923 resultados para Standardised returns


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We investigate the long-term performance of cross-delisted firms from U.S. stock markets. Using a sample of foreign firms listed and delisted from U.S. stock exchange markets over 2000-2012, we examine the operating performance and the long-run stock returns performance of firms post-cross-delisting. Our results suggest that cross-delisted firms have less growth opportunities than matched cross-listed firms in the long run. Moreover, firms that cross-delist after the passage of Rule 12h-6 of 2007 exhibit a significant decline in operating performance. In contrast, before the adoption of the Rule 12h-6, cross-delisted firms seem to be affected by the cost of a U.S. listing in the precross -delisting period. In addition, we provide evidence that cross-delisted firms underperform their cross-listed peers; cross-delisted firms experience negative average abnormal returns, especially in the post-delisting period.


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Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências Jurídicas (área de especialização em Ciências Jurídicas Públicas).


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Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências Empresariais.


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Dissertação de mestrado em European and Transglobal Business Law


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In this article, we develop a specification technique for building multiplicative time-varying GARCH models of Amado and Teräsvirta (2008, 2013). The variance is decomposed into an unconditional and a conditional component such that the unconditional variance component is allowed to evolve smoothly over time. This nonstationary component is defined as a linear combination of logistic transition functions with time as the transition variable. The appropriate number of transition functions is determined by a sequence of specification tests. For that purpose, a coherent modelling strategy based on statistical inference is presented. It is heavily dependent on Lagrange multiplier type misspecification tests. The tests are easily implemented as they are entirely based on auxiliary regressions. Finite-sample properties of the strategy and tests are examined by simulation. The modelling strategy is illustrated in practice with two real examples: an empirical application to daily exchange rate returns and another one to daily coffee futures returns.


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A história de um casal de emigrantes portugueses em França bateu, no verão de 2013, recordes de audiência nas salas de cinema. O filme “A Gaiola Dourada”, de Ruben Alves, recuperou a temática da emigração portuguesa, numa altura em que esta atingiu o boom registado nos anos 1960. Recorrendo ao seu percurso, o realizador refere-se à ‘portugalidade’ como alegada ‘pertença a Portugal’, que assume como um cliché, e utiliza de forma humorística vários estereótipos associados aos emigrantes portugueses, através dos quais é mostrada alguma vergonha que os filhos dos emigrantes sentem em relação ao comportamento dos pais, trazendo ao de cima os contrastes com a sociedade onde vivem. A grande ficção reside no regresso ao país de origem, concretizando o sonho da grande maioria dos emigrantes, mas subvertendo a lógica: no filme, não são os pais que voltam a Portugal, mas os filhos, que aparentemente pouco se identificam com o país dos progenitores. “A Gaiola Dourada” reintroduziu o debate sobre a emigração em Portugal, aproveitando a crise económica para refletir sobre o seu regresso em força, bem como traçar o perfil dos novos emigrantes. Será que os portugueses na ‘diáspora’ ainda reavivam a chama ‘lusitana’ (Gonçalves, 2009)? E será que a partilha do nome ‘Portugal’ basta para sublinhar uma alegada identidade nacional (Sobral, 2012)?


