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Eine detaillierte geochemische und geochronologische Studie an Gesteinen der Monte Rosa Decke (MR; Westalpen) wurde durchgeführt. Die MR wurde während der alpinen Orogenese zunächst eklogitfaziell und nachfolgend grünschieferfaziell überprägt.Eine detaillierte U-Pb geochronologische Studie an Zirkonen und Monaziten des MR Granits ergab ein Permisches Intrusionsalter (270 ± 4 Ma). Der MR Granit gehört zu den post-variszischen magmatischen Einheiten, welche die Instabilität der variszischen kontinentalen Kruste andeuten. Für die MR kann eine paläogeographische Position als Teil der 'Briançonnais-Schwelle' angenommen werden.Innerhalb des MR Granits treten Talk-Kyanit-Chloritoid-Gesteine ('Weißschiefer') auf. Diese stellen wesentliche Indikatoren für eine alpine Hochdruckmetamorphose in der MR dar. Massenbilanzberechnungen wurden durchgeführt, um den Massentransfer zu quantifizieren, welcher für die Bildung eines Weißschiefers aus einem granitischen Protolith notwendig ist. Ein Modell für die Entwicklung der Weißschiefer wurde entwickelt.Es wurde eine in-situ 40Ar/39Ar UV-Laser-Ablationsstudie an Hellglimmern der alpinen Mineralparagenese durchgeführt. Sie ergab eine heterogene Altersverteilung. Diese Alter können durch Glimmerrekristallisation unter relativ 'trockenen' hochdruckmetamorphen Bedingungen begleitet von partiellem Verlust von radiogenem Argon während der alpinen Metamorphose erklärt werden. Eine ähnlich komplexe Entwicklung mit partieller Homogenisierung des Isotopensystems kann in der Strontium-Isotopie beobachtet werden. Diese Isotopenstudien liefern Hinweise auf das Schließverhalten von Isotopensystemen unter hochdruckmetamorphen Bedingungen.
The vertical profile of aerosol in the planetary boundary layer of the Milan urban area is studied in terms of its development and chemical composition in a high-resolution modelling framework. The period of study spans a week in summer of 2007 (12-18 July), when continuous LIDAR measurements and a limited set of balloon profiles were collected in the frame of the ASI/QUITSAT project. LIDAR observations show a diurnal development of an aerosol plume that lifts early morning surface emissions to the top of the boundary layer, reaching maximum concentration around midday. Mountain breeze from Alps clean the bottom of the aerosol layer, typically leaving a residual layer at around 1500-2000 m which may survive for several days. During the last two days under analysis, a dust layer transported from Sahara reaches the upper layers of Milan area and affects the aerosol vertical distribution in the boundary layer. Simulation from the MM5/CHIMERE modelling system, carried out at 1 km horizontal resolution, qualitatively reproduced the general features of the Milan aerosol layer observed with LIDAR, including the rise and fall of the aersol plume, the residual layer in altitude and the Saharan dust event. The simulation highlighted the importance of nitrates and secondary organics in its composition. Several sensitivity tests showed that main driving factors leading to the dominance of nitrates in the plume are temperature and gas absorption process. A modelling study turn to the analysis of the vertical aerosol profiles distribution and knowledge of the characterization of the PM at a site near the city of Milan is performed using a model system composed by a meteorological model MM5 (V3-6), the mesoscale model from PSU/NCAR and a Chemical Transport Model (CTM) CHIMERE to simulate the vertical aerosol profile. LiDAR continuous observations and balloon profiles collected during two intensive campaigns in summer 2007 and in winter 2008 in the frame of the ASI/QUITSAT project have been used to perform comparisons in order to evaluate the ability of the aerosol chemistry transport model CHIMERE to simulate the aerosols dynamics and compositions in this area. The comparisons of model aerosols with measurements are carried out over a full time period between 12 July 2007 and 18 July 2007. The comparisons demonstrate the ability of the model to reproduce correctly the aerosol vertical distributions and their temporal variability. As detected by the LiDAR, the model during the period considered, predicts a diurnal development of a plume during the morning and a clearing during the afternoon, typically the plume reaches the top of the boundary layer around mid day, in this time CHIMERE produces highest concentrations in the upper levels as detected by LiDAR. The model, moreover can reproduce LiDAR observes enhancement aerosols concentrations above the boundary layer, attributing the phenomena to dust out intrusion. Another important information from the model analysis regard the composition , it predicts that a large part of the plume is composed by nitrate, in particular during 13 and 16 July 2007 , pointing to the model tendency to overestimates the nitrous component in the particular matter vertical structure . Sensitivity study carried out in this work show that there are a combination of different factor which determine the major nitrous composition of the “plume” observed and in particular humidity temperature and the absorption phenomena are the mainly candidate to explain the principal difference in composition simulated in the period object of this study , in particular , the CHIMERE model seems to be mostly sensitive to the absorption process.
