914 resultados para Paper-and-pencil questionnaires
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La desintegració és una etapa important en la recuperació de paper vell, ja que té importants conseqüències en consum d'energia i en el comportament de les etapes posteriors. Per això els objectius es centren en analitzar la desintegració des del punt de vista del temps de desintegració, els aspectes energètics, modelització de la màquina de desintegració utilitzada i anàlisi dels factors de cisallament calculats com a mesura global de les forces implicades en la desintegració. Els autors que hi han treballat donen diferents explicacions a aquestes forces. Fins avui només s'ha pogut avaluar qualitativament la influència que tenen cada un dels mecanismes en el temps necessari per a desintegrar i en el consum energètic. Les característiques reològiques de les suspensions papereres, i el seu comportament no newtonià tenen una clara influència en el consum energètic i les forces de desfibrat en el desintegrador. Els experiments de desintegració s'han realitzat en un púlper convencional, amb tres tipus de paper recuperat: paper estucat d'alta qualitat imprès offset (PQ), paper revista estucat imprès en color (PR), paper blanc imprès en impresora làsser (PF). Anàlisi del temps de desintegració Per cada un del papers estudiats (PQ, PR i PF), les fraccions màssiques des de 0.06 fins a la màxima que estat possible per cada paper (de 0.14 a 0.18), i a dues velocitats d'agitació diferents, s'ha determinat el temps de desintegració (tD) fins a aconseguir un índex de Sommerville de 0.01%. S'obté que en augmentar la fracció màssica disminueix potencialment el temps de desintegració. S'ha estudiat la velocitat de desintegració, la producció teòrica del púlper en cada cas, i la seva relació amb les forces d'impacte i de fregament que produeixen la desintegració. Aspectes energètics El consum específic d'energia (SEC), definit com l'energia consumida per a desintegrar 1 kg de paper recuperat, disminueix molt en augmentar Xm, ja que a més de disminuir l'energia consumida en cada desintegració, el contingut en paper és més elevat. Pel disseny de desintegradors, cal tenir en compte que en augmentar Xm i en augmentar la velocitat, sempre augmenta la potència consumida. Però així com els beneficis de treballar a Xm alt són de 10 vegades en termes de SEC i de producció, l'augment de potència és només de l'ordre de 2 vegades la necessària respecte de la Xm baixa. Viscositat aparent i energia de fluidització S'estudia la relació entre el temps de desintegració, les forces de fregament i els valors de viscositat aparent de la bibliografia. Per cada paper i velocitat s'ha observat que el consum específic d'energia disminueix en funció de la viscositat aparent. Reologia del púlper Utilitzant el mètode de Metzner i Otto (1957) per determinar la viscositat aparent mitjana de les suspensions papereres, modificat per Roustan, s'ha caracteritzat el pulper mitjançant el model: Np= K· Rex·Fry S'han utilitzat dissolucions de glicerina com a fluid newtonià per a calcular les constants d'ajust, i a partir d'aquí, aïllar la viscositat aparent en funció de la potència neta i els paràmetres d'agitació. La viscositat aparent, d'acord amb Fabry (1999) es substitueix pel concepte de factor de cisallament. Factor de cisallament Calculat el factor de cisallament per a cada paperot i condicions d'agitació, s'ha relacionat amb Xm, SEC, tD, consum de potència, potència instal·lada i fracció cel·lulòsica. El factor de cisallament és un paràmetre útil per a quantificar les forces globals implicades en la desintegració.
En aquesta tesi es fa una valoració dels elements que incideixen en les creences dels mestres d'educació infantil i primària i dels professionals dels EAP respecte la detecció dels alumnes amb altes capacitats i les principals mesures d'intervenció educativa. Els instruments utilitzats són els propis de les metodologies naturalistes i quasi experimentals. L'anàlisi de resultats obtinguts llarg de tres cursos escolars recull les creences dels mestres i EAP a partir de diferents fonts d'informació: entrevistes, descripció de casos, anàlisi de dades, valoració de normativa i dos qüestionaris, un per a mestres i l'altre per a EAP. Els resultats posen en evidència una molt baixa detecció, insuficiència de regulació legal, eines de diagnòstic febles, dispersió documental i falta de formació. Es detecten contradiccions entre les creences i les pràctiques. Finalment es proposa una redefinició del concepte Altes Capacitats-superdotació des dels àmbits de l'eficàcia, del perfil i del rendiment escolar.
