939 resultados para Observational


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Standarização de um posto de trabalho não é mais que definir o melhor método de trabalho que vai ser seguido por todos os operadores que trabalham no mesmo. Uma vez definido esse método, é importante para uma empresa ter noção da produtividade que podem alcançar, dado que pode ser retirado a partir deste método, e é no seguimento disto que surge o estudo dos métodos e tempos, mais concretamente o estudo dos tempos por cronometragem. A aplicação deste estudo foi despoletada pela necessidade do IKEA Industry de Paços de Ferreira, em dar o próximo passo na standarização dos seus postos de trabalho, área a área, e da necessidade de terem uma pessoa em cada área que analisa-se o trabalho que estava a ser feito e calcula-se o tempo de cada rotina. Neste documento, é realizada uma interligação entre os conceitos teóricos que o método exige, como todo o conjunto de fórmulas, restrições, análises e ponderações, com o contexto laboral onde o mesmo foi aplicado e a estratégia desenvolvida pelo IKEA na realização do estudo. O estudo dos métodos e tempos por cronometragem, de todos os métodos existentes, pode ser considerado o mais completo e complexo, uma vez que é mais que observar, registar e retirar uma média ponderada das observações. Este método baseia-se num modelo matemático, que interliga uma série de conceitos e que tem sempre o operador em consideração, seja na avaliação e análise das tarefas que requerem mais esforço dos mesmos, físico ou psicológico, seja em termos de tempos de pausas pessoais que a lei obriga a que as empresas deem. Este detalhe, neste método, é de grande importância, uma vez que a standarização é sempre vista pelos operadores como uma punição. As desvantagens deste método estão no grau de conhecimento e capacidade de observação exigidas ao analista para o executar. Melhor dizendo, um analista que vá executar este trabalho necessita observar muito bem a rotina de trabalho e conhecer onde começa, acaba e tudo o que a ela não pertence, antes de começar a registar seja que tempos forem. Para além disso, é exigido ao analista que perceba o ritmo de trabalho dos operadores através da observação dos mesmos, de modo a que ninguém seja prejudicado. E por fim, é necessária uma grande disponibilidade da parte do analista para retirar o máximo de observações possíveis. Com o intuito de facilitar esta análise, o IKEA Industry criou um ficheiro que compila toda a informação relacionada com o método, e uma explicação de todos os parâmetros que o analista necessita ter em atenção. Esta folha de trabalho foi validada à luz do método, como é possível verificar no decorrer do documento. Um detalhe importante a referir, é que por muito fidedigno que seja este método, tal como qualquer método de standarização, a mínima alteração da rotina de trabalho invalida de imediato o tempo total da rotina, tornando necessário realizar o estudo novamente. Uma vantagem do documento criado pelo IKEA, está na rápida adaptação a estas alterações, uma vez que, caso seja acrescentado ou removido um elemento à rotina, basta alterar o documento, observar e cronometrar os operadores a executar esse novo elemento, e quase automaticamente é definido um novo tempo total padronizado na rotina. Este documento foi criado para fins académicos e de conclusão de um grau académico, mas o estudo quando aplicado na empresa deu origem a contratações, o que só por si mostra as vantagens e impacto que o mesmo pode ter em contexto laboral. Em termos de produtividade, uma vez que a sua aplicação não foi executada a tempo de ser estudada neste documento, não foi possível avaliar a mesma.


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Introduction: Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) has improved and extended the lives of thousands of people living with HIV/AIDS around the world. However, this treatment can lead to the development of adverse reactions such as lipoatrophy/lipohypertrophy syndrome (LLS) and its associated risks. Objective: This study was designed to assess the prevalence of self-reported lipodystrophy and nutritional status by anthropometric measurements in patients with HIV/AIDS. Methods: An observational study of 227 adult patients in the Secondary Immunodeficiencies Outpatient Department of Dermatology, Hospital das Clínicas, Faculty of Medicine, University of São Paulo (3002 ADEE-HCFMUSP). The sample was divided into three groups; Group 1 = 92 patients on HAART and with self-reported lipodystrophy, Group 2 = 70 patients on HAART without self-reported lipodystrophy and Group 3 = 65 patients not taking HAART. The nutritional status of individuals in the study sample was determined by body mass index (BMI) and percentage of body fat (% BF). The cardiovascular risk and diseases associated with abdominal obesity were determined by waist/hip ratio (WHR) and waist circumference (WC). Results: The prevalence of self-reported lipoatrophy/lipohypertrophy syndrome was 33% among women and 59% among men. Anthropometry showed depletion of fat mass in the evaluation of the triceps (TSF) in the treatment groups with HAART and was statistically independent of gender; for men p = 0.001, and for women p = 0.007. Similar results were found in the measurement of skin folds of the upper and lower body (p = 0.001 and p = 0.003 respectively). In assessing the nutritional status of groups by BMI and % BF, excess weight and body fat were more prevalent among women compared to men (p = 0.726). The WHR and WC revealed risks for cardiovascular and other diseases associated with abdominal obesity for women on HAART and with self-reported LLS (p = 0.005) and (p = 0.011). Conclusions: Anthropometric measurements were useful in the confirmation of the prevalence of LLS. BMI alone does not appear to be a good parameter for assessing the nutritional status of HIV-infected patients on HAART and with LLS. Other anthropometric measurements are needed to evaluate patients with the lipoatrophy/lipohypertrophy syndrome.


