964 resultados para Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Le transport actif de sodium par les cellules épithéliales alvéolaires est le principal mécanisme impliqué dans la régulation du niveau de liquide dans le poumon distal. Le canal épithélial sodique (ENaC) exprimé par les cellules épithéliales alvéolaires est essentiel à la résorption du liquide des poumons à la naissance ainsi que la résolution de l'œdème pulmonaire chez l'adulte. L'activité et l'expression du canal ENaC sont modulées par de nombreux stress pathophysiologiques. L'inflammation pulmonaire constitue un facteur important dans l'inhibition de l'expression du canal ENaC et pourrait favoriser la formation d'œdème pulmonaire. Nous avons précédemment démontré que différentes cytokines pro-inflammatoires, ainsi que les lipopolysaccharides (LPS) de Pseudomonas aeruginosa, inhibent l'expression de l'ARNm αENaC par des mécanismes de régulation transcriptionnelle et post-transcriptionnelle. Ces résultats suggèrent que les mécanismes qui modulent la stabilité des ARNm αENaC pourraient jouer un rôle important dans la régulation du niveau d’expression du transcrit en condition inflammatoire. Le principal objectif de mes travaux était de caractériser les mécanismes de modulation de l’ARNm αENaC dans les cellules épithéliales alvéolaires lors de différents stress pathophysiologiques et déterminer si cette modulation pouvait s’expliquer en partie par une régulation de la stabilité du transcrit. Mes travaux montrent que les LPS et la cycloheximide inhibent l’expression de l’ARNm αENaC de façon similaire via l’activation des voies de signalisation des MAPK ERK1/2 et p38. Cependant, les mécanismes de modulation de l’expression de l'ARNm αENaC sont différents puisque les LPS répriment la transcription du gène, alors que la cycloheximide diminuerait la stabilité du transcrit via des mécanismes post-transcriptionnels impliquant la région 3' non traduite (3'UTR) de l'ARNm αENaC. Pour mieux étudier le rôle du 3'UTR dans ce processus, nous avons développé un modèle Tet-Off nous permettant de mesurer la demi-vie de l’ARNm αENaC indépendamment de l’utilisation d’un inhibiteur de la transcription comme l'actinomycine D (Act. D). Nous avons montré que la demi-vie de l’ARNm αENaC était de 100min, un temps beaucoup plus court que celui rapporté dans la littérature. Nous avons démontré que l’Act. D a un effet stabilisateur important sur l’ARNm αENaC et qu’il ne peut être utilisé pour évaluer la stabilité du transcrit. À l’aide de différents mutants de délétion, nous avons entrepris de déterminer la nature des régions du 3’UTR impliquées dans la modulation de la stabilité du transcrit. Nous avons trouvé que le 3’UTR joue un rôle à la fois de stabilisation (région 3’UTR proximale) et de déstabilisation (région 3’UTR distale) du transcrit. Notre système nous a finalement permis de confirmer que la diminution de l’ARNm αENaC observée en présence de TNF-α s’expliquait en partie par une diminution importante de la stabilité du transcrit induite par cette cytokine. Enfin, nous avons identifié la nature des protéines pouvant se lier au 3’UTR de l’ARNm αENaC et déterminé lesquelles pouvaient moduler la stabilité du transcrit. Des trois protéines candidates trouvées, nous avons confirmé que la surexpression de DHX36 et TIAL1 diminue le niveau de transcrit par un mécanisme impliquant la stabilité du messager. Les travaux présentés ici montrent la complexité des voies de signalisation induites par différents stress sur les cellules épithéliales alvéolaires et montrent comment la stabilité de l’ARNm αENaC et en particulier, les séquences du 3’UTR jouent un rôle important dans la modulation du niveau de transcrit. Le modèle Tet-Off que nous avons développé permet d’estimer le temps de demi-vie réel de l’ARNm αENaC et montre que le 3’UTR du messager joue un rôle complexe dans la stabilisation du messager en condition de base ainsi qu’en condition pro-inflammatoire. Enfin, nous avons identifié deux protéines liant l’ARNm qui pourraient jouer un rôle important dans la modulation de la stabilité du transcrit.
