1000 resultados para Matriciamento de pediatria


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The Brazilian Ministry of Health regulated in 2008 the Family Health Support Nucleus (FHSN) as a device for support and complementarity to the Family Health Strategy. The FHSN, through the matrix support, potentiates the Family Health teams on dealing with a great variety of demands and activities that are under their responsibilities. It is structured in teams of professionals from various health specialties, among which is the mental health. In preliminary studies we noticed that the psychologists have been the main representatives of mental health professionals at the FHSN from Rio Grande do Norte (RN-Brazil). On this scenario, this study intends to problematize the professional practice of the psychologists who work at the FHSN teams in RN, regarding how their work is done, discussing it under the perspective of collective health and the directions for the basic health care on Brazilian s health system. Still as a goal, in more specific ways: identify the forms of professional insertion of the psychologists in this field; characterize the work done by the psychologist at the FHSN (developed activities); and produce an analysis of the characteristics and limits of those actions, from theoretical and methodological references based on Marxian ontology. Were performed semistructured interviews with psychologists working in the oldest FHSN teams form RN. We conducted the analysis of the material following the blocks of information: determinants of the psychologist entry at the services, training for current practice; operation of FHSN; activities performed by FHSN team and the psychologist; joint actions; and limits of psychology practice in the FHSN. An important result, we observed the little articulation of practicing between the psychology and other professionals and teams, further indicating the prevalence of the traditional medical model (individual and outpatient) as guidance of their performance instead of the matrix logic that is the foundation of the proposed action for the FHSN. We also emphasize the potential of psychologists actions at the FHSN on contributing to the achievement of comprehensive care


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OBJETIVO: Analisar o potencial informativo de uma ação educativa sobre queimaduras infantis com responsáveis por crianças internadas em ambiente hospitalar. MÉTODOS: Foram aplicados questionários estruturados, antes e imediatamente após a ação educativa, que incluiu intervenções verbais e folheto educativo, em 37 acompanhantes de crianças e adolescentes internados no Setor Público de Pediatria de dois hospitais de uma cidade do interior do Estado de São Paulo. As informações obtidas antes e após a ação educativa foram comparadas, utilizando-se o teste estatístico do quiquadrado e considerando-se significante p<0,05. RESULTADOS: Na comparação pré- e pós-ação educativa, notou-se aumento de 95% para 100% na indicação da residência como local mais propício para ocorrência de queimaduras infantis; de 46% para 78% na indicação da faixa etária mais acometida (zero a três anos); de 76% para 78% no gênero mais acometido (masculino); de 43% para 78% na indicação do principal agente agressor (água quente); de 32% para 78% na região corporal mais atingida (tórax); e de 89% para 97% na possibilidade de prevenção da queimadura infantil. CONCLUSÕES: A ação educativa mostrou bom potencial informativo pela elevação do percentual de respostas corretas em todos os aspectos apresentados, sugerindo sua utilidade no contexto hospitalar e em outros locais, como unidades de atenção primária e secundária à saúde e instituições de educação infantil e superior.


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Objective: Postoperative agitation in children is a well-documented clinical phenomenon with incidence ranging from 10% to 67%. There is no definitive explanation for this agitation. Possible causes include rapid awakening in unfamiliar settings, pain (wounds, sore throat, bladder distension, etc.), stress during induction, hypoxemia, airway obstruction, noisy environment, anesthesia duration, child's personality, premedication and type of anesthesia. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the possible causes of postoperative agitation in children, providing a foundation for better methods of identifying and preventing this problem.Sources: MEDLINE and PubMed were searched using the following words: emergence, agitation, incidence, etiology, diagnosis, treatment, children, pediatric, anesthesia.Summary of the findings: This study includes a review of potential agitation trigger factors and a proposal for a standardized diagnostic score system, in addition to measures to improve prevention and treatment.Conclusion: No single factor can identified as the cause of postoperative agitation, which should therefore be considered a syndrome made up of biological, pharmacological, psychological and social components, and which anesthesiologists and pediatric intensive care specialists should be prepared to identify, prevent and intervene appropriately as necessary.


