937 resultados para NO oxidation to NO2
This thesis Entitled Colour removal from dye house effluents using zero valent iron and fenton oxidation.Findings reported on kinetic profile during oxidation of dyes with Fenton’s reagent are in good agreement with observations of earlier workers on other organic substrates. This work goes a step further. Critical concentration of the dye at which the reaction mechanism undergoes transition has been identified.The oxidation of Reactive Yellow showed that the initial rates for decolorization increased linearly with an increase in hydrogen peroxide concentration over the range studied. Fenton oxidation of all dyes except Methylene Blue showed that the initial rates increased linearly with an in the ferrous sulphate concentration. This increase was observed only up to an optimum concentration beyond which further increase resulted in a decrease in the initial rates. Variation of initial rates with Ferrous sulphate concentration resulted in a linear plot passing through the origin indicating that the reaction is first order with respect to ferrous sulphate.
One of the main challenges in the development of metal-oxide gas sensors is enhancement of selectivity to a particular gas. Currently, two general approaches exist for enhancing the selective properties of sensors. The first one is aimed at preparing a material that is specifically sensitive to one compound and has low or zero cross-sensitivity to other compounds that may be present in the working atmosphere. To do this, the optimal temperature, doping elements, and their concentrations are investigated. Nonetheless, it is usually very difficult to achieve an absolutely selective metal oxide gas sensor in practice. Another approach is based on the preparation of materials for discrimination between several analyte in a mixture. It is impossible to do this by using one sensor signal. Therefore, it is usually done either by modulation of sensor temperature or by using sensor arrays. The present work focus on the characterization of n-type semiconducting metal oxides like Tungsten oxide (WO3), Zinc Oxide (ZnO) and Indium oxide (In2O3) for the gas sensing purpose. For the purpose of gas sensing thick as well as thin films were fabricated. Two different gases, NO2 and H2S gases were selected in order to study the gas sensing behaviour of these metal oxides. To study the problem associated with selectivity the metal oxides were doped with metals and the gas sensing characteristics were investigated. The present thesis is entitled “Development of semiconductor metal oxide gas sensors for the detection of NO2 and H2S gases” and consists of six chapters.
Cochin estuary is a shallow brackish water body situated on the south west coast of India. It is a tropical positive estuary extending between 90 40’ and 100 12’ N and 760 10’and 760 30’ E with its northern boundary at Azhikode and southern boundary at Thannermukkom bund.The abundance of benthic fauna in an ecosystem shows the close relationship to its environment and reflects the characteristics of an ecological niche. Seasonal and monthly variations in the distribution of macrobenthos in relation to sediment characteristics were conducted in Cochin estuary from 2009-10 periods. Oxidation-reduction potential showed reducing trends that affected the distribution and diversity of fauna. Seasonal variations in water quality and river discharge pattern affected the faunal composition in the different stations. Sewage mixing was the principal source of organic pollution in the Cochin estuary. The sediment pH was generally on the alkaline side ranging from 4.99 at St.9 and 8.33 at St.1.The Eh ranged from -11mV at St.3 to -625mV at St.2.The temperature varied from 260C to 320C in the estuary. The moisture content ranged from 1.63 to 12.155%, that of organic carbon from 0 09 at St. 6 to 4.29% at St.9 and that of organic matter from 0.16 to 7.39%. Seasonally, the average of Eh was highest during the monsoon (156.22 mV) and in the pre monsoon (140.94 mV). The average pH for the 9 study stations was 7.68 during monsoon period and 7.08 during post monsoon. Based on group wise seasonal analysis, the average mean abundance was maximum for polychaetes (43.47) followed by nematodes (33.62), crustaceans (21.62), molluscs (11.94) and Pisces (0.05) in the estuary. Monsoon season was most favourable for benthic faunal abundance followed by the post monsoon period in the study. The series of human interventions like dredging, discharge of industrial effluents, urbanisation and related aspects had a strong influence on the distribution, abundance of benthic macrofauna in the wetland.
