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A partir de 2002 o Estado assume o esforço de normatizar a atenção às urgências com edição de Portarias e documentos. O SAMU foi o primeiro componente da política implantado. Ele opera com ambulâncias com ou sem médico e com recursos tecnológicos diversos. Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar o potencial de prática de integralidade no SAMU. Para tal, foram realizadas três etapas de trabalho. Analisou-se a política de urgência a partir dos documentos e Portarias que a compõem. No trabalho de campo foram entrevistados seis gestores dos três níveis de governo e avaliadas as práticas de regulação nos SAMU do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. A metodologia utilizou o referencial da análise da conduta estratégica da Teoria da Estruturação de Giddens (1984) relacionando as capacidades cognitivas dos agentes e suas estratégias de ação, com as dimensões estruturais. Para o campo, além da teoria de Giddens, busquei no referencial da avaliação, indicadores (incluindo os da política), dialogando com a análise d situação do serviço. A Política de Urgência tece como marcos os financiamento federal, a regionalização, a capacitação dos profissionais, a função do SAMU de observatório da rede; e a gestão por comitês de urgência. A integralidade é proposta como valor, na indicação de utilizar o conceito ampliado de urgência, através da regionalização e da comunicação entre os serviços. A capacitação não foi instituída no estado e os vínculos empregatícios eram precários. Foi constatada a inoperância do Comitê Gestor Nacional de Urgências e a ausência do Comitê Estadual. Não há assistência integrada tendo entre as causas a insuficiência estrutural da rede, representada pela ausência da atenção básica e pela precariedade nos hospitais de referência. Não há produção e utilização de informação e o SAMU não cumpre a função de observatório de saúde. Os três SAMUs têm estruturas diferenciadas. Foram analisados 206 atendimentos e sua categirazação destacou: o SAMU bem sucedido, com práticas de integralidade no seu componente individual e de acesso aos serviços; sua função de observatório de rede, que refletiu o vazio assistencial do PSF e média complexidade e a restrição do acesso hospitalar; a insuficiência de recursos, com uso inadequado de ambulâncias; e demandas não reconhecidas, onde casos de urgência não reconhecida foram recusados. Destaca-se a prevalência da urgência clínica. Conclusão: a legitimação da regulação esteve presente na atitude dos entrevistados e de alguns profissionais nos casos do SAMU bem sucedido. A densidade das propostas documentais foi a vertente facilitadora do recurso estrutural. A mobilização de recursos autoritativos e alocativos mostrou fragilidades. Não houve mudança significativa nas práticas tipicamente excludentes do SUS, mas acreditamos no efeito cumulativo dos pequenos desvios que têm na ética e na solidariedade a base da aplicação do conhecimento técnico.
Studies of Erebus volcano's active lava lake have shown that many of its observable properties (gas composition, surface motion and radiant heat output) exhibit cyclic behaviour with a period of ~10 min. We investigate the multi-year progression of the cycles in surface motion of the lake using an extended (but intermittent) dataset of thermal infrared images collected by the Mount Erebus Volcano Observatory between 2004 and 2011. Cycles with a period of ~5-18 min are found to be a persistent feature of the lake's behaviour and no obvious long-term change is observed despite variations in lake level and surface area. The times at which gas bubbles arrive at the lake's surface are found to be random with respect to the phase of the motion cycles, suggesting that the remarkable behaviour of the lake is governed by magma exchange rather than an intermittent flux of gases from the underlying magma reservoir. © 2014 The Authors.