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Tem aumentado muito o emprego da anestesia subaracnóidea em crianças, principalmente neonatos com risco de desenvolver apnéia neonatal. O objetivo deste trabalho foi rever as diferenças anatômicas, fisiológicas e farmacológicas desta técnica em crianças. CONTEÚDO: A anestesia subaracnóidea em crianças, apesar de ter sido técnica empregada desde o início do século XX, teve sua popularidade diminuída com o advento dos anestésicos inalatórios e bloqueadores neuromusculares, para ser novamente resgatada em 1979. As características favoráveis desta técnica em pediatria são relativas à estabilidade cardiovascular, em crianças de até 8 anos de idade, à analgesia satisfatória e ao relaxamento muscular. Os anestésicos mais utilizados em crianças são a tetracaína e a bupivacaína, cujas doses são ajustadas tomando-se por base o peso corporal. Esta técnica é limitada pela duração relativamente curta, devendo ser utilizada para procedimentos cirúrgicos que não ultrapassem 90 minutos e também pela analgesia não abranger o pós-operatório. As complicações são as mesmas encontradas no paciente adulto, incluindo cefaléia por punção dural e irritação radicular transitória. As indicações são várias: cirurgias de abdômen inferior, genitália, membros inferiores, região perineal e, em alguns casos, até em cirurgias torácicas. Seu emprego tem particular interesse nos recém-nascidos prematuros, pelo risco de apresentarem a apnéia da prematuridade. CONCLUSÕES: A anestesia subaracnóidea em crianças é técnica relativamente segura, com poucas complicações e pode ser considerada como opção para anestesia geral, principalmente nos recém-nascidos prematuros com risco de apresentarem complicações respiratórias no pós-operatório.


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Objectives: To assess cardiac morphology and function by means of echocardiograms of children with obstructad breathing while asleep.Methods: the study enrolled 40 children of both sexes, aged from 3 to 11 years; 30 of them had obstructed breathing during sleep (group I) and 10 children were healthy controls (group II). The two groups were similar in terms of sex, age, weight and height. The 40 children underwent echocardiogram, viewing all four chambers during systole and diastole, paying special attention to the right ventricle (RV). These data were compared by means of Student's t test (p < 0.05).Results: In group I, increased diameter and area of the right ventricle were observed during both systole and diastole. There was less variation in RV area between systole and diastole. Reduced left ventricle (LV) diastolic diameter was also observed, together with reduced ejection fraction and reduced contraction.Conclusions: the morphological and functional cardiac abnormalities observed in the RV and LV suggest that, in children, obstructed breathing during sleep can lead to cardiovascular repercussions. These abnormalities may expose these children to increased anesthetic and surgical risks.


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Objective: To test whether ascorbic acid supplementation has any cytoprotective effect on a model of secondary biliary cirrhosis in young rats.Methods: We studied 40 Wistar rats weaned at the 21st postnatal day. Each group of 10 was subjected to one of the following four treatments, until 49th postnatal day, when they suffered euthanasia: 1) LC-double ligature and resection of the common bile duct and daily administration of ascorbic acid [100 mg/g of body weight (bw)]; 2) LA-double ligature and resection of the common bile duct and daily administration of aqueous vehicle (1 mL/g bw); 3) SC-sham operation and daily administration of ascorbic acid (100 mg/g bw); 4) SA-double ligature and resection of the common bile duct and daily administration of aqueous vehicle (1 mL/g bw). The rats were weighed daily. on the 27th day after the operation they received an intra-peritoneal injection of 1.5 mg/g bw of sodium pentobarbital, and the pentobarbital sleeping time was measured. Blood was collected for serum alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase activity measurements, serum albumin and globulin concentrations, and the liver was assessed for liver water and fat content. Data were submitted to two-way ANOVA and paired comparisons between groups were tested using the SNK method. Significance level was set at 0.05.Results: Ascorbic acid supplementation attenuated the effects of cholestasis: decreased the pentobarbital sleeping time, serum globulin, and the liver fat content.Conclusions: Our results corroborate the hypothesis that ascorbic acid supplementation has a cytoprotective effect in secondary biliary cirrhosis.


