1000 resultados para Laitinen, Heikki


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Digitoitu 29. 12. 2008


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Esityskieli: suomi.


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Digitoitu 11. 10. 2007.


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Digitoitu 15. 10 2008.


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Koulutusorganisaatio on nykypäivänä samanlaisten haasteiden edessä kuin liike-elämä. Se joutuu kilpailemaan julkisista resursseista ja hyvistä opiskelijoista. Menestyäkseen tässä kilpailussa organisaation on kehitettävä toimintansa laatua jatkuvasti. Tärkein koulussa tapahtuva toiminto on oppiminen ja oppimisen laatu perustuu koulutusorganisaation laatuun. Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena oli kehittää toimiva opintojaksopalautejärjestelmä Saimaan ammattikorkeakoululle. Palautejärjestelmä on tärkeä osa oppivan organisaation laatujärjestelmää. Työssä tutkittiin aluksi millainen on oppiva organisaatio, miten se oppii ja millaisia vaatimuksia palautejärjestelmään kohdistuu oppivan organisaation ja laatujärjestelmän näkö-kulmasta. Empiirisessä osassa selvitettiin aluksi teemahaastattelujen avulla opiskelijoiden ja opetushenkilöstön näkemyksiä nykyisistä menettelytavoista ja toiveista uuden järjestelmän suhteen. Haastattelujen, kohdeorganisaation nykytilan ja vertailujärjestelmien analysoinnin perusteella suunniteltiin uusi yhteinen palautejärjestelmä nykyisten vaihtelevien palautekäytäntöjen tilalle. Johdon hyväksymä palautejärjestelmä otettiin käyttöön suunnistellusti vuoden 2008 lopulla. Palaute ja seuranta palvelevat organisaation oppimista silloin, kun sekä oppimisesta että opettamisesta kerätään palautetta, palautetta saadaan kattavasti, se viedään toimenpiteiden tasolle ja kaikesta tästä tiedotetaan asianosaisille.


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The productivity, quality and cost efficiency of welding work are critical for metal industry today. Welding processes must get more effective and this can be done by mechanization and automation. Those systems are always expensive and they have to pay the investment back. In this case it is really important to optimize the needed intelligence and this way needed automation level, so that a company will get the best profit. This intelligence and automation level was earlier classified in several different ways which are not useful for optimizing the process of automation or mechanization of welding. In this study the intelligence of a welding system is defined in a new way to enable the welding system to produce a weld good enough. In this study a new way is developed to classify and select the internal intelligence level of a welding system needed to produce the weld efficiently. This classification contains the possible need of human work and its effect to the weld and its quality but does not exclude any different welding processes or methods. In this study a totally new way is developed to calculate the best optimization for the needed intelligence level in welding. The target of this optimization is the best possible productivity and quality and still an economically optimized solution for several different cases. This new optimizing method is based on grounds of product type, economical productivity, the batch size of products, quality and criteria of usage. Intelligence classification and optimization were never earlier made by grounds of a made product. Now it is possible to find the best type of welding system needed to welddifferent types of products. This calculation process is a universal way for optimizing needed automation or mechanization level when improving productivity of welding. This study helps the industry to improve productivity, quality and cost efficiency of welding workshops.