Pollution of water with pesticides has become a threat to the man, material and environment. The pesticides released to the environment reach the water bodies through run off. Industrial wastewater from pesticide manufacturing industries contains pesticides at higher concentration and hence a major source of water pollution. Pesticides create a lot of health and environmental hazards which include diseases like cancer, liver and kidney disorders, reproductive disorders, fatal death, birth defects etc. Conventional wastewater treatment plants based on biological treatment are not efficient to remove these compounds to the desired level. Most of the pesticides are phyto-toxic i.e., they kill the microorganism responsible for the degradation and are recalcitrant in nature. Advanced oxidation process (AOP) is a class of oxidation techniques where hydroxyl radicals are employed for oxidation of pollutants. AOPs have the ability to totally mineralise the organic pollutants to CO2 and water. Different methods are employed for the generation of hydroxyl radicals in AOP systems. Acetamiprid is a neonicotinoid insecticide widely used to control sucking type insects on crops such as leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, pome fruits, grapes, cotton, ornamental flowers. It is now recommended as a substitute for organophosphorous pesticides. Since its use is increasing, its presence is increasingly found in the environment. It has high water solubility and is not easily biodegradable. It has the potential to pollute surface and ground waters. Here, the use of AOPs for the removal of acetamiprid from wastewater has been investigated. Five methods were selected for the study based on literature survey and preliminary experiments conducted. Fenton process, UV treatment, UV/ H2O2 process, photo-Fenton and photocatalysis using TiO2 were selected for study. Undoped TiO2 and TiO2 doped with Cu and Fe were prepared by sol-gel method. Characterisation of the prepared catalysts was done by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope, differential thermal analysis and thermogravimetric analysis. Influence of major operating parameters on the removal of acetamiprid has been investigated. All the experiments were designed using central compoiste design (CCD) of response surface methodology (RSM). Model equations were developed for Fenton, UV/ H2O2, photo-Fenton and photocatalysis for predicting acetamiprid removal and total organic carbon (TOC) removal for different operating conditions. Quality of the models were analysed by statistical methods. Experimental validations were also done to confirm the quality of the models. Optimum conditions obtained by experiment were verified with that obtained using response optimiser. Fenton Process is the simplest and oldest AOP where hydrogen peroxide and iron are employed for the generation of hydroxyl radicals. Influence of H2O2 and Fe2+ on the acetamiprid removal and TOC removal by Fenton process were investigated and it was found that removal increases with increase in H2O2 and Fe2+ concentration. At an initial concentration of 50 mg/L acetamiprid, 200 mg/L H2O2 and 20 mg/L Fe2+ at pH 3 was found to be optimum for acetamiprid removal. For UV treatment effect of pH was studied and it was found that pH has not much effect on the removal rate. Addition of H2O2 to UV process increased the removal rate because of the hydroxyl radical formation due to photolyis of H2O2. An H2O2 concentration of 110 mg/L at pH 6 was found to be optimum for acetamiprid removal. With photo-Fenton drastic reduction in the treatment time was observed with 10 times reduction in the amount of reagents required. H2O2 concentration of 20 mg/L and Fe2+ concentration of 2 mg/L was found to be optimum at pH 3. With TiO2 photocatalysis improvement in the removal rate was noticed compared to UV treatment. Effect of Cu and Fe doping on the photocatalytic activity under UV light was studied and it was observed that Cu doping enhanced the removal rate slightly while Fe doping has decreased the removal rate. Maximum acetamiprid removal was observed for an optimum catalyst loading of 1000 mg/L and Cu concentration of 1 wt%. It was noticed that mineralisation efficiency of the processes is low compared to acetamiprid removal efficiency. This may be due to the presence of stable intermediate compounds formed during degradation Kinetic studies were conducted for all the treatment processes and it was found that all processes follow pseudo-first order kinetics. Kinetic constants were found out from the experimental data for all the processes and half lives were calculated. The rate of reaction was in the order, photo- Fenton>UV/ H2O2>Fenton> TiO2 photocatalysis>UV. Operating cost was calculated for the processes and it was found that photo-Fenton removes the acetamiprid at lowest operating cost in lesser time. A kinetic model was developed for photo-Fenton process using the elementary reaction data and mass balance equations for the species involved in the process. Variation of acetamiprid concentration with time for different H2O2 and Fe2+ concentration at pH 3 can be found out using this model. The model was validated by comparing the simulated concentration profiles with that obtained from experiments. This study established the viability of the selected AOPs for the removal of acetamiprid from wastewater. Of the studied AOPs photo- Fenton gives the highest removal efficiency with lowest operating cost within shortest time.