本文依据收集到的392个地面验潮站8个主要分潮(M2、S2、K1、O1、N2、K2、P1及Q1)的调和常数,对现有7个全球大洋潮汐模式的准确度进行了检验,结果显示各模式在深海区域均达到了比较高的准确度,相互之间差别也不大。经验模式GOT00和CSR4.0、同化模式NAO99、反演同化模式TPXO7.0、数值同化模式FES2002和FES2004的M2分潮均方根偏差在3 cm左右,其它分潮(S2、K1、O1、N2、K2、P1及Q1)大约在1~2 cm。本文还依据中国近海18个岛屿的调和常数对其中的5个大洋潮汐模式的准确度进行了检验,结果表明,M2分潮均方根偏差在6~14 cm,明显高于大洋部分的偏差,其中日本国家天文台的潮汐模式NAO99在中国近海的结果相对较准确。 我们利用1992年8月至2008年8月的TOPEX/POSEIDON和JASON-1(T/P-J)卫星高度计资料,对沿卫星轨道的302816个站点进行了14个分潮的潮汐调和分析,得到了全球大洋潮汐的8个主要分潮以及2个气象分潮Sa、Ssa的经验同潮图。主要结果有:(1)各分潮在卫星上升轨道与下降轨道的交叉点(约7000个)相关性分析表明:M2分潮的振幅和迟角的相关系数很高(分别为0.9965和0.9961);S2,K1,O1和Sa分潮也有较好的相关性(相关系数为0.94~0.99);(2)该结果与392地面个验潮站吻合较好,其中M2分潮的振幅、迟角和向量的均方根偏差分别为:1.73 cm,2.340和2.93 cm;S2,K1和O1分潮的振幅、迟角和向量的均方根偏差为1 cm左右,5.250~7.270和1.5~2.1 cm,该精度与最近几年国际上的主要大洋潮汐模式的准确度相近;(3)首次通过卫星资料获得了Sa、Ssa分潮的同潮图。周期为1年的Sa分潮与大洋105个地面站相比,振幅、迟角和向量的均方根偏差分别为1.50 cm、18.360和2.16 cm。在此基础上,进一步分析了构成Sa、Ssa气象分潮的两个主要因素(海水密度以及海面气压)在全球的分布。 在T/P-J等卫星资料无法覆盖到南大洋和北冰洋,本文利用Princeton Ocean Model(POM)进行了数值模拟,模拟结果与162个地面实测站(其中南大洋30个,北冰洋132个)的观测比较一致。基于卫星资料分析的结果和数值模拟结果合并得到了全球大洋的8个主要分潮同潮图。在此基础上通过全球潮汐能量耗散的计算得到潮能通量的分布,并得到全球M2、S2、K1和O1分潮的潮汐能量耗散率为2.431TW、0.401TW、0.336TW和0.176TW。 本文还利用卫星资料对南海潮汐进行了研究,在中国南海,获得了主要的半日潮、全日潮、四分日分潮和长周期分潮(M2,S2,N2,K2,K1,O1,P1,Q1,M4, MS4,Sa, Ssa)的经验同潮图。与南海沿岸94个地面验潮站的数据符合得比较好,M2,S2,K1及O1等4个主要分潮的平均振幅差为2~4 cm,均方根偏差分别是9~11 cm.其它4个主要分潮N2,K2,P1,Q1的平均振幅差为1~2 cm,均方根偏差为2~4 cm。此外,本文还利用卫星高度计资料潮汐分析结果沿卫星轨道进行高通滤波,分离得出中国近海的M2,S2,K1及O1分潮的内潮信息。
The ionospheric parameter M(3000)F2 (the so-called transmission factor or the propagation factor) is important not only in practical applications such as frequency planning for radio-communication but also in ionospheric modeling. This parameter is strongly anti-correlated with the ionospheric F2-layer peak height hmF2,a parameter often used as a key anchor point in some widely used empirical models of the ionospheric electron density profile (e.g., in IRI and NeQuick models). Since hmF2 is not easy to obtain from measurements and M(3000)F2 can be routinely scaled from ionograms recorded by ionosonde/digisonde stations distributed globally and its data has been accumulated for a long history, usually the value of hmF2 is calculated from M(3000)F2 using the empirical formula connecting them. In practice, CCIR M(3000)F2 model is widely used to obtain M(3000)F2 value. However, recently some authors found that the CCIR M(3000)F2 model has remarkable discrepancies with the measured M(3000)F2, especially in low-latitude and equatorial regions. For this reason, the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) research community proposes to improve or update the currently used CCIR M(3000)F2 model. Any efforts toward the improvement and updating of the current M(3000)F2 model or newly development of a global hmF2 model are encouraged. In this dissertation, an effort is made to construct the empirical models of M(3000)F2 and hmF2 based on the empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis combined with regression analysis method. The main results are as follows: 1. A single station model is constructed using monthly median hourly values of M(3000)F2 data observed at Wuhan Ionospheric Observatory during the years of 1957–1991 and compared with the IRI model. The result shows that EOF method is possible to use only a few orders of EOF components to represent most of the variance of the original data set. It is a powerful method for ionospheric modeling. 2. Using the values of M(3000)F2 observed by ionosondes distributed globally, data at grids uniformly distributed globally were obtained by using the Kriging interpolation method. Then the gridded data were decomposed into EOF components using two different coordinates: (1) geographical longitude and latitude; (2) modified dip (Modip) and local time. Based on the EOF decompositions of the gridded data under these two coordinates systems, two types of the global M(3000)F2 model are constructed. Statistical analysis showed that the two types of the constructed M(3000)F2 model have better agreement with the observational M(3000)F2 than the M(3000)F2 model currently used by IRI. The constructed models can represent the global variations of M(3000)F2 better. 