962 resultados para Neurotransmitters in epilepsy
Cannabinerge Substanzen können das Verhalten in einer dosisabhängigen, aber biphasischen Weise beeinflussen. Eine Erklärung für diese Art der Effekte könnte die Verteilung des CB1 Rezeptors auf verschiedenen Neuronentypen sein. CB1 Rezeptoren in glutamatergen und GABAergen Neuronen sind hier besonders wichtig, da die entsprechenden Neurotransmitter als Gegenspieler die neuronale Erregung kontrollieren. Spezifische Deletion des CB1 Rezeptor-Gens von einer der beiden Populationen führte zu gegensätzlichen Phenotypen, genauer gesagt, einem erniedrigten, bzw. einem gesteigerten Interaktiondrang. Tiere, bei denen der CB1 Rezeptor ausschließlich in striatalen, GABAergen „Medium Spiny“ Neuronen deletiert wurde, zeigten keinen veränderten Phänotyp. Dies legt nahe, dass der CB1 Rezeptor in kortikalen glutamatergen und GABAergen Neuronen für einen ausgeglichenen Interaktionsdrang entscheidend ist (siehe Kapitel 3).rnDiese dosisabhängigen, biphasischen Effekte auf das Verhalten können auch im „Forced Swim Test“ (FST) beobachtet werden. Ein möglicher Mechanismus, durch den Cannabinoide das Stressverhalten beeinflussen können, wäre die Regulierung der Monoaminausschüttung. Um die Abhängigkeit der Cannabinoideffekte von der Serotonintransmission zu untersuchen, wurden Dosen von CB1 Rezeptoragonisten und –antagonisten mit antidepressiv-induzierenden Eigenschaften bei gleichzeitiger Inhibition der Serotonintransmission im FST getestet. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass lediglich der Agonisteffekt durch die Inhibition der Serotoninauschüttung beeinflusst wird. Zusätzlich konnte die Abhängigkeit des Antagonisteneffekts von funktionsfähigen GABAergen CB1 Rezeptoren nachweisen werden. Interessanter Weise konnte der durch die Deletion von glutamatergen CB1 Rezeptoren induzierte Phänotyp durch Inhibition der Serotoninausschüttung blockiert werden (siehe Kapitel 4).rnEin indirekter Einfluss auf Serotoninausschüttung scheint also wahrscheinlich zu sein. Bis jetzt blieb jedoch unklar, inwieweit cannabinerge Substanzen direkt auf serotonerge Neuronen wirken können. Im Jahr 2007 konnte unsere Gruppe die Expression des CB1 Rezeptors in serotonergen Neuronen auf mRNA- und Proteinebene nachweisen. Die Züchtung und Analyse einer mutanten Mauslinie, in welcher der CB1-Rezeptor spezifisch in serotonergen Neuronen ausgeschaltet wurde, zeigte bei männlichen Tieren eine schwache, aber signifikante Verhaltensänderungen, die durch soziale Stimuli und lebensbedrohlichen Situationen ausgelöst wurde. So ist es erstmals gelungen nachzuweisen, dass serotonerge CB1-Rezeptoren eine physiologische Relevanz besitzen (siehe Kapitel 5).rn
Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder due to the death of the dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra of the basal ganglia. The process that leads to these neural alterations is still unknown. Parkinson’s disease affects most of all the motor sphere, with a wide array of impairment such as bradykinesia, akinesia, tremor, postural instability and singular phenomena such as freezing of gait. Moreover, in the last few years the fact that the degeneration in the basal ganglia circuitry induces not only motor but also cognitive alterations, not necessarily implicating dementia, and that dopamine loss induces also further implications due to dopamine-driven synaptic plasticity got more attention. At the present moment, no neuroprotective treatment is available, and even if dopamine-replacement therapies as well as electrical deep brain stimulation are able to improve the life conditions of the patients, they often present side effects on the long term, and cannot recover the neural loss, which instead continues to advance. In the present thesis both motor and cognitive aspects of Parkinson’s disease and basal ganglia circuitry were investigated, at first focusing on Parkinson’s disease sensory and balance issues by means of a new instrumented method based on inertial sensor to provide further information about postural control and postural strategies used to attain balance, then applying this newly developed approach to assess balance control in mild and severe patients, both ON and OFF levodopa replacement. Given the inability of levodopa to recover balance issues and the new physiological findings than underline the importance in Parkinson’s disease of non-dopaminergic neurotransmitters, it was therefore developed an original computational model focusing on acetylcholine, the most promising neurotransmitter according to physiology, and its role in synaptic plasticity. The rationale of this thesis is that a multidisciplinary approach could gain insight into Parkinson’s disease features still unresolved.
