980 resultados para SCORPION ALPHA-TOXINS


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Poly-L-alanine forms stable right-handed alpha-helices, whereas Poly-D-alanine is stable as left-handed alpha helices.


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Most of the snakebite incidents in the Amazon region involve Bothrops atrox, whose venom presents the most potent edematogenic and necrotic activities in the genus. This work describes the studies of isolation of the chemical constituents and antiedematogenic activity of the species Peltodon radicans (Lamiaceae), which is used in the treatment of snakebites and scorpion stings in the region. The extracts presented aliphatic hydrocarbons, 3beta-OH,beta-amirin (1), 3beta-OH,alpha-amirin (2), beta-sitosterol (3), stigmasterol (4), ursolic acid (5), 2alpha,3beta,19alpha-trihydroxy-urs-12-en-28-oic acid (tormentic acid, 6), methyl 3beta-hydroxy,28-methyl-ursolate (7), sitosterol-3-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside (8), and stigmasterol-3-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside (9). The flower extracts presented the higher antiedematogenic activity. This is the first report on the study of the flowers, stem, and roots of this plant.


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Molekyylimarkkerit ja pitkäaikainen alfainterferonihoito munuaissyövässä Munuaissyöpäpotilaiden viiden vuoden elossaololuku on noin 50 %. Aikaisempien tutkimuksien mukaan viiden vuoden elossaololuku metastasoituneessa munuaissyövässä on 3-16 %, kun käytettiin alfainterferonia sisältävää hoitoa. Tyypillisesti alfainterferonia on käytetty vähemmäin kuin 6 kuukautta. Avoimia kysymyksiä ovat alfainterferonin optimaalinen hoitoannos ja hoidon kesto yksin tai yhdessä uusien täsmähoitojen kanssa. Tärkeimmät tavoitteet olivat tutkia 1) jaksotetun pitkäaikaisen alfainterferonihoidon tehoa ja siedettävyyttä metastasoituneessa munuaissyövässä ja 2) p53-, Ki-67- ja COX-2-proteiinituotannon ennusteellista merkitystä munuaissyövässä. Tutkimuksessa 117 metastasoituneelle munuaissyöpää sairastaneelle potilaalle etsittiin yksilöllinen hänen sietämänsä maksimaalinen hoitoannos rekombinanttia alfa2a-interferonia (Roferon-ATM). Hoitoa pyrittiin jatkamaan 24 kuukauden ajan. Kolmen hoitoviikon jälkeen pidettiin yhden viikon tauko. Hoito lopetettiin, jos ilmaantui vakavia haittavaikutuksia tai tauti eteni. Toisessa tutkimuksessa proteiinituotanto analysoitiin immunohistokemiallisesti munuaissyöpäpotilaiden kasvainnäytteistä, joita oli säilytetty parafiinissa. Kasvainnäytteet oli otettu talteen munuaisen poistoleikkauksen yhteydessä. Nämä potilaat jaettiin kolmeen eri ryhmään: metastasointi primaarivaiheessa (n=29), metastasointi myöhemmin (n=37) ja ei metastasointia (n=51). Keskimääräinen alfainterferonihoidon kesto oli 11 kuukautta (kk) [0,5 – 32 kk]. Objektiivinen hoitovaste todettiin 17 %:lla, tautitilanne pysyi ennallaan 42 %:lla ja myöhäinen vaste (yli 12 kk:tta hoidon aloittamisesta) todettiin 3 %:lla. Aika vasteen saavuttamisesta taudin etenemiseen oli keskimäärin 8 kk ja elinaika 19,1 kk. Viiden vuoden elossaololuku oli 16 %. Jos metastasoituneella munuaissyöpäpotilaalla oli keuhkometastasointi, hän selvisi todennäköisemmin viisi vuotta kuin muut potilaat. Henkeä uhkaavia sivuvaikutuksia ei todettu. Yli 12 kk:n ajan kestävä alfainterferonihoito on hyödyllistä niille potilaille, jotka ovat saaneet objektiivisen hoitovasteen tai tautitilanne on pysynyt ennallaan. Positiivinen p53- ja Ki-67-ekspressio yhdessä viittaavat suureen metastasoinnin todennäköisyyteen. Positiivinen COX-2-ekspressio viittaa viivästyneeseen metastaasien ilmaantumiseen. Metastasoituneilla potilailla positiiviset p53- ja Ki-67-ekspressiot viittaavat huonoon ennusteeseen, mutta positiivinen COX-2 ekspressio viittaa suotuisaan ennusteeseen. Positiivinen COX-2- ja negatiivinen Ki-67-ekspressio yhdessä viittaavat parantuneeseen ennusteeseen metastasoituneessa munuaissyövässä.