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Objetivos: avaliar a evolução ultra-sonográfica de cistos subependimários (CSE) do ângulo externo dos ventrículos laterais, e a evolução clínica dos pacientes. Comparar os pacientes com CSE isolados e os com CSE associados a outras lesões. Métodos: foram diagnosticados um a vários cistos no ângulo externo de um ou de ambos os ventrículos laterais, por meio de ultra-som transfontanelar (US) de rotina, realizado nos primeiros dias de vida, caracterizando os CSE. Durante o período de 1981-2000, 66 recém-nascidos tiveram CSE evidenciados na UTI neonatal do Hospital de Port-Royal. Foram constituídos dois grupos: G-I, com CSE isolados (n=21), e G-II, com CSE associados a outras lesões (n=45). Resultados: os recém-nascidos do GI apresentaram maior maturidade, melhores condições de nascimento e menor morbidade respiratória em relação a GII. A incidência de malformações congênitas foi elevada em ambos os grupos. Houve baixa taxa de infecção bacteriana e ausência de infecção congênita. Os CSE foram uni ou bilaterais, únicos ou múltiplos (colar de pérolas), sem diferença entre os grupos estudados, e predominaram à esquerda. US seriados foram realizados em 49/66 pacientes (74%), mostrando aumento no tamanho do cisto em 21/49 (45%), no primeiro mês de vida, enquanto 12 CSE (24%) desapareceram. O óbito ocorreu em dez recém-nascidos com lesões neurológica graves (quatro leucomalácias periventriculares, cinco hemorragias peri e intraventriculares), e somente um com hérnia diafragmática não apresentava outras lesões ao US transfontanelar. Conclusões: as características dos CSE não diferiram quando esses estavam associados a outras lesões. O nítido predomínio no lado esquerdo sugere uma etiologia vascular. Foi encontrada uma alta taxa de malformações associadas, alertando para a possibilidade de uma etiologia malformativa. Ambas hipóteses sugerem um desvio de desenvolvimento, e não de uma fetopatia viral.


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OBJETIVO: investigar os conhecimentos e as atitudes práticas de pediatras em relação à comunicação oral de crianças. MÉTODOS: foram entrevistados 79 pediatras por meio de questionário específico. O conteúdo do questionário buscava informações sobre o profissional, conhecimento das etapas do desenvolvimento da comunicação infantil, sua conduta frente a alguma queixa de suspeita de alterações da comunicação, encaminhamentos profissionais e o método utilizado como avaliação destas crianças. Os questionários foram entregues pessoalmente e respondidos manualmente pelos médicos. RESULTADOS: a maioria dos pediatras entrevistados tem conhecimento, embora básico, das alterações da comunicação infantil e o desenvolvimento da linguagem. Porém, muitos pediatras desconhecem a real atuação do fonoaudiólogo. Além disso, embora haja uma preocupação com a idade da criança falar corretamente, os médicos não realizam o encaminhamento no período adequado. CONCLUSÃO: este estudo mostra a importância da divulgação do trabalho fonoaudiológico em outros meios que não os restritos a ambientes acadêmico, científico ou clínico apenas frequentado por fonoaudiólogos, mas também por profissionais da área médica.


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Congenital Toxoplasmosis results in severe systemic disease. If mother is infected for the first time during gestation, she can infect the fetus causing substantial damage. However, relatively little is known about the seroprevalence and epidemiological and economic factors of Toxoplasmosis infection in pregnancy in the most state in northeastern Brazil and knowledge about this can be essential in determining effective and acceptable prevention strategies. Our aim was to determine the prevalence of Toxoplasmosis in pregnant woman consulted by reference Maternity Escola Januário Cicco in Natal, a city in Northeastern Brazil, which belongs to the public health system, correlating to the risk factors involved in the infection and to accomplish active Search in the Hospital of Pediatrics Profº Heriberto Bezerra of the damages caused by the Toxoplasmic infection in children up to 12 years of age. The study was conducted from March to December 2007 and sera obtained from 190 pregnant women were tested for IgM and IgG antibodies avidity to Toxoplasma by Microparticle enzyme immunoassay (Abbott AxSYM system - Abbott Laboratories, Chicago, IL, USA). Data were examined with univariate analysis. Chi-squared (x2) and Odds ratio was calculated (IC 95% p 0,05). Of these women, 126 (66,3%) had only IgG antibodies high-avidity against T. gondii; 01 (0,52%) had a IgM and IgG high-avidity antibodies against T. gondii and 63 (33,1%) have neither IgM nor IgG against T. gondii. Our studies shown that the direct contact with cats or dogs was highly associated with the Toxoplasma gondii infection (OR, 2.72, p<0.001, 95% CI 1.46 5.02). The years school (p<0,001), socioeconomic status and knowledge about the disease (both p value 0.05) also were associated with Toxoplasmosis. The pattern of risk factors for infection presents regional variations, however our data corroborate others studies in Brazil. In children up to 12 years, one case of Congenital Toxoplasmosis was just registered in seven years (2000 - 2006). There were several suggestive cases, with signs and characteristic symptoms, but that the infection was not confirmed due to lack in the researches through laboratorial and images exams that addressed that it zoonosis


