775 resultados para Observers
The poison frogs (family Dendrobatidae) are terrestrial anuran amphibians displaying a wide range of coloration and toxicity. These frogs generally have been considered to be aposematic, but relatively little research has been carried out to test the predictions of this hypothesis. Here we use a comparative approach to test one prediction of the hypothesis of aposematism: that coloration will evolve in tandem with toxicity. Recently, we developed a phylogenetic hypothesis of the evolutionary relationships among representative species of poison frogs, using sequences from three regions of mitochondrial DNA. In our analysis, we use that DNA-based phylogeny and comparative analysis of independent contrasts to investigate the correlation between coloration and toxicity in the poison frog family (Dendrobatidae). Information on the toxicity of different species was obtained from the literature. Two different measures of the brightness and extent of coloration were used. (i) Twenty-four human observers were asked to rank different photos of each different species in the analysis in terms of contrast to a leaf-littered background. (ii) Color photos of each species were scanned into a computer and a computer program was used to obtain a measure of the contrast of the colors of each species relative to a leaf-littered background. Comparative analyses of the results were carried out with two different models of character evolution: gradual change, with branch lengths proportional to the amount of genetic change, and punctuational change, with all change being associated with speciation events. Comparative analysis using either method or model indicated a significant correlation between the evolution of toxicity and coloration across this family. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that coloration in this group is aposematic.
The perceived colors of reflecting surfaces generally remain stable despite changes in the spectrum of the illuminating light. This color constancy can be measured operationally by asking observers to distinguish illuminant changes on a scene from changes in the reflecting properties of the surfaces comprising it. It is shown here that during fast illuminant changes, simultaneous changes in spectral reflectance of one or more surfaces in an array of other surfaces can be readily detected almost independent of the numbers of surfaces, suggesting a preattentive, spatially parallel process. This process, which is perfect over a spatial window delimited by the anatomical fovea, may form an early input to a multistage analysis of surface color, providing the visual system with information about a rapidly changing world in advance of the generation of a more elaborate and stable perceptual representation.
Proportion correct in two-alternative forcedchoice (2AFC) detection tasks often varies when the stimulus is presented in the first or in the second interval.Reanalysis of published data reveals that these order effects (or interval bias) are strong and prevalent, refuting the standard difference model of signal detection theory. Order effects are commonly regarded as evidence that observers use an off-center criterion under the difference model with bias. We consider an alternative difference model with indecision whereby observers are occasionally undecided and guess with some bias toward one of the response options. Whether or not the data show order effects, the two models fit 2AFC data indistinguishably, but they yield meaningfully different estimates of sensory parameters. Under indeterminacy as to which model governs 2AFC performance, parameter estimates are suspect and potentially misleading. The indeterminacy can be circumvented by modifying the response format so that observers can express indecision when needed. Reanalysis of published data collected in this way lends support to the indecision model. We illustrate alternative approaches to fitting psychometric functions under the indecision model and discuss designs for 2AFC experiments that improve the accuracy of parameter estimates, whether or not order effects are apparent in the data.
Early visual processing analyses fine and coarse image features separately. Here we show that motion signals derived from fine and coarse analyses are combined in rather a surprising way: Coarse and fine motion sensors representing the same direction of motion inhibit one another and an imbalance can reverse the motion perceived. Observers judged the direction of motion of patches of filtered two-dimensional noise, centered on 1 and 3 cycles/deg. When both sets of noise were present and only the 3 cycles/deg noise moved, judgments were reversed at short durations. When both sets of noise moved, judgments were correct but sensitivity was impaired. Reversals and impairments occurred both with isotropic noise and with orientation-filtered noise. The reversals and impairments could be simulated in a model of motion sensing by adding a stage in which the outputs of motion sensors tuned to 1 and 3 cycles/deg and the same direction of motion were subtracted from one another. The subtraction model predicted and we confirmed in experiments with orientation-filtered noise that if the 1 cycle/deg noise flickered and the 3 cycles/deg noise moved, the 1 cycle/deg noise appeared to move in the opposite direction to the 3 cycles/deg noise even at long durations.
