609 resultados para Scuderi, Salvatore.
Part 7: Cyber-Physical Systems
Part 6: Engineering and Implementation of Collaborative Networks
Background: Although numerous studies and metanalysis have shown the beneficial effect of statin therapy in CVD secondary prevention, there is still controversy such the use of statins for primary CVD prevention in patients with DM. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of total major adverse cardio-vascular events (MACE) in a cohort of patients with type 2 diabetes complicated by nephropathy treated with statins, in order to verify real life effect of statin on CVD primary prevention. Methods: We conducted an observational prospective multicenter study on 564 patients with type 2 diabetic nephropathy free of cardiovascular disease attending 21 national outpatient diabetes clinics and followed them up for 8 years. 169 of them were treated with statins (group A) while 395 were not on statins (group B). Results: Notably, none of the patients was treated with a high-intensity statin therapy according to last ADA position statement. Total MACE occurred in 32 patients from group A and in 68 patients from group B. Fatal MACE occurred in 13 patients from group A and in 30 from group B; nonfatal MACE occurred in 19 patients from group A and in 38 patients from group B. The analysis of the Kaplan-Meier survival curves showed a not statistically significant difference in the incidence of total (p 0.758), fatal (p 0.474) and nonfatal (p 0.812) MACE between the two groups. HbA1c only showed a significant difference in the incidence of MACE between the two groups (HR 1.201, CI 1.041-1.387, p 0.012). Conclusions: These findings suggest that, in a real clinical setting, moderate-intensity statin treatment is ineffective in cardiovascular primary prevention for patients with diabetic nephropathy.
Antecedentes y objetivos: La hiperhidrosis primaria afecta el 2,8% de la población de Estados Unidos. Condición que impacta el desarrollo social de los individuos afectados, ocasionando fobia social. Existen opciones disponibles para el tratamiento de la hiperhidrosis incluyendo medicamentos tópico, sistémico, inyectable y quirúrgico. El objetivo de ésta revisión sistemática de la literatura es determinar la efectividad y seguridad de los dispositivos de emisión de microondas, radiofrecuencia no ablativa y sistema de ultrasonido microfocalizado para el tratamiento de la hiperhidrosis primaria. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura de artículos obtenidos de bases de datos: Medline, Cochrane, Embase, Ovid y Scielo. Se incluyeron ensayos clínicos aleatorizados controlados, ensayos cuasiexperimentales desde el 2011; donde evaluaran el uso de estos dispositivos en el manejo de hiperhidrosis primaria. Resultados: Se seleccionaron 21 artículos en total. Se encontró que con los tres dispositivos se logra una reducción significativa a puntajes entre 1 y 2 de la escala de Severidad de la Hiperhidrosis; en 3 estudios se encontró mejoría en la calidad de vida; los eventos adversos fueron transitorios, siendo más frecuentes con el dispositivo de emisión de microondas. Conclusión: Primera revisión sistemática de la literatura sobre el efecto de estos tres dispositivos en el manejo de hiperhidrosis. Se espera aportar a la literatura existente una recomendación acerca de la efectividad y seguridad de estos dispositivos para que sea aplicado en los pacientes con diagnóstico de hiperhidrosis primaria.
El estudio del potencial exportador colombiano de carne bovina y porcina a la Federación Rusa en función de su oferta y demanda es un proyecto que pertenece a la línea de realidad dentro del área de investigación de la Universidad del Rosario. Es una investigación tipo exploratoria con un enfoque cualitativo que buscará dar respuesta a si Colombia cuenta con el potencial exportador de carne bovina y porcina al mercado de la Federación Rusa. El marco teórico que justifica el proyecto de investigación se compone de la investigación de mercados, el estudio del potencial de la demanda y las restricciones de acceso a otros mercados. A su vez los resultados esperados del proyecto de investigación serán diagnosticar el potencial exportador que tiene Colombia en relación a la carne bovina y porcina, así como examinar la oferta y demanda de estos productos en el mercado de la Federación Rusa y por último detallar las medidas sanitarias y zoosanitarias exigidas por el mercado de la Federación Rusa. Finalmente se utilizarán herramientas de tipo cualitativo que soportarán el desarrollo del proyecto de investigación, para conseguir alinear el objetivo del proyecto con el de la línea de realidad de la universidad y al objetivo del profesor, que buscan la producción de materiales académicos de uso permanente en la Universidad.
