995 resultados para Response complexity
Introduction: University students are frequently exposed to events that can cause stress and anxiety, producing elevated cardiovascular responses. Repeated exposure to academic stress has implications to students’ success and well-being and may contribute to the development of long-term health problems. Objective: To identify stress levels and coping strategies in university students and assess the impact of stress experience in heart rate variability (HRV). Methods: 17 university students, 19-23 years, completed the University Students Stress Inventory, the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales and the Ways of Coping Questionnaire. Two 24h-Holter recordings were performed, on academic activity days, including one of them an exam situation. Results: Students tend to present moderate stress levels, and prefer problem-focused coping strategies in order to manage stress. Exam situations are perceived as significant stressors. Although we found no significant differences in HRV (SDNN), between days with and without an exam, we registered a lower SDNN score and a variation in heart rate (HR) related to exam situation (maximum HR peak at 10 minutes before the exam, and total HR recovery 20 minutes after the exam), reflecting sympathetic activation due to stress. Conclusions: These results suggest that academic events, especially those related to exam situations, are the cause of stress in university students, with implications at cardiovascular level, underlying the importance of interventions that help these students improve their coping skills and optimize stress management, in order to improve academic achievement and promote well-being and quality of life.
In the current context of serious climate changes, where the increase of the frequency of some extreme events occurrence can enhance the rate of periods prone to high intensity forest fires, the National Forest Authority often implements, in several Portuguese forest areas, a regular set of measures in order to control the amount of fuel mass availability (PNDFCI, 2008). In the present work we’ll present a preliminary analysis concerning the assessment of the consequences given by the implementation of prescribed fire measures to control the amount of fuel mass in soil recovery, in particular in terms of its water retention capacity, its organic matter content, pH and content of iron. This work is included in a larger study (Meira-Castro, 2009(a); Meira-Castro, 2009(b)). According to the established praxis on the data collection, embodied in multidimensional matrices of n columns (variables in analysis) by p lines (sampled areas at different depths), and also considering the quantitative data nature present in this study, we’ve chosen a methodological approach that considers the multivariate statistical analysis, in particular, the Principal Component Analysis (PCA ) (Góis, 2004). The experiments were carried out in a soil cover over a natural site of Andaluzitic schist, in Gramelas, Caminha, NW Portugal, who was able to maintain itself intact from prescribed burnings from four years and was submit to prescribed fire in March 2008. The soils samples were collected from five different plots at six different time periods. The methodological option that was adopted have allowed us to identify the most relevant relational structures inside the n variables, the p samples and in two sets at the same time (Garcia-Pereira, 1990). Consequently, and in addition to the traditional outputs produced from the PCA, we have analyzed the influence of both sampling depths and geomorphological environments in the behavior of all variables involved.
Studying changes in brain activation according to the valence of emotion-inducing stimuli is essential in the research on emotions. Due to the ecological potential of virtual reality, it is also important to examine whether brain activation in response to emotional stimuli can be modulated by the three-dimensional (3D) properties of the images. This study uses functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging to compare differences between 3D and standard (2D) visual stimuli in the activation of emotion-related brain areas. The stimuli were organized in three virtual-reality scenarios, each with a different emotional valence (pleasant, unpleasant and neutral). The scenarios were presented in a pseudo-randomized order in the two visualization modes to twelve healthy males. Data were analyzed through a GLM-based fixed effects procedure. Unpleasant and neutral stimuli activated the right amygdala more strongly when presented in 3D than in 2D. These results suggest that 3D stimuli, when used as “building blocks” for virtual environments, can induce increased emotional loading, as shown here through neuroimaging.
Background: Complex medication regimens may adversely affect compliance and treatment outcomes. Complexity can be assessed with the medication regimen complexity index (MRCI), which has proved to be a valid, reliable tool, with potential uses in both practice and research. Objective: To use the MRCI to assess medication regimen complexity in institutionalized elderly people. Setting: Five nursing homes in mainland Portugal. Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional study of institutionalized elderly people (n = 415) was performed from March to June 2009, including all inpatients aged 65 and over taking at least one medication per day. Main outcome measure: Medication regimen complexity index. Results: The mean age of the sample was 83.9 years (±6.6 years), and 60.2 % were women. The elderly patients were taking a large number of drugs, with 76.6 % taking more than five medications per day. The average medication regimen complexity was 18.2 (±SD = 9.6), and was higher in the females (p < 0.001). The most decisive factors contributing to the complexity were the number of drugs and dosage frequency. In regimens with the same number of medications, schedule was the most relevant factor in the final score (r = 0.922), followed by pharmaceutical forms (r = 0.768) and additional instructions (r = 0.742). Conclusion: Medication regimen complexity proved to be high. There is certainly potential for the pharmacist's intervention to reduce it as part as the medication review routine in all the patients.