Introdução: O tratamento da Insuficiência Venosa Crônica (IVC) é baseado na correção dos refluxos e obstruções ao fluxo sanguíneo venoso. A detecção, a gravidade e o tratamento dessas obstruções venosas, responsáveis pelos sinais e sintomas da IVC, têm sido recentemente estudados e melhor compreendidos. Estes estudos não definem qual o grau de obstrução significativa nem os critérios ultrassonográficos para sua detecção. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar critérios ultrassonográficos para o diagnóstico das obstruções venosas ilíacas, avaliando a concordância deste método com o ultrassom intravascular (UI) em pacientes portadores de IVC avançada. Métodos: Foram avaliados 15 pacientes (30 membros; 49,4 ± 10,7 anos; 1 homem) com IVC inicial (Classificação Clínica-Etiológica-Anatômica-Physiopatológica - CEAP C1-2) no grupo I (GI) e 51 pacientes (102 membros; 50,53 ± 14,5 anos; 6 homens) com IVC avançada (CEAP C3-6) no grupo II (GII) pareados por sexo, idade e etnia. Todos pacientes foram submetidos à entrevista clínica e à ultrassonografia vascular com Doppler (UV-D), sendo obtidas as medidas de fasicidade de fluxo, os índices de fluxo e velocidades venosas femorais, e as relações de velocidade e de diâmetro da obstrução ilíaca. Foi analisado o escore de refluxo multisegmentar. Os indivíduos do GI foram avaliados por 3 examinadores independentes. Os pacientes do GII foram submetidos ao UI, sendo obtidos a área dos segmentos venosos comprometidos e comparados com os resultados obtidos pelo UV-D, agrupados em 3 categorias: obstruções < 50%; obstruções entre 50-79% e obstruções >= 80%. Resultados: A classe de severidade clinica CEAP predominante no GI foi C1 em 24/30 (80%) membros, e C3 em 54/102 (52,9%) membros no GII. O refluxo foi severo (escore de refluxo multisegmentar >= 3) em 3/30 (10%) membros no grupo I, e em 45/102 (44,1%) membros no grupo II (p<0,001). Houve uma concordância moderadamente elevada entre o UV-D e o UI, quando agrupadas em 3 categorias (K=0,598; p<0,001), e uma concordância elevada quando agrupadas em 2 categorias (obstruções <50% e >= 50%) (K= 0,784; p<0,001). Os melhores pontos de corte e sua correlação com o UI foram: índice de velocidade (0,9; r=-0,634; p<0,001); índice de fluxo (0,7; r=-0,623; p<0,001); relação de obstrução (0,5; r=0,750; p<0,001); relação de velocidade (2,5; r= 0,790; p<0,001); A ausência de fasicidade de fluxo esteve presente em 88,2% dos pacientes com obstrução >=80% ao UV-D. Foi construído um algoritmo ultrassonográfico vascular, utilizando as medidas e os pontos de corte descritos obtendo-se uma acurácia de 79,6% para 3 categorias (K=0,655; p<0,001) e de 86,7% para 2 categorias (k=0,730; p<0,001). Conclusões: O UV-D apresentou uma concordância elevada com o UI na detecção de obstruções >= 50%. A relação de velocidade na obstrução >= 2,5 é o melhor critério para detecção de obstruções venosas significativas em veias ilíacas.
MEGARA (Multi-Espectrografo en GTC de Alta Resolucion para Astronomia) is an optical Integral-Field Unit (IFU) and Multi-Object Spectrograph (MOS) designed for the GTC 10.4 m telescope in La Palma. Its relatively complex layout makes necessary a set of tools to facilitate the observation preparation to the user. The MEGARA Observing Preparation Software Suite (MOPSS) consists on three software components designed to assist observers to optimally plan their observations with GTC/MEGARA: the Exposure Time Calculator, the Image Simulator, and the Fiber MOS Positioning tool. We describe these software tools and the status of their prototypes up to the date.