La Fibrose kystique (FK), causée par des mutations du canal Cl- CFTR, entraîne une dysfonction de la sécrétion de Cl- et un débalancement dans la sécrétion des fluides. La diminution de la clairance mucociliaire qui s’en suit occasionne une accumulation du mucus. Cet environnement est alors favorable à l’installation d’infections et d’inflammation chroniques, responsables de lésions au niveau de l’épithélium respiratoire. Le vieillissement de la population FK, suite à la prise en charge plus appropriée de la maladie, est accompagné par l’émergence de pathologies associées, telles que le diabète. Celui-ci, ainsi que plusieurs autres facteurs comme l’infection à Pseudomonas aeruginosa, contribuent au déclin progressif de la fonction pulmonaire, principale cause de mortalité et de morbidité des patients FK. Le maintien de la fonction pulmonaire est dépendant notamment du transport ionique et liquidien régulant la clairance mucociliaire ainsi que de la réparation épithéliale nécessaire à la génération d’un épithélium fonctionnel en réponse aux agressions. Nous avons donc évalué l’impact de l’hyperglycémie et des exoproduits de P. aeruginosa sur ces deux mécanismes. Nos résultats ont tout d’abord montré qu’un niveau de glucose élevé diminue les courants Cl- CFTR et potassique et altère la réparation de l’épithélium bronchique FK et non FK. Nous avons aussi observé que l’hyperglycémie limite l’impact bénéfique de la correction de CFTR sur la réparation épithéliale. Dans un second temps, nous avons évalué l’impact de l’infection à Pseudomonas aeruginosa sur le CFTR, qui tient un rôle important dans la fonctionnalité de l’épithélium des voies aériennes non-FK. Nous avons noté que l’expression du CFTR ainsi que sa fonction sont réduites par l’exposition aux produits bactériens dans les cellules non-FK. De plus, ces exoproduits compromettent la maturation du CFTR muté par les correcteurs ainsi que leur bénéfice sur la réparation de l’épithélium FK. Finalement, nous avons testé différentes combinaisons de composés correcteurs et potentiateurs de CFTR afin de déterminer quelle stratégie serait la plus efficace afin de favoriser la réparation épithéliale bronchique FK malgré la présence d’infection.
Biosurfactants are surface active compounds released by microorganisms. They are biodegradable non-toxic and eco-friendly materials. In this review we have updated the information about different microbial surfactants. The biosurfactant production depends on the fermentation conditions, environmental factors and nutrient availability. The extraction of the biosurfactants from the cell-free supernatant using the solvent extraction procedure and the qualitative and quantitative analysis has been discussed with appropriate equipment details. The application of the biosurfactant includes biomedical, cosmetic and bioremediation. The type of microbial biosurfactants include trehalose lipids, rhamnolipids, sophorolipids, glycolipids, cellobiose lipids, polyol lipids, diglycosyl diglycerides, lipoloysaccharides, arthrofactin, lichensyn A and B, surfactin, viscosin, phospholipids, sulphonyl lipids and fatty acids. Rhamnolipid biosurfactants produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa DS10-129 showed significant applications in the bioremediation of hydrocarbons in gasoline spilled soil and petroleum oily sludge. Rhamnolipid biosurfactant enhanced the bioremediation process by releasing the weathered oil from the soil matrices and enhanced the bioavailability of hydrocarbons for microbial degradation. It is having potential applications in the remediation of hydrocarbon contaminated sites. Biosurfactants from marine microorganisms also offer great potential in bioremediation of oil contaminated oceanic environments
En Colombia el manejo de pacientes en los diferentes servicios hospitalarios han presentado inconvenientes en el combate de infecciones por bacterias y la resistencia de las mismas; el Staphylococcus aureus Escherichia coli y Pseudomonas aeruginosa, han demostrado evolución en la creación de generaciones resistentes y también han participado junto con la Salmonella y el B.cereus en brotes por ETAS como principales microorganismos causales. En el presente estudio se analizó el aceite esencial de la Conobea scoparioides para evaluar su actividad frente a cinco cepas bacterianas. Se obtuvo el AE y se prepararon las bacterias aplicándose pruebas de sensibilidad y no paramétricas para determinar el porcentaje de inhibición, la evaluación de la MIC y comparar la efectividad del aceite vs la estreptomicina. El aceite esencial presentó actividad principalmente contra el B. cereus con el mayor % de inhibición y una MIC de 3.2 ug/ml, caso diferente presentó P. aeruginosa con un % de crecimiento por encima del 50% presentando una MIC de 16.7 ug/ml. Finalmente podemos concluir que se presentó mayor actividad frente a bacterias gram positivas como el caso del B. cereus que en gram negativas con MIC bajas. Estos resultados permite comparar la actividad de la conobea con estudios recientes bajo la misma modalidad que permiten identificar nuevas plantas con actividad biológica y percibir que la conobea es efectiva en mayor proporción frente a bacterias gram positivas.
