974 resultados para TC-1 tumor
OBJETIVO: Relatar as características clínicas, tratamento e complicações.dos tumores de Warthin. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo com 70 pacientes submetidos à ressecção de cistoadenoma papilífero linfomatoso,. Variáveis analisadas: idade, sexo, etnia, presença ou não de tabagismo, sítio primário do tumor, tamanho do tumor em centímetros, presença de bilateralidade, tipo de operação, multicentricidade, complicações do tratamento, presença de recidiva no seguimento e tempo de seguimento.. RESULTADOS: Quarenta e quatro pacientes (62,8%) eram do sexo masculino e 26 (37,2%), do sexo feminino, com média etária de 56,7 anos, O tabagismo estava presente em 55 (78,6%) pacientes, (94,3%) dos tumores eram unilaterais e quatro (5,7%) bilaterais, com tamanho médio de 4,1cm ao exame físico. As complicações foram 14 (19%) casos de paresia e/ou paralisia facial, seroma em 10 (13,8%), síndrome de Frey em três (4%), hematoma em dois (2,7%) e infecção de ferida operatória em um (1,5%) caso. CONCLUSÃO: O tumor de Warthin tem maior incidência no sexo masculino, em tabagistas e localização unilateral predominante na glândula parótida. A parotidectomia superficial com preservação do nervo facial mostrou-se eficaz em 100% casos. As complicações encontradas foram paresias ou paralisias transitórias, seroma, síndrome de Frey, hematoma e infecção de ferida operatória.
It is crucial that lymphocytes patrol the body against foreign intruders and that leukocytes invade inflamed tissues to ameliorate the infection or injury. The adhesion molecules in leukocytes and endothelial cells play an essential role in the immune response by directing the traffic of leukocytes. However, the same molecules that guide leukocyte traffic under physiological conditions are also involved in pathological situations, when an overly excessive or harmful inflammatory response leads to tissue destruction and organ dysfunction or tumor growth. Vascular adhesion protein-1 (VAP-1) and Common lymphatic endothelial and vascular endothelial receptor-1 (CLEVER-1) are endothelial molecules that participate in the adhesion of leukocytes to the endothelia. This study was designed to elucidate, using different inflammation models, the role of VAP-1 and CLEVER-1 in leukocyte migration to the inflamed tissue, and to evaluate the use of antibodies against these molecules as an anti-adhesive therapy. Also, the role of CLEVER-1 during tumorigenesis was studied. Blocking the function of VAP-1 with antibodies significantly decreased the accumulation of leukocytes in the inflamed tissue. Targeting CLEVER-1 prevented cell migration via lymphatic vessels, as well as leukocyte traffic during inflammation. Following the anti-CLEVER-1 antibody treatment the number of immune regulating leukocytes in tumors was reduced, which led to a decrease in tumor growth. However, the normal immune response towards immunization or bacterial infection was not compromised. Thus, VAP-1 and CLEVER-1 are both potential targets for antiinflammatory therapies for preventing the harmful accumulation of leukocytes in inflamed areas. Targeting CLEVER-1 may also inhibit tumor growth by reducing immunosuppressive leukocytes in tumors
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the applicability of the main categories of risk and morphological factors in the prognosis of gastrointestinal stromal tumors. METHODS: we retrospectively studied fifty-four cases of GIST, assessing the main prognostic factors of this neoplasis: risk levels, topography, size, mitotic index, necrosis, histological subtype and immunophenotype. We also verified their association and the reduction of overall survival. RESULTS: Univariate analysis showed that tumors with mitoses number greater than 5 per 50CGA (high-power fields), the presence of necrosis and a high risk for both the systems proposed by Fletcher and Miettinen had a significant association with reduced survival (p = 0.00001, 0.0056, 0.03 and 0.009, respectively). The remaining analyzed factors (size, histological subtype, topography and immunophenotype) had no such association. Multivariate analysis (Jacard index) showed that the Miettinen degree of risk was the one that best correlated with prognosis. CONCLUSION: the risk criteria of Fletcher and Miettinen are important in assessing the prognosis of patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumors, especially the latter, which adds to the mitotic index and the presence of tumor necrosis.
The gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) is a rare mesenchymal tumor. One should pay special attention when the GIST comes in obese patients during surgery. The laparoscopic resections with standard techniques, such as gastric bypass, have been described with good results. However, GIST resection associated sleeve gastrectomy for the treatment of obesity is rare, but can be done safely, depending on the location of the tumor.
