979 resultados para Repeated Load Triaxial (RLT) test
Objective. The goal of this paper is to undertake a literature search collecting all dentin bond strength data obtained for six adhesives with four tests ( shear, microshear, tensile and microtensile) and to critically analyze the results with respect to average bond strength, coefficient of variation, mode of failure and product ranking. Method. A PubMed search was carried out for the years between 1998 and 2009 identifying publications on bond strength measurements of resin composite to dentin using four tests: shear, tensile, microshear and microtensile. The six adhesive resins were selected covering three step systems ( OptiBond FL, Scotch Bond Multi-Purpose Plus), two-step (Prime & Bond NT, Single Bond, Clear. l SE Bond) and one step (Adper Prompt L Pop). Results. Pooling results from 147 references showed an ongoing high scatter in the bond strength data regardless which adhesive and which bond test was used. Coefficients of variation remained high (20-50%) even with the microbond test. The reported modes of failure for all tests still included high number of cohesive failures. The ranking seemed to be dependant on the test used. Significance. The scatter in dentin bond strength data remains regardless which test is used confirming Finite Element Analysis predicting non-uniform stress distributions due to a number of geometrical, loading, material properties and specimens preparation variables. This reopens the question whether, an interfacial fracture mechanics approach to analyze the dentin - adhesive bond is not more appropriate for obtaining better agreement among dentin bond related papers. (C) 2009 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objectives. To assess the elastic modulus (EM), volumetric shrinkage (VS), and polymerization shrinkage stress (PSS) of experimental highly filled nanohybrid composites as a function of matrix composition, filler distribution, and density. Methods. One regular viscosity nanohybrid composite (Grandio, VOCO, Germany) and one flowable nanohybrid composite (Grandio Flow, VOCO) were tested as references along with six highly filled experimental nanohybrid composites (four Bis-GMA-based, one UDMA-based, and one Ormocer (R) -based). The experimental composites varied in filler size and density. EM values were obtained from the ""three-point bending"" load-displacement curve. VS was calculated with Archimedes` buoyancy principle. PSS was determined in 1-mm thick specimens placed between two (poly) methyl methacrylate rods (empty set = 6 mm) attached to an universal testing machine. Data were analyzed using oneway ANOVA, Tukey`s test (alpha = 0.05), and linear regression analyses. Results. The flowable composite exhibited the highest VS and PSS but lowest EM. The PSS was significantly lower with Ormocer. The EM was significantly higher among experimental composites with highest filler levels. No significant differences were found between all other experimental composites regarding VS and PSS. Filler density and size did not influence EM, VS, or PSS. Significance. Neither the filler configuration nor matrix composition in the investigated materials significantly influenced composite shrinkage and mechanical properties. The highest filled experimental composite seemed to increase EM by keeping VS and PSS low; however, matrix composition seemed to be the determinant factor for shrinkage and stress development. The Ormocer, with reduced PSS, deserves further investigation. Filler size and density did not influence the tested parameters. (C) 2011 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective: To examine the morphological, early and long-term microtensile bond strengths (mu TBS) of one-step self-etch systems to unground and ground enamel. Materials and Methods: Resin composite (Filtek Z250) buildups were bonded to the buccal and lingual enamel surfaces (unground, bur-cut or SiC-roughened enamel) of third molars after adhesive application using the following adhesives: Clearfil S(3) Bond (CS3); Adper Prompt L-Pop (ADP); iBond (iB) and, as the control, Clearfil SE Bond (CSE). Six tooth halves were assigned for each condition. After storage in water (24 hours/37 degrees C), the bonded specimens were sectioned into beams (0.8 mm(2)) and subjected to pTBS (0.5 mm/min) either immediately (IM) or after six (6M) or 12 months (12M) of water storage. The data were analyzed by three-way repeated measures ANOVA and Tukey`s test (alpha=0.05). Surface conditioning was observed under scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Results: The mu TBS in the Si-C paper and diamond bur groups were similar and higher than the unground group. No significant difference was observed among the different storage periods, except for CS3, which showed an increase in the pTBS after 12M. The etching pattern was more retentive on ground enamel. Conclusions: One-step self-etch adhesives showed higher bond strengths on ground enamel and no reductions in resin-enamel bonds were observed after 12M of water storage.
