796 resultados para Second language acquisition.
A presente dissertação foi elaborada com a finalidade de procurar respostas e de atingir uma melhor compreensão sobre a aquisição e o domínio da linguagem da criança, em idade pré-escolar, bem como de aferir a importância de que os Sistemas Aumentativos e Alternativos da Comunicação (SAAC) se revestem enquanto estímulo para a mesma. Este fascínio e interesse por esta temática, foi potenciado pela experiência de ter lidado com uma criança que apresentava dificuldades a esse nível. Senti então a grande/premente necessidade de conhecer a função que a linguagem tem no desenvolvimento da criança, bem como familiarizar-me com ferramentas para desenvolver as aprendizagens, quer no contexto escolar, quer no dia-a-dia. Este trabalho pretende aferir o grau de conhecimento dos Educadores de Infância relativamente aos Sistemas Aumentativos e Alternativos da Linguagem (SAAL), utilizando, inquéritos por questionários como ferramenta de investigação para a obtenção de respostas, usando uma população alvo constituída por Educadores de Infância. A presente Dissertação está intimamente ligada à teoria, dado que esta contribui para a compreensão desta problemática, permitindo produzir ou verificar elementos do conhecimento no âmbito da mesma. Este documento encontra-se estruturado em duas áreas: a correspondente à fundamentação teórica e outra que diz respeito ao enquadramento empírico, onde será descrita a metodologia, feita a apresentação dos resultados e sua discussão, culminando com a conclusão, que apresenta propostas de trabalho futuras. Pretende-se com esta pesquisa e análise, ajudar a melhorar as práticas pedagógicas e a desenvolver precocemente a linguagem das crianças em ambiente de Jardim de Infância, bem como valorizar e tornar conhecidas as funcionalidades dos SAAC, podendo estes funcionarem como estimulantes e promotores de um melhor desenvolvimento da linguagem nas crianças de tenra idade.
A presente pesquisa tem como Questão Central a avaliação da estrutura da narrativa por um grupo de seis crianças surdas profundas utilizando a Língua Gestual Portuguesa (LGP). Neste estudo questionou-se se se encontrariam diferenças na produção da narrativa entre crianças que adquiriram a LGP precocemente e as que tiveram o primeiro contato com a língua materna tardiamente. Colocou-se a hipótese geral que a língua natural das crianças surdas portuguesas é a LGP e as que tiveram um acesso precoce à sua língua apresentam um melhor desempenho na narração de uma história. Para verificar esta hipótese, foi aplicada uma prova que consistia no conto de uma história, a partir de uma sequência de imagens, em LGP a todos as crianças desta investigação. Releva-se a importância de um precoce ambiente comunicativo para que a criança surda adquira um desenvolvimento global semelhante aos seus pares ouvintes. Salienta-se ainda que a influência dos pais, dos educadores e dos professores é fundamental para que a criança surda possa desenvolver a sua língua natural, a LGP e a aprendizagem da segunda língua. Os resultados obtidos confirmaram as hipóteses colocadas, ou seja, as crianças que adquiriram precocemente a LGP apresentaram um maior desenvolvimento na estrutura da narrativa.
Esta investigação teve como objetivo descrever o percurso de aquisição da Língua Portuguesa falada no Brasil. Como base teórica, adotamos um referencial múltiplo, com abordagem das teorias behaviorista, inatista, cognitivista piagetiana, sócio-interacionista e emergentista, no intuito de buscar em cada uma delas as contribuições que nos auxiliassem no estudo da aquisição da linguagem. Trata-se de um estudo longitudinal em que registramos quinzenalmente em áudio o desenvolvimento linguístico de duas crianças brasileiras, desde a idade de 1;00 até 5;00. Os dados obtidos receberam transcrição fonética e/ou ortográfica e foram analisados nos aspectos fonológico, morfológico e sintático. Na área da fonologia, apresentamos o percurso de aquisição dos fonemas, os fonemas de difícil pronunciação e as estratégias de reparo usadas pelas crianças. Na morfologia, descrevemos o processo de aprendizagem dos morfemas flexivos nominais e verbais. Na sintaxe, apresentamos o caminho percorrido pelas crianças na construção das orações simples e dos diversos tipos de orações compostas. De modo geral, observamos um processo de aprendizagem lenta e gradual, em que provavelmente interatuam fatores de ordem biológica, cognitiva, social e linguística, marcado por elevações e regressões indicativas de uma auto-regulação do sistema-que-aprende.