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Atherosclerosis is a vascular inflammatory disease causing coronary artery disease, myocardial infarct and stroke, the leading causes of death in Finland and in many other countries. The development of atherosclerotic plaques starts already in childhood and is an ongoing process throughout life. Rupture of a plaque and the following occlusion of the vessel is the main reason for myocardial infarct and stroke, but despite extensive research, the prediction of rupture remains a major clinical problem. Inflammation is considered a key factor in the vulnerability of plaques to rupture. Measuring the inflammation in plaques non-invasively is one potential approach for identification of vulnerable plaques. The aim of this study was to evaluate tracers for positron emission tomography (PET) imaging of vascular inflammation. The studies were performed with a mouse model of atherosclerosis by using ex vivo biodistribution, autoradiography and in vivo PET and computed tomography (CT). Several tracers for inflammation activity were tested and compared with the morphology of the plaques. Inflammation in the atherosclerotic plaques was evaluated as expression of active macrophages. Systematic analysis revealed that the uptake of 18F-FDG and 11C-choline, tracers for metabolic activity in inflammatory cells, was more prominent in the atherosclerotic plaques than in the surrounding healthy vessel wall. The tracer for αvβ3 integrin, 18Fgalacto- RGD, was also found to have high potential for imaging inflammation in the plaques. While 11C-PK11195, a tracer targeted to receptors in active macrophages, was shown to accumulate in active plaques, the target-to-background ratio was not found to be ideal for in vivo imaging purposes. In conclusion, tracers for the imaging of inflammation in atherosclerotic plaques can be tested in experimental pre-clinical settings to select potential imaging agents for further clinical testing. 18F-FDG, 18F-galacto-RGD and 11C-choline choline have good properties, and further studies to clarify their applicability for atherosclerosis imaging in humans are warranted.


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Tässä diplomityössä käydään läpi IEC-60534 -standardin mukainen säätöventtiilin mitoitus kokoonpuristumattomille ja –puristuville virtauksille laskennassa tarvittavine yhtälöineen. Teoreettisessa osassa esitellään RF-letkuventtiilien rakennetta ja ominaisuuksia. Lisäksi käydään läpi putkivirtauksen perusperiaatteita. Koska letkuventtiilissä virtaavana fluidina on usein jokin liete, on työssä esitelty menetelmä lietevirtauksen aiheuttaman paine-eron laskentaan. Työssä on käsitelty myös kavitaation syntyä, laskennalliset mahdollisuudet kavitaation ennustamiseen sekä keinoja kavitaation estämiseksi. Kokeellisessa osassa suoritettiin mittauksia kolmella erikokoisella RF-letkuventtiilillä, joissa kussakin käytettiin kolmea erityyppistä letkua. Mittausten perusteella pystyttiin laskemaan kapasiteettikertoimet sekä määrittämään säätökäyrät mitatuille venttiileille ja letkutyypeille. Näistä tuloksista säätökäyrille sovitettiin yhtälöt, joiden perusteella saatiin laskettua kapasiteettikertoimien arvot myös muille venttiilikoille.


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The purpose of this thesis was to define how product carbon footprint analysis and its results can be used in company's internal development as well as in customer and interest group guidance, and how these factors are related to corporate social responsibility. From-cradle-to-gate carbon footprint was calculated for three products; Torino Whole grain barley, Torino Pearl barley, and Elovena Barley grit & oat bran, all of them made of Finnish barley. The carbon footprint of the Elovena product was used to determine carbon footprints for industrial kitchen cooked porridge portions. The basic calculation data was collected from several sources. Most of the data originated from Raisio Group's contractual farmers and Raisio Group's cultivation, processing and packaging specialists. Data from national and European literature and database sources was also used. The electricity consumption for porridge portions' carbon footprint calculations was determined with practical measurements. The carbon footprint calculations were conducted according to the ISO 14044 standard, and the PAS 2050 guide was also applied. A consequential functional unit was applied in porridge portions' carbon footprint calculations. Most of the emissions from barley products' life cycle originate from primary production. The nitrous oxide emissions from cultivated soil and the use and production of nitrogenous fertilisers contribute over 50% of products' carbon footprint. Torino Pearl barley has the highest carbon footprint due to the lowest processing output. The reductions in products' carbon footprint can be achieved with developments in cultivation and grain processing. The carbon footprint of porridge portion can be reduced by using domestically produced plant-based ingredients and by making the best possible use of the kettle. Carbon footprint calculation can be used to determine possible improvement points related to corporate environmental responsibility. Several improvement actions are related to economical and social responsibility through better raw material utilization and expense reductions.


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Five village soundscapes toim./ed. R. M. Schafer. kirjan liitteinä olevista CD-levyistä kaksi liittyy teokseen Acoustic environments in change ja kaksi teokseen Five village soundscapes. Five villages soundscapes. 1st ed. Vancouver : A.R.C. Publications, cop. 1977.


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