Oggetto della tesi sono i Dialoghi con Leucò, ventisette dialoghi tra dèi ed eroi del mito antico, pubblicati da Cesare Pavese nel 1947. Muovendo dai molteplici studi che negli ultimi anni si sono interessati alla raccolta e al suo rapporto col mondo classico, riconducibili nell’alveo più ampio dell’ interesse verso la dimensione intertestuale dell’opera pavesiana e in quello ancor più generale delle riscritture del mito classico all’interno della letteratura italiana, il presente lavoro intende colmare una lacuna: nonostante gli indubbi passi avanti compiuti nell’interpretazione dei Dialoghi, il panorama critico è tuttora mancante di un’analisi complessiva di tutte le tessere della raccolta, cioè uno studio che si mostri capace di integrare i risultati raggiunti sino a oggi in una cornice sistemica che includa e consideri tutti i componimenti – obiettivo specifico del lavoro qui sviluppato. L’analisi, dal taglio spiccatamente comparativo, si snoda sul duplice binario della sincronia e della diacronia: da un lato vengono chiarite le strategie di adattamento e riscrittura dell’antico, mentre, dall’altro, l’indagine è arricchita dal raffronto con altre riscritture mitiche, letterarie e non solo, nella convinzione che solo da un’analisi globale dell’opera se ne possa produrre una nuova interpretazione e che questa non possa prescindere dal confronto e dalla contaminazione con tendenze, motivi ed emersioni mitiche successive, anche non immediatamente riconducibili a Pavese.
Big data are reshaping the way we interact with technology, thus fostering new applications to increase the safety-assessment of foods. An extraordinary amount of information is analysed using machine learning approaches aimed at detecting the existence or predicting the likelihood of future risks. Food business operators have to share the results of these analyses when applying to place on the market regulated products, whereas agri-food safety agencies (including the European Food Safety Authority) are exploring new avenues to increase the accuracy of their evaluations by processing Big data. Such an informational endowment brings with it opportunities and risks correlated to the extraction of meaningful inferences from data. However, conflicting interests and tensions among the involved entities - the industry, food safety agencies, and consumers - hinder the finding of shared methods to steer the processing of Big data in a sound, transparent and trustworthy way. A recent reform in the EU sectoral legislation, the lack of trust and the presence of a considerable number of stakeholders highlight the need of ethical contributions aimed at steering the development and the deployment of Big data applications. Moreover, Artificial Intelligence guidelines and charters published by European Union institutions and Member States have to be discussed in light of applied contexts, including the one at stake. This thesis aims to contribute to these goals by discussing what principles should be put forward when processing Big data in the context of agri-food safety-risk assessment. The research focuses on two interviewed topics - data ownership and data governance - by evaluating how the regulatory framework addresses the challenges raised by Big data analysis in these domains. The outcome of the project is a tentative Roadmap aimed to identify the principles to be observed when processing Big data in this domain and their possible implementations.
La ricerca aveva come obiettivo principale quello di esaminare i sinodi svoltisi nell’Impero Romano d'Oriente, in Italia e in Africa nel periodo compreso tra il 325 e 787. L’obiettivo era quello di porre particolare attenzione a tutti quei temi legati all’organizzazione, alla logistica, ai luoghi di svolgimento e agli aspetti cerimoniali collegati ai momenti di manifestazione dell’autorità ecclesiastica e civile, poco noti nella storiografia moderna. Poco, infatti, si conosce delle forme di convocazione dei presuli, degli itinerari e delle modalità di viaggio che essi affrontavano per raggiungere la sede conciliare; è inoltre particolarmente difficile ricostruire i regolamenti che caratterizzavano le discussioni del consesso riunito, le modalità di voto e la formulazione delle deliberazioni; poco si conosce ad oggi anche delle varie categorie di persone che prendevano parte attiva ai dibattiti con funzioni e ruoli differenti e le varie tipologie di luoghi e aule impiegate per le riunioni e per l’ospitalità dei partecipanti, delle modalità di sfruttamento degli spazi da loro occupati e del cerimoniale che doveva essere rigorosamente seguito dai presenti. Sulla base di una prima campionatura introduttiva basata sui primi tre volumi dell'opera di Hefele-Leclercq coniugati con la raccolta di atti conciliari del Mansi, sono stati censiti più di 300 sinodi di varia natura. Partendo da questo dato preliminare sono stati selezionati 80 casi per i quali è stato possibile risalire all’edificio in cui i dibattiti sinodali si svolsero e intorno ai quali è stata svolta l’intera ricerca.
Sintesi e caratterizzazione di cinque eptameri "push-pull" a base tiofenica con sequenza D-A-D-A-D-A-D e D-D-D-A-D-D-D per applicazioni in celle solari di tipo bulkheterojunction (BHJ).