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El Estrés de Retículo Endoplásmico (RE) es inducido por la acumulación de proteínas sin plegar en el lumen de la organela. Esto se puede observar en diversas situaciones fisio-patológicas como durante una infección viral o en proceso isquémico. Además, contribuye a la base molecular de numerosas enfermedades ya sea índole metabólico (Fibrosis quística o Diabetes Miellitus) o neurodegenerativas como mal de Alzheimer o Parkinson (Mutat Res, 2005, 569). Para restablecer la homeostasis en la organela se activa una señal de transducción (UPR), cuya respuesta inmediata es la atenuación de la síntesis de proteína debido a la fosforilación de subunidad alpha del factor eucariótico de iniciación de translación (eIF2α) vía PERK. Esta es una proteína de membrana de RE que detecta estrés. Bajo condiciones normales, PERK está inactiva debido a la asociación de su dominio luminar con la chaperona BIP (Nat Cell Biol, 2000, 2: 326). Frente a una situación de estrés, la chaperona se disocia causando desinhibición. Recientemente, (Plos One 5: e11925) se observó, bajo condiciones de estrés, un aumento de Ca2+ citosólico y un rápido incremento de la expresión de calcineurina (CN), una fosfatasa citosólica dependiente de calcio, heterodimérica formada por una subunidad catalítica (CN-A) y una regulatoria (CN-B). Además, CN interacciona, sin intermediarios, con el dominio citosólico de PERK favoreciendo su trans-autofosforilación. Resultados preliminares indican que, astrocitos CNAβ-/- exhibieron, en condiciones basales, un mayor número de células muertas y de niveles de eIF2α fosforilado que los astrocitos CNAα-/-. Hipótesis: CNAβ/B interacciona con PERK cuando el Ca2+ citosólico esta incrementado luego de haberse inducido Estrés de RE, lo cual promueve dimerización y auto-fosforilación de la quinasa, acentuándose así la fosforilación de eIF2α e inhibición de la síntesis de proteínas. Esta activación citosólica de PERK colaboraría con la ya descrita, desinhibición luminal llevada cabo por BIP. Cuando el Ca2+ citosólico retorna a los niveles basales, PERK fosforila a CN, reduciendo su afinidad de unión y disociándose el complejo CN/PERK. Objetivo general: Definir las condiciones por las cuales CN interacciona con PERK y regula la fosforilación de eIF2α e inhibición de la síntesis de proteína. Objetivos específicos: I-Estudiar la diferencia de afinidades y dependencia de Ca2+, de las dos isoformas de CN (α y β) en su asociación con PERK. Además verificar la posible participación de la subunidad B de CN en esta interacción. II-Determinar si la auto-fosforilación de PERK es diferencialmente regulada por las dos isoformas de CN. III-Discernir la relación del estado de fosforilación de CN con su unión a PERK. IV-Determinar efectos fisiológicos de la interacción de CN-PERK durante la respuesta de Estrés de RE. Para llevar a cabo este proyecto se realizarán experimentos de biología molecular, interacción proteína-proteína, ensayos de fosforilación in vitro y un perfil de polisoma con astrocitos CNAβ-/- , CNA-/- y astrocitos controles. Se espera encontrar una mayor afinidad de unión a PERK de la isoforma β de CN y en condiciones donde la concentración de Ca2+ sea del orden micromolar e imite niveles del ión durante un estrés. Con respecto al estado de fosforilación de CN, debido a los resultados preliminares, donde solo se la encontró fosforilada en condiciones basales, se piensa que CN podría interactuar con mayor afinidad con PERK cuando CN se encuentre desfosforilada. Por último, se espera encontrar un aumento de eIF2α fosforilado y una acentuación de la atenuación de la síntesis de proteína como consecuencia de la mayor activación de PERK por su asociación con la isoforma β de CN en astrocitos donde el Estrés de RE se indujo por privación de oxigeno y glucosa. Estos experimentos permitirán avanzar en el estudio de una nueva función citoprotectora de CN recientemente descrita por nuestro grupo de trabajo y sus implicancias en un modelo de isquemia. The accumulation of unfolded proteins into the Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) activates a signal transduction cascade called Unfolding Protein Response (UPR), which attempts to restore homeostasis in the organelle. (PKR)-like-ER kinase (PERK) is an early stress response transmembrane protein that is generally inactive due to its association with the chaperone BIP. During ER stress, BIP is tritrated by the unfolded protein, leading PERK activation and phosphorylation of eukaryotic initiation factor-2 alpha (eIF2alpha), which attenuates protein síntesis. If ER damage is too great and homeostasis is not restored within a certain period of time, an apoptotic response is elicited. We recently demonstrated a cytosolic Ca2+ increase in Xenopus oocytes after induce ER stress. Moreover, calcineurin A/B, a an heterotrimeric Ca2+ dependent phosphatases (CN-A/B), associates with PERK increasing its auto-phosphorylation and significantly enhancing cell viability. Preliminary results suggest that, CN-Aβ-/- knockout astrocytes exhibit a significant higher eIF2α phosphorylated level compared to CN-Aα-/- astrocytes. Our working hypothesis establishes that: CN binds to PERK when cytosolic Ca2+ is initially increased by ER stress, promoting dimerization and autophosphorylation, which leads to phosphorylation of elF2α and subsequently attenuation of protein translation. When cytosolic Ca2+ returns to resting levels, PERK phosphorylates CN, reducing its binding affinity so that the CN/PERK complex dissociates. The goal of this project is to determine the conditions by which CN binding to PERK attenuates protein translation during the ER stress response and subsequently, to determine how the interaction of CN with PERK is terminated when stress is removed. To perform this project is planed to do molecular biology experiments, pull down assays, in vitro phosphorylations and assess overall mRNA translation efficiency doing a polisome profile.