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Background & Aims: An increased frequency of infections by multiresistant bacteria has been described in hospitalized patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the bacterial resistance profile in cirrhotic patients. Methods: This is a retrospective observational study. We assessed the antimicrobial susceptibility of 5,839 bacterial isolates from patients with and without cirrhosis. Regarding the multidrug resistance, we evaluated 4,505 bacterial isolates from 2,180 patients. Results: Two hundred and fifty-one patients had cirrhosis (mean age 57.6 ± 11 years; 61.8% were male, 47.8% of cases associated with hepatitis C virus). Of the isolates of patients with and without cirrhosis, 174/464 (37.5%) and 1,783/4,041 (44.1%) were multiresistant, respectively (p = 0.007). E. coli was the most common multiresistant bacteria in both groups. Approximately 20% of E. coli and Klebsiella sp. isolates were ESBL-producers and 44% of S. aureus isolates were methicillin-resistant in cirrhotic patients. In cirrhotic patients admitted to the emergency department, hospital ward, and intensive care unit, 28.3%, 50% and 40% had multiresistant isolates, respectively. In patients with and without cirrhosis, 36.2% and 33.5% of isolates were resistant to third-generation cephalosporins, respectively. Conclusions: The empirical treatment of infections in hospitalized patients using broad-spectrum antibiotics should consider the observed pattern of bacterial resistance.


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We increasingly face conservative surgery for rectal cancer and even the so called ‘wait and see’ approach, as far as 10–20% patients can reach a complete pathological response at the time of surgery. But what can we say to our patients about risks? Standard surgery with mesorectal excision gives a <2% local recurrence with a post operative death rate of 2–8% (may reach 30% at 6 months in those over 85), but low AR has some deterioration in bowel function and in low cancer a permanent stoma may be required. Also a long-term impact on urinary and sexual function is possible. Distant metastasis rate seem to be identical in the standard and conservative approach. It is difficult to evaluate conservative approach because a not clear standardization of surgery for low rectal cancer. Rullier et al tried to clarify, and they found identical results for recurrence (5–9%), disease free survival (70%) at 5y for coloanal anastomosis and intersphinteric resection. Other series have found local recurrence higher than with standard approach and functional results may be worse and, in some situations, salvage therapy is compromised or has more complications. In this context, functional outcomes are very important but most studies are incomplete in measuring bowel function in the context of conservative approach. In 2005 Temple et al made a survey of 122/184 patient after sphinter preserving surgery and found a 96.9% of incomplete evacuation, 94.4% clustering, 93.2% food affecting frequency, 91.8% gas incontinence and proposed a systematic evaluation with a specific questionnaire. In which concerns ‘Wait and see’ approach for complete clinical responders, it was first advocated by Habr Gama for tumors up to 7cm, with a low locoregional failure of 4.6%, 5y overall survival 96%, 72% for disease free survival; one fifth of patients failed in the first year; a Dutch trial had identical results but others had worse recurrence rates; in other series 25% of patients could not be salvaged even with APR; 30% have subsequent metastatic disease what seems equal for ‘wait and see’ and operated patients. In a recent review Glynne Jones considers that all the evaluated ‘wait and see’ studies are heterogeneous in staging, inclusion criteria, design and follow up after chemoradiation and that there is the suggestion that patients who progress while under observation fare worse than those resected. He proposes long-term observational studies with more uniform inclusion criteria. We are now facing a moment where we may be more aggressive in early cancer and neoadjuvant treatment to be more conservative in the subsequent treatment but we need a better stratification of patients, better evaluation of results and more clear prognostic markers.