El autor analiza esta novela histórica de Jorge Velasco Mackenzie, en torno a los orígenes de la nación ecuatoriana, entre la historia y la fábula. Reflexiona sobre el proceso de escribir como una forma de interpelar presupuestos consagrados, valores, símbolos e identidades. Handelsman destaca que el trabajo de la Misión Geodésica Francesa, de 1736, cambió la cosmovisión de la sociedad colonial ecuatoriana, escolástica, por otra de carácter más empírico, pero que el nuevo motor del saber moderno trajo también distorsiones y omisiones de otras verdades (como el que los indígenas perdieran su protagonismo milenario como conocedores de su hábitat). Pone en relieve, igualmente, la imposibilidad de expresar en una segunda lengua lo que se vive en geografías ajenas. Personaje importante es Isabel Godin, quien no puede liberarse del mundo oscuro, complejo y ambivalente que constituye la memoria. En suma, la novela desmitifica la autoridad de las ciencias naturales y físicas, y abre la posibilidad de repensar, reescribir y resignificar la historia del país.
Children with English as a second language (L2) with exposure of 18 months or less exhibit similar difficulties to children with Specific Language Impairment in tense marking, a marker of language impairment for English. This paper examines whether L2 children with longer exposure converge with their monolingual peers in the production of tense marking. 38 Turkish-English L2 children with a mean age of 7;8 and 33 monolingual age-matched controls completed the screening test of the Test of Early Grammatical Impairment (TEGI). The L2 children as a group were as accurate as the controls in the production of -ed, but performed significantly lower than the controls in the production of third person –s. Age and YoE affected the children’s performance. The highest age-expected performance on the TEGI was attested in eight and nine year-old children who had 4-6 YoE. L1 and L2 children performed better in regular compared to irregular verbs, but L2 children overregularized more than L1 children and were less sensitive to the phonological properties of verbs. The results show that tense marking and the screening test of the TEGI may be promising for differential diagnosis in eight and nine year-old L2 children with at least four YoE.
Second language listening has historically proved to be a difficult skill. Strategy instruction studies have sought to bring about improvements in subjects’ listening but with mixed results. This lack of success might be due to the nature of listening strategy theory and its influence on conceptualizations of listening strategy instruction. The current study, based on an initial descriptive investigation of a specific population of learners, measured the effects of strategy instruction on both the listening performance and self-efficacy of 68 lower-intermediate learners of French in England, against a comparison group. Moreover, the effects of high- and low-scaffolded interventions were compared. Results suggest that the program improved listening proficiency and learners’ confidence about listening. Implications for pedagogy and strategy theory are discussed.
This article discusses issues in measuring lexical diversity, before outlining an approach based on mathematical modelling that produces a measure, D, designed to address these problems. The procedure for obtaining values for D directly from transcripts using software (vocd) is introduced, and then applied to thirty-two children from the Bristol Study of Language Development (Wells 1985) at ten different ages. A significant developmental trend is shown for D and an indication is given of the average scores and ranges to be expected between the ages of 18 and 42 months and at 5 years for these L1 English speakers. The meaning attributable to further ranges of values for D is illustrated by analysing the lexical diversity of academic writing, and its wider application is demonstrated with examples from specific language impairment, morphological development, and foreign/second language learning.
Williams syndrome (WS) is a rare genetic disorder resulting from a deletion on chromosome 7. A number of studies have shown that individuals with WS have a superior linguistic profile compared to their non-verbal abilities, however the evidence has been inconclusive, as many studies have disputed such a profile. The vast majority of studies on WS have assumed a single, homogeneous WS linguistic profile in order to support various theoretical viewpoints. The present study investigated the linguistic profiles of 5 individuals with WS on a number of standardized verbal measures and in conversational settings. The results indicated substantially variable performance in all aspects of the verbal domain, which supports the view that WS, linguistically, is a rather heterogeneous condition and this should be taken into consideration when referring to it in theoretical accounts of language acquisition and debates on modularity.
