839 resultados para Jewish organizations in Waterville


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Innovation continues to be high on the agenda in construction. It is widely considered to be an essential prerequisite of improved performance both for the sector at large and for individual firms. Success stories dominate the parts of the academic literature that rely heavily on the recollections of key individuals. A complementary interpretation focuses on the way innovation champions in hindsight interpret, justify and legitimize the diffusion of innovations. Emphasis is put on the temporal dimension of interpretation and how this links to rhetorical strategies and impression management tactics. Rhetorical theories are drawn upon to analyse the accounts given by innovation champions in seven facilities management organizations. In particular, the three persuasive appeals in classic rhetoric are used to highlight the rhetorical justifications mobilized in the descriptions of what took place. The findings demonstrate the usefulness of rhetorical theories in complementing studies of innovation.


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An interdisciplinary theoretical framework is proposed for analysing justice in global working conditions. In addition to gender and race as popular criteria to identify disadvantaged groups in organizations, in multinational corporations (MNCs) local employees (i.e. host country nationals (HCNs) working in foreign subsidiaries) deserve special attention. Their working conditions are often substantially worse than those of expatriates (i.e. parent country nationals temporarily assigned to a foreign subsidiary). Although a number of reasons have been put forward to justify such inequalities—usually with efficiency goals in mind—recent studies have used equity theory to question the extent to which they are perceived as fair by HCNs. However, since perceptual equity theory has limitations, this study develops an alternative and non-perceptual framework for analysing such inequalities. Employment discrimination theory and elements of Rawls’s ‘Theory of Justice’ are the theoretical pillars of this framework. This article discusses the advantages of this approach for MNCs and identifies some expatriation practices that are fair according to our non-perceptual justice standards, whilst also reasonably (if not highly) efficient.


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This article uses large-scale international data to examine how much autonomy organizations have to assign human resource management responsibilities to line managers, as indicated in the prescriptions of the literature. We use data from 11 countries to explore the impact of a variety of internal characteristics of organizations and the kind of economy in which they operate. We find that around half of the organizations assign HRM responsibilities to the line and that organizations appear to have considerable latitude in making choices in this area. Organizations in the Nordic economies are most likely to assign responsibilities for HRM to the line and those in the liberal market economies are the least likely to do so. In any economy, larger organizations, unionized organizations, and those with strategically positioned HRM departments are the least likely to allocate responsibilities for HRM to the line. We discuss the implications of our findings for future research and for practice.


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There is growing recognition that hybrid organizations can play a critical role in tackling intractable global sustainable development challenges. At the same time, acute social, environmental, and economic challenges are opening up “opportunity” spaces for hybrids. Different institutional contexts are also leading to variable hybrid forms linked to the focus of their mission and their profit-oriented status. This article presents a process for identifying, mapping, and building impact indicators based on a study of 20 hybrid organizations in Sub-Saharan Africa.


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The Activist Women's Voices Oral History Project, funded by AT&T, the Ford Foundation, the Ms. Foundation for Education and Communication, and the New York Council for Humanities, is committed to documenting the voices of unheralded activist women in community-based organizations in New York City. The archive was established in 1995 under the direction of Professors Joyce Gelb and Patricia Laurence with the aim of creating linkages between activist women in the New York City community and student and faculty researchers at the City University of New York.


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Organizations, Inequality, Migration – Changes of the Ethnic Division of Labour in the Swedish Construction Sector During the 1990s the number of migrants from Eastern Europe increased in the Swedish construction sector. This article examines how this change was initiated by changes in the organizational population in the construction sector. The gradual enlargement of the European Union changed the institutional framework for organizations in Sweden. This created increased opportunities for new organizational forms in the construction sector. The specific niche of the new organizations was to recruit and hire out workers from Eastern Europe that were paid lower wages than Swedish workers. The diffusion of this organizational form contributed to a change of norms and beliefs about what was legitimate and illegitimate when employing migrants. This implies that the inequalities that this organizational form introduces have gained increased legitimacy in Sweden. Or in other words, it has become increasingly socially acceptable to pay migrants lower wages than Swedish workers


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In the area of campaign financing in federal elections, one of the most controversial issues is that of soft money. Soft money refers to those funds raised by the national party organizations for use on various grassroots and party-building activities. but which are not subject to the restraints of federal campaign finance law. Critics contend that these party-building activitie, such as generic television advertising, voter registration and get-out-the vote drives, provide ancillary benefits to federal candidates and should, therefore, be subject to federal contribution and expenditure limits. Critics further argue that because these funds are not subject to federal law and do benefit federal candidates, the national parties raise monies in amounts and from sources, such as corporations and unions, that are prohibited under federal law. Efforts to gain a better understanding of soft money have been hampered by a lack of data, as the national parties were not required to disclose their soft money receipts and transactions until 1991. The purpose of this study is to analyze data recently made available in an attempt to add the import of empirical evidence to the debate over soft money. The nature, size and timing of soft money contributions are investigated and national party soft money disbursements are examined. The findings suggest that any attempts to reform the soft money system must first consider its compensatory benefits. Most prominently, this includes the extent to which soft money has promoted the resurgence of the national party organizations in the context of election politics.


