995 resultados para Línguas Estudo e ensino Rio de Janeiro (RJ)


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OBJETIVO: Analisar a assistência pré-natal na prevenção da transmissão vertical da sífilis. MÃTODOS: Estudo transversal representativo para as gestantes de baixo risco atendidas em unidades de saúde do município do Rio de Janeiro, RJ, período de 2007 a 2008. A identificação de gestantes com diagnóstico de sífilis na gestação foi feita por meio de entrevistas, verificação do cartão de pré-natal e busca de casos notificados em sistemas públicos de informação em saúde. Os casos de sífilis congênita foram identificados por meio de busca nos sistemas de informação em saúde: Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (Sinan), Sistema de Informação sobre Mortalidade (SIM) e Sistema de Informações Hospitalares (SIH) do SUS. RESULTADOS: Foram identificados 46 casos de sífilis na gestação e 16 casos de sífilis congênita com uma prevalência estimada de 1,9% (IC95% 1,3;2,6) de sífilis na gestação e de 6/1.000 (IC95% 3;12/1.000) de sífilis congênita. A taxa de transmissão vertical foi de 34,8% e três casos foram fatais, um abortamento, um óbito fetal e um óbito neonatal, com proporções elevadas de baixo peso e prematuridade. A trajetória assistencial das gestantes mostrou falhas na assistência, como início tardio do pré-natal, ausência de diagnóstico na gravidez e ausência de tratamento dos parceiros. CONCLUSÃES: Estratégias inovadoras, que incorporem melhorias na rede de apoio diagnóstico, são necessárias para enfrentamento da sífilis na gestação, no manejo clínico da doença na gestante e seus parceiros e na investigação dos casos como evento sentinela da qualidade da assistência pré-natal.


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OBJETIVO: Estimar o efeito da idade, per&#237;odo e coorte de nascimento na mortalidade por c&#226;ncer do colo do &#250;tero. M&#201;TODOS: Foram analisados dados de mortalidade por c&#226;ncer do colo do &#250;tero em mulheres &#8805; 30 anos nos munic&#237;pios do Rio de Janeiro, RJ, e S&#227;o Paulo, SP, de 1980 a 2009. Os dados foram extra&#237;dos do Sistema de Informa&#231;&#227;o Sobre Mortalidade. A varia&#231;&#227;o percentual anual estimada foi calculada para os per&#237;odos de 1980-1994 e 1995-2009. O efeito da idade, per&#237;odo e coorte de nascimento foi calculado pelo modelo de regress&#227;o de Poisson, utilizando fun&#231;&#245;es estim&#225;veis: desvios, curvaturas e drift , por meio da biblioteca Epi do programa estat&#237;stico R vers&#227;o 2.7.2. RESULTADOS: A taxa de mortalidade m&#233;dia do per&#237;odo por 100.000 mulheres foi 15,90 no Rio de Janeiro e 15,87 em S&#227;o Paulo. Houve redu&#231;&#227;o significativa na mortalidade por c&#226;ncer do colo do &#250;tero nos dois per&#237;odos: no Rio de Janeiro, -1,20% (IC95% -2,20;-0,09) e -1,46% (IC95% -2,30;-0,61), e em S&#227;o Paulo, -2,58% (IC95% -3,41;-1,76) e -3,30% (IC95% -4,30;-2,29). A an&#225;lise da curvatura dos efeitos indicou tend&#234;ncia de redu&#231;&#227;o do risco de morte nas sucessivas coortes (RR < 1 nas mulheres nascidas ap&#243;s a d&#233;cada de 1960). Observou-se redu&#231;&#227;o acentuada no risco relativo (RR) a partir dos anos 2000. CONCLUS&#213;ES: O estudo evidenciou efeito de per&#237;odo na redu&#231;&#227;o das taxas de mortalidade por c&#226;ncer do colo do &#250;tero no per&#237;odo analisado, tendo em vista que houve efeito de prote&#231;&#227;o (RR < 1) a partir dos anos 2000 e nas mulheres nascidas ap&#243;s a d&#233;cada de 1960.