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RESUMO: Atualmente a prática de regular de atividade física é mencionada na literatura como uma estratégia fundamental no tratamento da diabetes tipo 2, com influencia positiva na redução das comorbilidades associadas a esta doença. (Sigal et al., 2006; Praet & van Loon, 2009). No entanto, e apesar deste reconhecimento, a maioria da população com diabetes tipo 2, apresenta baixos níveis de atividade física que na literatura têm sido relacionados com conhecimento deficitário ou inadequado acerca dos benefícios e das recomendações para a mesma (Madden, et. al., 2009). Este estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de determinar o nível de atividade física e de avaliar a sua associação com o conhecimento acerca dos benefícios da atividade física e recomendações específicas para a sua prática. Trata-se de um estudo observacional, de natureza descritiva e do tipo Survey (estudo de levantamento) realizado com uma amostra de 50 indivíduos recrutados a partir da consulta de diabetes de uma Unidade de Saúde Familiar da região de Setúbal. A recolha de dados foi feita através da aplicação conjunta, e de uma só vez, de três questionários (Questionário de caracterização sócio-demográfica; versão portuguesa do International Physical Activity Questionnaire - IPAQ; Questionário de Avaliação de Conhecimentos acerca dos benefícios e recomendações específicas da prática regular de atividade física), adaptados ao método de entrevista telefónica. Os resultados revelaram que a maioria dos participantes tinham baixos níveis de atividade física (60%), apesar de demonstrarem bons conhecimentos acerca dos benefícios da sua prática regular (67%). Nas analises exploratórias verificou-se uma associação estatisticamente significativa entre as variáveis, “género” (p= 0,045) e “existência de recomendação para a prática do exercício por parte de um profissional de saúde” (p=0,017), com os conhecimentos acerca dos benefícios da prática regular de atividade física. São os indivíduos do género feminino e com a existência de recomendação para o exercício por parte dos profissionais de saúde, que tendem a demonstrar um nível mais elevado de conhecimento acerca dos benefícios da atividade física. Os resultados mostram igualmente que apesar de não existir uma associação estatisticamente significativa entre o conhecimento acerca das recomendações específicas para a prática da atividade física (recomendações para o modo, frequência duração e intensidade da atividade física), e o nível de atividade física autorreportada, a maioria dos participantes desconhece estas recomendações (70,3%). Estes resultados sugerem a necessidade de realizar programas educativos dirigidos a este aspeto ou de incluir este tipo de informação nas recomendações dos profissionais de saúde para a prática regular de atividade física em indivíduos com diabetes do tipo 2. -----------ABSTRACT:The practice of physical activity has been referred in the research literature as a key strategy in the management of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), with positive influence in reducing its associated complications (Sigal et al., 2006; Praet & van Loon, 2009). However, the majority of people with T2DM, presents low levels of physical activity, which has been associated, with poor knowledge about its benefits and/or about the current guidelines’ recommendations for that practice (Madden, et. al., 2009). The purpose of this study was to determine the level of physical activity, in a sample of T2DM patients, and to assess its relationship with knowledge of physical activity benefits and knowledge about specific recommendations for the practice of physical activity. An observational descriptive study was carried out with a sample of 50 T2DM participants, recruited from the medical consultation of one of the Familiar Health Units in the Setúbal Region. Three aggregated questionnaires (sociodemographic questionnaire, Portuguese version of the International Physical Questionnaire- IPAQ; Knowledge evaluation about physical activity benefits and specific recommendations for regular physical activity practice Questionnaire) were administrated by telephone interview, all at the same time. The study’s findings showed that the majority of the participants had low levels of physical activity (60%), regardless their appropriate knowledge concerning the benefits of regular physical activity (67%). The results of this study have also shown that participants have a poor and/ or inappropriate knowledge concerning the specific physical activity recommendations that have a positive impact in this specific condition. The exploratory analyses revealed a statistically significant association between an appropriate knowledge about the benefits of physical activity and both “gender” (p=0,045) and “recommendation for physical activity practice by an health professional” (p=0,017). Female participants, who received recommendations for regular physical activity, showed higher levels of knowledge concerning the benefits of being physically ative. The study’s findings suggest that T2DM patients need appropriate information and knowledge about how they should practice physical activity. Practising physical activity following current specific recommendations about the mode, frequency, intensity and duration has a positive effect on the management of T2DM.