La Fibrosis QuÃstica es la enfermedad autosómica recesiva mas frecuente en caucásicos. En Colombia no se conoce la incidencia de la enfermedad, pero investigaciones del grupo de la Universidad del Rosario indican que podrÃa ser relativamente alta. Objetivo: Determinar la incidencia de afectados por Fibrosis QuÃstica en una muestra de recién nacidos de la ciudad de Bogotá. MetodologÃa: Se analizan 8.297 muestras de sangre de cordón umbilical y se comparan tres protocolos de tamizaje neonatal: TIR/TIR, TIR/DNA y TIR/DNA/TIR. Resultados: El presente trabajo muestra una incidencia de 1 en 8.297 afectados en la muestra analizada. Conclusiones: Dada la relativamente alta incidencia demostrada en Bogotá, se justifica la implementación de Tamizaje Neonatal para Fibrosis QuÃstica en Colombia.
Objetivo: Determinar la concordancia entre microscopia de luz vs microscopia electrónica de transmisión para la detección de Biopeliculas en pacientes con Rinosinusitis Crónica Diseño: Estudio de concordancia. Materiales y Métodos: Analizamos 34 muestras de pacientes llevados a CirugÃa Endoscópica Funcional por Rinosinusitis Crónica. Fueron procesadas para valoración mediante microscopia de luz usando Hematoxilina-Eosina, Gram, Acido Peryódico de Schiff, Giemsa y Microscopia Electrónica de Transmisión (MET). Resultados: No se identificaron BiopelÃcula en ninguna de las muestras analizadas bajo MicroscopÃa Electrónica de Transmisión (MET), estos resultados son concordantes con los resultados obtenidos con las coloraciones histológicas Hematoxilina-Eosina (H-E), Gram, Giemsa y Acido Peryódico de Schiff (PAS), mostrando una concordancia absoluta con test de Kappa para resultados negativos del 100%. Conclusión: Existe una alta concordancia entre los hallazgos observados entre la MET y la Microscopia de luz para los resultados negativos
Las infecciones asociadas a ventilación mecánica (VM) son frecuentes en la unidad de cuidado intensivo (UCI). Existen dos infecciones: neumonÃa (NAV) y traqueobronquitis (TAV). NAV genera impacto negativo en los desenlaces de los pacientes al aumentar la morbilidad, mortalidad y los tiempos en UCI y VM, pero no se conoce el impacto de TAV. El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar si hay diferencias entre NAV y TAV. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio de cohortes entre 2009 y 2013 en la UCI de la Fundación Neumológica Colombiana. De los pacientes con NAV y TAV se obtuvieron datos demográficos, epidemiológicos, microbiológicos y desenlaces como tiempos de estancia en UCI, VM y de hospitalización y mortalidad. Se compararon estadÃsticamente mediante t de Student y Chi2 para datos normales y prueba de Mann-Whitney para datos no normales. Resultados: Los pacientes con NAV y TAV fueron similares en la condición de ingreso a UCI. Al diagnóstico de la infección hubo diferencias significativas entre grupos en la oxigenación y tiempo de estancia hospitalaria, en UCI y VM. La microbiologÃa fue con predominio de gérmenes Gram negativos y presencia de multirresistencia en el 52.5% de casos, sin diferencias significativas entre grupos. En los desenlaces, se observó diferencias en los tiempos totales de estancia en UCI, hospitalización y VM, pero sin diferencia en ellos después del diagnóstico. No hubo diferencias significativas en mortalidad. Conclusiones: NAV y TAV son similares en el impacto sobre la evolución de los pacientes en cuanto a morbilidad, estancias y mortalidad.
O óleo de café verde (OCV) e formulações cosméticas que contendo 2,5, 5, 10 e 15% de óleo foram avaliados por métodos in vitro quanto às suas atividades antioxidante e antimicrobiana. O OCV e as suas formulações demostraram baixa actividade antioxidante, avaliada pelo método DPPH (42% do OCV foi equivalente a 0,002% de BHT). Não se observou atividade antimicrobiana para o OCV e as suas formulações contra Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacilus subtilis, Propionibacterium acnes e Candida albicans, utilizando o método de difusão em poço. Embora o OCV seja utilizado há muitos anos em formulações cosméticas, ainda são necessários mais estudos para apoiar adequadamente a utilidade do óleo de café em produtos para cuidado da saúde da pele e em cosméticos.