The subject of this thesis is the real-time implementation of algebraic derivative estimators as observers in nonlinear control of magnetic levitation systems. These estimators are based on operational calculus and implemented as FIR filters, resulting on a feasible real-time implementation. The algebraic method provide a fast, non-asymptotic state estimation. For the magnetic levitation systems, the algebraic estimators may replace the standard asymptotic observers assuring very good performance and robustness. To validate the estimators as observers in closed-loop control, several nonlinear controllers are proposed and implemented in a experimental magnetic levitation prototype. The results show an excellent performance of the proposed control laws together with the algebraic estimators.
O conceito de controle híbrido é aplicado à operação de alívio entre um FPWSO e um navio aliviador. Ambos os navios mantêm suas posições e aproamentos pelo resultado da ação do seu Sistema de Posicionamento Dinâmico (SPD). O alívio dura cerca de 24 horas para ser concluído. Durante este período, o estado de mar pode se alterar e os calados estão sendo constantemente alterados. Um controlador híbrido é projetado para permitir modificacões dos parâmetros de controle/observação se alguma alteração significante do estado de mar e/ou calado das embarcações ocorrer. O principal objetivo dos controladores é manter o posicionamento relativo entre os navios com o intuito de evitar perigosa proximidade ou excesso de tensão no cabo. Com isto em mente, uma nova estratégia de controle que atue integradamente em ambos os navios é proposta baseda em geometria diferencial. Observadores não lineares baseados em passividade são aplicados para estimar a posição, a velocidade e as forças externas de mares calmos até extremos. O critério para troca do controle/observação é baseado na variação do calado e no estado de mar. O calado é assumido conhecido e o estado de mar é estimado pela frequência de pico do espectro do movimento de primeira ordem dos navios. Um modelo de perturbação é proposto para encontrar o número de controladores do sistema híbrido. A equivalência entre o controle geométrico e o controlador baseado em Multiplicadores de Lagrange é demonstrada. Assumindo algumas hipóteses, a equivalência entre os controladores geométrico e o PD é também apresentada. O desempenho da nova estratégia é avaliada por meio de simulações numéricas e comparada a um controlador PD. Os resultados apresentam muito bom desempenho em função do objetivo proposto. A comparação entre a abordagem geométrica e o controlador PD aponta um desempenho muito parecido entre eles.
It has been reported that for certain colour samples, the chromatic adaptation transform CAT02 imbedded in the CIECAM02 colour appearance model predicts corresponding colours with negative tristimulus values (TSVs), which can cause problems in certain applications. To overcome this problem, a mathematical approach is proposed for modifying CAT02. This approach combines a non-negativity constraint for the TSVs of corresponding colours with the minimization of the colour differences between those values for the corresponding colours obtained by visual observations and the TSVs of the corresponding colours predicted by the model, which is a constrained non-linear optimization problem. By solving the non-linear optimization problem, a new matrix is found. The performance of the CAT02 transform with various matrices including the original CAT02 matrix, and the new matrix are tested using visual datasets and the optimum colours. Test results show that the CAT02 with the new matrix predicted corresponding colours without negative TSVs for all optimum colours and the colour matching functions of the two CIE standard observers under the test illuminants considered. However, the accuracy with the new matrix for predicting the visual data is approximately 1 CIELAB colour difference unit worse compared with the original CAT02. This indicates that accuracy has to be sacrificed to achieve the non-negativity constraint for the TSVs of the corresponding colours.
