911 resultados para Pablo Stoll


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Temperature-sensitive poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPA) nanohydrogels were synthesized by nanoemulsion polymerization in water-in-oil systems. Several cross-linking degrees and the incorporation of acrylic acid as comonomer at different concentrations were tested to produce nanohydrogels with a wide range of properties. The physicochemical properties of PNIPA nanohydrogels, and their relationship with the swelling-collapse behaviour, were studied to evaluate the suitability of PNIPA nanoparticles as smart delivery systems (for active packaging). The swelling-collapse transition was analyzed by the change in the optical properties of PNIPA nanohydrogels using ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy. The thermodynamic parameters associated with the nanohydrogels collapse were calculated using a mathematical approach based on the van't Hoff analysis, assuming a two-state equilibrium (swollen to collapsed). A mathematical model is proposed to predict both the thermally induced collapse, and the collapse induced by the simultaneous action of two factors (temperature and pH, or temperature and organic solvent concentration). Finally, van't Hoff analysis was compared with differential scanning calorimetry. The results obtained allow us to solve the problem of determining the molecular weight of the structural repeating unit in cross-linked NIPA polymers, which, as we show, can be estimated from the ratio of the molar heat capacity (obtained from the van't Hoff analysis) to the specific heat capacity (obtained from calorimetric measurements).


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2nd International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies


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EuroPES 2009


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Helburuak: Sektore elektrikoan gaur egun energia elektrikoa sortzeko erabiltzen diren teknologiei buruzko oinarrizko ezagutza bat lortzea. Norentzat: Energia elektrikoaren sorkuntza ikasgai bezala duten ikasleentzat


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Los pacientes sometidos a cateterismo cardíaco (CC) experimentan niveles significativos de ansiedad relacionados con el procedimiento y puede ser percibido como una amenaza. Es fundamental por ello desarrollar estrategias de educación que se centren en las necesidades psicológicas y fisiológicas, manteniendo una información ordenada y clara, con el propósito de manejar y prevenir las complicaciones que se pueden presentar. El objetivo de este estudio es conocer si disminuye la ansiedad del paciente por medio de una intervención educativa enfermera, previa a la realización por primera vez del CC programado e Identificar el nivel de conocimientos sobre la prueba, el grado de satisfacción y confianza tras los cuidados enfermeros. Basado tanto en la información verbal, escrita y visualizada por medio de CD, como por la realización de técnicas cognitivas-conductuales. Apoyado por musicoterapia durante el periodo de espera previo al inicio del CC. Metodología: Sera un estudio experimental de ensayo clínico aleatorio, desarrollado en el Hospital Universitario Cruces (País Vasco-España), donde se crearan dos grupos: grupo control (pacientes antes de aplicar la intervención educativa, es decir, con la atención habitual) y grupo experimental (pacientes a los que se les aplica la intervención educativa).Formaran parte los primeros 225 pacientes mayores de 18 años que cumplan los requisitos de inclusión. Considero que es justificable la realización de este estudio, puesto que permitirá comprobar la eficacia de una intervención educativa de enfermería contribuyendo así a la disminución de la ansiedad y por consiguiente se podría protocolizar la intervención previa al procedimiento.


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[ES] Los resultados obtenidos en este proyecto están basados en otro anterior (2005) que también puede ser consultado en este repositorio:


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[ES] El tramo de muralla se compone de un lienzo recto de unos 40 metros de longitud y entre 6 y 12 metros de altura visible (según los tramos). En el centro de este tramo se encuentra una puerta monumental (denominada Puerta del Camino) a la que se accede por un puente. Este tramo recto se continúa por un cubo cilíndrico de unos 10 metros de radio. Continuando por el otro lado del Cubo la muralla se ha perdido pero se ha realizado una excavación que se extiende otros 30 metros en la que se han encontrado restos de varios sistemas defensivos.


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8-12 urte bitarteko umeen surf entrenamendu prozesua nola planifikatu behar da, murgilduta dauden etapa sentikorra kontuan hartuz.


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[ES] Documentación del exterior y del interior del cubo de la muralla de Logroño. Esta torre tiene una forma aproximadamente cilíndrica de 10 metros de radio. Al interior se compone de dos niveles, el superior (antiguo teatro) que forma una estancia circular con un pilar en el centro y el inferior que consiste en una estancia abovedada. Además se ha documentado una galería de acceso.


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[EN] The objective of this study was to determine whether a short training program, using real foods, would decreased their portion-size estimation errors after training. 90 student volunteers (20.18±0.44 y old) of the University of the Basque Country (Spain) were trained in observational techniques and tested in food-weight estimation during and after a 3-hour training period. The program included 57 commonly consumed foods that represent a variety of forms (125 different shapes). Estimates of food weight were compared with actual weights. Effectiveness of training was determined by examining change in the absolute percentage error for all observers and over all foods over time. Data were analyzed using SPSS vs. 13.0. The portion-size errors decreased after training for most of the foods. Additionally, the accuracy of their estimates clearly varies by food group and forms. Amorphous was the food type estimated least accurately both before and after training. Our findings suggest that future dietitians can be trained to estimate quantities by direct observation across a wide range of foods. However this training may have been too brief for participants to fully assimilate the application.


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[EN] The objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that cooperative learning strategies will help to increase nutrition knowledge of nurses and nursing assistants caring for the elderly in different institutional communities of the Basque Country, Spain. The target population was a sample of volunteers, 16 nurses and 28 nursing assistants. Training consisted of 12 nutrition education sessions using cooperative strategies conducted over a period of 3 consecutive weeks. The assessment instruments included two pretest and two posttest questionnaires with questions selected in multiplechoice format. The first questionnaire was about general knowledge of applied nutrition (0-88 point scale) and the second one on geriatric nutrition knowledge (0-18 point scale). Data were analyzed using SPSS vs. 11.0. The outcomes indicated a significant increase in general nutrition knowledge (difference between the pre- and posttest mean score: 14.5±10.1; P<0.001) and in geriatric nutrition knowledge for all participants (difference between the pre- and post-test mean score: 4.6±4.6; P<0.001). So the results indicated that cooperative learning strategies could improve the nutrition knowledge of nursing staff. Additionally, the results of this study provide direction to continuing nutrition education program planners regarding appropriate content and methodology for programs.


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[EN] Some authors have suggested that body weight dissatisfaction may be high in students majoring in dietetics. Therefore, this study was conducted to examine the extent of body weight and image dissatisfaction in a sample of women in dietetics major. Additionally, predictors of magnitude of body weight dissatisfaction were analyzed. Participants were 62 volunteers with normalweight whose mean age was 21.87±1.89 years old (nonrandom sample). The assessment instruments included anthropometric measurements, a somatomorphic matrix test and an eating disorders inventory (EDI-2). Data were analyzed using SPSS vs. 15.0. A larger proportion of students chose an ideal body weight lower than actual weight (67.7%) and body image with less body fat and more muscle mass than actual values (56.4%). The magnitude of body weight dissatisfaction was associated with muscle mass and body fat dissatisfaction, and with the subscale of EDI-2 “body dissatisfaction”. So, from a public health standpoint, we consider important to continue working in this line of research with the aim of better understanding the extent of body weight dissatisfaction in women dietitians, and how this dissatisfaction could interfere with their professional practice.


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[ES] Los siguientes enlaces proporcionan información adicional sobre este texto: