983 resultados para PRODUTOS ALIMENTARES
Accidents involving insects of the Hymenoptera order occur very often with both human beings and domestic pets and, in Brazil, they include aggravated cases with Africanized bees (Apis mellifera). The aggravation of deforestation and the lack of awareness regarding the subject are factors that contribute to the rise of the number of bees in the urban environment. This fact has been causing several derangements among the population because, once these insects are bothered, they become very aggressive. Considering the risks to population and the great amount of accidents that could be avoided, the development of researches with the goal of determining repelling substances is rather important. Therefore, this research evaluated the repelling action of essential natural oils obtained from rosemary (Rosmarinus oficinalis), lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus), thyme (Thymus vulgaris), cedar (Juniperus virginiana), clove (Syzygium aromaticum) and mint (Mentha piperita) on A. mellifera Africanized worker bees in both semi-field and aggressiveness tests. Among the evaluated composites, the lemongrass, mint and clove essential natural oils presented a grater repelling effect, inhibiting the bees’ visitation to the managed feeders almost completely. The cedar essential natural oil was the least effective composite, and the rest of the tested oils presented satisfactory repellency, which became less effective over time, according to non-parametric Mann-Whitney test. However, further tests showed that only the lemongrass essential natural oil caused a less aggressive response from the bees, which can confirm the repelling power of this composite. This way, according to the results obtained through this research, lemongrass presents a greater potential to the development of effective repelling formulas against Africanized bees (Apis mellifera)
In this work were studied associations of ZnO with the natural products caffeic and feluric acids. Two preparation methods were used, that is, the sol-gel and a reflux procedure. In the sol-gel method, ZnO is produced by the basics hydrolysis of precursors in the presence of the organic filters (caffeic and feluric acids), which results in 30 nm (or less) ZnO particles with the organic filters (in dissociated form) bonded to the surface of ZnO. In the reflux method, a dispersion of ZnO in a water/ethanol mixture was kept under reflux (50oC/4h) in the presence of the organic acids. The ZnO particles used in the reflux method have a higher diameter than sol-gel ZnO particles, but the prepared associated product ZnO/Organic acids were similar. Despite of the difference in relation to crystallinity between the products, the preparation methods resulted in analogous associations with respect to the interaction of the organic filters with the ZnO surface. The caffeic/ZnO associations presented low photostability, which lead to the degradation of the organic filter. The other associations (feluric acid/ZnO) presented satisfactory results. The FT-IR spectroscopy confirmed the formation of the association, and the nature of the bond formed compared with the Zn-O bond in Zn2+/Felutic acid complexes. The isolated organic and inorganic filters, along with the associations were analyzed by diffuse reflectance spectroscopy and Uv-vis spectroscopy. The absorption edges and the critical wavelengths were analyzed and the effects of Zn-O bonds in feluric acid/ZnO associations described as a function of the relative position of the π/π* system of the organic filter. Finally the performance of the hybrid filters were investigated in terms of the absorption of UVA and UVB radiations, with the UVA/UVB ratio, an efficiency parameter largely used in the description of solar filters, sunscreen and suncare products
This work presents a proposal to create a Polo Ceramic Craft in the town of Indiana - SP, through the potter’s organization in a cooperative that will coordinate activities to add value to ceramic pieces. To achieve this, two things are essential: improving the ceramic body and improve the properties of the ceramic material. For the first action it’s necessary to create a Central Mass Production of Ceramics, to provide raw materials and homogeneous composition that results in differentiated ceramic after burning process (sintering). To this end, we propose the incorporation of additives (which act as fluxes) to the clay material. These additives can be mineral such as feldspar and nefelinas or leavings, such as glass powder obtained from disposable containers. For the second action is necessary to acquire an oven, electric or gas, it reaches higher temperatures (around 1200 ° C). The presence of the additive and burning at higher temperatures will enable better production of sintered ceramic material with less porosity and water absorption and higher mechanical strength, and pieces vitrified and glazed, allowing them to assign a higher value. For the production of these materials (thinner walls) requires a smaller volume of clayey raw materials. Besides benefiting the ceramic pieces, the proposed changes reduce the environmental impact caused by burning wood, since it will be replaced by natural gas (or electricity), and even will reduce the disposal of glass containers in the environment by recycling and incorporating this material in the clay. From a social standpoint, the cooperative is crucial to the viability of the proposed project, to coordinate activities and commercial production, which will result in better wages and profits for companies and consequently for the city and its population
