942 resultados para North-American collections (Tulane and Vanderbilt)


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This paper examines the ways the reception of students of Haitian descent in this country has shaped their educational careers. Additionally, this paper explores the racial, cultural, and individual differences that need to be understood in order to help educators, parents, and students make their schooling a positive experience.


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The Indian Gaming Regulatory Act of 1988 was intended to provide a statutory basis for the growth of Indian gaming. This article explains that the intentions of the act, when coupled with court decisions and a competitive economic environment, may be the basis for federal intervention in the gaming industry, specifically for Native American gaming. The author reviews the history of programs and promises, the magnitude of the total gaming industry, and the role of Native American gaming.


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What role do state party organizations play in twenty-first century American politics? What is the nature of the relationship between the state and national party organizations in contemporary elections? These questions frame the three studies presented in this dissertation. More specifically, I examine the organizational development of the state party organizations and the strategic interactions and connections between the state and national party organizations in contemporary elections.

In the first empirical chapter, I argue that the Internet Age represents a significant transitional period for state party organizations. Using data collected from surveys of state party leaders, this chapter reevaluates and updates existing theories of party organizational strength and demonstrates the importance of new indicators of party technological capacity to our understanding of party organizational development in the early twenty-first century. In the second chapter, I ask whether the national parties utilize different strategies in deciding how to allocate resources to state parties through fund transfers and through the 50-state-strategy party-building programs that both the Democratic and Republican National Committees advertised during the 2010 elections. Analyzing data collected from my 2011 state party survey and party-fund-transfer data collected from the Federal Election Commission, I find that the national parties considered a combination of state and national electoral concerns in directing assistance to the state parties through their 50-state strategies, as opposed to the strict battleground-state strategy that explains party fund transfers. In my last chapter, I examine the relationships between platforms issued by Democratic and Republican state and national parties and the strategic considerations that explain why state platforms vary in their degree of similarity to the national platform. I analyze an extensive platform dataset, using cluster analysis and document similarity measures to compare platform content across the 1952 to 2014 period. The analysis shows that, as a group, Democratic and Republican state platforms exhibit greater intra-party homogeneity and inter-party heterogeneity starting in the early 1990s, and state-national platform similarity is higher in states that are key players in presidential elections, among other factors. Together, these three studies demonstrate the significance of the state party organizations and the state-national party partnership in contemporary politics.


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The purpose of this study was to examine how African American women in ordained ministry construct and develop ministerial identity in the context of the Black Church. This study employed a qualitative multicase study methodology and the purposive participant sample was comprised of 13 women who were ordained or pursuing ordination in the Baltimore or Washington conferences of the AME Church. Semistructured in-depth interviews were conducted with the participants, and member checks were employed as a triangulation method. This study reveals that the primary factor impacting ministerial identity development is the relationship with the senior pastor and explores the various ways in which that impact is felt. This study also connects aspects of that relationship and its resulting impact to African American cultural traditions and values, as well as offers several suggestions to women cultivating ministerial identity and the organizational systems within which that process occurs.


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The netcdf files in this archive comprise climate model output from Community Earth System Model for experiments looking at forest loss over Western North America and the Amazon. For further description of the model and configuration for these experiments please see the accompanying manuscript: Synergistic ecoclimate teleconnections from forest loss in different regions structure global ecological responses Elizabeth S. Garcia, Abigail L. S. Swann, Juan C. Villegas, David D. Breshears, Darin J. Law, Scott R. Saleska, and Scott C. Stark published in PLOS ONE, 2016. Contact information in README.txt


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La Iniciativa de las Américas (Enterprise for the Americas) propone la creación de un área de libre comercio para el continente americano, partiendo de la base del acuerdo NAFTA (North American Free Trade Área) próximo a concretarse y del cual formarían parte los Estados Unidos, Canadá y México.