Während des frühen Lebens stellen epileptische Anfälle schwere neurologische Zustände dar, weil sie ein großer Risikofaktor für die Manifestation der Epilepsie sind und eine hohe pharmakologische Resistenz zeigen. In meiner Doktorarbeit konzentrierte ich mich auf die Frage, wie verschiedene Neurotransmitter-Systeme und klinisch verwendete Medikamente epileptiforme Entladungen im perinatalen Hippocampus beeinflussen. rnIm ersten Teil meines Projektes untersuchte ich die Wirkung von GABA-Antagonisten und Modulatoren, die zwischen phasischen und tonischen GABAergen Strömen differenzieren, auf Feldpotentialaktivität in Hippocampusschnitten. Diese Experimente zeigten, dass im unreifen Hippocampus synaptische GABAerge Aktivität benötigt wird, um die Erregbarkeit zu begrenzen, während tonische GABAerge Ströme die Erregbarkeit verstärken können. Dies könnte darauf hinweisen, dass Antiepileptika mit einer höheren Spezifität für synaptische GABAA-Rezeptoren wirksamer zur Behandlung von epileptischen Anfällen bei Neugeborenen sein können. rnUm den Einfluss von Dopamin auf die Erregbarkeit des unreifen Hippocampus herauszufinden, untersuchte ich im zweiten Teil meiner Arbeit die Wirkung von verschiedenen Dopaminkonzentrationen und spezifische Agonisten und Antagonisten der Dopamin-Rezeptor-Subtypen auf epileptiforme Entladungen. Diese Experimente zeigten, dass niedrige Dopamin Konzentrationen eine antikonvulsive Wirkung haben, welche vom D2-ähnliche-Rezeptor-Agonisten Quinpirol nachgeahmt werden kann, während höhere Dopamin-Konzentrationen eine prokonvulsive Wirkung über Aktivierung von D1-ähnlichen Rezeptoren hervorrufen. Obwohl unsere Untersuchungen eine mögliche Verwendung von D2-ähnlichen Rezeptor-Agonisten zur Kontrolle epileptischer Anfälle in Neugeborenen nahelegen, müssen mögliche negative Auswirkungen von DAergen Agonisten und Antagonisten auf die neuronale Entwicklung berücksichtigt werden.rnIm dritten Teil meiner Arbeit untersuchte ich welche Konzentrationen von Methylxanthinen epileptische Anfälle in Hippocampuspreparationen auslösen die synaptische Übertragungen verändern können. Diese Experimente zeigten, dass sowohl Theophyllin als auch Koffein in höheren Konzentrationen die basale synaptische Übertragungen in der CA1-Region des Hippocampus modifizieren und epileptiforme Entladungen provozieren. Die Auswirkungen auf die postsynaptischen Antworten und spontanen epileptiformen Entladungen durch Koffein waren weniger ausgeprägt, was darauf hindeutet, dass diese Substanz potentiell vorteilhafter für therapeutische Anwendungen bei Frühgeborenen sein kann. rnZusammenfassend bereichern die Ergebnisse meiner Studie erheblich unser Wissen über die zugrunde liegenden Mechanismen epileptiformer Aktivität im unreifen Hippocampus und den therapeutischen Einsatz von Methylxanthinen und Pharmaka, die auf das GABAerge und DArge System einwirken.rnrn
Epileptic seizures are the manifestations of epilepsy, which is a major neurological disorder and occurs with a high incidence during early childhood. A fundamental mechanism underlying epileptic seizures is loss of balance between neural excitation and inhibition toward overexcitation. Glycine receptor (GlyR) is ionotropic neurotransmitter receptor that upon binding of glycine opens an anion pore and mediates in the adult nervous system a consistent inhibitory action. While previously it was assumed that GlyRs mediate inhibition mainly in the brain stem and spinal cord, recent studies reported the abundant expression of GlyRs throughout the brain, in particular during neuronal development. But no information is available regarding whether activation of GlyRs modulates neural network excitability and epileptiform activities in the immature central nervous system (CNS). Therefore the study in this thesis addresses the role of GlyRs in the modulation of neuronal excitability and epileptiform activity in the immature rat brain. By using in vitro intact corticohippocampal formation (CHF) of rats at postnatal days 4-7 and electrophysiological methods, a series of pharmacological examinations reveal that GlyRs are directly implicated in the control of hippocampal excitation levels at this age. In this thesis I am able to show that GlyRs are functionally expressed in the immature hippocampus and exhibit the classical pharmacology of GlyR, which can be activated by both glycine and the presumed endogenous agonist taurine. This study also reveals that high concentration of taurine is anticonvulsive, but lower concentration of taurine is