Zur Modellierung von Vergasungs- und Verbrennungsprozessen zur energetischen Nutzung von Biomasse ist die Kenntnis von reaktionskinetischen Daten für die Sauerstoff-Oxidation von Biomassepyrolysaten erforderlich. Eine ausführliche Literaturübersicht zeigt den Stand der Forschung bezüglich der experimentellen Ermittlung von reaktionskinetischen Parametern für die Oxidation von Pyrolysaten aus Lignin, Cellulose und pflanzlicher Biomasse sowie der Suche nach einem plausiblen Reaktionsmechanismus für die Reaktion von Sauerstoff mit festen Kohlenstoffmaterialien. Es wird eine Versuchsanlage mit einem quasistationär betriebenen Differentialreaktor konstruiert, die eine Messung der Reaktionskinetik und der reaktiven inneren Oberfläche (RSA) für die Reaktion eines Pyrolysats aus Maispflanzen mit Sauerstoff ermöglicht. Die getrockneten und zerkleinerten Maispflanzen werden 7 Minuten lang bei 1073 K in einem Drehrohrofen pyrolysiert. Das Pyrolysat zeichnet sich vor allem durch seine hohe Porosität von über 0,9 und seinen hohen Aschegehalt von 0,24 aus. Die RSA wird nach der Methode der Messung von Übergangskinetiken (TK) bestimmt. Die Bestimmung der RSA erfolgt für die Reaktionsprodukte CO und CO2 getrennt, für die entsprechend ermittelten Werte werden die Bezeichnungen CO-RSA und CO2-RSA eingeführt. Die Abhängigkeit dieser Größen von der Sauerstoffkonzentration läßt sich durch eine Langmuir-Isotherme beschreiben, ebenso das leichte Absinken der CO-RSA mit der Kohlendioxidkonzentration. Über dem Abbrand zeigen sich unterschiedliche Verläufe für die CO-RSA, CO2-RSA und die innere Oberfläche nach der BET-Methode. Zur Charakterisierung der Oberflächenzwischenprodukte werden temperaturprogrammierte Desorptionsversuche (TPD) durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, daß eine Unterscheidung in zwei Kohlenstoff-Sauerstoff-Oberflächenkomplexe ausreichend ist. Die experimentellen Untersuchungen zum Oxidationsverlauf werden im kinetisch bestimmten Bereich durchgeführt. Dabei werden die Parameter Temperatur, Sauerstoff-, CO- und CO2-Konzentration variiert. Anhand der Ergebnisse der reaktionskinetischen Untersuchungen wird ein Reaktionsmechanismus für die Kohlenstoff-Sauerstoff-Reaktion entwickelt. Dieser Reaktionsmechanismus umfaßt 7 Elementarreaktionen, für welche die reaktionskinetischen Parameter numerisch ermittelt werden. Darüber hinaus werden reaktionskinetische Parameter für einfachere massenbezogene Reaktionsgeschwindigkeitsansätze berechnet und summarische Reaktionsgeschwindigkeitsansätze für die Bildung von CO und CO2 aus dem Reaktionsmechanismus hergeleitet.
Die Verwendung von Aktivkohlen und -koksen stellt eine Alternative zu herkömmlichen Prozessen zur Verminderung der NOx-Emissionen in Rauchgasen dar. An diesen Materialien wird Stickstoffmonoxid adsorbiert und katalytisch zu N2 reduziert. Eine einheitliche Erklärung über die ablaufenden Vorgänge und die Reaktionsmechanismen gibt es noch nicht. Die Ergebnisse der bisher veröffentlichten wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten sind sehr unterschiedlich, wenn nicht sogar widersprüchlich. In dieser Arbeit wird, anhand der Messung von NO-Durchbruchskurven und thermischen Desorptionsspektren, die Adsorption und Reaktion von Stickstoffmonoxid an Aktivkohlen und -koksen in Anwesenheit von Sauerstoff und Wasserdampf untersucht. Zur Durchführung der experimentellen Untersuchungen wird eine Versuchsanlage, bestehend aus einer Vorrichtung zur Gasgemischaufbereitung, einem Festbettreaktor und einer Gasanalytik, konzipiert und aufgebaut. Die Untersuchungen erfolgen bei Temperaturen zwischen 100 und 150 °C. Die NO-, O2- und H2O-Konzentrationen werden anhand der Rauchgaszusammensetzung kohlegefeuerter Kraftwerke gewählt. Die experimentellen Untersuchungen konzentrieren sich auf die Verwendung einer Aktivkohle aus Ölpalmschalen, die in einem Drehrohrreaktor am Institut für Thermische Energietechnik der Universität Kassel hergestellt wurde. Die experimentellen Ergebnisse zeigen, dass während des Prozesses NO-Adsorption, -Reduktion und -Oxidation, NO2-Bildung, -Adsorption und -reduktive Desorption, H2O-Adsorption sowie O2-Vergasung gleichzeitig stattfinden. Bei niedrigen Temperaturen werden die NO2-Bildung und die Adsorption bevorzugt. Die NO-Reduktion läuft über adsorbiertes NO mit CO2- und CO-Bildung. Durch O2-Vergasung werden aktive freie Cf-Plätzen für die NO-Reaktion und -Adsorption gebildet. Wasserdampf wird an der Aktivkohle adsorbiert und belegt aktive Plätze für diese Prozesse. Aus den experimentellen Ergebnissen werden kinetische und Gleichgewichtsparameter der NO-Sorption bestimmt. Ein vereinfachtes mathematisches Modell des Festbettreaktors, das zur Berechnung der NO-Durchbruchskurven bei unterschiedlichen Temperaturen dient, wird aufgestellt.
