940 resultados para Steering-gear


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Red snapper, Lutjanus campechanus, is subject to significant overfishing in U.S. Gulf of Mexico waters, and regulations are being implemented to reduce fishing mortality and restore them to a 20% spawning potential ratio by the year 2009. One source of mortality that must be reduced to achieve this goal is the incidental capture ofjuvenile red snappers in shrimp, Penaeus spp., trawls. NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service is conducting research to develop shrimp trawl modifications to reduce the snapper bycatch. An important part of this research is the study of juvenile red snapper behavior on commercial shrimp grounds and in relation to trawling gear. An area of high juvenile red snapper abundance was identified off the coast of Mississippi. Most snappers were observed around structures or objects on the bottom which they appeared to use for refuge or orientation. Those ranging over barren bottom had no apparent point of orientation. When encountered by shrimp trawls, most juvenile snappers rose above the trawl footrope and fell back into the trawl. These observations have directed research toward modifying shrimp trawls to release juvenile red snappers after entry, rather than preventing them from entering a shrimp trawl.


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Assessment of walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, in the eastern Bering Sea is complicated because the species is semi-pelagic in habit. Annual bottom trawl surveys provide estimates of demersal abundance on the eastern Bering Sea shelf. Every third year (starting in 1979), an extended area of the shelf and slope is surveyed and an echo integration-midwater trawl survey provides estimates of pollock abundance in midwater. Overall age-specific population and biomass estimates are obtained by summing the demersal and midwater results, assuming that the bottom trawl samples only pollock inhabiting the lower 3 m of the water column. Total population estimates have ranged from 134 x 109 fish in 1979 to 27 x 109 fish in 1988. The very high abundance observed in 1979 reflects the appearance of the unusually large 1978 year class. Changes in age-specific abundance estimates have documented the passage of strong (1978, 1982, and 1984) and weak year classes through the fishery. In general, older fish are more demersally oriented and younger fish are more abundant in midwater, but this trend was not always evident in the patterns of abundance of 1- and 2-year-old fish. As the average age of the population has increased, so has the relative proportion of pollock estimated by the demersal surveys. Consequently, it is unlikely that either technique can be used independently to monitor changes in abundance and age composition. Midwater assessment depends on pelagic trawl samples for size and age composition estimates, so both surveys are subject to biases resulting from gear performance and interactions between fish and gear. In this review, we discuss survey methodology and evaluate assumptions regarding catchability and availability as they relate to demersal, midwater, and overall assessment.


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During the months of June through September in 1991 and 1992, 71 shark longlines were fished in the Chesapeake Bight region ofthe U.S. mid-Atlantic coast with a combination of rope/steel (Yankee) and monofilament gangions. A total of 288 sharks were taken on 3,666 monofilament gangions, and 352 sharks were caught on 6,975 Yankee gangions. Catch rates between gear types differed by depth strata, by month, and by species. Analyses were divided between efforts in the nursery ground ofthe sandbar shark, Carcharhinus plumbeus, in Chesapeake Bay and efforts outside the Bay. Mean catch per unit effort (CPUE) ± SE, as sharks caught per 100 hooks fished, was significantly (P<0.05) lower for Yankee gangions. Mean CPUE's for sandbar sharks in the nursery ground were 20.6 ± 3.8 for Yankee gangions and 26.0 ± 3.0 for monofilament gangions, and mean CPUE's for all species combined outside the Bay were 3.7 ± 0.7 for Yankee gangions, and 6.9 ± 1.2 for monofilament gangions.


