843 resultados para LVL panels


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The Finnish American Heritage Center at Finlandia University recently installed three exhibits. They include a photographic exhibit titled “Rural Reflections: Finnish American Buildings and Landscapes in Michigan’s Copper Country”; a historic photography exhibit named “People, Place and Time: Michigan’s Copper Country Through the Lens of J.W. Nara”; and a pair of lithographs acquired by the National Park Service which were on either side of the Italian Hall stage the night of the infamous Christmas Eve tragedy 100 years ago. The “Rural Reflections” exhibit documents the built environment that Finnish immigrants and their descendants created in Michigan's Copper Country from the 1880s through the 1930s. Although much of this heritage has been lost with the passage of time, the district yet holds one of the largest concentrations of rural Finnish buildings and cultural landscapes in North America. The Nara exhibit, funded in part by descendants Robert and Ruth Nara of Bootjack Michigan, works from historical photographs held at the Michigan Tech Archives. Interpretive panels highlight the people, places, and times that J.W. Nara experienced during his lifetime and include material on urban life, farming, and the 1913 Michigan copper miners’ strike. The lithographs are a recent and unique acquisition for the Keweenaw National Historical Park, and will be on protected display at the FAHC. One of the panels shows the Italian royal family and was produced in 1908, while the other, produced in 1905, is of the five founders of the modern Italian state. For more information about the exhibits at the Finnish American Heritage Center, call (906) 487-7302.


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The Finnish American Heritage Center at Finlandia University recently installed three exhibits. They include a photographic exhibit titled “Rural Reflections: Finnish American Buildings and Landscapes in Michigan’s Copper Country”; a historic photography exhibit named “People, Place and Time: Michigan’s Copper Country Through the Lens of J.W. Nara”; and a pair of lithographs acquired by the National Park Service which were on either side of the Italian Hall stage the night of the infamous Christmas Eve tragedy 100 years ago. The “Rural Reflections” exhibit documents the built environment that Finnish immigrants and their descendants created in Michigan's Copper Country from the 1880s through the 1930s. Although much of this heritage has been lost with the passage of time, the district yet holds one of the largest concentrations of rural Finnish buildings and cultural landscapes in North America. The Nara exhibit, funded in part by descendants Robert and Ruth Nara of Bootjack Michigan, works from historical photographs held at the Michigan Tech Archives. Interpretive panels highlight the people, places, and times that J.W. Nara experienced during his lifetime and include material on urban life, farming, and the 1913 Michigan copper miners’ strike. The lithographs are a recent and unique acquisition for the Keweenaw National Historical Park, and will be on protected display at the FAHC. One of the panels shows the Italian royal family and was produced in 1908, while the other, produced in 1905, is of the five founders of the modern Italian state. For more information about the exhibits at the Finnish American Heritage Center, call (906) 487-7302.


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The Finnish American Heritage Center at Finlandia University recently installed three exhibits. They include a photographic exhibit titled “Rural Reflections: Finnish American Buildings and Landscapes in Michigan’s Copper Country”; a historic photography exhibit named “People, Place and Time: Michigan’s Copper Country Through the Lens of J.W. Nara”; and a pair of lithographs acquired by the National Park Service which were on either side of the Italian Hall stage the night of the infamous Christmas Eve tragedy 100 years ago. The “Rural Reflections” exhibit documents the built environment that Finnish immigrants and their descendants created in Michigan's Copper Country from the 1880s through the 1930s. Although much of this heritage has been lost with the passage of time, the district yet holds one of the largest concentrations of rural Finnish buildings and cultural landscapes in North America. The Nara exhibit, funded in part by descendants Robert and Ruth Nara of Bootjack Michigan, works from historical photographs held at the Michigan Tech Archives. Interpretive panels highlight the people, places, and times that J.W. Nara experienced during his lifetime and include material on urban life, farming, and the 1913 Michigan copper miners’ strike. The lithographs are a recent and unique acquisition for the Keweenaw National Historical Park, and will be on protected display at the FAHC. One of the panels shows the Italian royal family and was produced in 1908, while the other, produced in 1905, is of the five founders of the modern Italian state. For more information about the exhibits at the Finnish American Heritage Center, call (906) 487-7302.


