592 resultados para Sexualité masculine
A prevalência da obesidade está a aumentar nos países desenvolvidos e Portugal não é excepção. O presente trabalho teve como principal objectivo caracterizar a situação relativamente aos parâmetros antropométricos e hábitos alimentares de várias categorias profissionais do sector da saúde de uma instituição hospitalar do distrito de Lisboa. Com efeito, verificou-se que existem diferenças ao nível do Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC), da massa gorda e muscular e do perímetro de cintura entre as profissões estudadas (assistentes operacionais, enfermeiros, médicos e técnicos de diagnóstico e terapêutica). De acordo com a classificação do IMC, o grupo estudado situou-se no cut-off superior do ‘peso normal’ (IMC de 24,9 kg/m2). A obesidade esteve presente em 29% dos assistentes operacionais, 9% nos médicos e 5% nos enfermeiros e técnicos de diagnóstico e terapêutica. Também se observaram diferenças entre os géneros feminino e masculino, já que neste último o IMC foi de 26,5 kg/m2 e no primeiro foi de 24,6 kg/m2. Quanto aos hábitos alimentares, através do questionário de frequência alimentar (QFA) e após comparar com as recomendações da pirâmide dos alimentos mediterrânica e com a roda dos alimentos, foi notório o desvio do padrão alimentar face ao que é preconizado por estas representações. Assim, a maioria dos indivíduos não ingere produtos lácteos, pão, cereais e derivados com a frequência que seria adequada. Também se observaram diferenças no reporte de ingestão dos mesmos alimentos entre as categorias profissionais, salientando que todas estas apresentam padrões de ingestão desviantes das recomendações defendidas pela pirâmide dos alimentos mediterrânica e pela roda dos alimentos. Na sociedade actual, o local de trabalho é cada vez mais obesogénico devido quer à mudança na natureza do trabalho, quer às condições em que este decorre. Face aos resultados obtidos foi elaborado um plano de intervenção sócio- organizacional que visa promover hábitos alimentares e estilos de vida saudáveis. /ABSTRACT: Obesity prevalence is increasing all over developed countries, and Portugal is no exception. The present study had as major objective to describe the situation relative to anthropometric measures and dietary habits of several job strains operating in the health sector of a Lisbon district’s central hospital. Indeed, it has been verified that there are differences as concern to Body Mass Index (BMI), fat and muscle mass and waist circumference among the job strains studied (operational assistants, nurses, physicians and diagnostic and therapeutic technicians). According to BMI classification, the sample showed to be lined up with the superior BMI cut-off value for “normal weight” (BMI of 24,9 kg/m2). Obesity was present in 29% of operational assistants, 9% in physicians, 5% in nurses and diagnostic and therapeutic technicians. There were differences in both feminine and masculine genders, as in the latter the BMI was 26,5 kg/m2 and in the first, 24,6 kg/m2. As concern to dietary habits, through the application of the food frequency questionnaire (FFQ), after comparing with mediterranean food pyramid and wheel of foods it was notorious the deviation of dietary habits from these representations. Thus, most individuals do not consume dairy products, bread, cereals and derivates with an appropriate eating frequency. There were also differences in eating reporting of the same foods between job strains, focusing that all of these show eating patterns that deviates from the recommendations argued by mediterranean food pyramid and wheel of foods. In the present societies, workplace appears to be obesogenic due to the changes in labour’s nature and to the conditions that this one takes place. Towards the results obtained, it was developed a social and organizational intervention which entails to promote healthy eating habits and lifestyles.
Este estudo, de carácter exploratório, tem o objetivo de perceber como se processam as (re)aprendizagens dos vários papéis de género em transhomens, atendendo aos processos de adaptação ao nível social, comportamental e da perceção de si na (re)construção da identidade. Para a concretização deste trabalho, recorreu-se à recolha de informação, através de uma estratégia metodológica qualitativa e utilizou-se um questionário analisado através do método de análise de conteúdo, segundo Laurence Bardin (1979). Participaram neste estudo 20 transhomens (pessoas cujo sexo designado no registo de nascimento foi feminino, mas que se identificam com o género masculino). As principais conclusões sugerem que existem mudanças ao nível dos sentimentos, perceção de si, comportamentos, identidade de género e relação com o corpo que resultam do processo de redesignação sexual. Verifica-se que as aprendizagens e pressões para a conformidade aos estereótipos de género resultam por vezes em comportamentos intencionais na construção das feminilidades e masculinidades. Verifica-se também a consciencialização destas intencionalidades, bem como uma progressiva libertação desses comportamentos e dos constrangimentos a eles associados, o que resulta numa apropriação e autoidentificação de si mais liberta, consequentemente de uma vida mais feliz. Esperamos com este trabalho contribuir para o conhecimento e visibilidade das identidades trans, em específico dos transhomens, na tentativa de desconstrução de estereótipos sociais; Metamorphoses: Identity and Gender Roles. A Study with Transmen Abstract: This study of exploratory nature aims to understand the process of (re)learning the various gender roles in transmen, in relation to the social and behavioural processes of adaptation and self-perception in the (re)construction of identity.To do this work, we gathered information, outlined a qualitative methodological strategy and used a survey using the content analysis method according to Laurence Bardin (1979). 20 transmen participated in this study (people whose sex assigned at birth registration was female but identify with the masculine gender). The main findings suggest that there are changes in the level of feelings, self-perception, behaviour and relation with the body that result from sex reassignment process. It appears that the learning and pressures for conformity to gender stereotypes sometimes result in intentional conduct compliance in the construction of femininity and masculinity before and after the sex reassignment process. You can also verify the awareness of these intentions, as well as a gradual release of these behaviours and constraints associated with them, which results an appropriation and self-identification of himself more free, thus a happier life. We expect this work to contribute to the knowledge and visibility of the trans people, in particular the transmen in an attempt to deconstruct social stereotypes.