A method is presented for determining the time to first division of individual bacterial cells growing on agar media. Bacteria were inoculated onto agar-coated slides and viewed by phase-contrast microscopy. Digital images of the growing bacteria were captured at intervals and the time to first division estimated by calculating the "box area ratio". This is the area of the smallest rectangle that can be drawn around an object, divided by the area of the object itself. The box area ratios of cells were found to increase suddenly during growth at a time that correlated with cell division as estimated by visual inspection of the digital images. This was caused by a change in the orientation of the two daughter cells that occurred when sufficient flexibility arose at their point of attachment. This method was used successfully to generate lag time distributions for populations of Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, but did not work with the coccoid organism Staphylococcus aureus. This method provides an objective measure of the time to first cell division, whilst automation of the data processing allows a large number of cells to be examined per experiment. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Lactoperoxidase (LP) exerts antimicrobial effects in combination with H2O2 and either thiocyanate (SCN-) or a halide (e. g., I-). Garlic extract in the presence of ethanol has also been used to activate the LP system. This study aimed to determine the effects of 3 LP activation systems (LP+SCN-+H2O2; LP+I-+H2O2; LP + garlic extract + ethanol) on the growth and activity of 3 test organisms (Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Bacillus cereus). Sterilized milk was used as the reaction medium, and the growth pattern of the organisms and a range of keeping quality (KQ) indicators (pH, titratable acidity, ethanol stability, clot on boiling) were monitored during storage at the respective optimum growth temperature for each organism. The LP+I-+H2O2 system reduced bacterial counts below the detection limit shortly after treatment for all 3 organisms, and no bacteria could be detected for the duration of the experiment (35 to 55 h). The KQ data confirmed that the milk remained unspoiled at the end of the experiments. The LP + garlic extract + ethanol system, on the other hand, had no effect on the growth or KQ with P. aeruginosa, but showed a small retardation of growth of the other 2 organisms, accompanied by small increases (5 to 10 h) in KQ. The effects of the LP+SCN-+H2O2 system were intermediate between those of the other 2 systems and differed between organisms. With P. aeruginosa, the system exerted total inhibition within 10 h of incubation, but the bacteria regained viability after a further 5 h, following a logarithmic growth curve. This was reflected in the KQ indicators, which implied an extension of 15 h. With the other 2 bacterial species, LP+SCN-+H2O2 exerted an obvious inhibitory effect, giving a lag phase in the growth curve of 5 to 10 h and KQ extension of 10 to 15 h. When used in combination, I- and SCN- displayed negative synergy.
Galleria mellonella (wax moth) larvae have elsewhere been shown to be susceptible to pathogens such as Francisella tularensis, Burkholderia mallei, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. We report that the larvae are rapidly killed by Campylobacter jejuni at 37 degrees C. Three strains of C. jejuni tested, 11168H (human diarrheal isolate), G1 (human Guillain-Barre syndrome isolate), and 81-176 (human diarrheal isolate), were equally effective at killing G. mellonella larvae. A panel of defined mutants of C. jejuni 11168H, in known or putative virulence genes, showed different degrees of attenuation in G. mellonella larvae. A mutant lacking the O-methyl phosphoramidate (MeOPN) capsule side group was attenuated, clearly demonstrating that MeOPN has a role in virulence. This new model of C. jejuni infection should facilitate the identification of novel virulence genes.
We have performed microarray hybridization studies on 40 clinical isolates from 12 common serovars within Salmonella enterica subspecies I to identify the conserved chromosomal gene pool. We were able to separate the core invariant portion of the genome by a novel mathematical approach using a decision tree based on genes ranked by increasing variance. All genes within the core component were confirmed using available sequence and microarray information for S. enterica subspecies I strains. The majority of genes within the core component had conserved homologues in Escherichia coli K-12 strain MG1655. However, many genes present in the conserved set which were absent or highly divergent in K-12 had close homologues in pathogenic bacteria such as Shigella flexneri and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Genes within previously established virulence determinants such as SPI1 to SPI5 were conserved. In addition several genes within SPI6, all of SPI9, and three fimbrial operons (fim, bcf, and stb) were conserved within all S. enterica strains included in this study. Although many phage and insertion sequence elements were missing from the core component, approximately half the pseudogenes present in S. enterica serovar Typhi were conserved. Furthermore, approximately half the genes conserved in the core set encoded hypothetical proteins. Separation of the core and variant gene sets within S. enterica subspecies I has offered fundamental biological insight into the genetic basis of phenotypic similarity and diversity across S. enterica subspecies I and shown how the core genome of these pathogens differs from the closely related E. coli K-12 laboratory strain.
