731 resultados para Mushrooms, Edible.
Biodiesel is currently produced from a catalytic transesterification reaction of various types of edible and non-edible oil with methanol. The use of waste animal tallow instead of edible oils opens a route to recycle this waste. This material has the advantage of lower costs but the problem of high content of free fatty acids, becoming necessary a pre-esterification reaction that increases the cost of the catalytic process. The production of biodiesel using supercritical alcohols is appropriate for materials with high acidity and water content, therefore the use of this process with animal fat is a promising alternative. Ethanol has been used because it can be produced from biomass via fermentation resulting in a complete renewable biodiesel, instead of methanol that derives from fossil feedstocks. Two different processes have been studied: first, the direct transesterification of animal fat using supercritical ethanol and second a two-step process where the first step is a hydrolysis of the animal fat and the second step is the esterification of the resulting fatty acids. The temperature, the molar ratio ethanol:fat and the time have been modified in the different reactions to study the effect in the final conversion and the degradation of the unsaturated fatty acid esters, main inconvenient of these high temperature and pressure processes.
Millions of people worldwide suffer from nutritional imbalances of essential metals like zinc. These same metals, along with pollutants like cadmium and lead, contaminate soils at many sites around the world. In addition to posing a threat to human health, these metals can poison plants, livestock, and wildlife. Deciphering how metals are absorbed, transported, and incorporated as protein cofactors may help solve both of these problems. For example, edible plants could be engineered to serve as better dietary sources of metal nutrients, and other plant species could be tailored to remove metal ions from contaminated soils. We report here the cloning of the first zinc transporter genes from plants, the ZIP1, ZIP2, and ZIP3 genes of Arabidopsis thaliana. Expression in yeast of these closely related genes confers zinc uptake activities. In the plant, ZIP1 and ZIP3 are expressed in roots in response to zinc deficiency, suggesting that they transport zinc from the soil into the plant. Although expression of ZIP2 has not been detected, a fourth related Arabidopsis gene identified by genome sequencing, ZIP4, is induced in both shoots and roots of zinc-limited plants. Thus, ZIP4 may transport zinc intracellularly or between plant tissues. These ZIP proteins define a family of metal ion transporters that are found in plants, protozoa, fungi, invertebrates, and vertebrates, making it now possible to address questions of metal ion accumulation and homeostasis in diverse organisms.
Induction of phase 2 detoxication enzymes [e.g., glutathione transferases, epoxide hydrolase, NAD(P)H: quinone reductase, and glucuronosyltransferases] is a powerful strategy for achieving protection against carcinogenesis, mutagenesis, and other forms of toxicity of electrophiles and reactive forms of oxygen. Since consumption of large quantities of fruit and vegetables is associated with a striking reduction in the risk of developing a variety of malignancies, it is of interest that a number of edible plants contain substantial quantities of compounds that regulate mammalian enzymes of xenobiotic metabolism. Thus, edible plants belonging to the family Cruciferae and genus Brassica (e.g., broccoli and cauliflower) contain substantial quantities of isothiocyanates (mostly in the form of their glucosinolate precursors) some of which (e.g., sulforaphane or 4-methylsulfinylbutyl isothiocyanate) are very potent inducers of phase 2 enzymes. Unexpectedly, 3-day-old sprouts of cultivars of certain crucifers including broccoli and cauliflower contain 10–100 times higher levels of glucoraphanin (the glucosinolate of sulforaphane) than do the corresponding mature plants. Glucosinolates and isothiocyanates can be efficiently extracted from plants, without hydrolysis of glucosinolates by myrosinase, by homogenization in a mixture of equal volumes of dimethyl sulfoxide, dimethylformamide, and acetonitrile at −50°C. Extracts of 3-day-old broccoli sprouts (containing either glucoraphanin or sulforaphane as the principal enzyme inducer) were highly effective in reducing the incidence, multiplicity, and rate of development of mammary tumors in dimethylbenz(a)anthracene-treated rats. Notably, sprouts of many broccoli cultivars contain negligible quantities of indole glucosinolates, which predominate in the mature vegetable and may give rise to degradation products (e.g., indole-3-carbinol) that can enhance tumorigenesis. Hence, small quantities of crucifer sprouts may protect against the risk of cancer as effectively as much larger quantities of mature vegetables of the same variety.
