985 resultados para Mega-Marx : johdatus uuteen Marxiin
The bioassay-guided fractionation of stems from Kielmeyera variabilis, traditionally used in Brazilian folk medicine, yielded assiguxanthone-B (1), kielcorin (4), 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid (3), and a mixture of xanthones containing assiguxanthone-B (1) and 1,3,5,6-tetrahydroxy-2-prenylxanthone (2) (1:1 w/w). The xanthone mixture inhibited Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus subtilis at a concentration of 6.25 µg/ml. When tested alone, the minimal inhibitory concentration of assiguxanthone-B was 25 µg/ml against B. subtilis. Kielcorin and 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid were inactive against both strains. None of the fractions was active against Escherichia coli or Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Viable cells of S. aureus were reduced by a 1-3 log CFU/ml within 12 h after exposure of one to eight times the MIC of the xanthone mixture. It is not known whether the tetrahydroxy-2-prenylxanthone or other components of the xanthone mixture are responsible for the main antibacterial activity or whether additive or synergistic action is involved
The sequencing of the complete genome of Anaplasma marginale has enabled the identification of several genes that encode membrane proteins, thereby increasing the chances of identifying candidate immunogens. Little is known regarding the genetic variability of genes that encode membrane proteins in A. marginale isolates. The aim of the present study was to determine the degree of conservation of the predicted amino acid sequences of OMP1, OMP4, OMP5, OMP7, OMP8, OMP10, OMP14, OMP15, SODb, OPAG1, OPAG3, VirB3, VirB9-1, PepA, EF-Tu and AM854 proteins in a Brazilian isolate of A. marginale compared to other isolates. Hence, primers were used to amplify these genes: omp1, omp4, omp5, omp7, omp8, omp10, omp14, omp15, sodb, opag1, opag3, virb3, VirB9-1, pepA, ef-tu and am854. After polimerase chain reaction amplification, the products were cloned and sequenced using the Sanger method and the predicted amino acid sequence were multi-aligned using the CLUSTALW and MEGA 4 programs, comparing the predicted sequences between the Brazilian, Saint Maries, Florida and A. marginale centrale isolates. With the exception of outer membrane protein (OMP) 7, all proteins exhibited 92-100% homology to the other A. marginale isolates. However, only OMP1, OMP5, EF-Tu, VirB3, SODb and VirB9-1 were selected as potential immunogens capable of promoting cross-protection between isolates due to the high degree of homology (over 72%) also found with A. (centrale) marginale.
CONTEXT Adipose tissue hypoxia and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress may link the presence of chronic inflammation and macrophage infiltration in severely obese subjects. We previously reported the up-regulation of TNF-like weak inducer of apoptosis (TWEAK)/fibroblast growth factor-inducible 14 (Fn14) axis in adipose tissue of severely obese type 2 diabetic subjects. OBJECTIVES The objective of the study was to examine TWEAK and Fn14 adipose tissue expression in obesity, severe obesity, and type 2 diabetes in relation to hypoxia and ER stress. DESIGN In the obesity study, 19 lean, 28 overweight, and 15 obese nondiabetic subjects were studied. In the severe obesity study, 23 severely obese and 35 control subjects were studied. In the type 2 diabetes study, 11 type 2 diabetic and 36 control subjects were studied. The expression levels of the following genes were analyzed in paired samples of sc and visceral adipose tissue: Fn14, TWEAK, VISFATIN, HYOU1, FIAF, HIF-1a, VEGF, GLUT-1, GRP78, and XBP-1. The effect of hypoxia, inflammation, and ER stress on the expression of TWEAK and Fn14 was examined in human adipocyte and macrophage cell lines. RESULTS Up-regulation of TWEAK/Fn14 and hypoxia and ER stress surrogate gene expression was observed in sc and visceral adipose tissue only in our severely obese cohort. Hypoxia modulates TWEAK or Fn14 expression in neither adipocytes nor macrophages. On the contrary, inflammation up-regulated TWEAK in macrophages and Fn14 expression in adipocytes. Moreover, TWEAK had a proinflammatory effect in adipocytes mediated by the nuclear factor-kappaB and ERK but not JNK signaling pathways. CONCLUSIONS Our data suggest that TWEAK acts as a pro-inflammatory cytokine in the adipose tissue and that inflammation, but not hypoxia, may be behind its up-regulation in severe obesity.