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Neutral alpha-mannosidase and lysosomal MAN2B1 alpha-mannosidase belong to glycoside hydrolase family 38, which contains essential enzymes required for the modification and catabolism of asparagine-linked glycans on proteins. MAN2B1 catalyses lysosomal glycan degradation, while neutral α-mannosidase is most likely involved in the catabolism of cytosolic free oligosaccharides. These mannose containing saccharides are generated during glycosylation or released from misfolded glycoproteins, which are detected by quality control in the endoplasmic reticulum. To characterise the biological function of human neutral α-mannosidase, I cloned the alpha-mannosidase cDNA and recombinantly expressed the enzyme. The purified enzyme trimmed the putative natural substrate Man9GlcNAc to Man5GlcNAc, whereas the reducing end GlcNAc2 limited trimming to Man8GlcNAc2. Neutral α-mannosidase showed highest enzyme activity at neutral pH and was activated by the cations Fe2+, Co2+ and Mn2+, Cu2+ in turn had a strong inhibitory effect on alpha-mannosidase activity. Analysis of its intracellular localisation revealed that neutral alpha-mannosidase is cytosolic and colocalises with proteasomes. Further work showed that the overexpression of neutral alpha-mannosidase affected the cytosolic free oligosaccharide content and led to enhanced endoplasmic reticulum associated degradation and underglycosylation of secreted proteins. The second part of the study focused on MAN2B1 and the inherited lysosomal storage disorder α-mannosidosis. In this disorder, deficient MAN2B1 activity is associated with mutations in the MAN2B1 gene. The thesis reports the molecular consequences of 35 alpha-mannosidosis associated mutations, including 29 novel missense mutations. According to experimental analyses, the mutations fall into four groups: Mutations, which prevent transport to lysosomes are accompanied with a lack of proteolytic processing of the enzyme (groups 1 and 3). Although the rest of the mutations (groups 2 and 4) allow transport to lysosomes, the mutated proteins are less efficiently processed to their mature form than is wild type MAN2B1. Analysis of the effect of the mutations on the model structure of human lysosomal alpha-mannosidase provides insights on their structural consequences. Mutations, which affect amino acids important for folding (prolines, glycines, cysteines) or domain interface interactions (arginines), arrest the enzyme in the endoplasmic reticulum. Surface mutations and changes, which do not drastically alter residue volume, are tolerated better. Descriptions of the mutations and clinical data are compiled in an α-mannosidosis database, which will be available for the scientific community. This thesis provides a detailed insight into two ubiquitous human alpha-mannosidases. It demonstrates that neutral alpha-mannosidase is involved in the degradation of cytosolic oligosaccharides and suggests that the regulation of this α-mannosidase is important for maintaining the cellular homeostasis of N-glycosylation and glycan degradation. The study on alpha-mannosidosis associated mutations identifies multiple mechanisms for how these mutations are detrimental for MAN2B1 activity. The α-mannosidosis database will benefit both clinicians and scientific research on lysosomal alpha‑mannosidosis.