El método de encuesta es un método de investigación de naturaleza lingüística y buena parte de las líneas de investigación elaboradas acerca de este método parecen haber obviado en buena medida esta característica. La relegación de la naturaleza lingüística del método de encuesta ha comportado un importante nivel de reificación de los elementos que se consideran implicados en él. Nos referimos fundamentalmente a las preguntas, a los entrevistadores y entrevistadoras, a las respuestas, a las personas encuestadas y a los propios instrumentos de las técnicas de investigación. Esta reificación ha transformado dichos elementos, en elementos objetivables y manipulables, y en cierta forma, desnudos de su principal característica: su significado y dimensión lingüística. Las repercusiones de este enfoque del método de encuesta han sido varias, entre ellas podemos destacar, por ejemplo, la reducción de lo lingüístico en los cuestionarios a meros enunciados casi métricos de preguntas, y la reducción de las respuestas a tan sólo marcas en diversas casillas. Este enfoque también ha propiciado que la figura del/de la entrevistador/a se convierta, por definición, en una fuente de sesgo, principalmente por sus características sociodemográficas, negándole una participación lingüística de interacción social en el método de encuesta. Igualmente, bajo esta perspectiva, la forma conversacional de la entrevista ha relegado a los cuestionarios a un mero intercambio de interrogaciones y monosílabos, o a un simple intercambio de papeles, olvidando precisamente que ni la entrevista es una conversación, ni los cuestionarios son elementos neutros en relación a la interacción lingüística de las personas implicadas en una situación de encuesta. Las hipótesis formuladas proponen en líneas generales, la recuperación de la naturaleza lingüística del método de encuesta, no tanto porque este método funcione a través de la palabra oral o escrita, como porque el lenguaje comporta una elaboración de significados compartidos en función de los mucho elementos que lo dimensionalizan. Entre estos elementos hemos destacado, en relación al método de encuesta, la propia situación de interacción condicionada por la técnica de investigación que se utilice (cuestionario autoadministrado, cuestionario entrevistado, entrevista), la persona encuestada, el/la interlocutor/a con el que la persona entra en contacto y con el que desarrol1ará la encuesta y el objeto sobre el cual va a ser preguntada la persona encuestada. En definitiva se trata de recuperar la importancia del contexto comunicativo y del "otro" simbólico en el proceso de obtención de información a través del método de encuesta. De forma más concreta las hipótesis tratan de poner de manifiesto la incidencia del objeto de interlocución, no tanto sobre los contenidos, sino sobre los procesos implicados en la interlocución. Igualmente las hipótesis sugieren que el modo de administración tiene efectos sobre los contenidos de respuesta, ya que los modos de administración son, en realidad, elementos contextuales de interlocución. Finalmente, las hipótesis tratan de otro elemento, el entrevistador o la entrevistadora sugiriendo que las interacciones de género, con sus puestas en juego de estereotipos, representaciones y prácticas tienen incidencia sobre los contenidos discursivos en función del contexto de interlocución y de la relevancia del tema. En este trabajo se han desarrollado dos investigaciones. En la primera investigación hemos tratado del tema del cuerpo y en la segunda de la educación. Se eligió el tema del cuerpo porque las hipótesis proponen la relevancia del contenido de interlocución en relación a la interacción comunicativa entre géneros, y consideramos que es una temática relativamente amenazante, ya que en la representación de lo público y lo privado pertenece más al dominio de lo privado que de lo público. La segunda investigación aborda el tema de la educación en contraste con la primera, es decir, su discurso pertenece al orden de lo público, de lo no amenazante y su interlocución está menos condicionada por las interacciones de género. Los resultados de las investigaciones nos permiten afirmar que la forma de administración no sólo es un medio de interrogación sino un contexto de interlocución, y que si bien el sexo como variable independiente tiene pocos efectos, el género está relacionado con los contenidos discursivos que se evidencian en la interlocución si existe una vinculación entre tema y contexto de género
RESUMO: Este projecto de intervenção, fundamentado na investigação/acção, teve como objectivo melhorar a oralidade, leitura e escrita funcionais numa aluna com Défice cognitivo moderado e, consequentemente, promover a sua inclusão em contexto escolar, bem como desenvolver nos restantes colegas atitudes de entreajuda, respeito e cooperação. Decorreu de Fevereiro de 2009 até Junho do mesmo ano. “B” é o nome fictício da aluna em estudo que, aquando a nossa intervenção, frequentava o 3º ano do 1º ciclo numa escola pública. A escolha da questão de partida prendeu-se com a emergência de dar resposta à necessidade que os pais, professores e a criança em questão tinham para que esta desenvolvesse competências de leitura, expressão oral e escrita O enquadramento teórico teve como objectivo facilitar a compreensão da intervenção. Para recolher informações sobre a “B” e sobre os contextos em que a mesma estava inserida, utilizámos como suporte metodológico, a pesquisa documental, o teste sociométrico, as entrevistas semi-directivas à professora de turma e à professora de Educação Especial, a observação