The use of renewable primary products as co-substrate or single substrate for biogas production has increased consistently over the last few years. Maize silage is the preferential energy crop used for fermentation due to its high methane (CH4) yield per hectare. Equally, the by-product, namely biogas slurry (BS), is used with increasing frequency as organic fertilizer to return nutrients to the soil and to maintain or increase the organic matter stocks and soil fertility. Studies concerning the application of energy crop-derived BS on the carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) mineralization dynamics are scarce. Thus, this thesis focused on the following objectives: I) The determination of the effects caused by rainfall patterns on the C and N dynamics from two contrasting organic fertilizers, namely BS from maize silage and composted cattle manure (CM), by monitoring emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O), carbon dioxide (CO2) and CH4 as well as leaching losses of C and N. II) The investigation of the impact of differences in soil moisture content after the application of BS and temperature on gaseous emissions (CO2, N2O and CH4) and leaching of C and N compounds. III) A comparison of BS properties obtained from biogas plants with different substrate inputs and operating parameters and their effect on C and N dynamics after application to differently textured soils with varying application rates and water contents. For the objectives I) and II) two experiments (experiment I and II) using undisturbed soil cores of a Haplic Luvisol were carried out. Objective III) was studied on a third experiment (experiment III) with disturbed soil samples. During experiment I three rainfall patterns were implemented including constant irrigation, continuous irrigation with periodic heavy rainfall events, and partial drying with rewetting periods. Biogas slurry and CM were applied at a rate of 100 kg N ha-1. During experiment II constant irrigation and an irrigation pattern with partial drying with rewetting periods were carried out at 13.5°C and 23.5°C. The application of BS took place either directly before a rewetting period or one week after the rewetting period stopped. Experiment III included two soils of different texture which were mixed with ten BS’s originating from ten different biogas plants. Treatments included low, medium and high BS-N application rates and water contents ranging from 50% to 100% of water holding capacity (WHC). Experiment I and II showed that after the application of BS cumulative N2O emissions were 4 times (162 mg N2O-N m-2) higher compared to the application of CM caused by a higher content of mineral N (Nmin) in the form of ammonium (NH4+) in the BS. The cumulative emissions of CO2, however, were on the same level for both fertilizers indicating similar amounts of readily available C after composting and fermentation of organic material. Leaching losses occurred predominantly in the mineral form of nitrate (NO3-) and were higher in BS amended soils (9 mg NO3--N m-2) compared to CM amended soils (5 mg NO3--N m-2). The rainfall pattern in experiment I and II merely affected the temporal production of C and N emissions resulting in reduced CO2 and enhanced N2O emissions during stronger irrigation events, but showed no effect on the cumulative emissions. Overall, a significant increase of CH4 consumption under inconstant irrigation was found. The time of fertilization had no effect on the overall C and N dynamics. Increasing temperature from 13.5°C to 23.5°C enhanced the CO2 and N2O emissions by a factor of 1.7 and 3.7, respectively. Due to the increased microbial activity with increasing temperature soil respiration was enhanced. This led to decreasing oxygen (O2) contents which in turn promoted denitrification in soil due to the extension of anaerobic microsites. Leaching losses of NO3- were also significantly affected by increasing temperature whereas the consumption of CH4 was not affected. The third experiment showed that the input materials of biogas plants affected the properties of the resulting BS. In particular the contents of DM and NH4+ were determined by the amount of added plant biomass and excrement-based biomass, respectively. Correlations between BS properties and CO2 or N2O emissions were not detected. Solely the ammonia (NH3) emissions showed a positive correlation with NH4+ content in BS as well as a negative correlation with the total C (Ct) content. The BS-N application rates affected the relative CO2 emissions (% of C supplied with BS) when applied to silty soil as well as the relative N2O emissions (% of N supplied with BS) when applied to sandy soil. The impacts on the C and N dynamics induced by BS application were exceeded by the differences induced by soil texture. Presumably, due to the higher clay content in silty soils, organic matter was stabilized by organo-mineral interactions and NH4+ was adsorbed at the cation exchange sites. Different water contents induced highest CO2 emissions and therefore optimal conditions for microbial activity at 75% of WHC in both soils. Cumulative nitrification was also highest at 75% and 50% of WHC whereas the relative N2O emissions increased with water content and showed higher N2O losses in sandy soils. In summary it can be stated that the findings of the present thesis confirmed the high fertilizer value of BS’s, caused by high concentrations of NH4+ and labile organic compounds such as readily available carbon. These attributes of BS’s are to a great extent independent of the input materials of biogas plants. However, considerably gaseous and leaching losses of N may occur especially at high moisture contents. The emissions of N2O after field application corresponded with those of animal slurries.