In recent years, Facebook and other social media have become key players in branding activities. However, empirical research is still needed about the way in which consumer-based brand equity is created on social media. The purpose of this paper is to study the relationship between masculine and feminine brand personality and brand equity, on Facebook, and to analyze the mediating role of consumer-brand engagement and brand love on this relationship. Data were collected using an online survey with 614 valid responses. The hypotheses were tested using structural equation modeling. Results support 7 of the 11 hypotheses with significant relationship between analyzed constructs. This study confirms the advantages of a clear gender positioning and extends prior research by suggesting that brands with a strong brand gender identity will encourage brand love. Results also highlight that brand love has a mediating role on the relationship between brand gender and overall brand equity.
El paradigma holista ha transformado la sociedad actual para desarrollar una cultura de géneros con tal de promover la búsqueda y la redefinición de lo masculino y lo femenino no con características excluyentes, sino con equilibrio en las oportunidades y con equidad. Esta es una cultura en la cual todos y todas nos veamos como seres humanos holistas. El nuevo paradigma promueve una pedagogía crítica para el rescate de la armonía, la aceptación y la libertad social con el fin de recuperar la equidad de género. La sociedad necesita un cambio de paradigma en la relación masculino/femenino con una nueva conciencia que se desarrolle por medio de experiencias de aprendizaje, que dignifiquen a los hombres y a las mujeres y con un profundo sentido espiritual de la vida para que, de esta forma, puedan convivir fraternal y libremente. The holistic paradigm has transformed modern society to develop a culture of gender in order to promote a quest and redefinition of the feminine and masculine not exclusive traits, but as equilibrium in the opportunities and equity. This is a new culture where everyone is seen as holistic human beings. The new paradigm promotes critical pedagogy to rescue harmony, acceptance and social freedom in order to recover gender equity. Society needs a change of paradigm for masculine and feminine relationships, with a new consciousness developed by learning experiences that dignify men and women and with a deep spiritual feeling of life; so both of them can live freely.
This work is a reflection on black women’s writing, which has been and yet, sometimes, is marginalized and reduced to invisibly in our literary field due to several factors . Therefore, it becomes important to give visibility to this writing so as to discuss the marks of feminism, race and gender that it brings, showing its contributions for the construction of a new and empowered discourse on black women, which represents a differential for literary discourse and affects the canon, since it t promotes the construction of a new perspective, a differentiated representation of black women, emphasizing their forms of struggle and resistance, front the exclusionary sociocultural systems. In order to do that, I bring up some theoretical voices such as that, of Guacira Lopes Louro (1997); Abdias do Nascimento (2000); Tatau Godinho (2008), among others that deal with the theme, as well as texts written by black women writers such as Alzira Rufino, Esmeralda Ribeiro e Cristiane Sobral to argue and think about a literature that deals with black women autonomy, and challenges the dominant power systems, a literature that gives emphasis to women and ethnic-racial issues from perspective of the black person herself , since this project was relegated to oblivion for too long or portrayed in as stereotyped way by other voices, other discourses guided by a masculine and eurocentric bias. In this way, we hope to show how it is relevant to black women's literature, because makes us reflect and face the mechanisms of oppression, subalternization against women, especially black women, and race and gender prejudice, and its effects, that still can be seen daily in different social and cultural contexts.
The conceptual basis that Primary School teachers have with regard to the gender’s nominal category is investigated. The verbalizations on the theme, collected through interviews with eight teachers of two classes involving 2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th grades of a government school in Maringá PR Brazil, are analyzed from studies on gender categories and conceptual comprehension. Results show that, as a rule, the interviewed teachers remain confused and highly insecure when they had to define grammatical gender even though they present the ‘masculine and feminine’ and ‘noun’ category relationship. Further, usage variation of one to three criteria was found in the case of masculine and feminine gender differentiation, or rather, sex, end terms (flexion/ derivation) and article (concordance). Results also show that most teachers know the nomenclature on nominal gender category but fail to justify the relationship and limits that separate the two basic concepts that link the assignment to the theme, or rather, grammatical gender and the sex of things.
Brazilian literature critics’ theorizations concerning feminine emancipation in the modern novel tend to consider a single form of resistance, the exacerbation of sexuality, which leads characters to discrimination and subsequent punishment, often culminates into their deaths. In this sense, a hypothesis to be followed is one to state that this type of criticism underestimates the feminine power, especially in women who reached “respectability” through marriage, i.e., there are other kinds of escape to masculine oppression that do not necessarily include the use of the body. Therefore, the objective of this work is to examine a case study, of sinha Vitória in Barren lives [Vidas secas], a revealing example of empowerment potentialities of married women, through other expedients, such as intellectual superiority. Theoretically, this article dialogs with both canonical studies, including Candido (1992) and Mourão (1971), as well as contemporary ones, like Bueno (2006) and Brunacci (2008). Setting form and arriving at the ambiguity in the name sinha Vitória, the analysis could observe the assumed relevance of the character in the family, as a decision-making authority, representing an intellectual and ideological compass. However, within the unmeasured inequalities of the northeastern society in the first half of the XX Century, this highlighted position in the family and sagacity to read the surrounding world do not prevent the social oppression of her nucleus by the powerful farmers, making her victory a merely partial one.