L'un des facteurs nécessaires pour qu’une entreprise reste compétitive sur le marché est la création ou l'amélioration d'un produit afin qu’il réponde aux besoins et aux attentes des clients, ainsi, le Processus de Développement de Produits (PDP) est essentiel. Pour la réussite du PDP, il est souhaitable de suivre un système standard de gestion de projet. L'objectif de cette étude est d'analyser la gestion de projets dans le processus de développement de produits dans l'industrie automobile afin d'identifier les possibilités d’amélioration. Par conséquent, nous avons procédé à une revue de littérature sur le sujet, analysé les lignes directrices et les pratiques du processus de développement de produit dans l’entreprise. Comme résultat, il a été obtenu que le système de développement de produits créé par l’entreprise requiert la clarification des outils utiles à la gestion de projet. Un problème de communication et de gestion des coûts a également été constaté dans le domaine du développement du moteur lourd
Este trabalho utiliza o método de revisão bibliográfica objetivando identificar os aspectos ligados às alterações cutânea e capilar senil, como também investigar os ativos que minimizem os impactos da senescência. A partir deste estudo explorou-se a proposta de criação da linha Maturi de produtos cosméticos visando ressaltar as qualidades da terceira idade, incluindo em sua formulação, produtos que hidratem, protejam e revitalizem a pele e o cabelo envelhecidos
Os micro-organismos probióticos são utilizados em vários produtos alimentícios ou em suplementos alimentares. Simuladores intestinais representam uma opção de realização de estudos com a microbiota intestinal. O simulador do ecossistema microbiano humano (SEMH) consiste em uma sucessão de cinco reatores conectados que representam as diferentes partes do trato gastrointestinal humano com seus respectivos valores de pH, tempo de residência e capacidade volumétrica. O SEMH foi utilizado para estudar o efeito do Enterococcus faecium CRL 183 e do Lactobacillus acidophilus CRL 1014 sobre a microbiota intestinal nativa. Inicialmente, o inóculo preparado com fezes humanas foi introduzido nos três reatores, responsáveis por simular o cólon ascendente, transverso e descendente. Após duas semanas de estabilização foi adicionado, diariamente, durante quatro semanas, E. faecium CRL 183 e L. acidophilus CRL 1014 contendo 108 UFC/mL nos três compartimentos que simulam o cólon ascendente, transverso e descendente. Após as quatro semanas de tratamento o sistema permaneceu durante duas semanas sem adição de probióticos. Durante todo o experimento, foi realizado semanalmente a composição da microbiota intestinal baseada na enumeração de bactérias aeróbias e anaeróbias totais, Enterococcus spp., Lactobacillus spp., Bifidobacterium spp., Enterobactérias e Clostridium spp. Semanalmente, também, foram realizadas análises de ácidos graxos de cadeia curta (acetato, butirato e propionato) e amônia. Através da análise microbiológica observou-se alterações significativas na composição da microbiota do SEMH no decorrer do período do experimento. Alterações significativas também foram observadas na concentração de amônia e de AGCC, podendo assim observar a influência da inoculação de probióticos na microbiota nativa e os metabólitos produzidos por ela
Escherichia coli O157:H7 is a foodborne pathogen associated with enteritis in humans, ranging from a mild to bloody diarrhea to hemolytic uremic syndrome, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura and even death. Large E. coli O157:H7 outbreaks have been reported worldwide and are frequently associated with consumption of undercooked beef. Cattle are a major reservoir of the pathogen, which is found in the intestinal tract of the animal. The carcasses can be contaminated with feces during the slaughter and production process. Ground beef remains the most common vehicle. The purpose of this study was to determine the E. coli O157:H7 importance associated to human illness and productivity losses to the meat industry, as well as identifying mechanisms of contamination related to beef and strategies to improve the safety of beef products
A erosão genética de espécies domesticadas, provocada pelos processos associados a Revolução Verde despertou o interesse mundial pela agrobiodiversidade manejada em sistemas agrícolas de pequena escala onde situam-se agricultores familiares. Propostas de conservação in situ e/ou on farm têm sido elaboradas. No Brasil, a agricultura familiar tem grande importância na produção de alimentos e a mandioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) é a espécie que se sobressai, sendo a agricultura familiar responsável por 87% da sua produção. O presente estudo teve como objetivos: um levantamento etnobotânico dos cultivos alimentícios de raízes e tubérculos de agricultores familiares do município de Rio Claro, São Paulo; e analisar aspectos sócio-econômicos visando estratégias para a conservação in situ de variedades por eles cultivadas e potencial continuidade das atividades pelas gerações futuras. Foram entrevistados 31 agricultores, em sua