On-line processing of sentences involving reflexive and non-reflexive pronouns in L1 and L2 children
The present study sets out to examine the strategies used by Chinese learners in a predominantly naturalistic environment and how such learner strategy use relates to their proficiency in the second language. Data were collected from four Chinese research students in the UK using semi-structured interviews. Their proficiency in English was assessed with an oral interview and a listening test. The main findings from this study are that the learners used a wide range of strategies overall, including metacognitive, cognitive, social/affective and compensation strategies. The majority of the commonly reported strategies were metacognitive strategies, suggesting that the learners were self-directed and attempting to manage their own learning in an informal context. They also showed idiosyncrasies in their use of learner strategies. Attempts to explain the learners’ strategy use in relation to their levels of proficiency in English and contextual factors, as well as several other factors, are offered. Implications for target-country institutions in terms of the provision of support to Chinese students are discussed.
‘Bilingual’ documents, with text in both Demotic and Greek, can be of several sorts, ranging from complete translations of the same information (e.g. Ptolemaic decrees) to those where the information presented in the two languages is complementary (e.g. mummy labels). The texts discussed in this paper consist of a number of examples of financial records where a full account in one language (L1) is annotated with brief pieces of information in a second language (L2). These L2 ‘tags’ are designed to facilitate extraction of summary data at another level of the administration, functioning in a different language, and probably also to make the document accessible to those who are not literate in the L1.
This paper presents an investigation into learners’ and teachers’ perceptions of and criteria for task difficulty. Ten second language learners performed four oral narrative tasks and were retrospectively interviewed about which tasks they perceived as difficult, what factors affected this difficulty and how they identified and defined this task difficulty. Ten EFL/ESOL teachers were given the same tasks and asked to consider the difficulty of the tasks for their learners, and were invited to discuss the factors they believed contributed to this difficulty. Qualitative analysis of the data revealed that, although there were some differences between the two groups’ perceptions of task difficulty, there was substantial similarity between them in terms of the criteria they considered in identifying and defining task difficulty. The findings of this study lend support to the tenets of a cognitive approach to task-based language learning, and demonstrate which aspects of two models of task difficulty reflect the teachers’ and learners’ perceptions and perspectives.
This article argues that a native-speaker baseline is a neglected dimension of studies into second language (L2) performance. If we investigate how learners perform language tasks, we should distinguish what performance features are due to their processing an L2 and which are due to their performing a particular task. Having defined what we mean by “native speaker,” we present the background to a research study into task features on nonnative task performance, designed to include native-speaker data as a baseline for interpreting nonnative-speaker performance. The nonnative results, published in this journal (Tavakoli & Foster, 2008) are recapitulated and then the native-speaker results are presented and discussed in the light of them. The study is guided by the assumption that limited attentional resources impact on L2 performance and explores how narrative design features—namely complexity of storyline and tightness of narrative structure— affect complexity, fluency, accuracy, and lexical diversity in language. The results show that both native and nonnative speakers are prompted by storyline complexity to use more subordinated language, but narrative structure had different effects on native and nonnative fluency. The learners, who were based in either London or Tehran, did not differ in their performance when compared to each other, except in lexical diversity, where the learners in London were close to native-speaker levels. The implications of the results for the applicability of Levelt’s model of speaking to an L2 are discussed, as is the potential for further L2 research using native speakers as a baseline.
The overarching aim of the research reported here was to investigate the effects of task structure and storyline complexity of oral narrative tasks on second language task performance. Participants were 60 Iranian language learners of English who performed six narrative tasks of varying degree of structure and storyline complexity in an assessment setting. A number of analytic detailed measures were employed to examine whether there were any differences in the participants’ performances elicited by the different tasks in terms of their accuracy, fluency, syntactic complexity and lexical diversity. Results of the data analysis showed that performance in the more structured tasks was more accurate and to a great extent more fluent than that in the less structured tasks. The results further revealed that syntactic complexity of L2 performance was related to the storyline complexity, i.e. more syntactic complexity was associated with narratives that had both foreground and background storylines. These findings strongly suggest that there is some unsystematic variance in the participants’ performance triggered by the different aspects of task design.