Objective: to evaluate the effect of the Euphorbia tirucalli hydroalcoholic extract (ETHE) on the development of Ehrlich Tumor, in its ascitic form. Methods: we intraperitoneally inoculated 15 Swiss mice with 10.44 x 107 cells of Ehrlich Tumor and divided them in two groups one day after: ETHE Group (eight mice), treated with a dosage of 125 mg/kg/day of EHTE for five days; and Control Group (seven mice), treated only with 0.9% isotonic saline solution over the same period. The treatment was done by gavage. Ten days after inoculation, four mice from each group were sacrificed for quantification of tumor cell number, ascitic fluid volume and bone marrow cell number. The remaining animals were maintained to evaluate survival. Results: The ascitic fluid volume and the tumor cell number were decreased in the ETHE group when compared with the control group, but with no statistical significance. On the other hand, survival was higher in the ETHE group, as well as the number of bone marrow cells. Conclusion: Treatment with ETHE after inoculation of Ehrlich Tumor decreases its development and increases survival and the bone marrow cellularity, thus reducing the myelosuppression present in the Ehrlich Tumor bearing mice.
Objetivo: o acometimento do trato urinário pela endometriose é raro e quando ocorre, a bexiga é o órgão mais freqüentemente afetado. Observamos que algumas pacientes têm sido encaminhadas com o diagnóstico clínico de neoplasia vesical. Em geral, a literatura mostra relatos isolados de casos, tornando difícil a padronização de condutas. Tivemos por objetivo apresentar nossa experiência, mostrando os principais aspectos diagnósticos e terapêuticos desta entidade clínica. Métodos: avaliamos retrospectivamente os casos com diagnóstico de endometriose vesical por meio do arquivo do Departamento de Patologia, fazendo revisão dos dados clínicos de prontuário e convocando as pacientes para seguimento ambulatorial após tratamento. Resultados: os principais sinais e sintomas apresentados pelas pacientes foram disúria cíclica, massa e dor pélvica crônica. O diagnóstico presuntivo foi realizado mediante ultra-sonografia (USG), tomografia computadorizada (TC) de abdome, cistoscopia e laparoscopia. O diagnóstico definitivo com confirmação anátomo-patológica foi obtido pela ressecção endoscópica em 3 casos e biópsia laparoscópica em 1 caso. As opções terapêuticas foram o tratamento medicamentoso exclusivo e a ressecção da lesão empregando a via endoscópica ou cistectomia parcial, sempre complementados por tratamento clínico adjuvante. Conclusões: revisamos os principais aspectos clínicos e terapêuticos da endometriose do trato urinário, lembrando que esta representa um importante diagnóstico diferencial de tumor vesical em mulheres jovens na idade reprodutiva.
O tumor não trofoblástico placentário encontrado com maior freqüência é o corioangioma, com incidência de aproximadamente 1%. Quando são pequenos, geralmente não levam a alterações fetais, mas quando são grandes, podem levar a restrição de crescimento intra-útero, poliidrâmnio, trabalho de parto prematuro, insuficiência cardíaca congestiva e morte fetal. Os autores relatam um caso de corioangioma em uma paciente de 28 anos, diagnosticado em exame ultra-sonográfico de rotina, com idade gestacional de 32 semanas. O diagnóstico foi confirmado pelo exame anatomopatológico. As avaliações ultra-sonográficas revelaram a presença de sofrimento fetal crônico, que levou à interrupção da gestação com 36 semanas. Os resultados neonatais foram satisfatórios, com Apgar de 9-10 e peso fetal de 2.460 gramas.
O tumor desmoide é uma neoplasia não capsulada, localmente agressiva, originária dos fibroblastos dos tecidos músculo-aponeuróticos. Embora ele não tenha comportamento maligno, tal como capacidade de gerar metástases ou de invasão, o tumor desmoide tem uma alta capacidade de crescimento local, causando deformidades nos órgãos adjacentes, dor e, eventualmente, disfunção orgânica, dependendo da área envolvida. Relatamos o caso de um tumor desmoide intra-abdominal de grandes proporções, invadindo órgãos pélvicos em uma paciente de 53 anos. A neoplasia foi totalmente extirpada e, atualmente, cinco anos após a cirurgia, a paciente encontra-se sem sinal clínico ou radiológico de recidiva da lesão.