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Com base nos rebatimentos da Lei n 8.213/1991, que prevê a obrigatoriedade legal de empresas privadas brasileiras contratarem de 2% a 5% de beneficiários da Previdência Social reabilitados ou de pessoas com deficiência (PcDs) habilitadas em seus quadros funcionais, o objetivo da presente pesquisa foi avaliar as repercussões da Lei de Cotas, tendo como referência as concepções de deficiência preponderantes dentro de uma organização privada de ensino profissionalizante por meio do seu Projeto de Sensibilização Gerencial. O projeto de sensibilização gerencial objetivou consolidar as etapas iniciais, na implementação de um programa institucional de valorização da diversidade. A hipótese principal formulada para a pesquisa, dentre outras relativas às concepções de deficiência, por parte de gestores, é que as reverberações positivas produzidas pela Lei de Cotas atingem, inclusive, as organizações empresariais supostamente distanciadas do movimento inclusionista. Para fins de avaliação das concepções de deficiência foram utilizados delineamentos de pesquisa estatística, compreendendo o teste de Shapiro-Wilk para determinar se as respostas às perguntas configuravam ou não uma distribuição normal, além do Coeficiente de Correlação de Pearson para medir a intensidade da relação linear entre as variáveis estudadas. Serviram como instrumentos da pesquisa um questionário sociodemográfico e um inventário de concepções de deficiência (ICD), sendo este direcionado para o objeto atitudinal, considerando-se as percepções sociais favoráveis e desfavoráveis no grupo pesquisado. Esse inventário de concepções de deficiência é composto de sete blocos de asserções e de uma escala do tipo Likert de seis pontos, que foi aplicada em um universo que contempla estrategicamente 60 participantes selecionados em três (3) grupos (Grupo piloto 1 envolvendo 30 participantes das áreas do Comitê Gestor do projeto na empresa; Grupo piloto 2 envolvendo 12 trainees; e Grupo Gerencial envolvendo 18 participantes, incluindo Gerentes de Área e Gerentes de Equipe da Superintendência de Produtos Educacionais). De posse dos resultados da avaliação das concepções de deficiência pelo ICD, foram realizados workshops de sensibilização com os participantes com o objetivo de sensibilizá-los e disseminar o conhecimento sobre inclusão social e laboral de PcDs, as ações de políticas públicas na atualidade, a natureza das deficiências, considerando-se os aspectos sociais da profissionalização, empregabilidade de pessoas com deficiência na empresa. Para tanto, foram empregadas técnicas e procedimentos lúdicos, além de debates para fins de reflexão crítica por parte dos participantes. A avaliação de reação foi conduzida ao término desses workshops. O conjunto dos dados levantados até então possibilitou proceder-se a um diagnóstico das concepções que prevalecem sobre PcDs na organização alvo da pesquisa. Os resultados evidenciaram a coexistência de concepções distintas da deficiência, indicando que, embora concepções negativas se perpetuem, as reverberações da Lei de Cotas têm apresentado também repercussões visivelmente positivas valorizando, assim, as ações corporativas apontadas para a diversidade humana, no contexto do trabalho. Em termos conclusivos, considera-se, no entanto, que o processo de inclusão laboral deva ser percebido por parte dos gestores como contínuo e em direção à mudança do comportamento humano nas organizações frente à profissionalização de PcDs. Posteriormente, tendo-se como suporte os resultados da presente pesquisa, um plano de ação institucional será implementado, como proposta de um programa balizado em 10 projetos sintéticos que servirão de modelo para empresas brasileiras interessadas em incluir a diversidade e reter talentos com deficiência em seus postos de trabalho, de modo a garantir-lhes o direito de exercício pleno da cidadania.


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Several fisheries in Hawaii are known to have interactions with protected cetaceans, seabirds, marine turtles, or seals. Handline fisheries for bottomfish, tuna, and mackerel scad lose bait and catch to bottlenose dolphins, rough-toothed dolphins, and Hawaiian monk seals. Troll fisheries for billfish lose live bait to bottlenose dolphins, rough-toothed dolphins, albatrosses, and boobies; these fisheries may also lose catch to false killer whales. A longline fishery for tuna and billfish has burgeoned in Hawaii since 1987, resulting in interactions with protected species; marine turtles, seabirds, and monk seals take bait and are known to become hooked, and false killer whales may take catch. Research on deterrents or alternative fishing methods has been limited, and interactions have been reduced primarily through management and regulatory actions. These include area closures and gear requirements. An observer program has also been established for the bottomfish and longline fisheries.


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Guam's nearshore reef fishery is a multi-gear, multispecies fishery that has undergone major changes through the years. Methods have evolved and become more modern. This, along with the changing economic status of Guam, has severely stressed the fishery. Top targeted species are being overexploited and "growth overharvesting" is occurring; the more serious form of "recruitment overharvesting," is happening to some of the key species. Major management concerns are discussed with respect to overfishing and habitat destruction. Management recommendations for this fishery include gear restrictions, size restrictions, and the establishment of marine conservation areas.