Despite not being a criterion for severe malaria, thrombocytopenia is one of the most common complications of both Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falciparum malaria. In a systematic review of the literature, platelet counts under 150,000/mm³ ranged from 24-94% in patients with acute malaria and this frequency was not different between the two major species that affected humans. Minor bleeding is mentioned in case reports of patients with P. vivax infection and may be explained by medullary compensation with the release of mega platelets in the peripheral circulation by megakaryocytes, thus maintaining a good primary haemostasis. The speculated mechanisms leading to thrombocytopenia are: coagulation disturbances, splenomegaly, bone marrow alterations, antibody-mediated platelet destruction, oxidative stress and the role of platelets as cofactors in triggering severe malaria. Data from experimental models are presented and, despite not being rare, there is no clear recommendation on the adequate management of this haematological complication. In most cases, a conservative approach is adopted and platelet counts usually revert to normal ranges a few days after efficacious antimalarial treatment. More studies are needed to specifically clarify if thrombocytopenia is the cause or consequence of the clinical disease spectrum.
The neuraminidase (NA) genes of A(H1N1)pdm09 influenza virus isolates from 306 infected patients were analysed. The circulation of oseltamivir-resistant viruses in Brazil has not been reported previously. Clinical samples were collected in the state of Rio Grande do Sul (RS) from 2009-2011 and two NA inhibitor-resistant mutants were identified, one in 2009 (H275Y) and the other in 2011 (S247N). This study revealed a low prevalence of resistant viruses (0.8%) with no spread of the resistant mutants throughout RS.
Aquest TFG analitza el valor revolucionari que el filòsof francès Louis Althusser atorga a l'obra de Karl Marx, posant especial èmfasi en la caracterització del marxisme com una ciència objectiva, els criteris per abastir un veritable coneixement i les crítiques althusserianes a les corrents 'humanistes' del marxisme. El treball també ofereix una aproximació a l'adequació de l'obra d'Althusser com a eina per caracteritzar i recolzar el moviments de reacció ciutadana desenvolupats dins el context de la crisi econòmica de finals de la primera dècada del segle XXI.
Tämä insinöörityö tehtiin Crown Pakkaus Oy:n Helsingin tehtaalle. Työ toteutettiin kemikaalilainsäädännön tietojen sekä muun kirjallisuuden pohjalta. Työn tarkoituksena oli tehdä kemikaaliriskien kartoitus johdatuksena turvalliseen työskentelyyn tehtaalla. Insinöörityö jakautuu kolmeen osioon. Ensimmäinen osa sisältää taustaa Crown Pakkaus Oy:stä, tietoa työn tavoitteista, kemikaalitietojen tarjonnasta sekä siitä, minkälaista tietoa kannattaa hankkia kemikaaliriskien kartoituksessa. Työn toisessa osassa käydään läpi, mitä vaaralliset kemikaalit ovat ja miten niitä tulisi käsitellä. Lisäksi tarkastellaan kemikaalivarastoa, mitä näkökohtia täytyy ottaa huomioon kemikaalivarastoa suunniteltaessa. Lopussa käsitellään henkilönsuojaimia sekä torjuntavälineistöä. Kolmannessa osassa käsitellään kemikaaliriskien arviointia, toimenpide-ehdotuksia sekä tulevaisuutta. Tulevaisuusnäkökohta liittyy uuteen kemikaaliasetukseen, joka astuu voimaan kesäkuussa 2007.