The energy resource scheduling is becoming increasingly important, as the use of distributed resources is intensified and massive gridable vehicle (V2G) use is envisaged. This paper presents a methodology for day-ahead energy resource scheduling for smart grids considering the intensive use of distributed generation and V2G. The main focus is the comparison of different EV management approaches in the day-ahead energy resources management, namely uncontrolled charging, smart charging, V2G and Demand Response (DR) programs i n the V2G approach. Three different DR programs are designed and tested (trip reduce, shifting reduce and reduce+shifting). Othe r important contribution of the paper is the comparison between deterministic and computational intelligence techniques to reduce the execution time. The proposed scheduling is solved with a modified particle swarm optimization. Mixed integer non-linear programming is also used for comparison purposes. Full ac power flow calculation is included to allow taking into account the network constraints. A case study with a 33-bus distribution network and 2000 V2G resources is used to illustrate the performance of the proposed method.
The elastic behavior of the demand consumption jointly used with other available resources such as distributed generation (DG) can play a crucial role for the success of smart grids. The intensive use of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) and the technical and contractual constraints result in large-scale non linear optimization problems that require computational intelligence methods to be solved. This paper proposes a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) based methodology to support the minimization of the operation costs of a virtual power player that manages the resources in a distribution network and the network itself. Resources include the DER available in the considered time period and the energy that can be bought from external energy suppliers. Network constraints are considered. The proposed approach uses Gaussian mutation of the strategic parameters and contextual self-parameterization of the maximum and minimum particle velocities. The case study considers a real 937 bus distribution network, with 20310 consumers and 548 distributed generators. The obtained solutions are compared with a deterministic approach and with PSO without mutation and Evolutionary PSO, both using self-parameterization.
A distributed, agent-based intelligent system models and simulates a smart grid using physical players and computationally simulated agents. The proposed system can assess the impact of demand response programs.
Demand response can play a very relevant role in the context of power systems with an intensive use of distributed energy resources, from which renewable intermittent sources are a significant part. More active consumers participation can help improving the system reliability and decrease or defer the required investments. Demand response adequate use and management is even more important in competitive electricity markets. However, experience shows difficulties to make demand response be adequately used in this context, showing the need of research work in this area. The most important difficulties seem to be caused by inadequate business models and by inadequate demand response programs management. This paper contributes to developing methodologies and a computational infrastructure able to provide the involved players with adequate decision support on demand response programs and contracts design and use. The presented work uses DemSi, a demand response simulator that has been developed by the authors to simulate demand response actions and programs, which includes realistic power system simulation. It includes an optimization module for the application of demand response programs and contracts using deterministic and metaheuristic approaches. The proposed methodology is an important improvement in the simulator while providing adequate tools for demand response programs adoption by the involved players. A machine learning method based on clustering and classification techniques, resulting in a rule base concerning DR programs and contracts use, is also used. A case study concerning the use of demand response in an incident situation is presented.
The massification of electric vehicles (EVs) can have a significant impact on the power system, requiring a new approach for the energy resource management. The energy resource management has the objective to obtain the optimal scheduling of the available resources considering distributed generators, storage units, demand response and EVs. The large number of resources causes more complexity in the energy resource management, taking several hours to reach the optimal solution which requires a quick solution for the next day. Therefore, it is necessary to use adequate optimization techniques to determine the best solution in a reasonable amount of time. This paper presents a hybrid artificial intelligence technique to solve a complex energy resource management problem with a large number of resources, including EVs, connected to the electric network. The hybrid approach combines simulated annealing (SA) and ant colony optimization (ACO) techniques. The case study concerns different EVs penetration levels. Comparisons with a previous SA approach and a deterministic technique are also presented. For 2000 EVs scenario, the proposed hybrid approach found a solution better than the previous SA version, resulting in a cost reduction of 1.94%. For this scenario, the proposed approach is approximately 94 times faster than the deterministic approach.