Purpose: The objective of this study was to verify the influence of test environment on the flexural strength of dental porcelains with distinct microstructures. Material and Methods: Disk-shaped specimens from three dental porcelains with distinct leucite content (VM: zero; CE: 12; NS: 22 vol%) were manufactured and tested for biaxial flexural strength in air and immersed in artificial saliva. The results were analyzed by means of two-way ANOVA and Tukey`s test (alpha = 0.05). Results: The flexural strength (MPa) obtained for ambient air and artificial saliva environments, respectively, were: 110.0 +/- 16.0 and 81.5 +/- 10.8 for VM; 51.9 +/- 4.0 and 42.0 +/- 4.7 for CE; 72.0 +/- 11.5 and 63.6 +/- 5.8 for NS. A numerical decrease in the mean flexural strength was observed for all groups when specimens were tested under artificial saliva; however, the difference was only statistically significant for VM. Conclusions: The results indicate that the effect of water immersion on the flexural strength of dental porcelains varies according to their leucite content, as only the material without leucite in its microstructure (VM) showed significant strength degradation when tested under water.
This study examined the early and long-term microtensile bond strengths (mu TBS) and interfacial enamel gap formation (IGW) of two-step selfetch systems to unground and ground enamel. Resin composite (Filtek Z250) buildups were bonded to proximal enamel surfaces (unground, bur-cut or SiC-treated enamel) of third molars after the application of four self-etch adhesives: a mild (Clearfil SE Bond [SE]), two moderate (Optibond Solo Plus Self-Etch Primer [SO] and AdheSE [AD]) and a strong adhesive (Tyrian Self Priming Etchant + One Step Plus [TY]) and two etch-and-rinse adhesive systems (Single Bond [SB] and Scotchbond Multi-Purpose Plus [SBMP]). Ten tooth halves were assigned for each adhesive. After storage in water (24 hours/37 degrees C), the bonded specimens were sectioned into beams (0.9 mm(2)) and subjected to mu TBS (0.5 mm/minute) or interfacial gap width measurement (stereomicroscope at 400x) either immediately (IM) or after 12 months (12M) of water storage. The data were analyzed by three-way repeated measures ANOVA and Tukey`s test (alpha=0.05). No gap formation was observed in any experimental condition. The mu TBS in the Si-C paper and diamond bur groups were similar and greater than the unground group only for the moderate self-etch systems (SO and AD). No reductions in bond strength values were observed after 12 months of water storage, regardless of the adhesive evaluated.
Objective. To investigate the contributions of BisGMA:TEGDMA and filler content on polymerization stress, along with the influence of variables associated with stress development, namely, degree of conversion, reaction rate, shrinkage, elastic modulus and loss tangent for a series of experimental dental composites. Methods. Twenty formulations with BisGMA: TEGDMA ratios of 3: 7, 4: 6, 5: 5, 6: 4 and 7: 3 and barium glass filler levels of 40, 50, 60 or 70 wt% were studied. Polymerization stress was determined in a tensilometer, inserting the composite between acrylic rods fixed to clamps of a universal test machine and dividing the maximum load recorded by the rods cross-sectional area. Conversion and reaction rate were determined by infra-red spectroscopy. Shrinkage was measured by mercury dilatometer. Modulus was obtained by three-point bending. Loss tangent was determined by dynamic nanoindentation. Regression analyses were performed to estimate the effect of organic and inorganic contents on each studied variable, while a stepwise forward regression identified significant variables for polymerization stress. Results. All variables showed dependence on inorganic concentration and monomeric content. The resin matrix showed a stronger influence on polymerization stress, conversion and reaction rate, whereas filler fraction showed a stronger influence on shrinkage, modulus and loss tangent. Shrinkage and conversion were significantly related to polymerization stress. Significance. Both the inorganic filler concentration and monomeric content affect polymerization stress, but the stronger influence of the resin matrix suggests that it may be possible to reduce stress by modifying resin composition without sacrificing filler content. The main challenge is to develop formulations with low shrinkage without sacrificing degree of conversion. (C) 2011 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fluoride in drinking water may be present from natural sources or added as sodium fluoride (NaF), sodium silicofluoride (Na2SiF6) or fluorosilicic acid (H2SiF6). Results from an early study with rats suggested that, when ingested as Na2SiF6, the absorption and excretion of fluoride were greater than when ingested