iLEAPS (Integrated Land Ecosystem-Atmosphere Processes Study) on kansainvälinen tutkimusohjelma, jonka tavoitteena on parantaa maa-ilmakehä rajapinnan tuntemusta. Opinnäytetyönä on tehty iLEAPS:ille "jäsenrekisteri"-sovellus, jota on myöhemmin muokattu parantamalla muunmuassa käyttöliittymää. Lisäksi ohjelman eri palaset koottiin yhteen moduuleiksi, jonne on kerätty yhteen kuuluvia asioita kuten funktiot ja uuteen versioon tehdyt luokat. Sovellus on toteutettu PHP/MySQL-työkaluilla. Ohjelma koostuu kahdesta osasta: julkisilta www-sivuilta löytyvästä lomakkeesta sekä varsinaisesta tietokannan hallintatyökalusta. Lomakkeella pystyy ilmoittamaan itsensä halukkaaksi liittymään mukaan postituslistalle ja antamaan iLEAPS:ille tarvittavat tiedot itsestään. Hallintatyökalulla voidaan lisätä, poistaa ja muokata henkilöiden tietoja. Työkalun avulla voidaan myös lähettää halutuille ihmisille sähköpostia sekä tulostaa tarvittavia tietoja.
Não obstante as profundas e aceleradas mudanças que ocorrem no contexto da globalização e da sociedade do conhecimento, em que vivemos, inúmeras são as influências do velho paradigma civilizacional e cultural nas nossas vidas. Em relação à educação, a realidade é complexa, posto que, a par dos avanços significativos, que se expressam, designadamente, na expansão do acesso à educação a diversos níveis, confrontamo-nos com problemas e desafios que devem ser encarados numa perspetiva inovadora, quer em sede de formulação das mega e macropolíticas, quer em termos de assunção de um maior e mais consequente protagonismo das meso e microestruturas educativas, em especial dos gestores, professores e alunos, enquanto sujeitos e garantes do sucesso das políticas, reformas, mudanças e inovações no setor da educação. Nesta comunicação, além de se proceder a uma breve revisão da literatura sobre os conceitos e fundamentos da inovação educacional, pretende-se evidenciar que, a despeito das tendências de centralização, recentralização e uniformização das políticas educativas, existem espaços e oportunidades de uma abordagem interpretativa, reflexiva e inovadora da educação e do currículo nos contextos locais e de escola, ilustrando esta tese com uma experiência em curso no concelho da Praia (Cabo Verde) com a elaboração autóctone de projetos educativos e curriculares.
Aila Lauha
Kaarlo Arffman
Los cambios en el mundo del trabajo fruto de mega tendencias globalizadoras y postfordistas, han producido profundos procesos de modernización en la sanidad latinoamericana y española, que han supuesto transformaciones en la organización del trabajo y en el sentido del servicio público. La irrupción del New Management en la sanidad ha conllevado importantes cambios en las condiciones de trabajo. Estas circunstancias sumadas a la relevancia sociopolítica de crisis del Estado de Bienestar y de sus derivadas en América Latina, indujeron al planteamiento de la pregunta principal de esta investigación: ¿Cómo las nuevas condiciones de trabajo impuestas por el new management sanitario influyen en el bienestar laboral de los profesionales de la medicina?. Participaron (voluntariamente) 281 profesionales de la medicina de España (47,7%) y de América Latina (52,3%), empleados en hospitales, a quienes se accedió mediante un muestreo de conveniencia, intencional y estratificado. Para ello, se articuló un diseño mixto que combinó tanto metodología cualitativa (entrevistas en profundidad y focus group – análisis de contenido temático inspirado en grounded theory) como cuantitativa (cuestionarios de lápiz y papel – estadística inferencial. Los resultados pusieron de manifiesto la tendencia general a una valoración moderadamente positiva de las condiciones de trabajo y del bienestar laboral general, contrapesada por sentimientos y percepciones ambivalentes hacia el contexto y la propia experiencia laboral. Destacó una valoración de los aspectos materiales y tecnológicos del entorno de trabajo, así como el clima social en los grupos de trabajo y el apoyo social horizontal de parte de colegas. En la negativa sobresalió un complejo entramado de sobrecarga laboral y de intensificación y aceleración del tiempo de trabajo, crecientes niveles percibidos de estrés laboral y algunos síntomas menores relacionados con la salud física y mental, todo ello asociado al aumento percibido de la presión asistencial y de los nuevos requerimientos técnicos y administrativos de la información que los profesionales deben producir y gestionar.