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Gravity was first performed at Strider Theatre, Colby College in Waterville, Maine. It was directed by the author with the following cast: STEVEN: Harold Withee PAMELA: Sue Larsen JEREMY: Jason Reifler IXXTOR: Amanda Starr MOTHER: Catherine C. Coyne BREIT: Scott W. Cole TONI: Laura Smishkiss


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A pesquisa propõe a construção de um modelo de gestão pelas competências em uma organização não-governamental a partir da metodologia de pesquisa-ação e de uma abordagem baseada na gestão social. A pesquisa de campo foi realizada no período de janeiro a dezembro de 2005, no Instituto Bola Pra Frente, e está ancorada em um modelo de gestão participativa, contemplando uma reflexão crítica a respeito dos modelos de gestão adotados no terceiro setor, especialmente nas ONGs. Busca-se apresentar uma antítese para os conceitos de gestão estratégica adotados no segundo setor, que possuem uma base utilitarista e não contemplam o mundo intersubjetivo e as experiências e vivências anteriores das pessoas que atuam nas organizações deste setor. Para contextualizar a formação do terceiro setor e das ONGs, o referencial prático é precedido de uma breve retrospectiva histórica a respeito da atuação do Estado na promoção da cidadania e das principais características do terceiro setor e das ONGs.


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Documento de pesquisa que aborda o perfil, a dimensão e a magnitude das organizações comunitárias de provisão social na França e nos Estados Unidos, relacionando suas formas de vinculação, dinâmicas e identidades em face da esfera governamental e da esfera privada capitalista, apontando: (i) tipos dominantes de atores e como funcionam seus quadros em relação ao Estado e aos interesses capitalistas no mercado; (ii) recursos mobilizados na interação com o poder político e poder econômico (Estado e empresas capitalistas) quando recebem doações: significado do trabalho voluntariado e das iniciativas de geração de ocupação e renda (associativismo/cooperativismo) e (iii) fins visados e valores expressos. São discutidas as formas de atuação de base, participação local em cada país e é analisada, comparativamente, a questão do significado desses agentes no quadro atual dos atuais sistemas de bem-estar (Welfare State) na sociedade civil norte-americana e francesa.


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O projeto de pesquisa pretende analisar a história da criação das organizações que deram origem à Embraer, isto é, o Ministério da Aeronáutica, o Centro Tecnológico da Aeronáutica e o Instituto Tecnológico da Aeronáutica, fundados nos anos quarenta e cinqüenta. Estas organizações criaram as condições para a fundação da empresa estatal em 1969. Serão analisadas as relações dessas organizações com o projeto estratégico de defesa nacional da Aeronática nesse período.


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O estudo analisa a parceria firmada entre a Secretaria de Estado da Saúde de São Paulo e Organizações Sociais na gestão de serviços de saúde, hospitalares em particular. São analisadas a terminologia jurídica e os formatos institucionais utilizados no processo. É efetuada comparação com outras alternativas, como a administração pública direta, a terceirização e os consórcios de saúde.


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O objetivo desta pesquisa é retratar a qualidade de vida na Favela Monte Azul tendo em vista a atuação de duas organizações comunitárias - Associação Comunitária Monte Azul (ACOMA) e a Comissão de Moradores - considerando sua história, ideologia, perspectivas e resultados obtidos na transformação da comunidade. Constata-se atualmente que experiências com organizações promotoras do desenvolvimento comunitário não têm sistematizado e apresentado os resultados alcançados na melhoria da qualidade de vida. Isto é importante para a própria comunidade e organização que, juntas, podem buscar soluções para os problemas identificados. O diferencial positivo na qualidade de vida dos moradores desta favela reflete o trabalho de mais de vinte anos da ACOMA e da comunidade organizada.


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O crescimento do desemprego involuntário condiciona preocupações recentes com políticas de empregabilidade. Estratégias na regulação do mercado de trabalho e a terceira geração na Teoria do Capital Humano buscam codificar e/ou equacionar essas políticas. O surgimento do conceito de Economia Plural oferece uma revisão para a dinâmica do setor informal, tradicional ou moderno, na geração de empregos atípicos. A noção de Economia Plural ressalta também o papel catalizador das empresas sociais e organizações não governamentais na reinserção dos excluídos sociais. As flexibilizações do tempo de trabalho em políticas de empregabilidade são desenvolvidas através de reflexões, impactos comportamentais na qualidade de vida e experiências negociadas nos setores metalúrgico, de distribuição e de prestação de serviços de saúde. Desafios se colocam para o poder público e entidades de classe na regulamentação e ou negociações da empregabilidades atípica.


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O artigo trabalha inicialmente com teorias de cultura organizacional, especialmente com aquelas que procuram comparar culturas internacionais. A partir disso, considera-se a visão que tais teorias tem do Brasil, para em seguida compará-la com as principais teorias antropológicas e sociológicas, de cultura brasileira. A título de conclusão, usa-se um referencial psicanalítico prospectivo.