3. The hmF2 data used to construct the hmF2 model were converted from the observed M(3000)F2 based on the empirical formula connecting them. We also constructed two types of the global hmF2 model using the similar method of modeling M(3000)F2. Statistical analysis showed that the prediction of our models is more accurate than the model of IRI. This demonstrated that using EOF analysis method to construct global model of hmF2 directly is feasible. The results in this thesis indicate that the modeling technique based on EOF expansion combined with regression analysis is very promising when used to construct the global models of M(3000)F2 and hmF2. It is worthwhile to investigate further and has the potential to be used to the global modeling of other ionospheric parameters.
Morgan, H.; Habbal, S. R., An empirical 3D model of the large-scale coronal structure based on the distribution of H? filaments on the solar disk, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 464, Issue 1, March II 2007, pp.357-365
This article explores the state of the art in theories of special divine action by means of a study of the Divine Action Project (DAP) co-sponsored by the Vatican Observatory and the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences in Berkeley. The basic aim is to introduce the DAP and to summarize its results, especially as these were compiled in the final “capstone” meeting of the DAP, and drawing on the published output of the project where possible. The subsidiary aim is to evaluate criticisms of theories of special divine action developed within the DAP.
The Hellenic Observatory, European Institute panel debate.
As knowledge development is claimed to underpin the development of globalisation, interest in research collaboration and its internationalisation has become more widespread. This paper looks at the motivations behind, and development of, higher educational collaborations with a focus on research collaboration, and also compares some of the key issues surrounding academic collaborations. It employs current thinking on strategic alliances and in particular on social network and social capital theories to judge how collaborations can best be encouraged and managed. The paper uses the specific case of India-UK relationship as an example and looks at the context and motivation for collaboration in these two countries. It presents the UK India Education and Research Initiative (UKIERI) and reviews how this initiative deals with the issues discussed by current writers in relation to collaboration, as well as drawing lessons from the initiative for research collaboration more widely.
We present over 900 carbonate system observations collected over four years (2007–2010) in the Western English Channel (WEC). We determined CO2 partial pressure (pCO2), Total Alkalinity (TA) and Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC) along a series of 40 km transects, including two oceanographic stations (L4 and E1) within a sustained coastal observatory. Our data follow a seasonal pattern of CO2 undersaturation from January to August, followed by supersaturation in September–October and a return to near-equilibrium thereafter. This pattern is explained by the interplay of thermal and biological sinks in winter and spring–summer, respectively, followed by the breakdown of stratification and mixing with deeper, high-CO2 water in autumn. The drawdown of DIC and inorganic N between March and June with a C:N ratio of 8.7–9.5 was consistent with carbon over-consumption during phytoplankton growth. Monthly mean surface pCO2 was strongly correlated with depth integrated chlorophyll a highlighting the importance of subsurface chlorophyll a maxima in controlling C-fluxes in shelf seas. Mixing of seawater with riverine freshwater in near-shore samples caused a reduction in TA and the saturation state of calcite minerals, particularly in winter. Our data show that the L4 and E1 oceanographic stations were small, net sinks for atmospheric CO2 over an annual cycle (−0.52±0.66 mol C m−2 y−1 and −0.62±0.49 mol C m−2 y−1, respectively).