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Suggesting that the political diversity of American science fiction during the 1960s and early 1970s constitutes a response to the dominance of social liberalism throughout the 1940s and 1950s, I argue in Making the Men of Tomorrow that the development of new hegemonic masculinities in science fiction is a consequence of political speculation. Focusing on four representative and influential texts from the 1960s and early 1970s, Philip K. Dick’s The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch and Ubik, Robert A. Heinlein’s The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress, and Ursula K. Le Guin’s The Dispossessed, this thesis explores the relationship between different conceptions of hegemonic masculinity and three separate but related political ideologies: the social ethic, market libertarianism, and socialist libertarianism. In the first two chapters in which I discuss Dick’s novels, I argue that Dick interrogates organizational masculinity as part of a larger project that suggests the inevitable infeasibility of both the social ethic and its predecessor, social liberalism. In the next chapter, I shift my attention to Heinlein’s The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress as a way of showing how, unlike Dick, other authors of the 1960s and early 1970s sought to move beyond social liberalism by imagining how new political ideologies, in this case market libertarianism, might change the way men see themselves. Having demonstrated how the libertarian potential of Heinlein’s novel is ultimately undermined by its insistent and uncompromising biological determinism, I then discuss how Le Guin’s The Dispossessed uses the socialist libertarianism of the moon Anarres to suggest a more egalitarian form of masculinity, one that makes possible, to some extent at least, a future in which men might embrace not only the mutual aid of socialism, but also the primacy of individual rights that is at the heart of all forms of libertarianism and liberalism.


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Monoterpenoid indole alkaloids (MIA) are among the largest and most complex group of nitrogen containing secondary metabolites that are characteristic of the Apocynaceae plant family including the most notable Catharanthus roseus. These compounds have demonstrated activity as successful drugs for treating various cancers, neurological disorders and cardiovascular conditions. Due to the low yields of these compounds and high pharmacological value, their biosynthesis is a major topic of study. Previous work highlighting the leaf epidermis and leaf surface as a highly active area in MIA biosynthesis and MIA accumulation has made the epidermis a major focus of this thesis. This thesis provides an in-depth analysis of the valuable technique of RNA in situ hybridization (ISH) and demonstrates the application of the technique to analyze the location of the biosynthetic steps involved in the production of MIAs. The work presented in this thesis demonstrates that most of the MIAs of Eurasian Vinca minor, African Tabernaemontana e/egans and five Amsonia species, including North American Amsonia hubrichitii and Mediterranean A. orienta/is, accumulate in leaf wax exudates, while the rest of the leaf is almost devoid of alkaloids. Biochemical studies on Vinca minor displayed high tryptophan decarboxylase (TOe) enzyme activity and protein expression in the leaf epidermis compared to whole leaves. ISH studies aimed at localizing TOe and strictosidine synthase suggest the upper and lower epidermis of V. minor and T. e/egans as probable significant production sites for MIAs that will accumulate on the leaf surface, however the results don't eliminate the possibility of the involvement of other cell types. The monoterpenoid precursor to all MIAs, secologanin, is produced through the MEP pathway occurring in two cell types, the IPAP cells (Gl0H) and epidermal cells (LAMT and SLS). The work presented in this thesis, localizes a novel enzymatic step, UDPG-7-deoxyloganetic acid glucosyltransferase (UGT8) to the IPAP cells of Catharanthus longifolius. These results enable the suggestion that all steps from Gl0H up to and including UGT8 occur in the IPAP cells of the leaf, making the IPAP cells the main site for the majority of secologanin biosynthesis. It also makes the IPAP cells a likely cell type to begin searching for the gene of the uncharacterized steps between Gl0H and UGT8. It also narrows the compound to be transported from the IPAP cells to either 7-deoxyloganic acid or loganic acid, which aids in the identification of the transportation mechanism.