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As digital imaging processing techniques become increasingly used in a broad range of consumer applications, the critical need to evaluate algorithm performance has become recognised by developers as an area of vital importance. With digital image processing algorithms now playing a greater role in security and protection applications, it is of crucial importance that we are able to empirically study their performance. Apart from the field of biometrics little emphasis has been put on algorithm performance evaluation until now and where evaluation has taken place, it has been carried out in a somewhat cumbersome and unsystematic fashion, without any standardised approach. This paper presents a comprehensive testing methodology and framework aimed towards automating the evaluation of image processing algorithms. Ultimately, the test framework aims to shorten the algorithm development life cycle by helping to identify algorithm performance problems quickly and more efficiently.


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Finfish pots have emerged as a “responsible” gear, when used in combination with conservational and technical measures to sustain fisheries. Previous trials in Irish waters have offered no published reported data and so three designs tested in the current study provide new information on this gear. The most successful traps in terms of fish catch were rigid steel framed rectangular pots used to target Conger eel. Although commercial yield was low (0.2 per trap haul), potential existed for a viable pot fishery. Deployment and storage of Norwegian floating pots was conducted with relative ease but performance in the water was poor resulting in loss of gear. Catch returns were notable even though effort was restricted as mega-faunal by-catch was a problem, which lead to ending this trial. From these initial trials it was evident that catch rates were low compared to established Norwegian fisheries (3.6 cod per pot), which resulted in the utilisation of pots, already established in the crustacean fishery, to find species readily accessible to pot capture. Although fished and designed differently, these gears provided an opportunity to establish the benefits of pot fishing to fish quality and to determine the effects on by-catch. The fishing effects of three catching methods (pots, angling and trawl) and the effects of air exposure on the physiological status of a common by-catch, the lesser spotted dogfish Scyliorhinus canícula (L.) were examined using a range of physiological biomarkers (plasma catecholamine, glucose, lactate, muscle pH and muscle lactate). Physiological responses of fish to an emersion stress regime resulted in a significant metabolic disturbance in groups, but may not have weakened the overall health of these fish, as signified in the revival of some metabolites. Plasma glucose and lactate concentrations did not however recovery to baseline levels indicating that to achieve an accurate profile, responses should be determined by a suite of biomarkers. Responses did not demonstrate that samples from the pots were significantly less stressed than for the other two methods; angling and trawling, which are in contrast to many other studies. Employment of finfish potting therefore in Irish waters needs further consideration before further promotion as a more responsible method to supplement or replace established techniques.


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The overall purpose of this study was to develop a thorough inspection regime for onsite wastewater treatment systems, which is practical and could be implemented on all site conditions across the country. With approximately 450,000 onsite wastewater treatment systems in Ireland a risk based methodology is required for site selection. This type of approach will identify the areas with the highest potential risk to human health and the environment and these sites should be inspected first. In order to gain the required knowledge to develop an inspection regime in-depth and extensive research was earned out. The following areas of pertinent interest were examined and reviewed, history of domestic wastewater treatment, relevant wastewater legislation and guidance documents and potential detrimental impacts. Analysis of a questionnaire from a prior study, which assessed the resources available and the types of inspections currently undertaken by Local authorities was carried out. In addition to the analysis of the questionnaire results, interviews were carried out with several experts involved in the area of domestic wastewater treatment. The interview focussed on twelve key questions which were directed towards the expert’s opinions on the vital aspects of developing an inspection regime. The background research, combined with the questionnaire analysis and information from the interviews provided a solid foundation for the development of an inspection regime. Chapter 8 outlines the inspection regime which has been developed for this study. The inspection regime includes a desktop study, consultation with the homeowners, visual site inspection, non-invasive site tests, and inspection of the treatment systems. The general opinion from the interviews carried out, was that a standardised approach for the inspections was necessary. For this reason an inspection form was produced which provides a standard systematic approach for inspectors to follow. This form is displayed in Appendix 3. The development of a risk based methodology for site selection was discussed and a procedure similar in approach to the Geological Survey of Irelands Groundwater Protection Schemes was proposed. The EPA is currently developing a risk based methodology, but it is not available to the general public yet. However, the EPA provided a copy of a paper outlining the key aspects of their methodology. The methodology will use risk maps which take account of the following parameters: housing density, areas with inadequate soil conditions, risk of water pollution through surface and subsurface pathways. Sites identified with having the highest potential risk to human health and the environment shall be inspected first. Based on the research carried out a number of recommendations were made which are outlined in Chapter 10. The principle conclusion was that, if these systems fail to operate satisfactorily, home owners need to understand that these systems dispose of the effluent to the 'ground' and the effluent becomes part of the hydrological cycle; therefore, they are a potential hazard to the environment and human health. It is the owners, their families and their neighbours who will be at most immediate risk.