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Nedbrytning av blågrönalgtoxiner med hälsobefrämjande mjölksyrebakterier Blomningar av cyanobakterier (blågrönalger) har blivit ett världsomfattande fenomen i eutrofierade vattenmiljöer. Cyanobakterier producerar toxiner, både levergifter och nervgifter, vilka utgör en hälsorisk för människan. Exponeringsrutter omfattar både dricksvatten och förorenade matvaror. Rening av dricksvatten från dessa toxiner är således av hög prioritet. Konventionella vatttenreningsprocesser är inte alltid tillräckligt effektiva mot cyanotoxiner. Därför behövs utveckling av nya effektiva biologiska metoder för vattenrening, vilka kunde komplettera de redan existerande metoderna. FM Sonja Nybom har i sin doktorsavhandling undersökt eliminering av cyanotoxiner från dricksvatten med hjälp av probioter. Probiotiska bakterier, såsom mjölksyrebakterier och bifidobakterier, finns i den naturliga tarmfloran och har även visats ha gynnsamma effekter för människans hälsa. I avhandlingen visades flera olika stammar av probiotiska mjölksyrebakterier och bifidobakterier effektivt eliminera cyanotoxiner, såsom levergiftiga microcystiner, från vatten. Elimineringen undersöktes under olika omständigheter och visades vara beroende av bland annat vattentemperatur, pH, celldensitet och närvaro av kolkälla (glukos) för bakterierna. Metaboliskt aktiva, levande bakterier krävdes för effektiv toxineliminering. En kombination av flera probiotstammar resulterade i effektivare nedbrytning av toxiner i jämförelse med enskilda bakteriestammar. Även reaktionstiden var av betydelse för effektiviteten; efter ett dygns inkubering åstadkoms nästan total nedbrytning. Sammanfattningsvis tyder resultaten på att metoder utnyttjande dessa hälsobefrämjande probiotiska bakterier kunde utvecklas till att användas vid rening av dricksvatten från cyanotoxiner samt användas som en personlig skyddsmekanism mot cyanotoxiner i mag-tarmkanalen.


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PURPOSE: To compare salivary and serum cortisol levels, salivary alpha-amylase (sAA), and unstimulated whole saliva (UWS) flow rate in pregnant and non-pregnant women. METHOD: A longitudinal study was conducted at a health promotion center of a university hospital. Nine pregnant and 12 non-pregnant women participated in the study. Serum and UWS were collected and analyzed every trimester and twice a month during the menstrual cycle. The salivary and serum cortisol levels were determined by chemiluminescence assay and the sAA was processed in an automated biochemistry analyzer. RESULTS: Significant differences between the pregnant and non-pregnant groups were found in median [interquartile range] levels of serum cortisol (23.8 µL/dL [19.4-29.4] versus 12.3 [9.6-16.8], p<0.001) and sAA (56.7 U/L [30.9-82.2] versus 31.8 [18.1-53.2], p<0.001). Differences in salivary and serum cortisol (µL/dL) and sAA levels in the follicular versus luteal phase were observed (p<0.001). Median UWS flow rates were similar in pregnant (0.26 [0.15-0.30] mL/min) and non-pregnant subjects (0.23 [0.20-0.32] mL/min). Significant correlations were found between salivary and serum cortisol (p=0.02) and between salivary cortisol and sAA (p=0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Serum cortisol and sAA levels are increased during pregnancy. During the luteal phase of the ovarian cycle, salivary cortisol levels increase, whereas serum cortisol and sAA levels decline.


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PURPOSE: To investigate the frequencies of polymorphic allele and genotypes for the LT-α gene, position +252 (rs909253), in Brazilian women with preeclampsia.METHODS: This is a case-control study, in which 30 women with preeclampsia, classified according to the criteria of the National High Blood Pressure Education Program, and 115 women in the control group, with at least two healthy pregnancies, were selected. Peripheral blood was collected, and DNA was extracted, followed by genotyping, using specific primers and restriction analysis. The genotypes obtained were AA, AG and GG. Statistical analysis was performed using the χ2association test. The Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium was tested using the Haploview Program.RESULTS: The results showed no association between genotypes and preeclampsia development (χ2=2.0; p=0.4). When the AG and GG genotypes were grouped according to allele G presence or absence (genotype AA), the data showed that the presence of allele G was not significantly different between cases (women with preeclampsia) and controls (χ2=0.0; p=1.0). The LT-α gene polymorphism, position +252 (rs909253), seems not to be an important candidate for the development of preeclampsia. Other inflammatory genes should be researched, and studies involving gene-environment interactions should be performed, in order to reach a better understanding of the etiology of the preeclampsia.