Disentangling the roles of environmental change and natural environmental variability on biologically mediated ecosystem processes is paramount to predict future marine ecosystem functioning. Bioturbation, the biogenic mixing of sediments, has a regulating role in marine biogeochemical processes. However, our understanding of bioturbation as a community level process and of its environmental drivers is still limited by loose use of terminology, and a lack of consensus about what bioturbation is. To help resolve these challenges, this empirical study investigated the links between four different attributes of bioturbation (bioturbation depth, activity and distance, and biodiffusive transport); the ability of an index of bioturbation (BPc) to predict each of them; and their relation to seasonality, in a shallow coastal system – the Western Channel Observatory, UK. Bioturbation distance depended on changes in benthic community structure, while the other three attributes were more directly influenced by seasonality in food availability. In parallel, BPc successfully predicted bioturbation distance but not the other attributes of bioturbation. This study therefore highlights that community bioturbation results from this combination of processes responding to environmental variability at different time-scales. However, community level measurements of bioturbation across environmental variability are still scarce, and BPc is calculated using commonly available data on benthic community structure and the functional classification of invertebrates. Therefore, BPc could be used to support the growth of landscape scale bioturbation research, but future uses of the index need to consider which bioturbation attributes the index actually predicts. As BPc predicts bioturbation distance, estimated here using a random-walk model applicable to community settings, studies using either of the metrics should be directly comparable and contribute to a more integrated future for bioturbation research.
The nano- and picoplankton community at Station L4 in the Western English Channel was studied between 2007 and 2013 by flow cytometry to quantify abundance and investigate seasonal cycles within these communities. Nanoplankton included both photosynthetic and heterotrophic eukaryotic single-celled organisms while the picoplankton included picoeukaryote phytoplankton, Synechococcus sp. cyanobacteria and heterotrophic bacteria. A Box–Jenkins Transfer Function climatology analysis of surface data revealed that Synechococcus sp., cryptophytes, and heterotrophic flagellates had bimodal annual cycles. Nanoeukaryotes and both high and low nucleic acid-containing bacteria (HNA and LNA, respectively) groups exhibited unimodal annual cycles. Phaeocystis sp., whilst having clearly defined abundance maxima in spring was not detectable the rest of the year. Coccolithophores exhibited a weak seasonal cycle, with abundance peaks in spring and autumn. Picoeukaryotes did not exhibit a discernable seasonal cycle at the surface. Timings of maximum group abundance varied through the year. Phaeocystis sp. and heterotrophic flagellates peaked in April/May. Nanoeukaryotes and HNA bacteria peaked in June/July and had relatively high abundance throughout the summer. Synechococcus sp., cryptophytes and LNA bacteria all peaked from mid to late September. The transfer function model techniques used represent a useful means of identifying repeating annual cycles in time series data with the added ability to detect trends and harmonic terms at different time scales from months to decades.