Tumores mamários são comuns em cães, e constituem o neoplasma mais frequente em cadelas. Este estudo tem como objetivos principais estabelecer a prevalência dos tumores mamários, e dos diferentes tipos histológicos (neoplásicos e não-neoplásicos), diagnosticados em cães no Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (LPV-UFSM). Foram avaliados 1.304 protocolos de exames histopatológicos recebidos em 1990-2008 e 132 protocolos de necropsias realizadas em 2000-2008. Deles foram obtidos a raça, o sexo e a idade dos cães, a localização do tumor na cadeia mamária, o diagnóstico morfológico e a ocorrência de metástases. Nos protocolos de exame histopatológico, foram diagnosticados 1.495 tumores, considerando que alguns cães tinham mais de um tipo de tumor, sendo 1.465 neoplásicos e 30 não-neoplásicos. Dos neoplásicos, 390 (26,6%) eram benignos e 1.075 (73,3%) eram malignos, estabelecendo-se uma relação benigno: maligno de 1:2,75. Das 1.125 necropsias de cães realizadas em 2000-2008, 132 (11,6%) protocolos tinham descrições de tumor de mama, perfazendo 152 diagnósticos morfológicos, dos quais 150 eram neoplásicos e dois eram não-neoplásicos. Carcinoma simples foi o tipo histológico mais prevalente tanto em biópsias como em necropsias. Nas necropsias, foram observadas metástases para linfonodos em 39 casos (29,5%) e para órgãos distantes em 64 casos (53,3%).
O mastocitoma cutâneo (MTC) é a neoplasia maligna mais comum na pele dos cães e seu comportamento biológico é muito variável. Dentre os fatores prognósticos estudados nos MTCs, a classificação histopatológica, o índice proliferativo e o padrão de expressão doc-KIT são os que apresentam uma associação mais relevante com o provável prognóstico deste tumor. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a expressão proteica de fator de crescimento semelhante à insulina tipo 1 (IGF-1), fator de célula tronco (SCF) e sua relação com o receptor tirosina quinase (c-KIT), alvo da rapamicina em mamíferos (m-TOR), grau histológico, índice proliferativo pelo KI-67e o número de figuras de mitose (IM) com dados clínicos de cães com MTCs . Foram utilizadas 133 amostras de MTCs, provenientes de 133 cães, dispostas em lâminas de microarranjo de tecidos (TMA). A técnica de imuno-histoquímica foi utilizada para a avaliação destas proteínas. Observou-se associação entre SCF e, a graduação histopatológica proposta em 2011, índice mitótico, proliferação celular (KI-67), escore de IGF-1, local da lesão, idade dos animais e padrão imuno-histoquímico do receptor c-KIT. A relação de dependência também foi observada entre IGF-1 e o porte dos animais, IM, m-TOR e c-KIT. A expressão de SCF teve relacção com a agressividade dos MTCs caninos, uma vez que foi mais freqüente em MTCs com c-KIT citoplasmático. A relação entre a expressão de IGF-1, SCF, c-KIT e m-TOR pode estar associada à integralização de suas vias de ação. A expressão de IGF-1 está associada à MTCs em cães de porte grande.
The overexpression of proteins P-glycoprotein (P-gp), multidrug resistance-associated protein (MRP1), mutant p53, and the enzyme glutathione-S-transferase (GSTpi) are related to resistance to chemotherapy in neoplasms. This study evaluated the expression of these markers by immunohistochemistry in two groups of canine TVT, without history of prior chemotherapy (TVT1, n=9) and in TVTs presented unsatisfactory clinical response to vincristine sulfate (TVT2, n=5). The percentage of specimens positively stained for P-gp, MRP1, GSTpi and p53 were, respectively 88.8%, 0%, 44.5% and 22.2% in TVT1 and 80%, 0%, 80% and 0% in TVT2. In TVT1, one specimen presented positive expression for three markers and four specimens for two markers. In TVT2, three specimens expressed P-gp and GSTpi. In conclusion, the canine TVTs studied expressed the four markers evaluated, but just P-gp and GSTpi were significantly expressed, mainly at cytoplasm and cytoplasm and nuclei, respectively, either before chemotherapy as after vincristine sulfate exposure. Future studies are needed to demonstrate the function of these two markers in conferring multidrug resistance (MDR) or predict the response to chemotherapy in canine TVT.
In tumor-bearing rats, most of the serum amino acids are used for synthesis and oxidation processes by the neoplastic tissue. In the present study, the effect of Walker 256 carcinoma growth on the intestinal absorption of leucine, methionine and glucose was investigated in newly weaned and mature rats. Food intake and carcass weight were decreased in newly weaned (NT) and mature (MT) rats bearing Walker 256 tumor in comparison with control animals (NC and MC). The tumor/carcass weight ratio was higher in NT than in MT rats, whereas nitrogen balance was significantly decreased in both as compared to control animals. Glucose absorption was significantly reduced in MT rats (MT = 47.3 ± 4.9 vs MC = 99.8 ± 5.3 nmol min-1 cm-1, Kruskal-Wallis test, P<0.05) but this fact did not hamper the evolution of cancer. There was a significant increase in methionine absorption in both groups (NT = 4.2 ± 0.3 and MT = 2.0 ± 0.1 vs NC = 3.7 ± 0.1 and MC = 1.2 ± 0.2 nmol min-1 cm-1, Kruskal-Wallis test, P<0.05), whereas leucine absorption was increased only in young tumor-bearing rats (NT = 8.6 ± 0.2 vs NC = 7.7 ± 0.4 nmol min-1 cm-1, Kruskal-Wallis test, P<0.05), suggesting that these metabolites are being used for synthesis and oxidation processes by the neoplastic cells, which might ensure their rapid proliferation especially in NT rats.