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OBJETIVO Analisar a associa&#231;&#227;o entre a s&#237;ndrome da fragilidade e desempenho cognitivo em idosos e respectivo efeito da escolaridade e da idade. M&#201;TODOS Foram analisados dados seccionais da fragilidade de idosos brasileiros da Fase 1 do Estudo FIBRA-RJ, relativos a 737 indiv&#237;duos residentes na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, RJ, com 65 anos ou mais, clientes de uma operadora de sa&#250;de, avaliados entre janeiro de 2009 e janeiro de 2010. Foram coletadas informa&#231;&#245;es sobre caracter&#237;sticas socioecon&#244;micas e demogr&#225;ficas, condi&#231;&#245;es m&#233;dicas e capacidade funcional. O desempenho cognitivo foi avaliado atrav&#233;s do Mini Exame do Estado Mental. Foram considerados fr&#225;geis os indiv&#237;duos que apresentaram tr&#234;s ou mais das seguintes caracter&#237;sticas: perda de peso n&#227;o intencional (&#8805; 4,5 kg no &#250;ltimo ano); sensa&#231;&#227;o de exaust&#227;o autorrelatada; baixo n&#237;vel de for&#231;a de preens&#227;o palmar; baixo n&#237;vel de atividade f&#237;sica e lentifica&#231;&#227;o da marcha. A associa&#231;&#227;o entre fragilidade e desempenho cognitivo foi avaliada por regress&#227;o log&#237;stica multivariada, com ajuste por condi&#231;&#245;es m&#233;dicas, atividades da vida di&#225;ria e vari&#225;veis socioecon&#244;micas. Idade e escolaridade foram avaliadas como poss&#237;veis modificadoras de efeito dessa associa&#231;&#227;o. RESULTADOS Os idosos fr&#225;geis apresentaram maior preval&#234;ncia de baixo desempenho cognitivo comparados aos idosos n&#227;o fr&#225;geis ou pr&#233;-fr&#225;geis nas tr&#234;s faixas et&#225;rias estudadas (65 a 74; 75 a 84; &#8805; 85 anos), p < 0,001. Ap&#243;s ajuste, a associa&#231;&#227;o entre fragilidade e desempenho cognitivo foi encontrada em idosos com 75 anos ou mais, com OR aj = 2,78 (IC95% 1,23;6,27) para 75 a 84 anos e OR aj = 15,62 (IC95% 2,20;110,99) para 85 anos ou mais. A idade se comportou como modificadora de efeito na associa&#231;&#227;o entre fragilidade e desempenho cognitivo, &#967; 2 (5) = 806,97, p < 0,0001; o mesmo n&#227;o ocorreu com a escolaridade. CONCLUS&#213;ES A s&#237;ndrome da fragilidade associou-se ao desempenho cognitivo em idosos. A idade mostrou-se como modificadora de efeito nessa associa&#231;&#227;o. Os idosos com idade mais avan&#231;ada apresentaram associa&#231;&#227;o mais expressiva entre os dois fen&#244;menos.


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OBJETIVO Estimar o impacto or&#231;ament&#225;rio da utiliza&#231;&#227;o do M&#233;todo Canguru na rede municipal de sa&#250;de. M&#201;TODOS Um modelo de decis&#227;o anal&#237;tico foi desenvolvido para simular os custos do M&#233;todo Canguru e Unidade Intermedi&#225;ria Neonatal no Rio de Janeiro, RJ, em 2011. A popula&#231;&#227;o de refer&#234;ncia foi constitu&#237;da pelos rec&#233;m-nascidos est&#225;veis clinicamente, que podem receber assist&#234;ncia nas duas modalidades de cuidado. O impacto or&#231;ament&#225;rio foi estimado para uma coorte hipot&#233;tica de 1.000 rec&#233;m-nascidos eleg&#237;veis em um ano. A propor&#231;&#227;o de rec&#233;m-nascidos eleg&#237;veis que recebem assist&#234;ncia nas duas modalidades foi obtida por coleta de dados nas maternidades inclu&#237;das no estudo. As probabilidades dos eventos e o consumo de recursos de sa&#250;de, no per&#237;odo da assist&#234;ncia, foram incorporados ao modelo. Cen&#225;rios foram desenvolvidos para refletir a ado&#231;&#227;o do m&#233;todo Canguru em maior ou menor escala. RESULTADOS A utiliza&#231;&#227;o do M&#233;todo Canguru significou redu&#231;&#227;o de gastos equivalente a 16% em um ano, se todos os rec&#233;m-nascidos eleg&#237;veis fossem assistidos por esse m&#233;todo. CONCLUS&#213;ES A op&#231;&#227;o M&#233;todo Canguru &#233; de menor custo comparado com a da Unidade Intermedi&#225;ria Neonatal. A an&#225;lise de impacto or&#231;ament&#225;rio da utiliza&#231;&#227;o desse m&#233;todo no Sistema &#218;nico de Sa&#250;de indicou economia importante para o per&#237;odo de um ano.