Magnetic nanoparticles attract increasing attention because of their current and potential biomedical applications, such as, magnetically targeted and controlled drug delivery, magnetic hyperthermia and magnetic extraction. Increased magnetization can lead to improved performance in targeting and retention in drug delivery and a higher efficiency in biomaterials extraction. We reported an approach to synthesize iron contained magnetic nanoparticles with high magnetization and good oxidation resistibility by pyrolysis of iron pentacarbonyl (Fe(CO)[subscript 5]) in methane (CH[subscript 4]). Using the high reactivity of Fe nanoparticles, decomposition of CH[subscript 4] on the Fe nanoparticles leads to the formation of nanocrystalline iron carbides at a temperature below 260°C. Structural investigation indicated that the as-synthesized nanoparticles contained crystalline bcc Fe, iron carbides and spinel iron oxide. The Mössbauer and DSC results testified that the as-synthesized nanoparticle contained three crystalline iron carbide phases, which converted to Fe[subscript 3]C after a heat treatment. Surface analysis suggested that the as-synthesized and subsequently heated iron-iron carbide particles were coated by iron oxide, which originated from oxidization of surface Fe atoms. The heat-treated nanoparticles exhibited a magnetization of 160 emu/g, which is two times of that of currently used spinel iron oxide nanoparticles. After heating in an acidic solution with a pH value of 5 at 60°C for 20 h, the nanoparticles retained 90 percentage of the magnetization.
In this work we have made significant contributions in three different areas of interest: therapeutic protein stabilization, thermodynamics of natural gas clathrate-hydrates, and zeolite catalysis. In all three fields, using our various computational techniques, we have been able to elucidate phenomena that are difficult or impossible to explain experimentally. More specifically, in mixed solvent systems for proteins we developed a statistical-mechanical method to model the thermodynamic effects of additives in molecular-level detail. It was the first method demonstrated to have truly predictive (no adjustable parameters) capability for real protein systems. We also describe a novel mechanism that slows protein association reactions, called the “gap effect.” We developed a comprehensive picture of methioine oxidation by hydrogen peroxide that allows for accurate prediction of protein oxidation and provides a rationale for developing strategies to control oxidation. The method of solvent accessible area (SAA) was shown not to correlate well with oxidation rates. A new property, averaged two-shell water coordination number (2SWCN) was identified and shown to correlate well with oxidation rates. Reference parameters for the van der Waals Platteeuw model of clathrate-hydrates were found for structure I and structure II. These reference parameters are independent of the potential form (unlike the commonly used parameters) and have been validated by calculating phase behavior and structural transitions for mixed hydrate systems. These calculations are validated with experimental data for both structures and for systems that undergo transitions from one structure to another. This is the first method of calculating hydrate thermodynamics to demonstrate predictive capability for phase equilibria, structural changes, and occupancy in pure and mixed hydrate systems. We have computed a new mechanism for the methanol coupling reaction to form ethanol and water in the zeolite chabazite. The mechanism at 400°C proceeds via stable intermediates of water, methane, and protonated formaldehyde.