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Temporary wetlands undergo recurrent drought due to the scarcity of water, which disrupts the hydrological connectivity with adjacent aquatic systems. However, some environments retain water for longer periods, allowing greater persistence of the community. The current study evaluated differences in the microcrustacean assemblages and limnological variability between perennial and intermittent pools in a semi-arid region of Brazil. The abiotic features (water temperature, pH, total alkalinity, electrical conductivity and depth) of intermittent pools were affected more than perennial pools due to loss of water volume. This may have contributed to a higher average richness and diversity index in some intermittent pools and differences in the structure of the assemblages. The lowest species richness and diversity were recorded where physical factors, such as a large quantity of suspended solids and variability in the electrical conductivity of the water and pH, make the environment unsuitable for these organisms. These results suggest that community development in intermittent pools is interrupted by the dry season; when the water returns, due to rainfall or rising groundwater, each pond undergoes a different process of colonization. In these circumstances, the biological importance of temporary aquatic environments is clear, since such pools provide shelters and have an important role in the maintenance of the regional diversity of aquatic environments.


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One main concern of Ecological Economics is the balance between human population and natural resources. This is rightly named the Malthusian question because Malthus predicted that human populations, if unchecked, would grow exponentially while agricultural production (and other land-based productions) would be subject to decreasing returns to the labour input. This article shows that over one hundred years ago, there was in Europe and America a successful social movement that called itself Neo-Malthusianism. In contrast to Malthus’ pessimism, it believed that population growth could be stopped among the poor classes by voluntary decisions. Women were entitled to choose the number of children they wanted to have. The movement did not appeal to the State to impose restrictions on population growth. On the contrary, in Southern Europe it was based on "bottom up" activism against governments and the Catholic Church.