naturalista e questionários à mãe da aluna. Foi feito um trabalho conjunto com a professora do ensino regular, com a professora de educação especial e com os pais, no sentido de delinear as estratégias/actividades mais benéficas, de modo a dar resposta às competências a desenvolver com a aluna. No fim da nossa intervenção, em Junho de 2009, esta já sabia escrever o seu nome sem modelo, desenvolveu o vocabulário e melhorou a construção frásica oral. Ao seu ritmo, envolveu-se mais nas actividades da sala de aula. Na aquisição de conceitos e competências, estas tiveram de ser muito simples, reais e concretas para que fossem adquiridas e aplicadas. No entanto, ainda tinha dificuldade em concentrar a atenção sem ajuda. No que diz respeito ao desenvolvimento da linguagem, o discurso utilizado pela “B” melhorou significativamente, passando a construir frases simples com linguagem mais perceptiva, apesar de comunicar com frases curtas e com pouca expressividade. ABSTRACT: This intervention project, based on research / action, was aimed to improve speaking, reading and writing skills in a functional student with moderate cognitive deficit, promote her inclusion in the school context and develop mutual help, respect and cooperation in her classmates attitudes. It ran from February until June, 2009."B" is the fictional name of the student in this study that during our intervention, attended the 3rd year of Primary school in a public school. The choice of the starting point had to do with the urgency of answering the parents, teachers and the child needs in what concerns the development of the reading, writing and speaking skills. The theoretical framework was aimed to facilitate understanding of the intervention. To gather information about "B" and the contexts in which she was placed, it was used, as a methodological support, research documents, the sociometric test, the semi-directive interviews to the class teacher and the Special Education teacher, the naturalist observation and the questionnaires to the student’s mother. Team work was done with the class teacher, the Special Education teacher and the parents, to outline the strategies / activities most beneficial, in order to establish the skills to be developed with the student. At the end of our intervention in June 2009, she could already write her name without a model, had developed and improved vocabulary oral sentence construction. At her own pace, she became more involved in the classroom activities. Concepts and skills acquisition had to be very simple, real and concrete to be acquired and applied. However, she still had some difficulty in focusing attention without help. What concerns language development, “B” has improved significantly from the simple sentences in more perceptive language, although she still communicates with short sentences and with little expression.
A presente dissertação têm como problemática a violência conjugal sobre a mulher por parte do seu companheiro masculino, e como objeto empírico de investigação, o diagnóstico de necessidades de competências do Agente da PSP para efetuar um atendimento eficaz à mulher vítima de violência conjugal. Em termos específicos pretende estabelecer-se um perfil de competências profissionais, ao nível dos conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes, que o profissional da PSP deve possuir para efetuar este atendimento com eficácia, dignidade e respeitando todos os aspetos dos direitos destas vítimas. Cientificamente, a realização de um diagnóstico de necessidades de competências conjetura várias etapas que objetivam definir as competências necessárias, as que se encontram em falta, e expor as que atualmente se possuem. Para atingir tal propósito auscultaram-se as visões dos diferentes atores que intervém neste crime através de três amostras distintas, respetivamente, Especialistas, Vítimas e Polícia. Em concreto catorze reconhecidos especialistas nacionais da área da violência doméstica, cem mulheres vítimas deste crime com denúncia efetuada à PSP, e cem profissionais desta Força de Segurança que acuam neste crime. O procedimento que delimita estas etapas anuncia no seu âmago os objetivos específicos. Neste âmbito, pediu-se aos especialistas o delinear das competências necessárias, as vítimas que descrevessem as lacunas do atendimento, e aos Agentes para elencar as competências atuais. Com a triangulação dos dados obtidos foi possível obter o diagnóstico de competências e responder à pergunta de partida: Quais as competências que existem e quais as que se evidenciam como necessárias no Agente da PSP para o atendimento à mulher vítima de violência conjugal? Neste âmbito, Várias questões se levantaram de forma a responder a esta pergunta de partida: Quais as competências necessárias aos Agentes da PSP para efetuarem um eficaz atendimento perante este crime? Será que estas vítimas se encontram satisfeitas com o atendimento dos elementos policiais que responderam à denúncia do crime? Será que estes Agentes se sentem preparados para intervir com competência a este tipo de crime? Ao nível metodológico, após a pesquisa exploratória, utilizou-se uma metodologia transversal, quali-quantitativa e quantitativa, com recolha de dados assente no método de Delphi, com inquéritos por questionários semiestruturados e estruturados e a análise de conteúdo de dados estatísticos. Perante a análise dos resultados, o diagnóstico de necessidades competências efetuado permitiu concluir que existe um conjunto de competências que têm de ser melhoradas, outro que têm de ser adquiridas pelo Agente da PSP, definido por estes e pelas vítimas.