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Màster Oficial en Construcció i Representació d'Identitats Culturals (CRIC), Curs 2008-2009, Director Dr. Rodrigo Andrés González


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El propósito de la presente monografía es determinar la relación entre la degradación y navegación en los Grandes Lagos en la noción de seguridad ambiental de Estados Unidos y Canadá en un entorno de interdependencia entre 1995 - 2000. En ese sentido, se busca determinar como los recursos de poder de Canadá y Estados Unidos en la relación degradación-navegación transforma la noción de seguridad ambiental. De este modo, se analiza el concepto de seguridad ambiental desde la navegación, elemento esencial para entender la relación bilateral dentro del sistema de los Grandes Lagos. Esta investigación de tipo cualitativo que responde a las variables de la seguridad ambiental planteadas por Barry Buzan, Thomas Homer-Nixon, y Stephan Libiszewski, y a la teoría de la Interdependencia Compleja por Robert Keohane y Joseph Nye, pretende avanzar hacia la complejización de la dimensión ambiental lejos de la tradicional definición antropocéntrica.


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El objetivo de la presente monografía sintetiza el cambio de agenda en política exterior de México hacia Estados Unidos desde la firma del Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte, hasta la llegada a la presidencia del Partido Acción Nacional en el 2000 con Vicente Fox.


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O trabalho analisa o tema do capital social no direito societário brasileiro. Seu objetivo é demonstrar, do ponto de vista jurídico, os malefícios e benefícios que o instituto promove. Apesar de ser tido como um conceito clássico e essencial para as sociedades com limitação de responsabilidade no Brasil, esse instituto vem sendo cada vez mais criticado no sentido de que não desempenha suas funções clássicas (organização, produção, e proteção de credores) de maneira efetiva nos dias atuais. Nesse contexto, direito societário moderno vem passando por uma evolução no sentido de questionar a efetividade de seus institutos. A análise aqui proposta do capital social segue esse raciocínio. Para auxiliar na interpretação do instituto no Brasil, serão utilizadas serão estudadas as lições e legislações dos ordenamentos europeu e norte-americano, onde o tema já foi amplamente debatido. O tratamento dado pelo Revised Model Business Corporation Act, legislação modelo norte americana, e da Segunda Diretiva do Capital da União Europeia aos instituto serão comparados com o tratamento da Lei das S.A. para o capital social. Por fim, são identificadas algumas particularidades do instituto do capital social em relação aos ordenamentos estrangeiros, que demonstram que uma eventual supressão do conceito de capital social no Brasil possuiria características próprias que não estão presentes na Europa e nos Estados Unidos. Nesse contexto, serão identificados os custos legislativos que uma eventual mudança do regime de capital social teria no sistema legislativo brasileiro.


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In this work, we analyze the variation and change phenomenon involving the possessive pronouns da gente and nosso(a)(s) in the light of the theoretical referentials of the North-american linguistic functionalism and of the variationist sociolinguistics. At first we present the phenomenon itself, highlighting the fact that few studies have considered it as an object, gap which we will try to fill in with our contribution. In the following chapter, we emphasize concepts and principles of the functionalism and the sociolinguistics that are used as our background for the data analysis. In the third chapter, we present what the normative grammars inform about our object of study, besides synthesizing some works on variation and change involving the personal pronouns nós and a gente. In the following chapter, we analyze the data. We used data from the Discurso & Gramática a língua falada e escrita na cidade do Natal (FURTADO DA CUNHA, 1998) corpus. In this chapter we present the results for the groups of social and linguistic factors which we can control. Grounded on these results, we specify the preferential contexts for employing the pronouns da gente and nosso(a)(s) and we observe that the social motivations, the valorization credited to the forms and the identity marks underly the restrictions exercised in their use by social factor groups, besides obtaining signs of ongoing changes in apparent time (from the age factor groups) and possible use specializations of each form, what helped us verify the course of the grammaticalization process of the referred pronouns in the community of Natal. In the sixth chapter, we make some considerations on the teaching of grammar and propose activities which can be carried on in the classroom involving the possessive pronouns da gente and nosso(a)(s) considering the variation and change issue