proconvulsive. A substantial fraction of both the pro- and anticonvulsive effects of taurine is mediated via GlyRs, although activation of GABAA receptors also considerably contributes to the taurine effects. Similarly, glycine exerts both pro- and anticonvulsive effects at low and high concentrations, respectively. The proconvulsive effects of taurine and glycine depend on NKCC1-mediated Cl- accumulation, as bath application of NKCC1 inhibitor bumetanide completely abolishes proconvulsive effects of low taurine and glycine concentrations. Inhibition of GlyRs with low concentration of strychnine triggers epileptiform activity in the CA3 region of immature CHF, indicating that intrinsically an inhibitory action of GlyRs overwhelms its depolarizing action in the immature hippocampus. Additionally, my study indicates that blocking taurine transporters to accumulate endogenous taurine reduces epileptiform activity via activation of GABAA receptors, but not GlyRs, while blocking glycine transporters has no observable effect on epileptiform activity. From the main results of this study it can be concluded that in the immature rat hippocampus, activation of GlyRs mediates both pro- and anticonvulsive effects, but that a persistent activation of GlyRs is required to prevent intrinic neuronal overexcitability. In summary, this study uncovers an important role of GlyRs in the modulation of neuronal excitability and epileptiform activity in the immature rat hippocampus, and indicates that glycinergic system can potentially be a new therapeutic target against epileptic seizures of children.
Il lavoro che ho sviluppato presso l'unità di RM funzionale del Policlinico S.Orsola-Malpighi, DIBINEM, è incentrato sull'analisi dati di resting state - functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (rs-fMRI) mediante l'utilizzo della graph theory, con lo scopo di valutare eventuali differenze in termini di connettività cerebrale funzionale tra un campione di pazienti affetti da Nocturnal Frontal Lobe Epilepsy (NFLE) ed uno di controlli sani. L'epilessia frontale notturna è una peculiare forma di epilessia caratterizzata da crisi che si verificano quasi esclusivamente durante il sonno notturno. Queste sono contraddistinte da comportamenti motori, prevalentemente distonici, spesso complessi, e talora a semiologia bizzarra. L'fMRI è una metodica di neuroimaging avanzata che permette di misurare indirettamente l'attività neuronale. Tutti i soggetti sono stati studiati in condizioni di resting-state, ossia di veglia rilassata. In particolare mi sono occupato di analizzare i dati fMRI con un approccio innovativo in campo clinico-neurologico, rappresentato dalla graph theory. I grafi sono definiti come strutture matematiche costituite da nodi e links, che trovano applicazione in molti campi di studio per la modellizzazione di strutture di diverso tipo. La costruzione di un grafo cerebrale per ogni partecipante allo studio ha rappresentato la parte centrale di questo lavoro. L'obiettivo è stato quello di definire le connessioni funzionali tra le diverse aree del cervello mediante l'utilizzo di un network. Il processo di modellizzazione ha permesso di valutare i grafi neurali mediante il calcolo di parametri topologici che ne caratterizzano struttura ed organizzazione. Le misure calcolate in questa analisi preliminare non hanno evidenziato differenze nelle proprietà globali tra i grafi dei pazienti e quelli dei controlli. Alterazioni locali sono state invece riscontrate nei pazienti, rispetto ai controlli, in aree della sostanza grigia profonda, del sistema limbico e delle regioni frontali, le quali rientrano tra quelle ipotizzate essere coinvolte nella fisiopatologia di questa peculiare forma di epilessia.
Cavernous malformations (CCMs) are benign, well-circumscribed, and mulberry-like vascular malformations that may be found in the central nervous system in up to 0.5% of the population. Cavernous malformations can be sporadic or inherited. The common symptoms are epilepsy, hemorrhages, focal neurological deficits, and headaches. However, CCMs are often asymptomatic. The familiar form is associated with three gene loci, namely 7q21-q22 (CCM1), 7p13-p15 (CCM2), and 3q25.2-q27 (CCM3) and is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait with incomplete penetrance. The CCM genes are identified as Krit 1 (CCM1), MGC4607 (CCM2), and PDCD10 (CCM3). Here, we present the clinical and genetic features of CCMs in 19 Swiss families. Furthermore, surgical aspects in such families are also discussed.