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Adrenoceptors (ARs), G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) at the plasma membrane, respond to endogenous catecholamines noradrenaline and adrenaline. These receptors mediate several important physiological functions being especially important in the cardiovascular system and in the regulation of smooth muscle contraction. Impairments in the function of these receptors can thus lead to severe diseases and disorders such as to cardiovascular diseases and benign prostatic hyperplasia. The Eastern green mamba (Dendroaspis angusticeps) venom has been shown to contain toxins that can antagonize the functions of GPCRs. The most well-known are muscarinic toxins (MTs) targeting muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (mAChRs) with high affinity and selectivity. However, some reports have indicated that these toxins might also act on the α1- and α2-ARs which can be divided into various subtypes; the α1-ARs to α1A-, α1B- and α1D-ARs and α2-ARs to α2A-, α2B- and α2C-ARs. In this thesis, the interaction of four common MTs (MT1, MT3, MT7 and MTα) with the adrenoceptors was characterized. It was also evaluated whether these toxins could be anchored to the plasma membrane via glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) tail. Results of this thesis reveal that muscarinic toxins are targeting several α-adrenoceptor subtypes in addition to their previously identified target receptors, mAChRs. MTα was found to interact with high affinity and selectivity with the α2B-AR whereas MT7 confirmed its selectivity for the M1 mAChR. Unlike MTα and MT7, MT1 and MT3 have a broad range of target receptors among the α-ARs. All the MTs characterized were found to behave as non-competitive antagonists of receptor action. The interaction between MTα and the α2B-AR was studied more closely and it was observed that the second extracellular loop of the receptor functions as a structural entity enabling toxin binding. The binding of MTα to the α2B-AR appears to be rather complex and probably involves dimerized receptor. Anchoring MTs to the plasma membrane did not interfere with their pharmacological profile; all the GPI-anchored toxins created retained their ability to block their target receptors. This thesis shows that muscarinic toxins are able to target several subtypes of α-ARs and mAChRs. These toxins offer thus a possibility to create new subtype specific ligands for the α-AR subtypes. Membrane anchored MTs on the other hand could be used to block α-AR and mAChR actions in disease conditions such as in hypertension and in gastrointestinal and urinary bladder disorders in a cell-specific manner and to study the physiological functions of ARs and mAChRs in vivo in model organisms.


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The melanocortin system is an important regulator of feeding, energy metabolism,and cardiovascular function and it consists of the pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) derived melanocyte stimulating hormones (α-, β- and γ-MSH) and their endogenous melanocortin receptors, MC1R to MC5R. In the hypothalamus, α-MSH reduces food intake, and increases energy expenditure and sympathetic tone by binding to MC4R. Mutations affecting the MC4R gene lead to obesity in mammals. On the other hand, the metabolic effects of MC3R stimulation using agonists such as the endogenously expressed γ-MSH have been less extensively explored. The main objective of this study was to investigate the long-term effects of increased melanocortin tone in key areas of metabolic regulation in the central nervous system (CNS) in order to investigate the sitespecific roles of both α-MSH and γ-MSH. The aim was to stereotaxically induce local overexpression of single melanocortin peptides using lentiviral vectors expressing α-MSH (LVi-α-MSH-EGFP) and γ-MSH (LVi-γ-MSH-EGFP). The lentiviral vectors were shown to produce a long-term overexpression and biologically active peptides in cell-based assays. The LVi-α-MSHEGFP was targeted to the arcuate nucleus in the hypothalamus of diet induced obese mice where it reduced weight gain and adiposity independently of food intake. When the nucleus tractus solitarus in the brainstem was targeted, the LVi-α-MSH-EGFP treatment was shown to cause a small decrease in adiposity, which did not impact weight development. However, the α-MSH treatment increased heart rate, which was attenuated by adrenergic receptor blockade indicative of increased sympathetic activity. The LVi-γ-MSH-EGFP was targeted to the hypothalamus where it decreased fat mass in mice eating the standard diet, but the effect was abated if animals consumed a high-fat Western type diet. When the diet induced obese mice were subjected again to the standard diet, the LVi-γ-MSH-EGFP treated animals displayed increased weight loss and reduced adiposity. These results indicate that the long-term central anti-obesity effects of α-MSH are independent of food intake. In addition, overexpression of α-MSH in the brain stem efficiently blocked the development of adiposity, but increased sympathetic tone. The evidence presented in this thesis also indicates that selective MC3R agonists such as γ-MSH could be potential therapeutics in combination with low fat diets.