as NaF. Objective: The present single-blind, crossover study with 10 adults was done to determine three key pharmacokinetic parameters: the maximum plasma fluoride concentrations (C-max), the elapsed time to reach the maximum concentrations (T-max) and the 6-h areas under the time-plasma concentration curves (AUCs) after ingestion of 500 ml, of water containing 0.67 or 5.45 mg F/L present naturally or added as NaF or H2SiF6. Design: Blood was collected prior to and at nine time points during 6 h after ingestion of the test solutions. Plasma was analysed by electrode after HMDS-facilitated diffusion and the data were analysed for statistically significant differences using repeated measures ANOVA. Results: The C-max, T-max and AUC values after ingestion of the solutions containing natural fluoride, NaF or H2SiF6 did not differ significantly at either dose level. Further, the Tmax values associated with the 0.67 and SAS mg/L solutions did not differ significantly indicating that the absorption, distribution and elimination rates were not affected by the dose size. Conclusions: Considered together with published reports, the present findings support the conclusion that the major features of fluoride metabolism are not affected differently by the chemical compounds commonly used to fluoridate water nor are they affected by whether the fluoride is present naturally or added artificially. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective. The aim of this study was to evaluate the flow rate of 3 endodontic sealers: Sealer 26, AH Plus, and MTA Obtura. Study design. According to the method proposed by the American Dental Association (ADA specification no. 57), the sealers were placed between 2 glass slabs under a weight of 120 g. The diameters of the formed discs were measured with a digital paquimeter. The test was repeated 5 times for each sealer. Results. The results were expressed as arithmetic means, and the statistical analysis was performed through Tukey test. AH Plus showed significantly superior flow rate compared with Sealer 26 and MTA Obtura. There was no statistically significant difference between flow rates presented by Sealer 26 and MTA Obtura. Conclusion. Within the limitations of this in vitro study, it was concluded that all of the the endodontic sealers tested presented greater flow than the minimum recommended in the ADA 57 specification. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2010;109:e47-e49)
Objectives: To evaluate the influence of two surface sealants (BisCover/Single Bond) and three application techniques (unsealed/conventional/co-polymerization) on the roughness of two composites (Filtek Z250/Z350) after the toothbrushing test. Methods: Seventy-two rectangular specimens (5 mm x 10 mm x 3 mm) were fabricated and assigned into 12 groups (n = 6). Each sample was subjected to three random roughness readings at baseline, after 100,000 (intermediate), and 200,000 (final) toothbrushing strokes. Roughness (R) at each stage was obtained by the arithmetic mean of the reading of each specimen. Sealant removal was qualitatively examined (optical microscope) and classified into scores (0-3). Data were analyzed by Student`s paired t-test, two-way ANOVA/Tukey`s test, and by Wilcoxon, Kruskal-Wallis and Miller`s test (alpha = 0.05). Results: Z250 groups at baseline did not differ statistically from each other. Unsealed Z350 at baseline had lower R values. All the unsealed groups presented gradual decrease in R from baseline to final brushing. From baseline to the inter-mediate stage, Z250 co-polymerized groups presented a significant reduction in R (score 3). Conventionally sealed groups had no significant changes in R (scores 2-0.8). From baseline to the intermediate stage, the conventionally sealed Z350 Single Bond group had an increase in R (score 1.5). In the final stage, all the conventionally sealed groups presented a reduction in R (scores 0.7-0). Co-polymerized Single Bond groups had a significant reduction in R (scores 2.5-2.7), and co-polymerized BisCover groups an increase in R (scores 2.8-3). Conclusions: At any brushing stage, sealed composites presented superior performance when compared with unsealed composites. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The temperature of different refrigerant sprays (Endo-Ice, Endo-Frost, Coolermatic and Sprayon Contact and Tuner Cleaner) used as pulpal tests were evaluated in vitro. A thermocouple placed inside the pulp chamber of a maxillary central incisor was used to register the temperature changes when the refrigerant sprays were applied with a cotton swab, for 10 s. Results indicate that Endo-Ice and Endo-Frost presented the lowest temperatures among the refrigerant sprays tested. Temperatures measured inside the pulp chamber, however, were statistically similar in all groups.