Neuroimaging using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is required for the investigation of surgically intractable epilepsy. In addition to the standard MRI techniques, perfusion sequences can be added to improve visualization of the underlying pathological changes. Also, as arterial spin-labeling (ASL) MRI perfusion does not require contrast administration, it may even be advantageous in these patients. We report here on three patients with epilepsy and tuberous sclerosis who underwent brain MRI with ASL and positron emission tomography (PET), both of which were found to correlate with each other and with electrophysiological data.
Episodic ataxia type 1 is a neuronal channelopathy caused by mutations in the KCNA1 gene encoding the fast K(+) channel subunit K(v)1.1. Episodic ataxia type 1 presents with brief episodes of cerebellar dysfunction and persistent neuromyotonia and is associated with an increased incidence of epilepsy. In myelinated peripheral nerve, K(v)1.1 is highly expressed in the juxtaparanodal axon, where potassium channels limit the depolarizing afterpotential and the effects of depolarizing currents. Axonal excitability studies were performed on patients with genetically confirmed episodic ataxia type 1 to characterize the effects of K(v)1.1 dysfunction on motor axons in vivo. The median nerve was stimulated at the wrist and compound muscle action potentials were recorded from abductor pollicis brevis. Threshold tracking techniques were used to record strength-duration time constant, threshold electrotonus, current/threshold relationship and the recovery cycle. Recordings from 20 patients from eight kindreds with different KCNA1 point mutations were compared with those from 30 normal controls. All 20 patients had a history of episodic ataxia and 19 had neuromyotonia. All patients had similar, distinctive abnormalities: superexcitability was on average 100% higher in the patients than in controls (P < 0.00001) and, in threshold electrotonus, the increase in excitability due to a depolarizing current (20% of threshold) was 31% higher (P < 0.00001). Using these two parameters, the patients with episodic ataxia type 1 and controls could be clearly separated into two non-overlapping groups. Differences between the different KCNA1 mutations were not statistically significant. Studies of nerve excitability can identify K(v)1.1 dysfunction in patients with episodic ataxia type 1. The simple 15 min test may be useful in diagnosis, since it can differentiate patients with episodic ataxia type 1 from normal controls with high sensitivity and specificity.
Epileptic seizures typically reveal a high degree of stereotypy, that is, for an individual patient they are characterized by an ordered and predictable sequence of symptoms and signs with typically little variability. Stereotypy implies that ictal neuronal dynamics might have deterministic characteristics, presumably most pronounced in the ictogenic parts of the brain, which may provide diagnostically and therapeutically important information. Therefore the goal of our study was to search for indications of determinism in periictal intracranial electroencephalography (EEG) studies recorded from patients with pharmacoresistent epilepsy.
Currently, a variety of linear and nonlinear measures is in use to investigate spatiotemporal interrelation patterns of multivariate time series. Whereas the former are by definition insensitive to nonlinear effects, the latter detect both nonlinear and linear interrelation. In the present contribution we employ a uniform surrogate-based approach, which is capable of disentangling interrelations that significantly exceed random effects and interrelations that significantly exceed linear correlation. The bivariate version of the proposed framework is explored using a simple model allowing for separate tuning of coupling and nonlinearity of interrelation. To demonstrate applicability of the approach to multivariate real-world time series we investigate resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rsfMRI) data of two healthy subjects as well as intracranial electroencephalograms (iEEG) of two epilepsy patients with focal onset seizures. The main findings are that for our rsfMRI data interrelations can be described by linear cross-correlation. Rejection of the null hypothesis of linear iEEG interrelation occurs predominantly for epileptogenic tissue as well as during epileptic seizures.