Oxidation of amorphous silicon (a-Si) nanoparticles grown by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition were investigated. Their hydrogen content has a great influence on the oxidation rate at low temperature. When the mass gain is recorded during a heating ramp in dry air, an oxidation process at low temperature is identified with an onset around 250°C. This temperature onset is similar to that of hydrogen desorption. It is shown that the oxygen uptake during this process almost equals the number of hydrogen atoms present in the nanoparticles. To explain this correlation, we propose that oxidation at low temperature is triggered by the process of hydrogen desorption
A simple and most promising oxide-assisted catalyst-free method is used to prepare silicon nitride nanowires that give rise to high yield in a short time. After a brief analysis of the state of the art, we reveal the crucial role played by the oxygen partial pressure: when oxygen partial pressure is slightly below the threshold of passive oxidation, a high yield inhibiting the formation of any silica layer covering the nanowires occurs and thanks to the synthesis temperature one can control nanowire dimensions
The classical description of Si oxidation given by Deal and Grove has well-known limitations for thin oxides (below 200 Ã). Among the large number of alternative models published so far, the interfacial emission model has shown the greatest ability to fit the experimental oxidation curves. It relies on the assumption that during oxidation Si interstitials are emitted to the oxide to release strain and that the accumulation of these interstitials near the interface reduces the reaction rate there. The resulting set of differential equations makes it possible to model diverse oxidation experiments. In this paper, we have compared its predictions with two sets of experiments: (1) the pressure dependence for subatmospheric oxygen pressure and (2) the enhancement of the oxidation rate after annealing in inert atmosphere. The result is not satisfactory and raises serious doubts about the model’s correctness
La gran eficiència, selectivitat i les condicions suaus exhibides per les reaccions que tenen lloc al centre actiu de les metal·looxigenases són la font d'inspiració per la present dissertació. Amb l'objectiu de dissenyar catalitzadors d'oxidació eficients hem fet ús de dues estratègies: la primera consisteix en el disseny de complexos amb baix pes molecular inspirats en aspectes estructurals de la primera esfera de coordinació del centre metàl·lic d'enzims de ferro i de manganès. Aquests complexos s'han estudiat com a catalitzadors en l'oxidació selectiva d'alcans i d'alquens fent servir oxidants "verds" com ara l'H2O2. La segona estratègia està basada en l'ús de la química supramolecular per tal de desenvolupar estructures moleculars auto-acoblades amb la forma i les propietats químiques desitjades. Concretament, la construcció de nanocontenidors amb un catalitzador d'oxidació incrustat a la seva estructura ens permetria dur a terme reaccions més selectives, tal com passa en les reaccions catalitzades per enzims.
Síntesi de nous complexos de Ruteni amb lligands no quirals que tenen per fórmula [Ru(phen)([9]aneS3)X] (on X = H2O, py i MeCN). Caracterització espectroscòpica electroquímica i estructural d'aquesta família de complexos. Estudi de les seves propietats catalítiques en front a l'oxidació de substrats orgànics com l'alcohol benzílic en reaccions d'electrocatàlisi. Avaluació cinètica dels mecanismes de substitució entre els complexos Ru-py i Ru-MeCN. Generació d'un interruptor molecular foto-induït. Síntesi de nous complexos quirals de Ru atropoisomèricament purs amb lligands oxazolínics que tenen per fórmula [Ru(trpy)(Ph-box-R)X] on (X = Cl, H2O, py, MeCN, 2-OH-py). Caracterització estructural exhaustiva en estat sòlid (Raig-X) en solució (RMN) i en fase gas (càlculs DFT). Avaluació de la seva activitat catalítica en reaccions asimmetriques d'epoxidació de substrats proquirals. Síntesi de nous lligands polipiridílics quirals amb simetria C3. Estudi de la seva química de coordinació i avaluació de la seva activitat catalítica en reaccions asimmetriques d'oxidació i reducció.
This paper brings together some of the recent research on trace metals in dredged sediments, and in particular freshwater canal sediments. Following a description of the general UK background, geochemical processes that affect metal release and retention in dredged canal sediments are considered, particularly the role of redox and sulphur on metal associations, and the use of sequential extraction for the derivation of metal associations in sediments. The review outlines the importance of oxidation on metal-mobility and shows that many studies have illustrated the increase in metal-leachability from sediments during oxidation. Suggestions are given for sediment-testing requirements which should include an examination of both anoxic and oxidised sediment as well as ecotoxicology in order to account for changes to metal-speciation after disposal to land.