Alternatives to cell culture systems for production of recombinant proteins could make very safe vaccines at a lower cost. We have used genetically engineered plants for expression of candidate vaccine antigens with the goal of using the edible plant organs for economical delivery of oral vaccines. Transgenic tobacco and potato plants were created that express the capsid protein of Norwalk virus, a calicivirus that causes epidemic acute gastroenteritis in humans. The capsid protein could be extracted from tobacco leaves in the form of 38-nm Norwalk virus-like particles. Recombinant Norwalk virus-like particle (rNV) was previously recovered when the same gene was expressed in recombinant baculovirus-infected insect cells. The capsid protein expressed in tobacco leaves and potato tubers cosedimented in sucrose gradients with insect cell-derived rNV and appeared identical to insect cell-derived rNV on immunoblots of SDS/polyacrylamide gels. The plant-expressed rNV was orally immunogenic in mice. Extracts of tobacco leaf expressing rNV were given to CD1 mice by gavage, and the treated mice developed both serum IgG and secretory IgA specific for rNV. Furthermore, when potato tubers expressing rNV were fed directly to mice, they developed serum IgG specific for rNV. These results indicate the potential usefulness of plants for production and delivery of edible vaccines. This is an appropriate technology for developing countries where vaccines are urgently needed.
The absorption and metabolism of dietary nucleic acids have received less attention than those of other organic nutrients, largely because of methodological difficulties. We supplemented the rations of poultry and mice with the edible alga Spirulina platensis, which had been uniformly labeled with 13C by hydroponic culture in 13CO2. The rations were ingested by a hen for 4 wk and by four mice for 6 days; two mice were fed a normal diet and two were fed a nucleic acid-deficient diet. The animals were killed and nucleosides were isolated from hepatic RNA. The isotopic enrichment of all mass isotopomers of the nucleosides was analyzed by selected ion monitoring of the negative chemical ionization mass spectrum and the labeling pattern was deconvoluted by reference to the enrichment pattern of the tracer material. We found a distinct difference in the 13C enrichment pattern between pyrimidine and purine nucleosides; the isotopic enrichment of uniformly labeled [M + 9] isotopomers of pyrimidines exceeded that of purines [M + 10] by > 2 orders of magnitude in the avian nucleic acids and by 7- and 14-fold in the murine nucleic acids. The purines were more enriched in lower mass isotopomers, those less than [M + 3], than the pyrimidines. Our results suggest that large quantities of dietary pyrimidine nucleosides and almost no dietary purine nucleosides are incorporated into hepatic nucleic acids without hydrolytic removal of the ribose moiety. In addition, our results support a potential nutritional role for nucleosides and suggest that pyrimidines are conditionally essential organic nutrients.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial de uso do resíduo da extração de pigmento de cúrcuma na produção de filmes e coberturas. Para o estudo dos filmes, foram utilizados glicerol e sorbitol como plastificantes e avaliados os efeitos da concentração de farinha de cúrcuma e do plastificante sobre as propriedades mecânicas, solubilidade, permeabilidade ao vapor de água (PVA), molhabilidade, atividade antioxidante, teor de curcuminóides e teor de compostos fenólicos totais utilizando um Delineamento Central Composto Rotacional 22, e os resultados foram avaliados utilizando a metodologia de superfície de resposta (MSR). A concentração de farinha afetou de forma positiva a espessura, PVA e o teor de curcuminóides totais dos filmes plastificados com glicerol e sorbitol. Entretanto, esta variável afetou as propriedades de solubilidade, molhabilidade e teor de compostos fenólicos totais somente dos filmes com glicerol. A concentração de plastificante (glicerol ou sorbitol) afetou significativamente a solubilidade, PVA e molhabilidade de ambos os filmes. Filmes de farinha de cúrcuma com boas propriedades mecânicas, baixa permeabilidade ao vapor de água, alta atividade antioxidante, alto teor de curcuminóides e alto teor de compostos fenólicos totais podem ser produzidos utilizando 27,9 a 30 g glicerol/100 g farinha ou 30 a 42 g sorbitol/100 g farinha e concentração de farinha na faixa de 5% a 6,41%. A cobertura de farinha de cúrcuma contendo 6% de farinha e 30 g glicerol/100 g de farinha foi aplicada em bananas Maçã (Musa acuminata) armazenadas a 27ºC e 65% UR. Assim, foi avaliado o efeito da cobertura na qualidade pós-colheita das bananas em função à suas características físico-químicas como perda de massa, firmeza da polpa, pH, acidez titulável, sólidos solúveis, açúcares redutores e cor da casca. Os resultados mostraram que a cobertura foi eficiente em diminuir a perda de massa, o teor de açúcares redutores, a acidez, a perda da firmeza e a cor da casca principalmente durante a etapa de maturação do fruto. Entretanto, não foi observado grande efeito da cobertura sobre o pH e o teor de sólidos solúveis durante o período estudado. As bananas sem a cobertura tiveram vida útil de 6 dias, enquanto as bananas com cobertura tiveram vida útil de 9 dias.