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RESUMO: Objectivo: O presente estudo tem como objectivo caracterizar os níveis de actividade física das pessoas com mais de 75 anos e analisar a sua relação com as diferentes componentes da aptidão física. Enquadramento: A actividade física é indispensável para todos mas, os idosos é quem mais beneficia (Fischer, 2005). Actua na prevenção e na reabilitação, fortalecendo a aptidão física, e a autonomia do idoso, permitindo manter, por mais tempo, a capacidade de execução das actividades de vida diárias (Shephard, 2003). A prática de actividade física contribui por exemplo, para a prevenção de quedas, reforçando a aptidão física e o equilíbrio postural. Por outro lado, o baixo nível de aptidão física repercute-se no aumento da actividade sedentária. Os homens têm uma adesão à actividade física de 45% e as mulheres de 28% (Melo et. al., 2007). Métodos: Este é um estudo observacional, correlacional e transversal. Foram avaliados 66 participantes (média de idade de 80,11 ± 3,83 anos), não institucionalizados. O processo de amostragem foi não probabilístico acidental por conveniência. Todos os idosos deram o seu consentimento informado. A actividade física foi avaliada através do questionário do Yale Physical Activity Survey, e foi desenvolvido um diário, para uma semana-tipo, para averiguar os hábitos de actividades diárias, nas últimas quatro semanas. A aptidão física foi avaliada pela bateria de testes de Rikli e Jones (1999),nomeadamente a força, a flexibilidade, a resistência aeróbia e a agilidade e equilíbrio. Os dados foram analisados através da estatística descritiva e para averiguar as possíveis associações entre a actividade física e a aptidão física, recorreu-se á estatística inferencial. Não tendo sido verificada a normalidade da amostra com o teste kolmogorov-smirnov, foram utilizados testes não paramétricos, nomeadamente o teste U Mann – Whitney e o coeficiente de correlação de Spearman (p≤0,05). Resultados: Constatou-se que os idosos em média praticavam 480, 23 minutos por semana de actividade moderada, cerca 11,04% do seu tempo, superior ao recomendado pela literatura (>150 minutos por semana). A actividade física moderada apresentou relações positivas com a aptidão física, na força dos membros inferiores, na resistência aeróbia e na agilidade e equilíbrio. Os homens têm maior agilidade e equilíbrio (p=0,002) e força dos membros inferiores (p=0,025) que as mulheres. Os homens passam mais tempo em actividade moderada do que as mulheres. Ainda superam no gasto energético em cada actividade que praticam durante a semana. As mulheres passam mais tempo em actividade sedentária e actividade ligeira. Conclusão: Quanto mais tempo de prática de actividade física moderada melhor a força dos membros inferiores, a resistência aeróbia, a agilidade e o equilíbrio dinâmico. Recomenda-se uma reflexão sobre a possível intervenção na estruturação das actividades diárias do idoso e uma intervenção mais direccionada às idosas, na força do membro inferior, na agilidade e na resistência aeróbia.----------------------- ABSTRACT:Purpose: The present study aims to characterize the physical activity levels of people over 75 years and analyze their relationship with the different components of physical fitness. Background: Physical activity is essential for all but the elderly who are more benefit (Fischer, 2005). It works on prevention and rehabilitation, strengthening physical fitness,and independence of older people, maintaining, for longer, the ability to implement the activities of daily living (Shephard, 2003). The physical activity contributes for example, for the prevention of falls by strengthening physical fitness and postural balance. Moreover, the low level of physical fitness level is reflected in the increase of sedentary activity. Men have an adherence to physical activity of 45% and women 28% (Melo et. al, 2007) Methods: This was an observational, cross-sectional and correlational. We evaluated 66 participants (mean age 80.11 ± 3.83 years), not institutionalized. The sampling procedure was non accidental probabilistic convenience. All seniors gave their informed consent. Physical activity was assessed by questionnaire at the Yale Physical Activity Survey was developed and a diary-type for a week, to ascertain the habits of daily activities in the last four weeks. Physical fitness was assessed by the battery of tests Rikli and Jones (1999), including strength, flexibility, endurance and agility and balance. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and to investigate possible associations between physical activity and physical fitness, we used will inferential statistics. Not having been verified the sample normality with Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, we used non-parametric tests, including the test U Mann - Whitney and Spearman correlation coefficient (p ≤ 0.05). Results: It was found that older people on average practiced 480, 23 minutes per week of moderate activity, about 11,04% of the time, higher than recommended in the literature (> 150 minutes per week). A moderate physical activity had positive correlations with physical fitness, lower limb strength, endurance and aerobic agility and balance. Men have greater agility and balance (p = 0.002) and lower-limb strength (p = 0.025) than women. Men spend more time in moderate activity than women. Still outweigh the energy expenditure for each activity they practice during the week. Women spend more time in sedentary activity and light activity. Conclusion: The more practice time in moderate physical activity best lower-limb strength,aerobic resistance, agility and dynamic balance. It is recommended that a reflection on the possible intervention in structuring the daily activities of the elderly and a more targeted to the woman elderly, especially lower limb strength, agility and endurance.