Light sources with three spectral bands in specific spectral positions are known to have high-color-discrimination capability. W. A. Thornton hypothesized that they may also enhance color discrimination for color-deficient observers. This hypothesis was tested here by comparing the Rösch–MacAdam color volume for color-deficient observers rendered by three of these singular spectra, two reported previously and one derived in this paper by maximization of the Rösch–MacAdam color solid. It was found that all illuminants tested enhance discriminability for deuteranomalous observers, but their impact on other congenital deficiencies was variable. The best illuminant was the one derived here, as it was clearly advantageous for the two red–green anomalies and for tritanopes and almost neutral for red–green dichromats. We conclude that three-band spectra with high-color-discrimination capability for normal observers do not necessarily produce comparable enhancements for color-deficient observers, but suitable spectral optimization clearly enhances the vision of the color deficient.
From a set of gonioapparent automotive samples from different manufacturers we selected 28 low-chroma color pairs with relatively small color differences predominantly in lightness. These color pairs were visually assessed with a gray scale at six different viewing angles by a panel of 10 observers. Using the Standardized Residual Sum of Squares (STRESS) index, the results of our visual experiment were tested against predictions made by 12 modern color-difference formulas. From a weighted STRESS index accounting for the uncertainty in visual assessments, the best prediction of our whole experiment was achieved using AUDI2000, CAM02-SCD, CAM02-UCS and OSA-GP-Euclidean color-difference formulas, which were no statistically significant different among them. A two-step optimization of the original AUDI2000 color-difference formula resulted in a modified AUDI2000 formula which performed both, significantly better than the original formula and below the experimental inter-observer variability. Nevertheless the proposal of a new revised AUDI2000 color-difference formula requires additional experimental data.
Purpose: The aim of this study is to determine the reliability of corneal thickness measurements derived from SOCT Copernicus HR (Fourier domain OCT). Methods: Thirty healthy eyes of 30 subjects were evaluated. One eye of each patient was chosen randomly. Images were obtained of the central (up to 2.0 mm from the corneal apex) and paracentral (2.0 to 4.0 mm) cornea. We assessed corneal thickness (central and paracentral) and epithelium thickness. The intra-observer repeatability data were analysed using the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) for a range of 95 per cent within-subject standard deviation (SW) and the within-subject coefficient of variation (CW). The level of agreement by Bland–Altman analysis was also represented for the study of the reproducibility between observers and agreement between methods of measurement (automatic versus manual). Results: The mean value of the central corneal thickness (CCT) was 542.4 ± 30.1 μm (SD). There was a high intra-observer agreement, finding the best result in the central sector with an intra-class correlation coefficient of 0.99, 95 per cent CI (0.989 to 0.997) and the worst, in the minimum corneal thickness, with an intra-class correlation coefficient of 0.672, 95 per cent CI (0.417 to 0.829). Reproducibility between observers was very high. The best result was found in the central sector thickness obtained both manually and automatically with an intra-class correlation coefficient of 0.990 in both cases and the worst result in the maximum corneal thickness with an intra-class correlation coefficient of 0.827. The agreement between measurement methods was also very high with intra-class correlation coefficient greater than 0.91. On the other hand the repeatability and reproducibility for epithelial measurements was poor. Conclusion: Pachymetric mapping with SOCT Copernicus HR was found to be highly repeatable and reproducible. We found that the device lacks an appropriate ergonomic design as proper focusing of the laser beam onto the cornea for anterior segment scanning required that patients were positioned slightly farther away from the machine head-rest than in the setup for retinal imaging.
Este artículo sugiere que el personal de hotel ante un trato (in)justo del hotel hacia los clientes atribuye tal trato a la responsabilidad del hotel y, dependiendo que éste sea justo o injusto, aumentaría o disminuiría sus conductas orientadas al cliente (COBs). Los datos fueron recogidos mediante cuestionarios pasados a 204 empleados de ocho hoteles de lujo en las Islas Canarias (España). Para examinar las hipótesis se utilizaron modelos de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM). No así en el caso de percepciones de justicia distributiva, los resultados muestran que cuanta más justicia procedimental e interpersonal hacia los huéspedes perciban los empleados, más se implican en conductas orientadas al cliente (COBs). Los hallazgos sugieren la necesidad de prevenir episodios de maltrato a los huéspedes por parte del hotel, haciendo especial hincapié en aquellos que son visibles para los empleados, para promover así conductas orientadas al cliente (COBs). Hasta donde nosotros sabemos, este es el primer estudio empírico en donde la justicia organizativa (distributiva, procedimental e interpersonal) dirigida hacia los clientes y las conductas orientadas al cliente (COBs) de los empleados son examinadas conjuntamente en un mismo modelo.