Os elementos potencialmente tóxicos (EPTs) estão presentes nos solos em concentrações dependentes do material de origem e das ações antrópicas. A adição de EPTs ao solo pelas atividades antrópicas pode ocasionar risco à saúde humana, já que estes elementos podem ser acumulados no organismo por meio do contato dérmico com o solo, da inalação de partículas em suspensão, de ingestão de solo e de alimentos contaminados. A contaminação dos alimentos ocorre pelo cultivo em áreas com alta biodisponibilidade de EPTs, e nessa condição ocorre absorção e translocação para a parte aérea, com possível acúmulo dos metais nas porções comestíveis, como raízes, frutos e grãos. A biodisponibilidade dos EPTs é regulada pelas características químicas dos elementos e por atributos do solo, como a CTC, o pH e a matéria orgânica (MO). Sintomas de toxicidade e alterações morfológicas e fisiológicas podem aparecer dependendo da absorção e da movimentação dos EPTs nas plantas. Objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar o efeito da adição de bário (Ba), de cádmio (Cd), de cobre (Cu), de níquel (Ni) e de zinco (Zn) em amostras de um Neossolo Quartzarênico e um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico, sob duas condições de saturação por bases (30% e 50 ou 70%, dependendo da cultura), no cultivo de arroz (Oryza sativa), alface (Lactuca sativa), girassol (Helianthus annuus) e tomate (Solanum lycopersicum). Os EPTs nos solos foram extraídos com EPA 3051a, Água Régia, DTPA, Mehlich 1, Mehlich 3, HNO3 (0,43 mol L-1) e CaCl2 (0,01 mol L-1), e seus teores correlacionados com os presentes nas raízes, na parte aérea, nos frutos e com a quantidade acumulada pelas plantas. Os fatores de bioconcentração (FBC) e de transferência (FT) foram calculados para as culturas. O índice SPAD (Soil Plant Analysis Development - Chlorophyll Meter) foi determinado na fase vegetativa da alface, do arroz e do girassol, enquanto a atividade fotossintética foi determinada pelo IRGA (Infrared gas analyzer). Os maiores teores de EPTs foram observados nas plantas cultivadas no Neossolo. As quantidades de Cu, Ni e Zn acumuladas nas plantas apresentaram correlação positiva com os teores extraídos pelo EPA 3051a e pela Água Régia. Os teores extraídos com HNO3 (0,43 mol L-1) apresentaram elevada correlação positiva com os teores reativos extraídos com DTPA e com Mehlich 3, e também com as quantidades de EPTs acumuladas pelas plantas. Os FBCs foram mais altos nos solos com baixa CTC, baixos teores de MO e baixos valores de pH. O arroz apresentou a menor translocação de Cd do sistema radicular para os grãos. O Cu, o Ni e o Zn causaram alterações no desenvolvimento da alface e do girassol, e diminuíram a transpiração e a condutância estomática da alface. O arroz apresentou a menor absorção de EPTs e a maior tolerância ao Ba, ao Cd, ao Ni e ao Zn, no entanto, as plantas apresentaram maiores condutividade estomática e transpiração.
Active edible films were prepared by adding carvacrol into sodium caseinate (SC) and calcium caseinate (CC) matrices plasticized with two different glycerol concentrations (25 and 35 wt%) prepared by solvent casting. Functional characterisation of these bio-films was carried out by determination of some of their physico-chemical properties, such as colour, transparency, oxygen barrier, wettability, dye permeation properties and antibacterial effectiveness against Gram negative and Gram positive bacteria. All films exhibited good performance in terms of optical properties in the CIELab space showing high transparency. Carvacrol was able to reduce CC oxygen permeability and slightly increased the surface hydrophobicity. Dye diffusion experiments were performed to evaluate permeation properties. The diffusion of dye through films revealed that SC was more permeable than CC. The agar diffusion method was used for the evaluation of the films antimicrobial effectiveness against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Both SC and CC edible films with carvacrol showed inhibitory effects on both bacteria.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior Agrária do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Fruticultura Integrada.