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objective: To study the trends and patterns of exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) for under-6-month-old infants in the city of Bauru, southeastern Brazil.Methods: We compared data from three cross-sectional surveys, using similar methodologies, which were part of a project for monitoring breastfeeding indicators in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The sample included infants aged 0 to 6 months who attended one of the two rounds of the nationwide infant vaccination campaign in 1999, 2003 and 2006 (respectively: 496, 674 and 509 infants). Descriptive statistics were used to compare the prevalence of EBF according to age (in months) and group of children under 6 months of age. Differences in prevalence were expressed as percentage-points and submitted to statistical analysis (Pearson's chi-square and tendency), and the level of significance was set at p < 0.05. Factors associated with EBF interruption in 2006 were evaluated by univariate and multivariate analyses.Results: An increase in the prevalence of EBF was observed in under-6-month-old infants: 1999-2003, increase of 9.1 percentage-points; 2003-2006, increase of 6.6 percentage-points, resulting in an annual increase rate of 2.3 percentage-points for the first period and 2.2 percentage-points for the second period. Significant inverse association was observed between EBF and the use of pacifiers (prevalence ratio = 2.03; 95% confidence interval 1.44-2.84).Conclusion: EBF prevalence in under-6-month-old infants in the city of Bauru, southeastern Brazil, increased almost threefold over the period studied, from 8.5% in 1999 to 24.2% in 2006, a total increase of 184.7%. The use of pacifiers was the only factor strongly associated with the interruption of EBF.


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Objective: To determine chronological and corrected ages at acquisition of motor abilities up to independent walking in very low birth weight preterms and to determine up to what point it is necessary to use corrected age.Methods: This was a longitudinal study of preterms with birth weight < 1,500 g and gestational age <= 34 weeks, free from neurosensory sequelae, selected at the high-risk infants follow-up clinic at the Hospital das Clinicas, Faculdade de Medicine de Botucatu, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) in Botucatu, Brazil, between 1998 to 2003, and assessed every 2 months until acquisition of independent walking.Results: Nine percent of the 155 preterms recruited were excluded from the study, leaving a total of 143 patients. The mean gestational age was 30 +/- 2 weeks, birth weight was 1,130 +/- 222 g, 59% were female and 44% were small for gestational age. Preterms achieved head control in their second month, could sit independent at 7 months and walked at 12.8 months' corrected age, corresponding to the 4th, 9th and 15th months of chronological age. There were significant differences between chronological age and corrected age for all motor abilities. Preterms who were small for their gestational age acquired motor abilities later, but still within expected limits.Conclusions: Very low birth weight preterms, free from neurosensory disorders, acquired their motor abilities within the ranges expected for their corrected ages. Corrected age should be used until independent walking is achieved.


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OBJETIVO: Apontar as possíveis alterações orofaciais decorrentes do sintoma obstrução nasal em pacientes portadores de doenças alérgicas de vias aéreas superiores, por meio de revisão de literatura. FONTES DE DADOS: Levantamento bibliográfico utilizando bancos de dados eletrônicos, como Medline, Ovid, SciELO e Lilacs, com as palavras-chave asthma, rhinitis e mouth breathing, abrangendo os 30 últimos anos. Foram incluídos artigos de revisão, estudos observacionais e ensaios clínicos. SÍNTESE DOS DADOS: A obstrução nasal é encontrada freqüentemente em doenças alérgicas de vias aéreas, como rinite e asma. A respiração bucal decorrente da obstrução nasal pode interferir de maneira direta no desenvolvimento infantil, com alterações no crescimento do crânio e orofacial, na fala, na alimentação, na postura corporal, na qualidade do sono e no desempenho escolar. CONCLUSÕES: Devido à variedade de alterações orofaciais encontradas na criança respiradora bucal decorrente de obstrução nasal por doenças alérgicas de vias aéreas, é necessário realizar diagnóstico e tratamento precoces por uma equipe multidisciplinar, composta por médico, ortodontista e fonoaudiólogo, contemplando a visão de uma via respiratória única, que traz conseqüências ao crescimento e desenvolvimento do sistema motor oral.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)