com o nível esperado para o ano em que se encontram, para realizar essa análise será feito a tabulação dos resultados que será apresentado em forma de banco de dados e tabelas, e também será realizada a análise descritiva. Também será falado quando e o porquê surgiu esse sistema de avaliação e as mudanças que teve ao longo do tempo
Os processos geomorfológicos são responsáveis pelas formas do relevo, constituindo uma das dimensões do substrato físico para o desenvolvimento das atividades antrópicas. O conhecimento e a identificação dos mecanismos destes processos podem contribuir para o entendimento das dinâmicas naturais e das ações humanas sobre a superfície terrestre. Desta forma, objetivo desse trabalho de pesquisa foi identificar e caracterizar as principais unidades geomorfológicas do baixo curso do rio Paranapanema, a partir da utilização dos Sistemas de Informação Geográfica (SIG) e do uso de geotecnologias. No SIG foram realizadas as seguintes etapas da pesquisa: processamento digital das imagens de radar, georreferenciamento dos dados, delimitação e compilação da área de estudo e elaboração dos mapas temáticos. Os procedimentos metodológicos adotados fundamentaram-se basicamente nos conceitos de morfoestrutura e morfoescultura para classificação e taxonomia do relevo, desenvolvidos por Jurandir L. S. Ross (1992). As classes de dissecação do relevo, carta clinográfica e hipsometria da bacia foram obtidas a partir do processamento de cartas topográficas e imagens de radar da missão SRTM. Os resultados apresentados na forma de mapas, gráficos e tabelas permitiram analisar e caracterizar os processos geomorfológicos atuantes na bacia do baixo Paranapanema, com maior riqueza de detalhe (1: 250 000)
The objective the work at hand has is to discuss the dropouts of students from the major Physics in the campus of Guaratinguetá – UNESP. A survey has been made about the number of graduated and evaded students of each class since 1989, year that this course was created, until the year 2011. For this purpose, lists were collected from the section of graduation of the university, in which you will find names, year of entry, way of entry and situation of each students already enrolled in the course. Data about the dropouts of other courses of Physics at UNESP were also collected, in order to compare with the results from the unity of Guaratinguetá. Besides that, the results from researches about the lack of physics professors in the country were also taken into consideration. Some of this research sought to identify the main reasons of dropouts from the students of Physics. The data collected indicates that the dropout of this course in the campus of Guaratinguetá is higher when compared to the dropouts of others in this institution. It’s also true that the dropout rates haven’t changed significantly over the years, the average being 66.2% in the period between 1989 and 2007. However, the reason for the dropouts has changed of the years, dropouts to change for other majors increased, especially after 2005, being responsible for almost half of the dropouts in the last three years. The survey with the enrolled students of 2012 showed that this is a group of young students that don’t work and many of them have enrolled with the intension to transfer to other courses. These data contradicts the results of some researches that point out difficulties for students to reconciling work with study as one of the main causes of the dropouts. This suggests the picture in this work about the dropouts... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
In radiation theraphy with electron beam, the electrons are produced in linear accelerators, and energy the most used have between 4MeV and 20MeV. Generally, the treatments are done for superficial injuries, because the low penetration of these particles. In this work a system for calculation of monitor units (U.M.) for cases of treatments with electron beam was developed. The Excel program of Microsoft was used and is easily found in the operational system of the personal microcomputers. In the Excel has been inserted the pertinent data of the linear accelerator of Varian, model 2100C, used in the Service of radiation theraphy of the Hospital of the Clinics of the College of Medicine of the UNESP of Botucatu. For some values of the physical parameters, such as: factors field and factors calibration, not supplied in the tests of acceptance of the machine, still proceeded calculations from interpolation and extrapolation. The mathematical formulas for automatic search of these and others factors used in the calculations of the determination of the U.M had been developed in agreement available routines in Excel. For this the functions had been used the function IF (that it imposes search condition) and the PROCH (that looks a value in a column from determined line), beyond the basic functions of addition, multiplication and division. It is intended to optimize the routine of the Services of radiation theraphy that perform through eletrontheraphy procedures, speeding the calculations and minimizing the occurrence of errors and uncertainties deriving of the maken a mistake manipulation of the parameters gotten in tables of data of electron beams