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In many Anglo-Saxon and North European countries nursing research agendas have been developed to address priorities in nursing research in accordance with a nationally defined health policy. In Switzerland, due to lack of a nationwide governmental health policy, co-ordination of nursing research so far was scarce. The "Swiss Research Agenda for Nursing (SRAN)" project developed an agenda for clinical nursing research between 2005 and 2007. Based on literature reviews, expert panels and a national survey a project team formulated an agenda which passed a consensus conference. The agenda recommends aspects that should lead research and defines seven research priorities for nursing in Switzerland for the time between 2007 and 2017. Nursing research should prioritize to investigate 1) the effectiveness of nursing interventions; 2) the influences of service adaptations in a changing health care system; 3) the phenomena in patients requiring nursing care; 4) the influence of the work environment on the quality of nursing care; 5) the functioning of family and social systems; 6) varieties of life circumstances and their integration; and 7) the implementation of ethical principles in nursing. Written in German and French, the Swiss Research Agenda for Nursing for the first time formulates priorities for nursing research in Switzerland and can be used for strategic discussions. As a next step, the development of an action plan to enhance nursing research will take place in Switzerland.


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In recent years there has been a tremendous amount of research in the area of nanotechnology. History tells us that the commercialization of technologies will always be accompanied by both positive and negative effects for society and the environment. Products containing nanomaterials are already available in the market, and yet there is still not much information regarding the potential negative effects that these products may cause. The work presented in this dissertation describes a holistic approach to address different dimensions of nanotechnology sustainability. Life cycle analysis (LCA) was used to study the potential usage of polyethylene filled with nanomaterials to manufacture automobile body panels. Results showed that the nanocomposite does not provide an environmental benefit over traditional steel panels. A new methodology based on design of experiments (DOE) techniques, coupled with LCA, was implemented to investigate the impact of inventory uncertainties. Results showed that data variability does not have a significant effect on the prediction of the environmental impacts. Material profiles for input materials did have a highly significant effect on the overall impact. Energy consumption and material characterization were identified as two mainstreams where additional research is needed in order to predict the overall impact of nanomaterials more effectively. A study was undertaken to gain insights into the behavior of small particles in contact with a surface exposed to air flow to determine particle lift-off from the surface. A mapping strategy was implemented that allows for the identification of conditions for particle liftoff based on particle size and separation distance from the wall. Main results showed that particles smaller than 0:1mm will not become airborne under shear flow unless the separation distance is greater than 15 nm. Results may be used to minimize exposure to airborne materials. Societal implications that may occur in the workplace were researched. This research task explored different topics including health, ethics, and worker perception with the aim of identifying the base knowledge available in the literature. Recommendations are given for different scenarios to describe how workers and employers could minimize the unwanted effects of nanotechnology production.


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Transcriptomics could contribute significantly to the early and specific diagnosis of rejection episodes by defining 'molecular Banff' signatures. Recently, the description of pathogenesis-based transcript sets offered a new opportunity for objective and quantitative diagnosis. Generating high-quality transcript panels is thus critical to define high-performance diagnostic classifier. In this study, a comparative analysis was performed across four different microarray datasets of heterogeneous sample collections from two published clinical datasets and two own datasets including biopsies for clinical indication, and samples from nonhuman primates. We characterized a common transcriptional profile of 70 genes, defined as acute rejection transcript set (ARTS). ARTS expression is significantly up-regulated in all AR samples as compared with stable allografts or healthy kidneys, and strongly correlates with the severity of Banff AR types. Similarly, ARTS were tested as a classifier in a large collection of 143 independent biopsies recently published by the University of Alberta. Results demonstrate that the 'in silico' approach applied in this study is able to identify a robust and reliable molecular signature for AR, supporting a specific and sensitive molecular diagnostic approach for renal transplant monitoring.


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There is a paucity of therapies for most neurological disorders--from rare lysosomal storage diseases to major public health concerns such as stroke and Alzheimer's disease. Advances in the targeting of drugs to the CNS are essential for the future success of neurotherapeutics; however, the delivery of many potentially therapeutic and diagnostic compounds to specific areas of the brain is restricted by the blood-brain barrier, the blood-CSF barrier, or other specialised CNS barriers. These brain barriers are now recognised as a major obstacle to the treatment of most brain disorders. The challenge to deliver therapies to the CNS is formidable, and the solution will require concerted international efforts among academia, government, and industry. At a recent meeting of expert panels, essential and high-priority recommendations to propel brain barrier research forward in six topical areas were developed and these recommendations are presented here.