This paper illustrates how to design a visual experiment to measure color differences in gonioapparent materials and how to assess the merits of different advanced color-difference formulas trying to predict the results of such experiment. Successful color-difference formulas are necessary for industrial quality control and artificial color-vision applications. A color- difference formula must be accurate under a wide variety of experimental conditions including the use of challenging materials like, for example, gonioapparent samples. Improving the experimental design in a previous paper [Melgosaet al., Optics Express 22, 3458-3467 (2014)], we have tested 11 advanced color-difference formulas from visual assessments performed by a panel of 11 observers with normal colorvision using a set of 56 nearly achromatic colorpairs of automotive gonioapparent samples. Best predictions of our experimental results were found for the AUDI2000 color-difference formula, followed by color-difference formulas based on the color appearance model CIECAM02. Parameters in the original weighting function for lightness in the AUDI2000 formula were optimized obtaining small improvements. However, a power function from results provided by the AUDI2000 formula considerably improved results, producing values close to the inter-observer variability in our visual experiment. Additional research is required to obtain a modified AUDI2000 color-difference formula significantly better than the current one.
O presente relatório foi realizado no âmbito da unidade curricular da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada (PES), inserida no plano de estudos do curso de Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, da Escola Superior de Educação de Bragança, do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança. Com este relatório, pretendemos apresentar as experiências de ensino aprendizagem que consideramos relevantes e representativas do trabalho desenvolvido com as crianças ao longo da nossa PES em ambos os contextos educativos. Estas reportam-se à descrição, reflexão e investigação acerca da ação educativa. A prática pedagógica foi desenvolvida na Educação Pré-Escolar (EPE), com um grupo de 25 crianças, com idades de 3 e 4 anos e, no 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (1.º CEB), com um grupo de 10 crianças pertencentes ao 1.º ano de escolaridade. O contexto na Educação Pré-Escolar caraterizava-se por ser uma Instituição Particular de Solidariedade Social (IPSS) e o contexto de 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico pertencia à rede pública. No decorrer da ação educativa, tivemos em conta a articulação curricular, onde mantivemos sempre presente as necessidades das crianças, os seus interesses e ritmos de aprendizagem. Para tal, apoiamo-nos nos documentos oficiais e orientadores da prática pedagógica, sendo estes as Orientações Curriculares para a Educação Pré-Escolar e o Programa Nacional do 1.º ano do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, indo ao encontro da questão problema: De que forma os diferentes suportes (papel/digital) motivam as crianças no seu processo de leitura em contexto jardim de infância e no 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico? Para dar resposta delineamos os seguintes objetivos: (i) Perceber se o tipo de suporte em que as crianças efetuam as suas leituras influencia a sua motivação; (ii) Perceber se a leitura em suporte digital contribui para o desenvolvimento do gosto pela leitura; (iii) Verificar se a leitura em suporte papel permite uma maior motivação na criança em relação ao suporte digital. Os dados foram recolhidos no decorrer das intervenções, através da observação, com recurso às notas de campo, ao registo fotográfico e ao questionário. A apresentação das experiências de ensino/aprendizagem presentes neste relatório traduzem-se num processo descritivo, interpretativo e reflexivo, enquadrado numa abordagem qualitativa. É de salientar que ao longo da nossa prática educativa adotamos uma atitude reflexiva e crítica face ao nosso trabalho, tornando-nos observadores ativos neste processo, assumindo ao mesmo tempo, o papel de investigadoras.