Nel presente elaborato di tesi si esporranno le fasi di costruzione ed i risultati del modello idraulico del sistema di distribuzione idrica della città di Cesena, comprendente tutta l’area cittadina e la zona di pianura a nord-ovest adiacente. Il caso di studio è stato reso disponibile dal gestore del Servizio idrico integrato nel territorio Hera S.p.A. Il modello numerico è stato implementato utilizzando il programma Infoworks® WS di HR Wallingford per la progettazione e gestione delle reti idriche. La realizzazione di un modello idraulico richiede la conoscenza topologica della rete e del suo funzionamento, nonché informazioni sul consumo idrico, fondamentali per la determinazione della domanda idrica. Essa comprende il consumo idropotabile delle utenze e la perdita idrica. Per le elaborazioni sono stati utilizzati i programmi open source QGis e RStudio. La variabilità del consumo è stata rappresentata attraverso una curva costruita sulla base del bilancio idrico della rete, mentre quella della perdita attraverso un pattern basato sul metodo del Minimum Night Flow. Compiuta la prima simulazione su un periodo di 7 giorni e ottenuti i primi risultati, si sono rese necessarie delle operazioni di calibrazione eseguite confrontando i dati risultanti dal modello con quelli misurati sul campo. Uno dei vantaggi di un modello numerico è quello di poter indagare le grandezze idrauliche in ogni punto della rete. È stato, infatti, possibile creare vere e proprie mappe tematiche che illustrano la variazione delle grandezze di interesse al variare dello spazio e del tempo. Un altro vantaggio è quello di poter prevedere il comportamento della rete in seguito a delle modifiche. Si è potuto, infatti, applicare lo strumento modellistico ad un’ipotesi di distrettualizzazione del sistema.
The objective of this thesis was the development of a new detection method of partial discharge (PD) activity in the stator of an electrical hybrid supercar fed by a silicon carbide converter, for which detection with common methods make it very difficult to separate PD pulses from switching noise. This work focused on the analysis and detection of partial discharges making use of an antenna, a peak detector, and an oscilloscope capable of capturing the electromagnetic pulses emitted during PD activity. Validation of the proposed method was done by comparing the partial discharge inception voltage (PDIV) detected by this system with the one obtained from an optical method of proven accuracy, with different rise times and samples. Further development of this method, if proved successful on a full stator, can help increasing the overall reliability of the car, potentially allowing for real time detection of PD activity and predictive maintenance before failure of the insulation system in a hybrid vehicle.
This dissertation, comprised of three separate studies, focuses on the relationship between remote work adoption and employee job performance, analyzing employee social isolation and job concentration as the main mediators of this relationship. It also examines the impact of concern about COVID-19 and emotional stability as moderators of these relationships. Using a survey-based method in an emergency homeworking context, the first study found that social isolation had a negative effect on remote work productivity and satisfaction, and that COVID-19 concerns affected this relationship differently for individuals with high and low levels of concern. The second study, a diary study analyzing hybrid workers, found a positive correlation between work from home (WFH) adoption and job performance through social isolation and job concentration, with emotional stability serving respectively as a buffer and booster in the relationships between WFH and the mediators. The third study, even in this case a diary study of hybrid workers, confirmed the benefits of work from home on job performance and the importance of job concentration as a mediator, while suggesting that social isolation may not be significant when studying employee job performance, but it is relevant for employee well-being. Although each study provides autonomously a discussion and research and practical implications, this dissertation also presents a general discussion on remote work and its psychological implications, highlighting areas for future research
Background and Objectives: Carotid revascularization to prevent future vascular events is reasonable in patients with high-grade carotid stenosis. Currently, several biomarkers to predict carotid plaque development and progression have been investigated, among which microRNAs (miRs) are promising tools for the diagnosis of atherosclerosis. Methods and Results: A total of 49 participants were included in the study, divided into two main populations: Population 1 comprising symptomatic and asymptomatic inpatients, and Population 2 comprising asymptomatic outpatients. The study consisted of two main phases: a preliminary discovery phase and a validation phase, applying different techniques. MiR-profiles were performed on plasma and plaque tissue samples obtained from 4 symptomatic and 4 asymptomatic inpatients. MiRs emerging from profiling comparisons, i.e. miR-126-5p, miR-134-5p, miR-145-5p, miR-151a-5p, miR-34b, miR-451a, miR-720 and miR-1271-5p, were subjected to validation through RT-qPCR analysis in the total cohort of donors. Comparing asymptomatic and symptomatic inpatients, significant differences were reported in the expression levels of c-miRs for miR-126-5p and miR-1271-5p in blood, being more expressed in symptomatic subjects. In contrast, simultaneous evaluation of the selected miRs in plaque tissue samples did not confirm data obtained by the miR profiling, and no significant differences were observed. Using Receiver-Operating Characteristic (ROC) analysis, a circulating molecular signature (mir-126-5p, miR-1271-5p, albumin, C-reactive protein, and monocytes) was identified, allowing the distinction of the two groups in Population 1 (AUC = 0.795). Conclusions: Data emerging from this thesis suggest that c-miRs (i.e. miR-126-5p, miR-1271-5p) combined with selected haemato-biochemical parameters (albumin, C-reactive protein, and monocytes) produced a good molecular 'signature' to distinguish asymptomatic and symptomatic inpatients. C-miRs in blood do not necessarily reflect the expression levels of the same miRs in carotid plaque tissues since different mechanism can influence their expression.