Hydrothermal fluids are a fundamental resource for understanding and monitoring volcanic and non-volcanic systems. This thesis is focused on the study of hydrothermal system through numerical modeling with the geothermal simulator TOUGH2. Several simulations are presented, and geophysical and geochemical observables, arising from fluids circulation, are analyzed in detail throughout the thesis. In a volcanic setting, fluids feeding fumaroles and hot spring may play a key role in the hazard evaluation. The evolution of the fluids circulation is caused by a strong interaction between magmatic and hydrothermal systems. A simultaneous analysis of different geophysical and geochemical observables is a sound approach for interpreting monitored data and to infer a consistent conceptual model. Analyzed observables are ground displacement, gravity changes, electrical conductivity, amount, composition and temperature of the emitted gases at surface, and extent of degassing area. Results highlight the different temporal response of the considered observables, as well as the different radial pattern of variation. However, magnitude, temporal response and radial pattern of these signals depend not only on the evolution of fluid circulation, but a main role is played by the considered rock properties. Numerical simulations highlight differences that arise from the assumption of different permeabilities, for both homogeneous and heterogeneous systems. Rock properties affect hydrothermal fluid circulation, controlling both the range of variation and the temporal evolution of the observable signals. Low temperature fumaroles and low discharge rate may be affected by atmospheric conditions. Detailed parametric simulations were performed, aimed to understand the effects of system properties, such as permeability and gas reservoir overpressure, on diffuse degassing when air temperature and barometric pressure changes are applied to the ground surface. Hydrothermal circulation, however, is not only a characteristic of volcanic system. Hot fluids may be involved in several mankind problems, such as studies on geothermal engineering, nuclear waste propagation in porous medium, and Geological Carbon Sequestration (GCS). The current concept for large-scale GCS is the direct injection of supercritical carbon dioxide into deep geological formations which typically contain brine. Upward displacement of such brine from deep reservoirs driven by pressure increases resulting from carbon dioxide injection may occur through abandoned wells, permeable faults or permeable channels. Brine intrusion into aquifers may degrade groundwater resources. Numerical results show that pressure rise drives dense water up to the conduits, and does not necessarily result in continuous flow. Rather, overpressure leads to new hydrostatic equilibrium if fluids are initially density stratified. If warm and salty fluid does not cool passing through the conduit, an oscillatory solution is then possible. Parameter studies delineate steady-state (static) and oscillatory solutions.