maioria homens, usando o método “Bola de neve”, distribuídos entre nove bairros ou distritos rurais da cidade de Rio Claro. As entrevistas realizadas para coleta dos dados foram semi-estruturadas, tanto para dados sócioeconômicos como para os dados sobre as variedades reconhecidas pelos agricultores. As entrevistas foram realizadas nos sítios dos agricultores e suas áreas de cultivo foram visitadas, onde foram feitas coletas botânicas. Os dados foram analisados de forma qualitativa utilizando-se gráficos e tabelas e descrições do estudo de caso. A espécie predominante da amostra foi a mandioca. Os agricultores mostraram possuir fatores positivos que os caracterizam como mantenedores da diversidade agrícola, como o fato de cultivarem etnovariedades de mandioca diversas e terem um sistema de caracterização e reconhecimento delas de base empírica, contudo, estes agricultores perderam, em sua maioria... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
There are many approaches and techniques about Administration and Management of Projects in order to provide greater agility, efficiency and transparency during the development process of new products. Simultaneously, a pursuit for a management approach more flexible in its planning and strategic changes during the development campaign, such as, comprehend the project's unpredictability level and deal it by monitoring and estimates tools. These features tend to accentuate itself in manufacturers of complex products, as aircraft and other aerospace technologies. By these conditions thus research aims to describe a case when the Agile Management Processing of Project Development Scrum was used in the Test area of an aircraft manufacturer. Focused on the Scrum implementation over the area, its adaptation, evolution and achievements the research proposes to analyze the improvements, indicate the obstacles and discuss solutions, contributing then to the theoretical basis of the considered theme and futures updates applicable to the area. The research is classified as qualitative; furthermore the information and data analyzed were obtained by interviews with professionals and observations of the processes from the major aircraft manufacturer
Melatonin is an endoleamine that has anti-inflammatory, immunomodulating and antioxidants properties. But there is a contradiction between the antioxidant effects of melatonin and glutathione (GSH). Therefore, the main objective of this work was to study the effect of melatonin on the oxidation of GSH and the effect of GSH on the oxidation of melatonin by peroxyl radicals generated by thermolysis of 2,2 -Azobis(2- amino-propane)-dihydrochloride (AAPH). The influence of the reaction conditions and the identity of the products of oxidation were also studied. The main products obtained during the oxidation of melatonin were its monohydroxylated derivative and N1-acetyl- N2-formyl-5-methoxykynuramine (AFMK), which is the product obtained by oxidative cleavage of the melatonin indole ring. By studying the buffer type, pH and the presence or absence of dissolved oxygen in the reaction system, it was observed that, the yield of AFMK was higher when the pH or the concentration of oxygen was increased. Comparing the reactivity of both molecules GSH and melatonin, it can be seen that intermediates radicals generated during the oxidation of melatonin are able to oxidize GSH itself. We propose that this chemical property could justify the recent reports that demonstrated the inability of melatonin to inhibit the oxidation of GSH in cells
O consumo de carne bovina pela população brasileira está relacionado a aspectos que sejam sociais ou de saúde. Além disso, pode afetar também o nosso meio ambiente, aumentando impactos ambientais. Em se tratando do Brasil, temos uma grande demanda deste alimento, influenciada pelos hábitos alimentares da população, exigindo, por conseguinte, uma grande produção. Através da construção de cenários e modelagem ambiental, este trabalho avaliou algumas das consequências ambientais da pecuária de corte no Brasil. Para tanto, usamos estimativas de consumo da população, produção da carne bovina e também de valores que relacionem o uso da terra com as emissões de gás carbônico para avaliar os problemas ambientais. Contabilizamos as emissões de gases de efeito estufa associadas as mudanças de uso da terra, fermentação entérica e o manejo de dejetos do gado bovino. Obtive que em alguns cenários extremistas como o Con2a as emissões foram no total de 1,77 PgCO2e anualmente. Enquanto no cenário nacional obtive um total de 1,2 PgCO2e das emissões anuais associadas a todos os seus setores. Em nossos resultados notamos a forte influência do nível de consumo de carne e do sistema de manejo nas emissões de gases efeito estufa dos cenários estudados