Few attempts have been made to improve the activity of plant compounds with low antimicrobial efficacy. (+)-Catechin, a weak antimicrobial tea flavanol, was combined with putative adjuncts and tested against different species of bacteria. Copper(II) sulphate enhanced (+)-catechin activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa but not Staphylococcus aureus, Proteus mirabilis or Escherichia coli. Attempts to raise the activity of (+)-catechin against two unresponsive species, S. aureus and E. coli, with iron(II) sulphate, iron(III) chloride, and vitamin C, showed that iron(II) enhanced (+)-catechin against S. aureus, but not E. coli; neither iron(III) nor combined iron(II) and copper(II), enhanced (+)-catechin activity against either species. Vitamin C enhanced copper(II) containing combinations against both species in the absence of iron(II). Catalase or EDTA added to active samples removed viability effects suggesting that active mixtures had produced H2O2via the action of added metal(II) ions. H2O2 generation by (+)-catechin plus copper(II) mixtures and copper(II) alone could account for the principal effect of bacterial growth inhibition following 30 minute exposures as well as the antimicrobial effect of (+)-catechin–iron(II) against S. aureus. These novel findings about a weak antimicrobial flavanol contrast with previous knowledge of more active flavanols with transition metal combinations. Weak antimicrobial compounds like (+)-catechin within enhancement mixtures may therefore be used as efficacious agents. (+)-Catechin may provide a means of lowering copper(II) or iron(II) contents in certain crop protection and other products.
There has been a recent surge in the use of silver as an antimicrobial agent in a wide range of domestic and clinical products, intended to prevent or treat bacterial infections and reduce bacterial colonization of surfaces. It has been reported that the antibacterial and cytotoxic properties of silver are affected by the assay conditions, particularly the type of growth media used in vitro. The toxicity of Ag+ to bacterial cells is comparable to that of human cells. We demonstrate that biologically relevant compounds such as glutathione, cysteine and human blood components significantly reduce the toxicity of silver ions to clinically relevant pathogenic bacteria and primary human dermal fibroblasts (skin cells). Bacteria are able to grow normally in the presence of silver nitrate at >20-fold the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) if Ag+ and thiols are added in a 1:1 ratio because the reaction of Ag+ with extracellular thiols prevents silver ions from interacting with cells. Extracellular thiols and human serum also significantly reduce the antimicrobial activity of silver wound dressings Aquacel-Ag (Convatec) and Acticoat (Smith & Nephew) to Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli in vitro. These results have important implications for the deployment of silver as an antimicrobial agent in environments exposed to biological tissue or secretions. Significant amounts of money and effort have been directed at the development of silver-coated medical devices (e.g. dressings, catheters, implants). We believe our findings are essential for the effective design and testing of antimicrobial silver coatings.
Although premature infants are increasingly surviving the neonatal period, up to one-third develop bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD). Despite evidence that bacterial colonization of the neonatal respiratory tract by certain bacteria may be a risk factor in BPD development, little is known about the role these bacteria play. The aim of this study was to investigate the use of culture-independent molecular profiling methodologies to identify potential etiological agents in neonatal airway secretions. This study used terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) and clone sequence analyses to characterize bacterial species in endo-tracheal (ET) aspirates from eight intubated pre-term infants. A wide range of different bacteria was identified in the samples. Forty-seven T-RF band lengths were resolved in the sample set, with a range of 0-15 separate species in each patient. Clone sequence analyses confirmed the identity of individual species detected by T-RFLP. We speculate that the identification of known opportunistic pathogens including S. aureus, Enterobacter sp., Moraxella catarrhalis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Streptococcus sp., within the airways of pre-term infants, might be causally related to the subsequent development of BPD. Further, we suggest that culture-independent techniques, such as T-RFLP, hold important potential for the characterization of neonatal conditions, such as BPD.