Der Mavuradonha Layered Complex repräsentiert einen 862 ? 4 Ma alten Komplex, der in einem tiefkrustalen Milieu intrudierte. Eine mehrphasige magmatische Differentiation ist in macro-rhythmischen Einheiten und kleinmaßstäblichen Lagenbau erkennbar, aus denen die Kristallisationssequenzen Pyroxenite, Gabbros/Norite, Leuko-Gabbros oder Ferro-Gabbro und Anorthosite resultieren. ?Nd-Werte zwischen + 0.3 und + 6.6 zeigen krustale Kontamination eines aus dem verarmten Mantel stammenden, tholeiitischen Ursprungsmagma an. ?Nd-Werte (+ 2.4 bis - 3.5) anderer tholeiitischer Gabbros in unmittelbarer Nähe des Komplexes deuten ebenfalls auf Krustenkontamination hin, jedoch in stärkerem Maße.Der Komplex wurde um 554 ? 13 Ma unter granulitfaziellen Bedingungen von 13 ? 2 kbar und 840 ? 30° C überprägt. Die anschließende retrograde, amphibolitfazielle Metamorphose mit Bedingungen von 11 ? 2 kbar und 680 ? 20° C ereignete sich um 546 ? 9 Ma. Abkühlung bis zur Grünschieferfazies erfolgte spätestens um 501 ? 6 Ma.Die vorgestellten Daten zeigen, dass sich der Sambesi-Gürtel im NE Simbabwes als fehlgeschlagenes Rift oder intrakratonisches Becken während einer frühen Pan-Afrikanischen Extensionsphase entwickelte, während die granulitfazielle Metamorphose um 300 Ma später erfolgte. Somit deutet die Intrusion des Mavuradonha Layered Complex rift-bedingten Magmatismus in einer frühen Riftphase an, während das Becken oder Rift während der Pan-Afrikanischen Orogenese geschlossen wurde.
In dieser Arbeit werden geochronologische und isotopen-geochemische Daten zur Entwicklung der Zentralen Westlichen Karpathen präsentiert. Die Karpathen bilden die östliche Fortsetzung der Alpen und können in drei Alpine Grundgebirgsdecken unterteilt werden, von denen zwei, die Veporische und die Gemerische, bearbeitet wurden. In der Veporischen Einheit wurden polymetamorphe Grundgebirgseinheiten untersucht, um deren genaue Altersstellung zu definieren und sie isotopengeochemisch zu klassifizieren. Dagegen wurde in der der Gemerischen Einheit, welche die Veporische Einheit überlagert, ein spezialisierter S-Typ Granit im Detail untersucht, um die petrogenetischen Prozesse, die zur magmatischen Entwicklung dieses Granits geführt haben, zu identifizieren. U-Pb Datierungen an Zirkonen der Veporischen Grundgebirgseinheiten zeigen für die gesamte Veporische Einheit ordovizische Entsehungsalter an (440-470 Ma). Diese Datierungen revidieren publizierte kambrische Entstehungsalter dieses Grundgebirges. Die Isotopensignatur (epsilon Nd und 87Sr/86Sr) der ordovizischen Grundgebirgseinheiten, bestehend aus stark überprägten Amphiboliten und Gneissen, ist von der Signatur der sich im Norden anschliessenden Tatrischen Einheit gut unterscheidbar. Die Bleiisotopenzusammensetzung dieser Gesteine ist stark krustal geprägt und überschneidet sich mit der der Tatrischen Einheit. Zusammen mit den T-DM Altern sind diese Einheiten vergleichbar mit prävariskischen Einheiten der Alpen. Somit kann das ordovizische Grundgebirge zu den peri-Gondwana Terranen gezählt werden, die an einem aktiven Kontinentalrand im Norden von Gondwana gebildet wurden. In den Gesteinen der Veporischen Einheit wurde im Weiteren eine starke metamorphe überprägung und intensiver felsischer Magmatismus karbonischen Alters erkannt (320-350 Ma). Dieses Ereignis ist zeitgleich mit dem Magmatismus, welcher hauptsächlich in der sich im Norden anschliessenden Tatrischen Einheit beobachtet wird. Dieser gehört der variskischen Orogenese an. Intensive alpine Deformation und Metamorphose konnte in der südlichen Veporischen Einheit anhand der Einzelzirkondatierungen und der Isotopendaten der ordovizischen Einheiten nachgewiesen werden. Am Dlha Dolina Granit in der Gemerischen Einheit können starke Fraktionierungs- und Auto-Metasomatose-Effekte beobachtet werden. Durch die magmatische Fraktionierung wird eine Anreicherung der SEE erzeugt, wogegen die Metasomatose die SEE stark verarmt. Es kommt sogar zur Ausbildung eines Tetraden Effektes im SEE Muster, welche den starken Einfluss von Fluiden während der