In cantilevered implant-supported complete prosthesis, the abutments` different heights represent different lever arms to which the abutments are subjected resulting in deformation of the components, which in turn transmit the load to the adjacent bone. The purpose of this in vitro study was to quantitatively assess the deformation of abutments of different heights in mandibular cantilevered implant-supported complete prosthesis. A circular steel master cast with five perforations containing implant replicas (O3.75 mm) was used. Two groups were formed according to the types of alloy of the framework (CoCr or PdAg). Three frameworks were made for each group to be tested with 4, 5.5 and 7 mm abutments. A 100 N load was applied at a point 15 mm distal to the center of the terminal implant. Readings of the deformations generated on the mesial and distal aspects of the abutments were obtained with the use of strain gauges. Deformation caused by tension and compression was observed in all specimens with the terminal abutment taking most of the load. An increase in deformation was observed in the terminal abutment as the height was increased. The use of an alloy of higher elastic modulus (CoCr) also caused the abutment deformation to increase. Abutment`s height and framework alloy influence the deformation of abutments of mandibular cantilevered implant-supported prosthesis. To cite this article:Suedam V, Capello SouzaEA, Moura MS, Jacques LB, Rubo JH. Effect of abutment`s height and framework alloy on the load distribution of mandibular cantilevered implant-supported prosthesis. Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 20, 2009; 196-200.doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0501.2008.01609.x.
This study evaluated the fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth restored with prefabricated carbon fiber posts and varying quantities of coronal dentin. Sixty freshly extracted upper canines were randomly divided into groups of 10 teeth each. The specimens were exposed to 250,000 cycles in a controlled chewing simulator. All intact specimens were subjected to a static load (N) in a universal testing machine at 45 degrees to the long axis. Data were analyzed by 1-way analysis of variance and Tukey test (alpha = .05). Significant differences (P < .001) were found among the mean fracture forces of the test groups (positive control, 0 mm, 1 mm, 2 mm, 3 mm, and negative control groups: 1022.82 N, 1008.22 N, 1292.52 N, 1289.19 N, 1255.38 N, and 1582.11, respectively). These results suggested that the amount of coronal dentin did not significantly increase the fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth restored with prefabricated carbon fiber post and composite resin core. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2008;106:e52-e57)
Purpose: To test the strength to failure and fracture mode of three indirect composite materials directly applied onto Ti-6Al-4V implant abutments vs cemented standard porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) crowns. Materials and Methods: Sixty-four locking taper abutments were randomly allocated to four groups and were cleaned in ethanol in an ultrasonic bath for 5 min. After drying under ambient conditions, the abutments were grit blasted and a custom 4-cusp molar crown mold was utilized to produce identical crowns (n = 16 per group) of Tescera (Bisco), Ceramage (Shofu), and Diamond Crown (DRM) according to the manufacturer`s instructions. The porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns were fabricated by conventional means involving the construction and a wax pattern and casting of a metallic coping followed by sintering of increasing layers of porcelain. All crowns were loaded to failure by an indenter placed at one of the cusp tips at a 1 mm/min rate. Subsequently, fracture analysis was performed by means of stereomicroscopy and scanning electron microscopy. One-way ANOVA at 95% level of significance was utilized for statistical analysis. Results: The single load to failure (+/- SD) results were: Tescera (1130 +/- 239 N), Ceramage (1099 +/- 257 N), Diamond Crown (1155 +/- 284 N), and PFM (1081 +/- 243 N). Stereomicroscopy analysis showed two distinct failure modes, where the loaded cusp failed either with or without abutment/metallic coping exposure. SEM analysis of the fractures showed multiple crack propagation towards the cervical region of the crown below a region of plastic deformation at the indenter contact region. Conclusion: The three indirect composites and PFM systems fractured at loads higher than those typically associated with normal occlusal function. Although each material had a different composition and handling technique, no significant differences were found concerning their single load to fracture resistance among composite systems and PFM.