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Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Gestão Estratégica das Relações Públicas.


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OBJECTIVE To analyze the spatial distribution of risk for tuberculosis and its socioeconomic determinants in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.METHODS An ecological study on the association between the mean incidence rate of tuberculosis from 2004 to 2006 and socioeconomic indicators of the Censo Demográfico (Demographic Census) of 2000. The unit of analysis was the home district registered in the Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (Notifiable Diseases Information System) of Rio de Janeiro, Southeastern Brazil. The rates were standardized by sex and age group, and smoothed by the empirical Bayes method. Spatial autocorrelation was evaluated by Moran&#8217;s I. Multiple linear regression models were studied and the appropriateness of incorporating the spatial component in modeling was evaluated.RESULTS We observed a higher risk of the disease in some neighborhoods of the port and north regions, as well as a high incidence in the slums of Rocinha and Vidigal, in the south region, and Cidade de Deus, in the west. The final model identified a positive association for the variables: percentage of permanent private households in which the head of the house earns three to five minimum wages; percentage of individual residents in the neighborhood; and percentage of people living in homes with more than two people per bedroom.CONCLUSIONS The spatial analysis identified areas of risk of tuberculosis incidence in the neighborhoods of the city of Rio de Janeiro and also found spatial dependence for the incidence of tuberculosis and some socioeconomic variables. However, the inclusion of the space component in the final model was not required during the modeling process.


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ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To estimate the required number of public beds for adults in intensive care units in the state of Rio de Janeiro to meet the existing demand and compare results with recommendations by the Brazilian Ministry of Health. METHODS The study uses a hybrid model combining time series and queuing theory to predict the demand and estimate the number of required beds. Four patient flow scenarios were considered according to bed requests, percentage of abandonments and average length of stay in intensive care unit beds. The results were plotted against Ministry of Health parameters. Data were obtained from the State Regulation Center from 2010 to 2011. RESULTS There were 33,101 medical requests for 268 regulated intensive care unit beds in Rio de Janeiro. With an average length of stay in regulated ICUs of 11.3 days, there would be a need for 595 active beds to ensure system stability and 628 beds to ensure a maximum waiting time of six hours. Deducting current abandonment rates due to clinical improvement (25.8%), these figures fall to 441 and 417. With an average length of stay of 6.5 days, the number of required beds would be 342 and 366, respectively; deducting abandonment rates, 254 and 275. The Brazilian Ministry of Health establishes a parameter of 118 to 353 beds. Although the number of regulated beds is within the recommended range, an increase in beds of 122.0% is required to guarantee system stability and of 134.0% for a maximum waiting time of six hours. CONCLUSIONS Adequate bed estimation must consider reasons for limited timely access and patient flow management in a scenario that associates prioritization of requests with the lowest average length of stay.


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Hepatitis B markers were determined in 397 individuals from Niterói and 680 from Nova Iguaçu and prevalences of 9.1% (1.0% of HBsAg and 8.1% of anti HBs) and 11.1% (1.8% of HBsAg and 9.3% of antiHBs) were found, respectively. The comparative prevalence of both markers in relation to age showed a higher prevalence of HBsAg in the group 21-50 years old. Considering the antiHBs antibody, it was demostrated a gradual increase with age, reaching 14.9% in Niterói and 29.1% in Nova Iguaçu in individuals over 51 years old. For hepatitis A, in 259 samples from Niterói, equally distributed by age groups, an overall prevalence of 74.5% of anti-HAV antibodies was found. This prevalence increases gradually reaching 90.0% at age over thirty. In 254 samples from Nova Iguaçu analysed, a prevalence of 90.5% of antibodies was encountered when the same criteria of distribution of samples were used. This level of prevalence reached 90.0% already in the age over ten years old. The tests were performed by enzyme immunoassay with reagents prepared in our laboratory.