Atualmente a China é um ator essencial do cenário econômico mundial, sendo também um grande demandante de matérias primas para manter seu acelerado crescimento, resultando assim em importante e estratégico para a região latinoamericana, sobretudo, por ser um grande comprador. Por sua importância econômica, estratégica e demográfica a China se destaca em relação à maioria dos países do mundo sendo não apenas um ator chave, responsável por grandes mudanças ocorridas no nível e estrutura da demanda mundial, mas também importante fonte de recursos financeiros para manter os equilíbrios internacionais. Através da discussão das relações de comércio entre Brasil e China buscamos analisar os principais resultados em termos econômicos e sociais, principalmente a atuação do Brasil enquanto ator global dado sua importância crescente na dinâmica mundial. A intenção desta pesquisa é entender as dimensões da relação com o país asiático, a partir do posicionamento do Brasil como um dos principais parceiros comerciais de China, sobretudo como exportador de produtos primários. Em termos de exportações realizadas por setores desde o Brasil para a China existe uma grande concentração nos recursos naturais de matérias primas, particularmente os minérios, alimentos, e combustíveis; trata-se de um pequeno hall de produtos com baixo nível de processamento
This project aims to explore the many methods used for the development of recommendation systems to user ’ s items and apply the content - based recommendation method on a prototype system whose purpose is to recommend books to users. This paper exposes the most popular methods for creating systems capable of providing items (products) according to user preferences, such as collaborat ive filtering and content - based. It also point different techniques that can be applied to calculate the similarity between two entities, for items or users, as the Pearson ’s method, calculating the cosine of vectors and more recently, a proposal to use a Bayesian system under a Dirichlet distribution. In addition, this work has the purpose to go through various points on the design of an online application, or a website, dealing not only oriented algorithms issues, but also the definition of development to ols and techniques to improve the user’s experience. The tools used for the development of the page are listed, and a topic about web design is also discussed in order to emphasize the importance of the layout of the application. At the end, some examples of recommender systems are presented for curiosity , learning and research purposes
In a globalized world, organizations face an increasingly dynamic, innovative and competitive environment, so that this condition requires continuous adaptation to market developments. Intense competition requires organizations to further improve their performance, making productive efficiency a key factor for survival. A methodology that has added value to the product through a reconfiguration of the production method is the implementation of a management philosophy called Lean Six Sigma. The main objective of this work is, in the light of the Lean Six Sigma philosophy, intervene in a critical-collaborative way to develop procedures for analyzing the profitability of products in a company specializing in steel processing. To achieve this goal, were applied the method of action-research to intervene in a group of professionals for the study of the profitability of products in a auto parts industry. The interaction of practical and theoretical knowledge provided by the action-research allowed the business program was enhanced. The procedures proposed in this study were able to identify the current profitability of the product, the main causes of inefficiency and productive for solutions to reduce production inefficiencies, when the productive systems planned and actual production system were compared. The results indicate that current profitability of -3%, while the parameter provided during budget was 10%. Thus, it is concluded that the low profitability of the products may compromise the company's financial results and affect their competitiveness in the market. To address this problem, the Lean Six Sigma presents itself as a versatile and high applicability philosophy, providing relevant results for characterization and troubleshooting. It was also observed that the evidence presented in this paper can be adapted to other companies in the metal auto parts segment to identify and recover the profitability of products
Brazil is one of the largest producers of animal protein. In 2010, the production of meat (beef, pork and poultry) was estimated at 24.5 million tons and 75% was consumed in the country. The meat is a primary source of water and fat and contains between 20% and 35% protein, providing all essential amino acids and several micronutrients and vitamins. Due to the large consumption of this food, its quality is extremely important and the research of some indicators microorganism become essential in order to ensure the hygienic and sanitary quality, indicating contamination of fecal origin, with the possible presence of pathogens or to identify food spoilage. Thus, the aim of study was to determine the microbiological quality of 90 samples handled meat products and pre- prepared marketed in Botucatu city, according to the parameters required by ANVISA (RDC 12, 2001). Among the samples analyzed, all of them were negative for Staphylococcus coagulase positive and were within the limit allowed by ANVISA for the Clostridium sulfite reducer (up to 3 x 103 CFU/ g). The presence of Salmonella was confirmed in only one sample (1.1%), against to the legal parameters. About thermotolerant coliforms, 54.4% of the samples were outside the acceptable limit by law (up to 5 x 103 MPN/g). Therefore, the presence of these microorganisms indicates inadequate hygiene conditions of foodhandlers and equipment used in the, which are considered inadequate for consumption