In the course of studies on the effects of septal area lesions on neuroimmunomodulation and Walker 256 tumor development, it was observed that tumor-induced sodium and water retention was less marked in lesioned than in non-lesioned rats. In the present study possible mechanisms involved in this phenomenon were investigated. The experiments were performed in septal-lesioned (LW; N = 15) and sham-operated (SW; N = 7) 8-week-old male Wistar rats, which received multifocal simultaneous subcutaneous (sc) inoculations of Walker 256 tumor cells about 30 days after the stereotaxic surgery. Control groups (no tumor, sham-operated food-restricted (SFR), N = 7) and lesioned food-restricted (LFR, N = 10) were subjected to a feeding pattern similar to that observed in tumor-bearing animals. Multifocal inoculation of Walker 256 tumor rapidly induces anorexia, which is paradoxically accompanied by an increase in body weight, as a result of renal Na+ and fluid retention. These effects of the tumor were also seen in LW rats, although the rise in fractional sodium balance during the early clinical period was significantly smaller than in SW rats (day 4: SW = 47.6 ± 6.4% and LW = 13.8 ± 5.2%; day 5: SW = 57.5 ± 3.5% and LW = 25.7 ± 4.8%; day 6: SW = 54.4 ± 3.8% and LW = 32.1 ± 4.4%; P<0.05), suggesting a temporary reduction in tumor-induced sodium retention. In contrast, urine output was significantly reduced in SW rats and increased in LW rats (LW up to -0.85 and SW up to 4.5 ml/100 g body weight), with no change in osmolar excretion. These temporary changes in the tumor's effects on LW rats may reflect a "reversal" of the secondary central antidiuretic response induced by the tumor (from antidiuretic to diuretic).
Induction of apoptosis by tumor necrosis factor (TNF) is modulated by changes in the expression and activity of several cell cycle regulatory proteins. We examined the effects of TNF (1-100 ng/ml) and butyrolactone I (100 µM), a specific inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinases (CDK) with high selectivity for CDK-1 and CDK-2, on three different cancer cell lines: WEHI, L929 and HeLa S3. Both compounds blocked cell growth, but only TNF induced the common events of apoptosis, i.e., chromatin condensation and ladder pattern of DNA fragmentation in these cell lines. The TNF-induced apoptosis events were increased in the presence of butyrolactone. In vitro phosphorylation assays for exogenous histone H1 and endogenous retinoblastoma protein (pRb) in the total cell lysates showed that treatment with both TNF and butyrolactone inhibited the histone H1 kinase (WEHI, L929 and HeLa) and pRb kinase (WEHI) activities of CDKs, as compared with the controls. The role of proteases in the TNF and butyrolactone-induced apoptosis was evaluated by comparing the number and expression of polypeptides in the cell lysates by gel electrophoresis. TNF and butyrolactone treatment caused the disappearance of several cellular protein bands in the region between 40-200 kDa, and the 110- 90- and 50-kDa proteins were identified as the major substrates, whose degradation was remarkably increased by the treatments. Interestingly, the loss of several cellular protein bands was associated with the marked accumulation of two proteins apparently of 60 and 70 kDa, which may be cleavage products of one or more proteins. These findings link the decrease of cyclin-dependent kinase activities to the increase of protease activities within the growth arrest and apoptosis pathways induced by TNF.
Cell interactions with extracellular matrices are important to pathological changes that occur during cell transformation and tumorigenesis. Several extracellular matrix proteins including fibronectin, thrombospondin-1, laminin, SPARC, and osteopontin have been suggested to modulate tumor phenotype by affecting cell migration, survival, or angiogenesis. Likewise, proteases including the matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are understood to not only facilitate migration of cells by degradation of matrices, but also to affect tumor formation and growth. We have recently demonstrated an in vivo role for the RGD-containing protein, osteopontin, during tumor progression, and found evidence for distinct functions in the host versus the tumor cells. Because of the compartmentalization and temporal regulation of MMP expression, it is likely that MMPs may also function dually in host stroma and the tumor cell. In addition, an important function of proteases appears to be not only degradation, but also cleavage of matrix proteins to generate functionally distinct fragments based on receptor binding, biological activity, or regulation of growth factors.