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Die Einbeziehung der privaten Krankenversicherung (PKV) in den Risikostrukturausgleich (RSA) der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung (GKV) wird häufig diskutiert. In der vorliegenden Studie wird anhand einer quantitativen Analyse unter Verwendung der Daten des Sozioökonomischen Panels (SOEP) abgeschätzt, welche Transfersumme aus dem System der PKV in das System der GKV fließen würden, wenn ein übergreifender RSA eingerichtet würde. Die Summe läge bei 9,9 Mrd. Euro pro Jahr unter Annahme der Beitragsbemessungsgrenze des Jahres 2006. Einbezogen wurden dabei nur die Unterschiede auf der Einnahmenseite des RSA. Einschränkend muss gesehen werden, dass unklar bleibt, welche Krankenversicherungsunternehmen be- oder entlastet würden und über welches Verfahren die Transfersumme aufgebracht werden könnte.


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This article analyzes the extent to which the Appellate Body and WTO panels compare the authentic texts in their examination of the WTO Agreements and the extent to which the parties themselves do so in their arguments. The texts of the WTO Agreements are authentic in English, French and Spanish. Article 33 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties governs the interpretation of treaties authenticated in two or more languages. WTO practice diverges significantly from the rules set out in Article 33 and the travaux préparatoires of the International Law Commission. The terms of a plurilingual treaty are presumed to have the same meaning in each authentic text, which means that a treaty interpreter need not compare the authentic texts as a routine matter as a matter of law. Nevertheless, routine comparison of authentic texts would be good practice in the WTO context, since there are several discrepancies that could affect the interpretation of WTO provisions.


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La philanthropie joue actuellement un rôle très important en Suisse. On estime que la moitié des personnes domiciliées en Suisse est active dans le champ d’action du bénévolat. Toutefois, cet objet d’études a longtemps été délaissé par les historiens. Ces deux panels viseront à rendre compte des recherches récentes en s’intéressant à la dimension comparative et transnationale de la philanthropie en Suisse de 1880 à nos jours. Deux dimensions seront privilégiées. D’une part, l’accent sera mis sur les rapports entre les associations philanthropiques privées et l’Etat social. Les études tendent le plus souvent à mettre l’accent sur l’opposition, dans le domaine social, entre activités de bienfaisance ou de bénévolat et les politiques publiques. Or, les relations entre ces deux pôles ne se résument pas à cette opposition et oscillent, selon les lieux et les périodes, entre coopération étroite et concurrence acharnée, à moins que ne s’instaure, comme cela semble le cas de la Suisse, une division du travail plus ou moins institutionnalisée. D’autre part, une attention toute particulière sera mise sur les jeux d’échelle. Les activités des associations philanthropiques couvrent des espaces géographiques très différents : certaines se concentrent sur un quartier urbain, d’autres se focalisent sur l’ensemble de la planète. Toutefois, nous postulons que cette spatialisation ne se confine pas à un antagonisme local/global. Bien au contraire, les différentes échelles – locale, nationale, globale ou transnationale – interagissent étroitement. Des contributions d’historiens étrangers permettront d’inscrire le cas suisse dans une perspective comparative.


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Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden Auswirkungen von Armut auf Bildungschancen von Kindern in Ostdeutschland untersucht. Die Mechanismen rationaler Bildungsentscheidungen werden auf der Ebene des Haushaltes, der Partnerschaftsbeziehung, der Eltern- Kind-Beziehung und der persönlichen Entwicklung des Kindes betrachtet. Neben den klassenspezifischen Bildungspräferenzen und der Einkommenslage des Haushaltes wird das mit der Bildung der Eltern verbundene kulturelle und soziale Kapital des Elternhauses berücksichtigt. Diese Ressourcen sind sowohl für Bildungsinvestitionen als auch für die Verarbeitung sozio- ökonomischer Deprivation relevant. Die empirischen Analysen basieren auf Daten des Sozio-ökonomischen Panels. Es wurde festgestellt, daß prekäre Einkommenslagen und Armut die Bildungschancen von Kindern beeinträchtigen. Werden andere sozio-kulturelle Ressourcen im Haushalt mobilisiert, können diese Beeinträchtigungen jedoch kompensiert werden. Dagegen haben - erwartungsgemäß - Kinder aus Elternhäusern mit ausreichendem ökonomischen, kulturellen und sozialen Kapital günstige Bildungschancen und wechseln eher auf das Gymnasium als Kinder mit ungünstigen Startchancen.