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Alpha-Hemolysin is synthesized as a 1024-amino acid polypeptide, then intracellularly activated by specific fatty acylation. A second activation step takes place in the extracellular medium through binding of Ca2+ ions. Even in the absence of fatty acids and Ca2+ HlyA is an amphipathic protein, with a tendency to self-aggregation. However, Ca2+-binding appears to expose hydrophobic patches on the protein surface, facilitating both self-aggregation and irreversible insertion into membranes. The protein may somehow bind membranes in the absence of divalent cations, but only when Ca2+ (or Sr2+, or Ba2+) is bound to the toxin in aqueous suspensions, i.e., prior to its interaction with bilayers, can a-hemolysin bind irreversibly model or cell membranes in such a way that the integrity of the membrane barrier is lost, and cell or vesicle leakage ensues. Leakage is not due to the formation of proteinaceous pores, but rather to the transient disruption of the bilayer, due to the protein insertion into the outer membrane monolayer, and subsequent perturbations in the bilayer lateral tension. Protein or glycoprotein receptors for a-hemolysin may exist on the cell surface, but the toxin is also active on pure lipid bilayers.


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The effect of hypoxia on the levels of glycogen, glucose and lactate as well as the activities and binding of glycolytic and associated enzymes to subcellular structures was studied in brain, liver and white muscle of the teleost fish, Scorpaena porcus. Hypoxia exposure decreased glucose levels in liver from 2.53 to 1.70 µmol/g wet weight and in muscle led to its increase from 3.64 to 25.1 µmol/g wet weight. Maximal activities of several enzymes in brain were increased by hypoxia: hexokinase by 23%, phosphoglucoisomerase by 47% and phosphofructokinase (PFK) by 56%. However, activities of other enzymes in brain as well as enzymes in liver and white muscle were largely unchanged or decreased during experimental hypoxia. Glycolytic enzymes in all three tissues were partitioned between soluble and particulate-bound forms. In several cases, the percentage of bound enzymes was reduced during hypoxia; bound aldolase in brain was reduced from 36.4 to 30.3% whereas glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase fell from 55.7 to 28.7% bound. In muscle PFK was reduced from 57.4 to 41.7% bound. Oppositely, the proportion of bound aldolase and triosephosphate isomerase increased in hypoxic muscle. Phosphoglucomutase did not appear to occur in a bound form in liver and bound phosphoglucomutase disappeared in muscle during hypoxia exposure. Anoxia exposure also led to the disappearance of bound fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase in liver, whereas a bound fraction of this enzyme appeared in white muscle of anoxic animals. The possible function of reversible binding of glycolytic enzymes to subcellular structures as a regulatory mechanism of carbohydrate metabolism is discussed.


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Toxic cyanobacteria are common in Portuguese freshwaters and the most common toxins are microcystins. The occurrence of microcystin-LR (MCYST-LR) has been reported since 1990 and a significant number of water reservoirs that are used for drinking water attain high levels of this toxin. Aquatic animals that live in eutrophic freshwater ecosystems may be killed by microcystins but in many cases the toxicity is sublethal and so the animals can survive long enough to accumulate the toxins and transfer them along the food chain. Among these, edible mollusks, fish and crayfish are especially important because they are harvested and sold for human consumption. Mussels that live in estuarine waters and rivers where toxic blooms occur may accumulate toxins without many significant acute toxic effects. In this study data are presented in order to understand the dynamics of the accumulation and depuration of MCYST-LR in mussels. The toxin is readily accumulated and persists in the shellfish for several days after contact. In the crayfish the toxin is accumulated mainly in the gut but is also cleared very slowly. In carps, although the levels of the toxins found in naturally caught specimens were not very high, some toxin was found in the muscle and not only in the viscera. This raises the problem of the toxin accumulation by fish and possible transfer through the food chain. The data gathered from these experiments and from naturally caught specimens are analyzed in terms of risk for human consumption. The occurrence of microcystins in tap water and the incidence of toxic cyanobacteria in fresh water beaches in Portugal are reported. The Portuguese National Monitoring Program of cyanobacteria is mentioned and its implications are discussed.