A new field of study, “decadal prediction,” is emerging in climate science. Decadal prediction lies between seasonal/interannual forecasting and longer-term climate change projections, and focuses on time-evolving regional climate conditions over the next 10–30 yr. Numerous assessments of climate information user needs have identified this time scale as being important to infrastructure planners, water resource managers, and many others. It is central to the information portfolio required to adapt effectively to and through climatic changes. At least three factors influence time-evolving regional climate at the decadal time scale: 1) climate change commitment (further warming as the coupled climate system comes into adjustment with increases of greenhouse gases that have already occurred), 2) external forcing, particularly from future increases of greenhouse gases and recovery of the ozone hole, and 3) internally generated variability. Some decadal prediction skill has been demonstrated to arise from the first two of these factors, and there is evidence that initialized coupled climate models can capture mechanisms of internally generated decadal climate variations, thus increasing predictive skill globally and particularly regionally. Several methods have been proposed for initializing global coupled climate models for decadal predictions, all of which involve global time-evolving three-dimensional ocean data, including temperature and salinity. An experimental framework to address decadal predictability/prediction is described in this paper and has been incorporated into the coordinated Coupled Model Intercomparison Model, phase 5 (CMIP5) experiments, some of which will be assessed for the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (AR5). These experiments will likely guide work in this emerging field over the next 5 yr.
Background: Osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee is the most prevalent joint disorder. Previous studies suggest that bromelain, a pineapple extract, may be a safer alternative/adjunctive treatment for knee OA than current conventional treatment. Aim: To assess the efficacy of bromelain in treating OA of the knee. Design: Randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled trial. Methods: Subjects (n=47) with a confirmed diagnosis of moderate to severe knee OA were randomized to 12 weeks of bromelain 800 mg/day or placebo, with a 4-week follow-up. Knee (pain, stiffness and function) and quality-of-life symptoms were reported monthly in the WOMAC and SF36 questionnaires, respectively. Adverse events were also recorded. The primary outcome measure was the change in total WOMAC score from baseline to the end of treatment at week 12. Longitudinal models were used to evaluate outcome. Results: Thirty-one patients completed the trial (14 bromelain, 17 placebo). No statistically significant differences were observed between groups for the primary outcome (coefficient 11.16, p=0.27, 95%CI-8.86 to 31.18), nor the WOMAC subscales or SF36. Both treatment groups showed clinically relevant improvement in the WOMAC disability subscale only. Adverse events were generally mild in nature. Discussion: This study suggests that bromelain is not efficacious as an adjunctive treatment of moderate to severe OA, but its limitations support the need for a follow-up study.
In a distributed environment remote entities, usually the producers or consumers of services, need a means to publish their existence so that clients, needing their services, can search and find the appropriate ones that they can then interact with directly. The publication of information is via a registry service, and the interaction is via a high-level messaging service. Typically, separate libraries provide these two services. Tycho is an implementation of a wide-area asynchronous messaging framework with an integrated distributed registry. This will free developers from the need to assemble their applications from a range of potentially diverse middleware offerings, which should simplify and speed application development and more importantly allow developers to concentrate on their own domain of expertise. In the first part of the paper we outline our motivation for producing Tycho and then review a number of registry and messaging systems popular with the Grid community. In the second part of the paper we describe the architecture and implementation of Tycho. In the third part of the paper we present and discuss various performance tests that were undertaken to compare Tycho with alternative similar systems. Finally, we summarise and conclude the paper and outline future work.