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Aus der Lebensverlaufsperspektive wird Bildung als eine der wichtigsten Ursachenletten für sozial bedingte Ungleichheit von Lebenszeiten untersucht. Zum einen ist die Einführung der Schulpflicht mitverantwortlich für die Abnahme der Mortalitätsrisiken im frühen Lebenslauf. Zum anderen haben Humankapital, das über Ausbildung und Erwerbstätigkeit angeeignet wird, und das im Sozialisationsprozess vermittelte kulturelle Kapital zur Verschiebung von Mortalitätsrisiken ins höhere Alter beigetragen. Für die empirische Analyse werden Längsschnittdaten des Sozio-ökonomischen Panels und der deutschen Lebensverlaufsstudie verwendet. Mit einem Kohortenansatz und Verfahren der Ereignisanalyse wird für den Zeitraum von 1871 bis 1989 bei Kontrolle anderer sozialer Determinanten, insbesondere von sozialer Schicht, der Zusammenhand von Bildungsungleichheit und sozial ungleicher Lebensdauer beigetragen. Andererseits ist die Persistenz von intergenerationaler Bildungsvererbung und Ungleichheit von Bildungschancen mitverantwortlich für die Streuung von Lebenserwartung nach sozialen Schichten und Klassen.


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In der vorliegenden Studie wird der Frage nachgegangen, welche Auswirkungen Einkommensverluste und Armut auf den Bildungserfolg von ostdeutschen Jugendlichen haben. Aus einer lebensverlaufs- und handlungstheoretischen Perspektive wird ein dynamisches Mehrebenen-Modell entwickelt, um die Bedingungen und Kontexteffekte für rationale Bildungsentscheidungen aufzuzeigen. Demnach führt sozio-ökonomische Deprivation zu suboptimalen, risikoaversen Entscheidungen zugunsten kürzerer Schullaufbahnen und frühen Schulabschlüssen. Eltern mit einer ausreichenden Ausstattung mit ökonomischen und nicht-ökonomischen Ressourcen können jedoch ungünstige Auswirkungen von Arbeitslosigkeit und Armut verarbeiten und ihre Präferenzen für maximale Humankapitalinvestitionen aufrechterhalten. Für die empirischen Analysen werden Daten des Sozio-ökonomischen Panels (SOEP) herangezogen. Es bestätigte sich, daß ökonomisch benachteiligte, insbesondere arme Schüler auch beim Bildungserfolg benachteiligt sind. Familien können ökonomisch bedingte Nachteile in der Bildungskarriere ihrer Kinder teilweise durch die Mobilisierung ihres kulturellen und sozialen Kapitals ausgleichen. In Ostdeutschland bestehen Tendenzen für eine intergenerationale Transmission von Arbeitslosigkeits- und Armutsrisiken infolge mißlungener Schulausbildung von deprivierten Kindern und Jugendlichen.


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Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird die soziale Ungleichheit von Lebenserwartung in Deutschland untersucht. Es wird die These vertreten, daß der Wohlfahrtsstaat mit seinen institutionellen Vorgaben nicht nur zur Strukturierung von Lebensverläufen, sondern auch zur Verbesserung der individuellen Lebenserwartung beigetragen hat. Insbesondere die Durchsetzung der Schulpflicht und die Ausdehnung der Bildungsbeteiligung waren für diese demographische Entwicklung bedeutsam. Mit Hilfe von Längsschnittdaten des Sozio-ökonomischen Panels und der Lebensverlaufsstudie wurde gezeigt, daß sich die Lebensdauer von Männern und Frauen in der Generationenfolge erhöht hat. Während in der Bundesrepublik die Lebenszeiten zunahmen, verringerte sich in der DDR seit den 70er Jahren die Lebenserwartung. In Ostdeutschland hatten verheiratete Frauen geringere Mortalitätsrisiken als ledige Frauen. Wurden ostdeutsche Männer oder Frauen geschieden, stiegen ihre Sterbewahrscheinlichkeiten sprunghaft an. In der westdeutschen Population hatten insbesondere verwitwete Personen eine hohe Sterblichkeit. Bildung begünstigt die Lebensdauer. Mit zunehmendem Bildungsniveau sinkt das Risiko, vorzeitig zu sterben. Dieser Befund unterstreicht die Bedeutung des Wohlfahrtsstaates für Lebensverläufe und der Bildung als soziales und kulturelles Kapital.