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RESUMO: Introdução: A estabilidade dinâmica relativa ao complexo articular do ombro depende de uma interacção perfeita entre músculos da coifa dos rotadores e músculos escapulares, como o binómio rotador da escápula – trapézio superior e trapézio inferior e o grande dentado. A compreensão dessas sinergias musculares em sujeitos assintomáticos permite, em última instância, o desenvolvimento de linhas orientadoras de raciocínio na abordagem clínica. Objectivo: Estudar o rácio de activação entre os músculos trapézio inferior e trapézio superior e entre grande dentado e trapézio superior, através de um conjunto de cinco exercícios aplicados a uma amostra de sujeitos assintomáticos, estabelecendo uma hierarquia entre esses rácios. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, com uma amostra de 15 sujeitos saudáveis (n=9 homens; n=6 mulheres), com idades compreendidas entre os 19 e 27 anos (média=21 anos, dp=2,24), tendo sido avaliados por um sistema de electromiografia de superfície, em dois momentos de recolha diferentes. Os exercícios foram realizados em cadeia cinética aberta, sem qualquer aplicação de resistências externas. Resultados: De entre os exercícios analisados com envolvimento escapulo-torácico e gleno-umeral simultaneamente, destacaram-se com melhor rácio trapézio inferior/trapézio superior e grande dentado/trapézio superior (activação dos músculos trapézio inferior e grande dentado superior à activação do trapézio superior) os movimentos de flexão do ombro até aos 90º no plano sagital e a abdução do ombro até aos 90º no plano da escápula, considerando ambas as recolhas. Nos exercícios apenas com envolvimento escapulotorácico, destacaram-se com melhor rácio os movimentos de adução e depressão das escápulas bilateralmente com os membros superiores em repouso, seguido da abdução da escápula, com o ombro a 90º de flexão e mantendo a escápula em depressão (“murro à frente”), em ambas as recolhas. O exercício de abdução do ombro até aos 90º no plano frontal obteve sempre o pior rácio muscular, nos dois momentos de recolha. Conclusões: O presente trabalho estudou as interacções dos músculos escapulotorácicos em cinco exercícios realizados até aos 90º de elevação do membro superior,em cadeia cinética aberta e sem recurso a resistências externas. Será, eventualmente possível, enquadrar os exercícios propostos nas fases de consciencialização e associação de reaprendizagem motora. Sugerem-se futuros estudos com uso de análise cinemática. --------------------ABSTRACT: Introduction: Stability of the shoulder and scapula depend upon a perfect interaction between rotator cuff of the shoulder and scapular muscles, such as upper and lower trapezius and serratus anterior. A deeper comprehension of these synergies in healthy subjects allows, ultimately, the development of a better reasoning in the clinical approach. Goal: To study the ratios between lower trapezius/ upper trapezius and between serratus anterior/ upper trapezius in five different exercises, applied to healthy subjects, presenting a hierarchy between ratios. Methods: It’s an observational descriptive study including 15 healthy subjects (n= 9 men; n=6 women) with ages between 19 and 27 years (mean of 21 years, SD of 2,24). Surface electromyography was used in two different recording moments. All the exercises were performed in open kinetic chain, without external resistance. Results: Of the exercises studied that involved the shoulder and scapula together, the best ratios between lower trapezius/upper trapezius and serratus anterior/ upper trapezius (greater activity for lower trapezius and serratus anterior and less for upper trapezius) were found in shoulder flexion to 90º and in shoulder abduction to 90º in the plane of the scapula, in both recording moments. Considering the exercises that included only the scapula, the best ratio were found in bilateral adduction and depression of the scapula with the upper limbs resting and in abduction of the scapula, while being in depression, with the shoulder flexed at 90º, considering both recordings. Shoulder abduction to 90º in the coronal plane presented the worse ratio in both recording moments. Conclusions: This present paper studied the interaction of the scapula upward rotator muscles in five exercises performed below 90º of shoulder flexion or abduction, in open kinetic chain, with no external resistance. It may be possible to associate our exercises with the motor learning phases of association and consciousness. Future studies are suggested with kinematic analysis.