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This paper gives an overview of the economic rationale for limited entry as a method of fishery management and discusses general advantages and disadvantages of license limitation and catch rights as the two primary methods of restricting access to marine fisheries. Traditional open-access methods of regulation (e.g., gear restrictions, size limits, trip limits, quotas, and closures) can be temporarily effective in protecting fish populations, but they generally fail to provide lasting biological or economic benefits to fishermen because they do not restrict access to the fishery. The general result of regulation with unrestricted access to a fishery is additional and more costly and complex regulations as competition increases for dwindling fishery resources. Regulation that restricts access to a fishery in conjunction with selected traditional methods of regulation would encourage efficient resource usage and minimize the need for future regulatory adjustments, provided that enforcement and monitoring costs are not too great. In theory, catch rights are superior to license limitation as a means of restricting access to a fishery.


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Fisheries gear researchers have employed scuba diver-operated sleds to evaluate towed fishing systems since the early 1950's. One of the earliest sled designs was a converted Stokes litter in which two divers sat tandem with the forward diver operating the diving controls (Sand, 1956). The litter was relatively easy to maneuver and provided a comfortable platform for observing operational fishing gear. However, the use of underwater photographic equipment to document gear performance was difficult due to the limited mobility of the observer-cameraman.


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Raritan Bay is the body of water bounded by New York and New Jersey and lying immediately south of New York City (Fig. 1). It has close proximity to the most concentrated urban and industrial area in the United States. Its history has been one of extensive multiple use by the surrounding human population. Dating from the precolonial and colonial periods, people have employed many types of gear to catch and gather its once abundant fishes and shellfishes. Its beaches were once popular for sun bathing and swimming, but after the 1940's they were essentially abandoned because the water became too polluted. Another large use has been for pleasure boating and the transit and dockage of merchant, passenger, and military vessels. Channels and basins were dug in the bay, bulkheads and jetties were constructed along its shores, and it was a donor source of sand and gravel for construction projects. It has also been a receptor for large quantities of domestic and industrial wastes and, mainly for this reason, it is one ofthe most deteriorated estuaries in the United States.


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Grenadiers (family Macrouridae) are the most abundant fish on most continental slope areas worldwide. Off California the Pacific grenadier, Coryphaenoides acrolepis, occurs in relatively large numbers and may have marketing potential. This repon provides information on the biology of the species and catch results from a number of scientific cruises. Catch data on several other species found together with Pacific grenadier, panicularly sablefish, Anoplopoma fimbria, are also given. The fish were caught with a bottom trawl (15 trawls), and with free-vehicle longline gear (117 sets). The latter was a hook and line system in which the gear was dropped to the seafloor untethered to the fishing vessel, and floated to the surface, with the catch, when detachable weights were automatically released. Sablefish dominated longline catches in depths of 200-600fm (334-1,098m), while Pacific grenadier was most abundant between 600 and 1,OOOfm (1,098-1,830m). Best trawl catches of Pacific grenadier were made at depths between 615 and 675fm (1,125 and 1,235 m) and at 760fm (1,391 m). Ripe females were absent from our samples, but spent females were found during the entire year with highest numbers in the spring and early summer. Only one larva was found despite extensive sampling with plankton nets. Pacific grenadier was found to have good edible qualities by a taste-test panel, although the protein content (15 percent) and flesh yield (24 percent) were significantly lower than those of other fishes. A second species, the giant grenadier, Albatrossia pectoralis, was found to have exceptionally poor eating qualities and even lower protein content.


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Although selected aspects of the commercial fishery in the Virgin Islands have been documented since the early 1930's (Fiedler and Jarvis, 1932; Idyll and Randall, 1959; Hess, 1961; Swingle et al. 1970; Brownell, 1971; Brownell and Rainey, 1971; Sylvester and Dammann, 1972, and Olsen et al., 1978), fish corrals and their use have not been described. This account, based on personal observations made during 1985-86, summarizes commercial fishing methods in the Virgin Islands (U. S. and British), documents the use of fish corrals, and serves as an introduction to the methodologies of this harvesting technique. Interviews of commercial fishermen about how and when fish corrals are used provided information not available from direct observation. Local common names for gear type and fish species are shown in parentheses.


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From May through September 1987, observations were made on 38 trips in the driftnet fishery off the Fort Pierce-Port Salerno area off southeast Florida. Of the number and weight of fish landed on observed trips, 91.6 percent consisted of king mackerel, Scomberomorus cavalla, the targeted species. Over 33 species of fishes were observed among the discarded by-catch. The most frequently occurring species in the discards was little tunny, Euthynnus alletteratus, which made up 67.0 percent by number of the discarded by-catch. Total landings for all commercial gear from Saint Lucie and Martin counties (the counties of the study area) increased 516,741 pounds from 1986 to 1987. In 1986, 55 percent of the catch was from handline and 45 percent from driftnet landings. In 1987, 78 percent was from driftnet and 22 percent from handline landings. A comparison of lengths from recreational and commercial landings showed recreationally caught fish to be, on the average, smaller. No marine mammals, birds, or turtles were entangled in the net on observed trips. Data on cost of nets. fuel, and supplies plus the distribution of earnings among the crew were obtained for five driftnet boats.