This article contributes to the research on demographics and public health of urban populations of preindustrial Europe. The key source is a burial register that contains information on the deceased, such as age and sex, residence and cause of death. This register is one of the earliest compilations of data sets of individuals with this high degree of completeness and consistency. Critical assessment of the register's origin, formation and upkeep promises high validity and reliability. Between 1805 and 1815, 4,390 deceased inhabitants were registered. Information concerning these individuals provides the basis for this study. Life tables of Bern's population were created using different models. The causes of death were classified and their frequency calculated. Furthermore, the susceptibility of age groups to certain causes of death was established. Special attention was given to causes of death and mortality of newborns, infants and birth-giving women. In comparison to other cities and regions in Central Europe, Bern's mortality structure shows low rates for infants (q0=0.144) and children (q1-4=0.068). This could have simply indicated better living conditions. Life expectancy at birth was 43 years. Mortality was high in winter and spring, and decreased in summer to a low level with a short rise in August. The study of the causes of death was inhibited by difficulties in translating early 19th century nomenclature into the modern medical system. Nonetheless, death from metabolic disorders, illnesses of the respiratory system, and debilitation were the most prominent causes in Bern. Apparently, the worst killer of infants up to 12 months was the "gichteren", an obsolete German term for lethal spasmodic convulsions. The exact modern identification of this disease remains unclear. Possibilities such as infant tetanus or infant epilepsy are discussed. The maternal death rate of 0.72% is comparable with values calculated from contemporaneous sources. Relevance of childbed fever in the early 1800s was low. Bern's data indicate that the extent of deaths related to childbirth in this period is overrated. This research has an explicit interdisciplinary value for various fields including both the humanities and natural sciences, since information reported here represents the complete age and sex structure of a deceased population. Physical anthropologists can use these data as a true reference group for their palaeodemographic studies of preindustrial Central Europe of the late 18th and early 19th century. It is a call to both historians and anthropologists to use our resources to a better effect through combination of methods and exchange of knowledge.
We present here the case of an adolescent female near-drowning victim who was reportedly discovered submerged and unconscious by family members in a whirlpool spa. Physical examination revealed extensive posterior soft tissue bruising, which raised the suspicion of nonaccidental trauma. Detailed forensic evaluation of the injuries and the scene proved that the soft tissue findings represented an unusual manifestation of whirlpool-spa suction-vent injury. Medical evaluation indicated that epilepsy onset might have contributed to the near-drowning, although forensic evaluation of this possibility was less convincing. In this article we review these rare but important injuries, which have the potential to be confused with child abuse, and detail the atypical presentation and clinically presumed etiologic event in our case.
Clinical and experimental evidence indicates that inflammatory processes contribute to the pathophysiology of epilepsy, but underlying mechanisms remain mostly unknown. Using immunohistochemistry for CD45 (common leukocyte antigen) and CD3 (T-lymphocytes), we show here microglial activation and infiltration of leukocytes in sclerotic tissue from patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), as well as in a model of TLE (intrahippocampal kainic acid injection), characterized by spontaneous, nonconvulsive focal seizures. Using specific markers of lymphocytes, microglia, macrophages, and neutrophils in kainate-treated mice, we investigated with pharmacological and genetic approaches the contribution of innate and adaptive immunity to kainate-induced inflammation and neurodegeneration. Furthermore, we used EEG analysis in mutant mice lacking specific subsets of lymphocytes to explore the significance of inflammatory processes for epileptogenesis. Blood-brain barrier disruption and neurodegeneration in the kainate-lesioned hippocampus were accompanied by sustained ICAM-1 upregulation, microglial cell activation, and infiltration of CD3(+) T-cells. Moreover, macrophage infiltration was observed, selectively in the dentate gyrus where prominent granule cell dispersion was evident. Unexpectedly, depletion of peripheral macrophages by systemic clodronate liposome administration affected granule cell survival. Neurodegeneration was aggravated in kainate-lesioned mice lacking T- and B-cells (RAG1-knock-out), because of delayed invasion by Gr-1(+) neutrophils. Most strikingly, these mutant mice exhibited early onset of spontaneous recurrent seizures, suggesting a strong impact of immune-mediated responses on network excitability. Together, the concerted action of adaptive and innate immunity triggered locally by intrahippocampal kainate injection contributes seizure-suppressant and neuroprotective effects, shedding new light on neuroimmune interactions in temporal lobe epilepsy.
Seizures are often the presenting symptoms of a cerebral tumor and may precede its diagnosis by many years. The article under evaluation searched two large English registries for patients admitted for new-onset epilepsy. The risk of subsequently being diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor was found to be 26-fold higher compared with controls, persisted over many years and was accentuated in young patients. Recently, surgical advances have led to a significant decrease in surgical morbidities, making surgery the first treatment option for gliomas, especially low-grade gliomas. This paradigm shift warrants a consequent diagnostic workup (MRI) in patients at risk for low-grade glioma - that is, patients with new-onset epilepsy. The study is discussed in the context of the ongoing debate on neuroimaging after new-onset epilepsy.
Epilepsies have a highly heterogeneous background with a strong genetic contribution. The variety of unspecific and overlapping syndromic and nonsyndromic phenotypes often hampers a clear clinical diagnosis and prevents straightforward genetic testing. Knowing the genetic basis of a patient's epilepsy can be valuable not only for diagnosis but also for guiding treatment and estimating recurrence risks.