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Reducing low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels using statins is associated with significant reductions in cardiovascular (CV) events in a wide range of patient populations. Although statins are generally considered to be safe, recent studies suggest they are associated with an increased risk of developing Type 2 diabetes (T2D). This led the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to change their labelling requirements for statins to include a warning about the possibility of increased blood sugar and HbA1c levels and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) to issue guidance on a small increased risk of T2D with the statin class. This review examines the evidence leading to these claims and provides practical guidance for primary care physicians on the use of statins in people with or at risk of developing T2D. Overall, evidence suggests that the benefits of statins for the reduction of CV risk far outweigh the risk of developing T2D, especially in individuals with higher CV risk. To reduce the risk of developing T2D, physicians should assess all patients for T2D risk prior to starting statin therapy, educate patients about their risks, and encourage risk-reduction through lifestyle changes. Whether some statins are more diabetogenic than others requires further study. Statin-treated patients at high risk of developing T2D should regularly be monitored for changes in blood glucose or HbA1c levels, and the risk of conversion from pre-diabetes to T2D should be reduced by intensifying lifestyle changes. Should a patient develop T2D during statin treatment, physicians should continue with statin therapy and manage T2D in accordance with relevant national guidelines.


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BACKGROUND: Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO) is an inflammatory demyelinating disease of the CNS. There have been few epidemiologic studies on NMO, none in Portugal. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the clinical, biological and MRI characteristics from a cohort of Portuguese patients who fulfilled the Wingerchuk 2006 NMO/NMOSD criteria. To identify and characterize those who had concomitant autoimmune disease or circulating autoantibodies. METHODS: We performed an observational, retrospective, multicenter study in 5 Hospital Centers in Portugal. RESULTS: Sixty-seven patients fulfilled the inclusion criteria. They were mainly Caucasian, 55 female. Median age at onset was 32.0 years and mean follow-up 7.4±6.0 years. Twenty-one patients were definite NMO and optic neuritis (ON) the most frequent initial presentation. Forty-six were classified as NMO spectrum disorders. The main subtypes were recurrent ON and single longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis. Twenty-four patients had positive AQP4-IgG. Twenty-three had other circulating autoantibodies. Fifteen out of 67 patients had concomitant autoimmune disease. There was a significant correlation between the presence of autoimmune disease and the positivity for AQP4-IgG. Five patients died, all definite NMO. CONCLUSION: This is the first study about this rare disease in Portugal. Demographic features were similar to other studies. The existence of concomitant autoimmune disease was significantly associated with seropositivity for AQP4-IgG.


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BACKGROUND: The use of cardiac output monitoring may improve patient outcomes after major surgery. However, little is known about the use of this technology across nations. METHODS: This is a secondary analysis of a previously published observational study. Patients aged 16 years and over undergoing major non-cardiac surgery in a 7-day period in April 2011 were included into this analysis. The objective is to describe prevalence and type of cardiac output monitoring used in major surgery in Europe. RESULTS: Included in the analysis were 12,170 patients from the surgical services of 426 hospitals in 28 European nations. One thousand four hundred and sixteen patients (11.6 %) were exposed to cardiac output monitoring, and 2343 patients (19.3 %) received a central venous catheter. Patients with higher American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) scores were more frequently exposed to cardiac output monitoring (ASA I and II, 643 patients [8.6 %]; ASA III-V, 768 patients [16.2 %]; p < 0.01) and central venous catheter (ASA I and II, 874 patients [11.8 %]; ASA III-V, 1463 patients [30.9 %]; p < 0.01). In elective surgery, 990 patients (10.8 %) were exposed to cardiac output monitoring, in urgent surgery 252 patients (11.7 %) and in emergency surgery 173 patients (19.8 %). A central venous catheter was used in 1514 patients (16.6 %) undergoing elective, in 480 patients (22.2 %) undergoing urgent and in 349 patients (39.9 %) undergoing emergency surgery. Nine hundred sixty patients (7.9 %) were monitored using arterial waveform analysis, 238 patients (2.0 %) using oesophageal Doppler ultrasound, 55 patients (0.5 %) using a pulmonary artery catheter and 44 patients (2.0 %) using other technologies. Across nations, cardiac output monitoring use varied from 0.0 % (0/249 patients) to 27.5 % (19/69 patients), whilst central venous catheter use varied from 5.6 % (7/125 patients) to 43.2 % (16/37 patients). CONCLUSIONS: One in ten patients undergoing major surgery is exposed to cardiac output monitoring whilst one in five receives a central venous catheter. The use of both technologies varies widely across Europe.