Recent changes in the operation and planning of power systems have been motivated by the introduction of Distributed Generation (DG) and Demand Response (DR) in the competitive electricity markets' environment, with deep concerns at the efficiency level. In this context, grid operators, market operators, utilities and consumers must adopt strategies and methods to take full advantage of demand response and distributed generation. This requires that all the involved players consider all the market opportunities, as the case of energy and reserve components of electricity markets. The present paper proposes a methodology which considers the joint dispatch of demand response and distributed generation in the context of a distribution network operated by a virtual power player. The resources' participation can be performed in both energy and reserve contexts. This methodology contemplates the probability of actually using the reserve and the distribution network constraints. Its application is illustrated in this paper using a 32-bus distribution network with 66 DG units and 218 consumers classified into 6 types of consumers.
In future power systems, in the smart grid and microgrids operation paradigms, consumers can be seen as an energy resource with decentralized and autonomous decisions in the energy management. It is expected that each consumer will manage not only the loads, but also small generation units, heating systems, storage systems, and electric vehicles. Each consumer can participate in different demand response events promoted by system operators or aggregation entities. This paper proposes an innovative method to manage the appliances on a house during a demand response event. The main contribution of this work is to include time constraints in resources management, and the context evaluation in order to ensure the required comfort levels. The dynamic resources management methodology allows a better resources’ management in a demand response event, mainly the ones of long duration, by changing the priorities of loads during the event. A case study with two scenarios is presented considering a demand response with 30 min duration, and another with 240 min (4 h). In both simulations, the demand response event proposes the power consumption reduction during the event. A total of 18 loads are used, including real and virtual ones, controlled by the presented house management system.
A 70Co-30Ni dendritic alloy was produced on stainless steel by pulse electrodeposition in the cathodic domain, and oxidized by potential cycling. X-ray diffraction (XRD) identified the presence of two phases and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) evidenced an open 3D highly branched dendritic morphology. After potential cycling in 1 M KOH, SEM and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) revealed, respectively, the presence of thin nanoplates, composed of Co and Ni oxi-hydroxides and hydroxides over the original dendritic film. Cyclic voltammetry tests showd the presence of redox peaks assigned to the oxidation and reduction of Ni and Co centres in the surface film. Charge/discharge measurements revealed capacity values of 121 mAh g(1) at 1 mA cm(2). The capacity retention under 8000 cycles was above 70%, stating the good reversibility of these redox materials and its suitability to be used as charge storage electrodes. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) spectra, taken under different applied bias, showed that the capacitance increased when the electrode was fully oxidized and decreased when the electrode was reduced, reflecting different states-of-charge of the electrode. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The authors developed a comparative study of the various methods of assessment of immune response to Hepatitis B vaccine. Eighty-six health care professionals underwent a vaccination programme with three doses of plasma-derived vaccine against Hepatitis B (H-B-Vax, Merck, Sharp & Dohme) given intra-muscularly. Assessment of immune response was carried out three months after the end of the programme, by radioimmunoassay (RIA) and enzymeimmunoassay (EIA). The results showed that the semi-quantitative assessment of Anti-HBs antibodies by RIA or EIA was perfectly comparable to the reference method (quantitative determination of antibodies by RIA). In view of these findings, the authors suggest a standardization of assessment of immune response to the vaccine, thus permitting correct planning of booster doses and easier comparison between different studies
The ecotoxicological response of the living organisms in an aquatic system depends on the physical, chemical and bacteriological variables, as well as the interactions between them. An important challenge to scientists is to understand the interaction and behaviour of factors involved in a multidimensional process such as the ecotoxicological response.With this aim, multiple linear regression (MLR) and principal component regression were applied to the ecotoxicity bioassay response of Chlorella vulgaris and Vibrio fischeri in water collected at seven sites of Leça river during five monitoring campaigns (February, May, June, August and September of 2006). The river water characterization included the analysis of 22 physicochemical and 3 microbiological parameters. The model that best fitted the data was MLR, which shows: (i) a negative correlation with dissolved organic carbon, zinc and manganese, and a positive one with turbidity and arsenic, regarding C. vulgaris toxic response; (ii) a negative correlation with conductivity and turbidity and a positive one with phosphorus, hardness, iron, mercury, arsenic and faecal coliforms, concerning V. fischeri toxic response. This integrated assessment may allow the evaluation of the effect of future pollution abatement measures over the water quality of Leça River.