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A proposta deste estudo implicou explorar a hipótese de que eram múltiplas as forças que compunham o cenário de constituição das tradições escolares no século XIX e que a Igreja Católica figurava como uma delas. Nesta pesquisa buscou-se investigar sua presença no processo de escolarização Oitocentista, bem como as relações estabelecidas com o Estado Imperial. Reconhecendo a presença da instituição católica neste cenário, a proposta tencionou evidenciar aspectos das relações que a mesma procurou estabelecer com o poder público nos termos da gestão política e cultural. Entender a complexidade e historicidade desta força, a Igreja Católica, tornou-se primordial para refletir acerca de sua inscrição nos assuntos da educação, a partir de experiências relacionadas às escolas públicas e privadas no Oitocentos. Pretendeu igualmente, esquadrinhar experiências diversificadas de alguns sujeitos em relação ao projeto de instruir sob o signo católico, inquirir aspetos gerais do funcionamento de instituições criadas, mantidas, amparadas, autorizadas a fazer funcionar a engrenagem do ensino em nome do Estado Imperial e da Igreja Católica. Da mesma forma, tencionou interrogar a composição dos saberes nos planos de estudos dos estabelecimentos de ensino público e privado, observando nos termos da lei, a presença da doutrina cristã. Este conjunto de interesses será trabalhado a partir da proposição de quatro capítulos. Para tanto, trabalhou-se com uma massa documental composta por leis, reformas, ofícios, relatórios, artigos de jornais, propagandas, bulas papais, datados entre as décadas de 1860 e 1880


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This study was carried out to identify factors that influence choice of fishing location and carry out profitability analysis of Chilimira and Gillnet in different fishing locations. A survey using semi-structured questionnaire was administered to 99 Gillnet and 101 Chilimira fishers in Nankumba Peninsula in Mangochi District. The logit model was used to determine the factors influencing choice of fishing location among the fishers. The study showed that 92.1% of Chilimira fishers are operating in offshore areas while 69.7% Gillnet fishers are operating in inshore areas. Chilimira offshore fishers have higher daily average gross margins than their inshore counterparts and Gillnet fishers. However, they incurred more operating costs than the inshore Chilimira and Gillnet fishers. Furthermore, they find their fishing occupation more rewarding as evidenced by the higher returns to labour. The factors that influenced fisher’s choice of fishing location were Age of the fisher, type of fishing vessel and gear, possession of motor sail engine and access to information about previous day’s catch rates. Finally the study concluded that artisanal fishers in Malawi use different criteria in deciding where to fish. The criterion involves a complex interaction of biological, technological, personal and economical factors and time. However, the resource constrained artisanal fisher will need support to enable him exploit offshore fishery resources. Consequently the study recommends that appropriate fishery development interventions by the government and other stakeholders must adapt to the economics and lifestyles driving the artisanal fishers to fish in particular locations and therefore, build on this foundation to improve the existing fishing technologies.


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This is the Species management in aquatic Habitats WRc Interim 1997 document produced by the Environment Agency in 1997. This document reports progress on R&D Project 640, which aims to provide information on species of conservation value of particular relevance to the Environment Agency, in relation to its activities affecting aquatic environments. A range of stand-alone outputs is being produced, comprising Species Action Plans, practical management guidelines for Agency staff and third parties, and various research outputs to improve the knowledge base on the status and ecological requirements of priority species. The species of conservation values are: water shrew, daubenton’s bat, Kingfisher, yellow wagtail, Grey wagtail, sand martin, reed bunting, dipper, marsh warbler, great crested new, spined loach, brook lamprey, river lamprey, sea lamprey, shining rams-horn snail, little whirlpool rams-horn snail, depressed river mussel, a freshwater pea mussel, native crayfish, and triangular club-rush. The process of species selection was altered during the course of the project by the report on biodiversity by the UK Biodiversity Steering Group (1995). Whilst still including species that were not particularly endangered but were greatly influenced by the activities of the Agency, the project addressed species on the ‘short’ and ‘middle’ priority lists of the Biodiversity report, particularly those for which the Agency had specific responsibilities.