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The author studied, the horizontal and vertical distribution of most common part of the flora and fauna of the bay of Guanabara at Rio de Janeiro. In this paper the eulittoral, poly, meso and oligohaline regions were localised and studied; and the first chart of its distribution was presented (fig. 2). The salinity of superficial waters was established through determinations based on 30 trips inside the buy for collecting biological materials. Some often 409 determinations which were previous reported together with the present ones served for the eleboration of a salinity map of the bay of Guanabara (fig. 1). This map of fig. 2 shows the geographic locations of the water regions. EULITTORAL WATER REGIME — Fig. 3 shows the diagram scheme of fauna and flora of this regime. Sea water salinity 34/1.000, density mean 1.027, transparent greenish waters, sea coast with moderate bursting waves. Limpid sea shore with white sand, gneiss with the big barnacle Tetraclita squamosa var. stalactifera (Lam. Pilsbry. Vertical distributions: barna¬cles layers with a green region in which are present the oyster Ostrea pa-rasitica L., the barnacles Tetraclita, Chthamalus, Balanus tintinnabulum var. tintinnabulum (L.) e var. antillensis Pilsbry in connection with several mollusca and the sea beatle Isopoda Lygia sp. Covered by water and exposed to air by the tidal ritms, there is a stratum of brown animals that is the layer of mussels Mytilus perna L., with others brown and chestnut animals : the Crustacea Pachygrapsus, the little crab Porcellana sp., the stone crab Me-nippe nodifrons Stimpson, the sea stars Echinaster brasiliensis (Mull. & Tr.), Astropecten sp. and the sea anemones Actinia sp. Underneath and never visible there is a subtidal region with green tubular algae of genus Codium and amidst its bunches the sea urchin Lycthchinus variegatus (Agass.) walks and more deeply there are numerous sand-dollars Encope emarginata (Leske). The microplancton of this regime is Ceratiumplancton. POLYHALINE WATER REGIMB — Water almost sea water, but directly influenced by continental lands, with rock salts dissolved and in suspension. Salinity: 33 to 32/1.000. This waters endure the actions of the popular nicknamed «water of the hill» (as the waters of mesohaline and oligohaline regimes), becoming suddenly reddish during several hours. That pheno¬menon returns several times in the year and come with great mortality of fishes. In these waters, according to Dr. J. G. FARIA there are species of Protozoa : Peridinea, the Glenoidinium trochoideum St., followed by its satellites which he thinks that they are able to secret toxical substances which can slaughter some species of fishes. In these «waters of the hill» was found a species of Copepoda the Charlesia darwini. In August 1946 the west shore of the Guanabara was plenty of killed fishes occupying a area of 8 feet large by 3 nautical miles of lenght. The enclosure for catching fishes in the rivers mouthes presents in these periods mass dead fishes. The phenomenon of «waters of the hill» appears with the first rains after a period of long dryness. MESOHALINE WATER REGIME — Fig. 4 shows the the diagramm scheme. Salt or brackish water from 30 to 17/1.000 salinity, sometimes until 10/1.000. Turbid waters with mud in suspension, chestnut, claveyous waters; shore dirty black mud without waving bursting; the waters are warmer and shorner than those of the polihaline regime. Mangrove shore with the mangrove trees : Rhizophora mangle L., Avicennia sp., Laguncularia sp., and the »cotton tree of sea» Hibiscus sp. Fauna: the great land crab «guaimú» Cardisoma guanhumi Latr., ashore in dry firm land. There is the real land crab Ucides cordatus (L.) in wetting mud and in neigh¬ bourhood of the burrows of the fiddler-crabs of genus Uca. On stones and in the roots of the Rhizophora inhabits the brightly colored mangrove-tree-crab («aratu» Portuguese nickname) Goniopsis cruentata (Latreille) and the sparingly the big oyster Ostrea rhizophorae Guild. Lower is the region of barnacles Balanus amphitrite var. communis Darwin and var. niveus Darwin; Balanus tintinnabulum var. tintinnabulum (L.) doesn't grow in this brackish water; lower is the region of Pelecipoda with prepollency of Venus and Cytherea shell-fishes and the Panopeus mud crab; there are the sea lettuce Ulva and the Gastreropod Cerithium. The Paguridae Clibanarius which lives in the empty shells of Gasteropod molluscs, and the sessile ascidians Tethium plicatum (Lesuer) appears in some seasons. In the bottom there is a black argillous mud where the «one landed shrimps» Alpheus sp. is hidden. OLIGOHALINE WATER REGIME — The salinity is lower than 10/1.000. average 8/1.000. There are no barnacles and no sea-beetles Isopods of genus Lygia; on the hay of the shore there are several graminea. This brackish water pervades by mouthes of rivers and penetrates until about 3 kilometers river above. While there is some salt dissolved in water, there are some mud crabs of the genus Uca, Sesarma, Metasesarma and Chasmagnatus. The presence of floating green plants coming from the rivers in the waters of a region indicated the oligohaline waters, with low salt content because when the average of NaCl increases above 8/1.000 these plants die and become rusty colored.


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We use statistical techniques to quantify the effects of school attainment on individual wages, participation rates and employment probabilities in Spain, and to measure the contribution of education to labour productivity at the regional level. These estimates are then combined with data on private and public expenditure on education and with information on taxes and social benefits to construct measures of the private and social returns to schooling, to explore the effects of public policies on private incentives to invest in human capital, and to analyse the long-term effects of schooling on public finances. The results are used, together with estimates of the returns to alternative assets, to draw some tentative conclusions regarding the adequacy of the aggregate investment patterns observed in the regions of Spain, and to identify changes in the design of national and EU cohesion and growth policies that may help enhance their effectiveness.