825 resultados para Strain Mc58
This study investigated the impact of photon flux and elevated CO2 concentrations on growth and photosynthetic electron transport on the marine diatom Chaetoceros muelleri and looked for evidence for the presence of a CO2-concentrating mechanism (CCM). pH drift experiments clearly showed that C. muelleri has the capacity to use bicarbonate to acquire inorganic carbon through one or multiple CCMs. The final pH achieved in unbuffered cultures was not changed by light intensity, even under very low photon flux, implying a low energy demand of bicarbonate use via a CCM. In short-term pH drift experiments, only treatment with the carbonic anhydrase inhibitor ethoxyzolamide (EZ) slowed down the rise in pH considerably. EZ was also the only inhibitor that altered the final pH attained, although marginally. In growth experiments, CO2 availability was manipulated by changing the pH in closed flasks at a fixed dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) concentration. Low-light-treated samples showed lower growth rates in elevated CO2conditions. No CO2 effect was recorded under high light exposure. The maximal photosynthetic capacity, however, increased with CO2 concentration in saturating, but not in subsaturating, light intensities. Growth and photosynthetic capacity therefore responded in opposite ways to increasing CO2 availability. The capacity to photoacclimate to high and low photon flux appeared not to be affected by CO2treatments. However, photoacclimation was restricted to growth photon fluxes between 30 and 300 µmol photons m-2 s-1. The light saturation points for photosynthetic electron transport and for growth coincided at 100 µmol photons m-2 s-1. Below 100 µmol photons m-2 s-1 the light saturation point for photosynthesis was higher than the growth photon flux (i.e. photosynthesis was not light saturated under growth conditions), whereas at higher growth photon flux, photosynthesis was saturated below growth light levels.
Norcamphor (C7H10O) was subjected to plane strain simple shear in a see-through deformation rig at four different strain rate and temperature conditions. Two transient stages in the microfabric evolution to steady state are distinguished. The grain scale mechanisms associated with the microstructural and textural evolution vary with the applied temperature, strain rate and strain. In high-temperature-low-strain-rate experiments, computer integrated polarization microscopy reveals that the texture evolution is closely related to the crystallographic rotation paths and rotation rates of individual grains. High c-axis rotation rates at low to intermediate shear strains are related to the development of a symmetrical c-axis cross girdle by the end of the first transient stage (γ = 1.5 to 2). During the second transient stage (γ = 1.5 to 6), the cross girdle yields to an oblique c-axis single girdle as c-axis rotation rates decrease and the relative activity of grain boundary migration recrystallization increases. Steady state (γ > 8) is characterized by a stable end orientation of the sample texture and the cyclic growth, rotation and consumption of individual grains within the aggregate.
We study the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR), the catalytic process occurring at the cathode in fuel cells, on Pt layers prepared by electrodeposition onto an Au substrate. Using a nominal Pt layer by layer deposition method previously proposed, imperfect layers of Pt on Au are obtained. The ORR on deposited Pt layers decreases with increasing Pt thickness. In the submonolayer region, however, the ORR activity is superior to that of bulk Pt. Using density functional theory (DFT) calculations, we correlate the observed activity trend to strain, ligand, and ensemble effects. At submonolayer coverage certain atom configurations weaken the binding energies of reaction intermediates due to a ligand and ensemble effect, thus effectively increasing the ORR activity. At higher Pt coverage the activity is governed by a strain effect, which lowers the activity by decreasing the oxidation potential of water. This study is a nice example of how the influence of strain, ligand, and ensemble effects on the ORR can be deconvoluted.
The elastic strain/stress fields (halo) around a compressed amorphous nano-track (core) caused by a single high-energy ion impact on LiNbO3 are calculated. A method is developed to approximately account for the effects of crystal anisotropy of LiNbO3 (symmetry 3m) on the stress fields for tracks oriented along the crystal axes (X, Y or Z). It only considers the zero-order (axial) harmonic contribution to the displacement field in the perpendicular plane and uses effective Poisson moduli for each particular orientation. The anisotropy is relatively small; however, it accounts for some differential features obtained for irradiations along the crystallographic axes X, Y and Z. In particular, the irradiation-induced disorder (including halo) and the associated surface swelling appear to be higher for irradiations along the X- or Y-axis in comparison with those along the Z-axis. Other irradiation effects can be explained by the model, e.g. fracture patterns or the morphology of pores after chemical etching of tracks. Moreover, it offers interesting predictions on the effect of irradiation on lattice parameters
The lattice order degree and the strain in as-grown, Mn-implanted and post-implantedannealedInAsthinfilms were investigated with depth resolution by means of Rutherford backscattering spectrometry in channeling conditions (RBS/C). Three main crystallographic axes were analyzed for both In and As sublattices. The behaviour of the induced defects was evaluated in two regions with different native defects: the interface and the surface. The results show that Mn implantation and post-implantation annealing are anisotropic processes, affecting in a different way the In and As sublattices. The mechanisms influencing the enhancement and deterioration of the crystal quality during the implantation are discussed in relation to the as-grown defects and the segregation of the elements
Cold-drawn steel rods and wires retain significant residual stresses as a consequence of the manufacturing process. These residual stresses are known to be detrimental for the mechanical properties of the wires and their durability in aggressive environments. Steel makers are aware of the problem and have developed post-drawing processes to try and reduce the residual stresses on the wires. The present authors have studied this problem for a number of years and have performed a detailed characterization of the residual stress state inside cold-drawn rods, including both experimental and numerical techniques. High-energy synchrotron sources have been particularly useful for this research. The results have shown how residual stresses evolve as a consequence of cold-drawing and how they change with subsequent post-drawing treatments. The authors have been able to measure for the first time a complete residual strain profile along the diameter in both phases (ferrite and cementite) of a cold-drawn steel rod.