The properties of the mitochondrial F1FO-ATPase activated by the natural cofactor Mg2+ or by Ca2+, were studied, mainly on heart mitochondria from swine, widely used in translational medicine. The Ca2+ driven conformational changes in the F1FO-ATPase form the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP), which triggers regulated cell death and is involved in severe pathologies. The Ca2+-activated F1FO-ATPase hydrolyzes ATP with kinetics slightly different from those of the Mg2+-ATPase. Known F1-ATPase inhibitors inhibit both the Ca2+-activated F1FO-ATPase and the mPTP formation strengthening the molecular link between them. The different Gd3+ effects on the Ca2+- and Mg2+-activated F1FO-ATPases confirm their difference as also phenylglyoxal which preferentially inhibits the Ca2+-activated F1FO-ATPase. The effects of phenylarsine and dibromobimane, which interact with differently distant Cys thiols, show that mPTP opening is ruled by nearby or distant dithiols. Bergamot polyphenols and melatonin inhibit the mPTP and ROS formation. H2S, a known cardiovascular protector, unaffects the F1FO-ATPase, but inhibits Ca2+ absorption and indirectly the mPTP, both in swine heart and mussel midgut gland mitochondria. New generation triazoles inhibit the Ca2+-activated F1FO-ATPase and the mPTP, but unaffect the Mg2+-activated F1FOATPase. In parallel, the energy metabolism was investigated in mammalian cells. In boar sperm ATP is mainly produced by mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS), even if it decreases over time because of less active mitochondria. Insufficient ATP may induce sperm dysfunction. Also, canine mesenchymal stem cells rely on OXPHOS; those from umbilical cord which produce more ATP than those from adipose tissue, seem preferable for transplant studies. The intestinal porcine enterocyte cell line IPEC-J2, used for human gut research, responds to different fetal bovine serum concentrations by remodeling OXPHOS without altering the bioenergetic parameters. The IPEC-J2 bioenergetics is modulated by Vitamin K vitamers. These data shoulder cell bioenergetics as precious tool for medical research.
Interfacing materials with different intrinsic chemical-physical characteristics allows for the generation of a new system with multifunctional features. Here, this original concept is implemented for tailoring the functional properties of bi-dimensional black phosphorus (2D bP or phosphorene) and organic light-emitting transistors (OLETs). Phosphorene is highly reactive under atmospheric conditions and its small-area/lab-scale deposition techniques have hampered the introduction of this material in real-world applications so far. The protection of 2D bP against the oxygen by means of functionalization with alkane molecules and pyrene derivatives, showed long-term stability with respect to the bare 2D bP by avoiding remarkable oxidation up to 6 months, paving the way towards ultra-sensitive oxygen chemo-sensors. A new approach of deposition-precipitation heterogeneous reaction was developed to decorate 2D bP with Au nanoparticles (NP)s, obtaining a “stabilizer-free” that may broaden the possible applications of the 2D bP/Au NPs interface in catalysis and biodiagnostics. Finally, 2D bP was deposited by electrospray technique, obtaining oxidized-phosphorous flakes as wide as hundreds of µm2 and providing for the first time a phosphorous-based bidimensional system responsive to electromechanical stimuli. The second part of the thesis focuses on the study of organic heterostructures in ambipolar OLET devices, intriguing optoelectronic devices that couple the micro-scaled light-emission with electrical switching. Initially, an ambipolar single-layer OLET based on a multifunctional organic semiconductor, is presented. The bias-depending light-emission shifted within the transistor channel, as expected in well-balanced ambipolar OLETs. However, the emitted optical power of the single layer-based device was unsatisfactory. To improve optoelectronic performance of the device, a multilayer organic architecture based on hole-transporting semiconductor, emissive donor-acceptor blend and electron-transporting semiconductor was optimized. We showed that the introduction of a suitable electron-injecting layer at the interface between the electron-transporting and light-emission layers may enable a ≈ 2× improvement of efficiency at reduced applied bias.