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The presence of antibodies against rotavirus was investigated by enzyme immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in two distinct groups of children living in a shanty town in Rio de Janeiro. One hundred and thirty six plasma samples were randomly collected from children of 0 to 33 months (first group) and 255 serum samples were collected from other 85 children at ages of 2, 6 and 9 months (second group). A high percentage of antibodies were found in the newborn children and this rate decreased progressively until the age of 11 months, after which it increased again. At the age of 7 months, geometric mean antibody titers increased indicating that infection had occurred.


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Crítica de teatro a vários espectaculos apresentados em festivais em Yerevan, Arménia, e no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.


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During 1985 and 1986 serum samples were collected from the Rio de Janeiro population and examined for the presence of IgG antibody to human parvovirus B19. No difference in prevalence was found between males and females. Antibody prevalence rose from 35% in children less than five years old to almost 80% in children aged eleven to fifteen years. The antibody prevalence in individuals over 50 years old was over 90%.


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The occurrence of different viruses in nasopharyngeal secretions from children less than 5 years old with acute respiratory infections (ARI) was investigated over a period of 4 years (1982-1985) in Rio de Janeiro. Of the viruses known to be associated with ARI, all but influenza C and parainfluenza types 1, 2 and 4 were found. Viruses were found more frequently in children attending emergency or pediatric wards than in outpatients. This was clearly related to the high incidence of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in the more severe cases of ARI. RSV positive specimens appeared mainly during the fall, over four consecutive years, showing a clear seasonal ocurrence of this virus. Emergency wards provide the best source of data for RSV surveillance, showing sharp increase in the number of positive cases coinciding with increased incidence of ARI cases. Adenovirus were the second most frequent viruses isolated and among these serotypes 1,2 and 7 were predominant. Influenza virus and parainfluenza virus type 3 were next in frequency. Influenza A virus were isolated with equal frequency in outpatient departments, emergency and pediatric wards. Influenza B was more frequent among outpatients. Parainfluenza type 3 caused outbreaks in the shanty town population annually during the late winter or spring and were isolated mainly from outpatients. Herpesvirus, enterovi-rus and rhinovirus were found less frequently. Other viruses than RSV and parainfluenza type 3 did not show a clear seasonal incidence.


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Laboratorial studies were carried out on 3178 patients with signs and symptoms suggestive of dengue infection from April 1986 to December 1987 in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The epidemic had two peaks following the first virus isolation and affected the inhabitants of 17 counties. Both sex and all age groups were affected. Dengue virus type 1 was isolated from 1039 sera and the number of confirmed cases was increased to 1874 (59%) by MAC-ELISA. Isolation rate confirmed cases reached 80% in the specimens obtained until the 4th day after the onset of disease and viraemia ranged from 10 3.0 to 10(8.5) TCID50/ml.


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Nearly 400 hemodialysis patients treated at 5 different hemodialysis units in Rio de Janeiro were tested for one year for the presence of hepatitis C and B markers. During the same period, samples were also obtained from 35 continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) patients and from 242 health care workers. Depending on the hemodialysis unit studied, anti-HCV prevalence rates ranging from 47% to 82% (mean 65%) were detected. CAPD patients showed a lower prevalence of 17%. The prevalence of antibodies against hepatitis C virus (anti-HCV) among health care workers was 2.9%. We observed a hepatitis C attack rate of 11.5% per year in the anti-HCV-negative hemodialysis patient population. An average of 9.4% of the hemodialysis patients were chronic carriers of hepatitis B virus (HBV) (range 1.8% - 20.4%), while 48.9% showed markers of previous HBV infection. The HBV attack rate was 4.5% per year (range 0% - 6%). These results indicate an alarming high prevalence of anti-HCV among hemodialysis patients of this studied region.