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RESUMO - O aumento da prevalência da diabetes e a baixa adesão ao seu tratamento estão associados a um mau controlo metabólico, desenvolvimento de complicações, aumento dos custos económicos e ineficiência do sistema de saúde. De acordo com o modelo de auto-regulação, o estudo das representações da doença permite predizer os comportamentos dos doentes face a esta patologia. O objectivo do estudo é verificar a existência de relação entre a forma como os diabéticos tipo 2 percepcionam a sua doença, de acordo com o modelo de auto-regulação de Leventhal e colaboradores, e a adesão às actividades de auto-cuidado da diabetes. Consiste num estudo observacional, descritivo, analítico, do tipo transversal, a desenvolver em Cuidados de Saúde Primários. A amostra é constituída por 339 indivíduos diabéticos, de ambos os sexos, com idade igual ou superior a 20 anos e com diagnóstico de diabetes tipo 2 há mais de 6 meses. Trata-se de uma amostra probabilística, aleatória simples, seleccionada numa Unidade de Saúde Familiar (USF). A recolha de dados é realizada através do preenchimento de uma ficha de caracterização socio-demográfica e clínica, a partir do processo clínico electrónico, e através da aplicação de dois questionários de auto-preenchimento. Os resultados são analisados através do Statistical Program for Social Sciences (SPSS) – versão 17.0.


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An early and accurate recognition of success in treating obesity may increase the compliance of obese children and their families to intervention programs. This observational, prospective study aimed to evaluate the ability and the time to detect a significant reduction of adiposity estimated by body mass index (BMI), percentage of fat mass (%FM), and fat mass index (FMI) during weight management in prepubertal obese children.


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BACKGROUND & AIMS: Patients who underwent endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) present protein-energy malnutrition, but little is known about Trace Elements (TE), Zinc (Zn), Copper (Cu), Selenium (Se), Iron (Fe), Chromium (Cr). Our aim was the evaluation of serum TE in patients who underwent PEG and its relationship with serum proteins, BMI and nature of underlying disorder. METHODS: A prospective observational study was performed collecting: patient's age, gender, underlying disorder, NRS-2002, BMI, serum albumin, transferrin and TE concentration. We used ferrozine colorimetric method for Fe; Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectroscopy for Zn/Cu; Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy for Se/Cr. The patients were divided into head and neck cancer (HNC) and neurological dysphagia (ND). RESULTS: 146 patients (89 males), 21-95 years: HNC-56; ND-90. Low BMI in 78. Low values mostly for Zn (n = 122) and Fe (n = 69), but less for Se (n = 31), Cu (n = 16), Cr (n = 7); low albumin in 77, low transferrin in 94 and 66 with both proteins low. Significant differences between the groups of underlying disease only for Zn (t140.326 = -2,642, p < 0.01) and a correlation between proteins and TE respectively albumin and Zn (r = 0.197, p = 0.025), and albumin and Fe (r = 0.415, p = 0.000). CONCLUSIONS: When gastrostomy was performed, patients display low serum TE namely Zn, but also Fe, less striking regarding others TE. It was related with prolonged fasting, whatever the underlying disease. Low proteins were associated with low TE. Teams taking care of PEG-patients should use Zn supplementation and include other TE evaluation as part of the nutritional assessment of PEG candidates.


