893 resultados para SPME technique
These slides give general tips on exam technique in the context of feedback from a previous exam the students took
Introduction: This article aims to show an alternative intervention for the prevention and control of back pain to the people of a production plant of geotextiles for the construction exposed to handling and awkward postures through the implementation of the Back School using the CORE technique. This technique being understood as trainer of the stability musculature of the spine; whose benefit is proportionate the muscular complex of the back, stability and avoid osteomuscular lesions and improved posture. Objective: To present the results about the implementation of the back school by the CORE technique for prevention of back pain in a population of forty-eight male collaborators. Materials and methods: The back school began with talks of awareness by the occupational health physician explaining the objectives and benefits of it to all participants. Once this activity was done, was continued to evaluate all plant employees to establish health status through the PAR-Q questionnaire, who were surveyed for the perception of pain using visual analog scale (VAS) and stability was determined column through the CORE assessment, to determine the training plan. Then, were made every six months the revaluations and implementation of a survey of assistant public perception to identify the impact of the implementation of the school back on the two variables referred (pain perception and stability of column). Results: The pain perception according VAS increased in the number of workers asymptomatic in 12% and based in the satisfaction survey 94% of population reported that with the development of this technique decrease the muscle fatigue in lumbar level; and 96% of population reported an improvement in the performance of their work activities. Discussion: Posterior to the analysis of all results, it is interpreted that back schools practice through CORE technique, contributes to the prevention and / or control of symptoms at the lumbar level in population of productive sector exposed to risks derived from the physical load, provided that ensure its continuously development and supervised for a competent professional.
Dirigido a alumnos de enseñanza secundaria, presenta la técnica y la práctica para la resolución de ejercicios de razonamiento verbal. Incluye trece de los treinta y cinco tipos de preguntas que se pueden encontrar en los exámenes oficiales (los volúmenes 2, 3 y 4 de la misma serie tratan los otros tipos) en el área de lengua. Para cada tipo de ejercicio explica el objetivo del mismo y la técnica que se debe seguir para su realización, con ejemplos y notas aclaratorias, y a continuación presenta un ejercicio práctico para aplicar dicha técnica. Al final del libro hay una tabla para apuntar los resultados de cada test y controlar el progreso del alumno, y un apartado con las soluciones.
Resumen tomado de la publicación. Con el apoyo económico del departamento MIDE de la UNED
Monográfico con el título: 'Patrimonio y Educación'. Resumen basado en el de la publicación
This paper details a technique for training auditory memory for length of speech sounds in preschool children with a profound hearing loss.
This paper discusses the effectiveness of a remedial reading program for hearing impaired children.
This paper studies aural rehabilitation efforts designed to address the compensatory strategies used by hearing-impaired adults and evaluates the success of an eight week group communications-based therapy program.