This article describes work undertaken by the VERA project to investigate how archaeologists work with information technology (IT) on excavation sites. We used a diary study to research the usual patterns of behaviour of archaeologists digging the Silchester Roman town site during the summer of 2007. Although recording had previously been undertaken using pen and paper, during the 2007 season a part of the dig was dedicated to trials of IT and archaeologists used digital pens and paper and Nokia N800 handheld PDAs to record their work. The goal of the trial was to see whether it was possible to record data from the dig whilst still on site, rather than waiting until after the excavation to enter it into the Integrated Archaeological Database (IADB) and to determine whether the archaeologists found the new technology helpful. The digital pens were a success, however, the N800s were not successful given the extreme conditions on site. Our findings confirmed that it was important that technology should fit in well with the work being undertaken rather than being used for its own sake, and should respect established work flows. We also found that the quality of data being entered was a recurrent concern as was the reliability of the infrastructure and equipment.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to consider Turing's two tests for machine intelligence: the parallel-paired, three-participants game presented in his 1950 paper, and the “jury-service” one-to-one measure described two years later in a radio broadcast. Both versions were instantiated in practical Turing tests during the 18th Loebner Prize for artificial intelligence hosted at the University of Reading, UK, in October 2008. This involved jury-service tests in the preliminary phase and parallel-paired in the final phase. Design/methodology/approach – Almost 100 test results from the final have been evaluated and this paper reports some intriguing nuances which arose as a result of the unique contest. Findings – In the 2008 competition, Turing's 30 per cent pass rate is not achieved by any machine in the parallel-paired tests but Turing's modified prediction: “at least in a hundred years time” is remembered. Originality/value – The paper presents actual responses from “modern Elizas” to human interrogators during contest dialogues that show considerable improvement in artificial conversational entities (ACE). Unlike their ancestor – Weizenbaum's natural language understanding system – ACE are now able to recall, share information and disclose personal interests.
Recent studies have indicated that research practices in psychology may be susceptible to factors that increase false-positive rates, raising concerns about the possible prevalence of false-positive findings. The present article discusses several practices that may run counter to the inflation of false-positive rates. Taking these practices into account would lead to a more balanced view on the false-positive issue. Specifically, we argue that an inflation of false-positive rates would diminish, sometimes to a substantial degree, when researchers (a) have explicit a priori theoretical hypotheses, (b) include multiple replication studies in a single paper, and (c) collect additional data based on observed results. We report findings from simulation studies and statistical evidence that support these arguments. Being aware of these preventive factors allows researchers not to overestimate the pervasiveness of false-positives in psychology and to gauge the susceptibility of a paper to possible false-positives in practical and fair ways.
In a previous article, I wrote a brief piece on how to enhance papers that have been published at one of the IEEE Consumer Electronics (CE) Society conferences to create papers that can be considered for publishing in IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics (T-CE) [1]. Basically, it included some hints and tips to enhance a conference paper into what is required for a full archival journal paper and not fall foul of self-plagiarism. This article focuses on writing original papers specifically for T-CE. After three years as the journal’s editor-in-chief (EiC), a previous eight years on the editorial board, and having reviewed some 4,000 T-CE papers, I decided to write this article to archive and detail for prospective authors what I have learned over this time. Of course, there are numerous articles on writing good papers—some are really useful [2], but they do not address the specific issues of writing for a journal whose topic (scope) is not widely understood or, indeed, is often misunderstood.
This perspectives paper and its associated commentaries examine Alan Rugman's conceptual contribution to international business scholarship. Most significantly, we highlight Rugman's version of internalization theory as an approach that integrates transaction cost economics and ‘classical’ internalization theory with elements from the resource-based view, such that it is especially relevant to strategic management. In reviewing his oeuvre, we also offer observations on his ideas for ‘new internalization theory’. We classify his other novel insights into four categories: Network Multinationals; National competitiveness; Development and public policy; and Emerging Economy MNEs. This special section offers multiple views on how his work informed the larger academic debate and considers how these ideas might evolve in the longer term.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to introduce the debate forum on internationalization motives of this special issue of Multinational Business Review. Design/methodology/approach – The authors reflect on the background and evolution of the internationalization motives over the past few decades, and then provide suggestions for how to use the motives for future analyses. The authors also reflect on the contributions to the debate of the accompanying articles of the forum. Findings – There continue to be new developments in the way in which firms organize themselves as multinational enterprises (MNEs), and this implies that the “classic” motives originally introduced by Dunning in 1993 need to be revisited. Dunning’s motives and arguments were deductive and atheoretical, and these were intended to be used as a toolkit, used in conjunction with other theories and frameworks. They are not an alternative to a classification of possible MNE strategies. Originality/value – This paper and the ones that accompany it, provide a deeper and nuanced understanding on internationalization motives for future research to build on.