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ABSTRACT - It is the purpose of the present thesis to emphasize, through a series of examples, the need and value of appropriate pre-analysis of the impact of health care regulation. Specifically, the thesis presents three papers on the theme of regulation in different aspects of health care provision and financing. The first two consist of economic analyses of the impact of health care regulation and the third comprises the creation of an instrument for supporting economic analysis of health care regulation, namely in the field of evaluation of health care programs. The first paper develops a model of health plan competition and pricing in order to understand the dynamics of health plan entry and exit in the presence of switching costs and alternative health premium payment systems. We build an explicit model of death spirals, in which profitmaximizing competing health plans find it optimal to adopt a pattern of increasing relative prices culminating in health plan exit. We find the steady-state numerical solution for the price sequence and the plan’s optimal length of life through simulation and do some comparative statics. This allows us to show that using risk adjusted premiums and imposing price floors are effective at reducing death spirals and switching costs, while having employees pay a fixed share of the premium enhances death spirals and increases switching costs. Price regulation of pharmaceuticals is one of the cost control measures adopted by the Portuguese government, as in many European countries. When such regulation decreases the products’ real price over time, it may create an incentive for product turnover. Using panel data for the period of 1997 through 2003 on drug packages sold in Portuguese pharmacies, the second paper addresses the question of whether price control policies create an incentive for product withdrawal. Our work builds the product survival literature by accounting for unobservable product characteristics and heterogeneity among consumers when constructing quality, price control and competition indexes. These indexes are then used as covariates in a Cox proportional hazard model. We find that, indeed, price control measures increase the probability of exit, and that such effect is not verified in OTC market where no such price regulation measures exist. We also find quality to have a significant positive impact on product survival. In the third paper, we develop a microsimulation discrete events model (MSDEM) for costeffectiveness analysis of Human Immunodeficiency Virus treatment, simulating individual paths from antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation to death. Four driving forces determine the course of events: CD4+ cell count, viral load resistance and adherence. A novel feature of the model with respect to the previous MSDEMs is that distributions of time to event depend on individuals’ characteristics and past history. Time to event was modeled using parametric survival analysis. Events modeled include: viral suppression, regimen switch due virological failure, regimen switch due to other reasons, resistance development, hospitalization, AIDS events, and death. Disease progression is structured according to therapy lines and the model is parameterized with cohort Portuguese observational data. An application of the model is presented comparing the cost-effectiveness ART initiation with two nucleoside analogue reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTI) plus one non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor(NNRTI) to two NRTI plus boosted protease inhibitor (PI/r) in HIV- 1 infected individuals. We find 2NRTI+NNRTI to be a dominant strategy. Results predicted by the model reproduce those of the data used for parameterization and are in line with those published in the literature.


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RESUMO - Introdução: Actualmente 11,3 milhões de indivíduos estão co-infectados pela Tuberculose/Vírus Imunodeficiência Humana (TB/VIH), uma das principais causas de incapacidade e morte no mundo. É determinada pela exposição dos indivíduos aos factores de risco e condições/determinantes sociais de saúde. Várias são as medidas criadas a nível nacional e internacional na luta contra TB e a infecção VIH. Objectivo: Caracterizar e comparar os casos de TB entre os indivíduos não infectados com VIH e os infectados com VIH, considerando as características sócio-demográficas, o tratamento, patologias associadas e factores de risco. Método: Estudo descritivo, quantitativo e observacional. A informação foi obtida a partir da base de dados do Sistema Nacional de Vigilância Epidemiológica da Tuberculose dos casos de TB notificados entre 1 de Janeiro de 2008 a 31 de Dezembro de 2009. Para tratamento e análise estatística (descritiva e inferencial) o programa usado foi o SPSS versão 18,0. Resultados: 12,8% dos indivíduos estavam co-infectados com TB/VIH e 87,2% não estavam co-infectados. A presença de VIH nos casos de tuberculose apresenta evidência de relação com quase todas variáveis em estudo (p<0,00) excepto a presença de insuficiência renal (p<0,307). Apresentam maior probalidade de risco da co-infecção TB/VIH os homens, a faixa etária [35;44[, os estrangeiros, os desempregados, estar em retratamento e fumar. Os indivíduos com Doença Hepática (OR= 5,238; IC95%: 3,706;7,403; ORA = 3,104; IC95%: 2,164;4,454), patologias associadas (OR=13,199; IC95%: 11,246; 15,491; ORA=21,348; IC95%:17,569; 25,940) e factores de risco (OR=3,237; IC95%: 2,968; 3,531; ORA=2,644; IC95%: 2,414; 2,985) tem maior probalidade da co-infecção TB/VIH. O ajustamento para o sexo e a idade interferiu em todas variáveis em estudo. Conclusão: Os homens, da faixa etária [35;44 [, desempregados, estrangeiros, em retratamento, fumadores apresentam maior probalidade de risco de estar co-infectado com TB/VIH.