Feeding selectivity of bivalve larvae on natural plankton assemblages in the Western English Channel
Meroplankton, including bivalve larvae, are an important and yet understudied component of coastal marine food webs. Understanding the baseline of meroplankton ecology is imperative to establish and predict their sensitivity to local and global marine stressors. Over an annual cycle (October 2009–September 2010), bivalve larvae were collected from the Western Channel Observatory time series station L4 (50°15.00′N, 4°13.02′W). The morphologically similar larvae were identified by analysis of the 18S nuclear small subunit ribosomal RNA gene, and a series of incubation experiments were conducted to determine larval ingestion rates on natural plankton assemblages. Complementary gut content analysis was performed using a PCR-based method for detecting prey DNA both from field-collected larvae and those from the feeding experiments. Molecular identification of bivalve larvae showed the community composition to change over the course of the sampling period with domination by Phaxas in winter and higher diversity in autumn. The larvae selected for nanoeukaryotes (2–20 µm) including coccolithophores (<20 µm) which together comprised >75 % of the bivalve larvae diet. Additionally, a small percentage of carbon ingested originated from heterotrophic ciliates (<30 µm). The molecular analysis of bivalve larvae gut content provided increased resolution of identification of prey consumed and demonstrated that the composition of prey consumed established through bottle incubations conferred with that established from in situ larvae. Despite changes in bivalve larvae community structure, clearance rates of each prey type did not change significantly over the course of the experiment, suggesting different bivalve larvae species may consume similar prey.
Zooplankton play an important role in our oceans, in biogeochemical cycling and providing a food source for commercially important fish larvae. However, difficulties in correctly identifying zooplankton hinder our understanding of their roles in marine ecosystem functioning, and can prevent detection of long term changes in their community structure. The advent of massively parallel next generation sequencing technology allows DNA sequence data to be recovered directly from whole community samples. Here we assess the ability of such sequencing to quantify richness and diversity of a mixed zooplankton assemblage from a productive time series site in the Western English Channel. Methodology/Principle Findings Plankton net hauls (200 µm) were taken at the Western Channel Observatory station L4 in September 2010 and January 2011. These samples were analysed by microscopy and metagenetic analysis of the 18S nuclear small subunit ribosomal RNA gene using the 454 pyrosequencing platform. Following quality control a total of 419,041 sequences were obtained for all samples. The sequences clustered into 205 operational taxonomic units using a 97% similarity cut-off. Allocation of taxonomy by comparison with the National Centre for Biotechnology Information database identified 135 OTUs to species level, 11 to genus level and 1 to order, <2.5% of sequences were classified as unknowns. By comparison a skilled microscopic analyst was able to routinely enumerate only 58 taxonomic groups. Conclusions Metagenetics reveals a previously hidden taxonomic richness, especially for Copepoda and hard-to-identify meroplankton such as Bivalvia, Gastropoda and Polychaeta. It also reveals rare species and parasites. We conclude that Next Generation Sequencing of 18S amplicons is a powerful tool for elucidating the true diversity and species richness of zooplankton communities. While this approach allows for broad diversity assessments of plankton it may become increasingly attractive in future if sequence reference libraries of accurately identified individuals are better populated.
This study presents the first in-situ measurements of the chlorophyll a oxidation product, hydroxychlorophyll a as well as the chlorophyll a precursor, chlorophyll aP276 conducted over an annual cycle. Chlorophyll a oxidation products, such as hydroxychlorophyll a may be associated with the decline of algal populations and can act as an initial step in the degradation of chlorophyll a into products which can be found in the geochemical record, important for studying past climate change events. Here, hydroxychlorophyll a and chlorophyll aP276 were measured at the long-term monitoring station L4, Western Channel Observatory (UK, www.westernchannelobservatory.org) over an annual cycle (2012). Weekly measurements of phytoplankton species composition and abundance enabled detailed analysis of possible sources of hydroxychlorophyll a. Dinoflagellates, 2 diatom species, the prymnesiophyte Phaeocystis spp. and the coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi were all associated with hydroxychlorophyll a occurrence. However, during alternate peaks in abundance of the diatoms, no association with hydroxychlorophyll a occurred, indicating that the oxidation of chlorophyll a was dependant not only on species but also on additional factors such as the mode of mortality, growth limiting factor (i.e. nutrient concentration) or phenotypic plasticity. Surface sediment samples contained 10 times more hydroxychlorophyll a (relative to chlorophyll a) than pelagic particulate samples, indicating that more chlorophyll a oxidation occurred during sedimentation or at the sediment–water interface, than in the pelagic environment. In addition, chlorophyll aP276 correlated with chl-a concentration, thus supporting its assignment as a chl-a precursor.