spät-magmatischen Phase belegt. Gesamtgesteins Pb-Pb Daten beschränken das minimale Intrusionsalter dieses Granites auf 240 Ma. Dieses Alter ist in guter übereinstimmung mit den Sr-Isotopendaten der magmatisch dominierten Gesteine, wohingegen die stark metasomatisch geprägten Gesteine ein zu radiogenes 87Sr/86Sri aufweisen. Während dieser Arbeit wurde intensiv mit der Blei-Isotopenzusammensetzung von Gesamtgesteinsproben gearbeitet. Um die Auswertung dieser Daten optimieren zu können wurde ein Computerscript für das GPL Programm Octave erstellt. Die Hauptaufgabe dieses Scripts besteht darin, Regressionen für geochronologische Anwendungen gemäss York (1969) zu berechnen. Ausserdem können mu und kappa-Werte für diese Regressionen berechnet und eine Hauptkomponentenanalyse, welche hilfreich für den Vergleich von zwei Datensätzen ist, durchgeführt werden. Am Ende der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die analytische Methode für einen Mikrowellen beschleunigten Säureaufschluss von granitoidem Material zur Bestimmung der Sr- und Nd-Isotopenzusammensetzung und der Elementkonzentrationen vorgestellt. Diese kombinierte Methode nutzt ein TIMS für die Sr und Nd Isotopenmessungen und eine Einzelkollektor-ICPMS zur Bestimmung der SEE, Rb und Sr Konzentrationen, welche mithilfe von relativen Sensitivitätsfaktoren gegenüber einem internen Standard quantifiziert werden. Diese Methode wird durch Messungen von internationalen Referenzmaterialien bewertet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen eine Reproduzierbarkeit von <10% für die Elementkonzentrationen und von <5% für Elementverhältnisse.
This thesis focusses on the tectonic evolution and geochronology of part of the Kaoko orogen, which is part of a network of Pan-African orogenic belts in NW Namibia. By combining geochemical, isotopic and structural analysis, the aim was to gain more information about how and when the Kaoko Belt formed. The first chapter gives a general overview of the studied area and the second one describes the basis of the Electron Probe Microanalysis dating method. The reworking of Palaeo- to Mesoproterozoic basement during the Pan-African orogeny as part of the assembly of West Gondwana is discussed in Chapter 3. In the study area, high-grade rocks occupy a large area, and the belt is marked by several large-scale structural discontinuities. The two major discontinuities, the Sesfontein Thrust (ST) and the Puros Shear Zone (PSZ), subdivide the orogen into three tectonic units: the Eastern Kaoko Zone (EKZ), the Central Kaoko Zone (CKZ) and the Western Kaoko Zone (WKZ). An important lineament, the Village Mylonite Zone (VMZ), has been identified in the WKZ. Since plutonic rocks play an important role in understanding the evolution of a mountain belt, zircons from granitoid gneisses were dated by conventional U-Pb, SHRIMP and Pb-Pb techniques to identify different age provinces. Four different age provinces were recognized within the Central and Western part of the belt, which occur in different structural positions. The VMZ seems to mark the limit between Pan-African granitic rocks east of the lineament and Palaeo- to Mesoproterozoic basement to the west. In Chapter 4 the tectonic processes are discussed that led to the Neoproterozoic architecture of the orogen. The data suggest that the Kaoko Belt experienced three main phases of deformation, D1-D3, during the Pan-African orogeny. Early structures in the central part of the study area indicate that the initial stage of collision was governed by underthrusting of the medium-grade Central Kaoko zone below the high-grade Western Kaoko zone, resulting in the development of an inverted metamorphic gradient. The early structures were overprinted by a second phase D2, which was associated with the development of the PSZ and extensive partial melting and intrusion of ~550 Ma granitic bodies in the high-grade WKZ. Transcurrent deformation continued during cooling of the entire belt, giving rise to the localized low-temperature VMZ that separates a segment of elevated Mesoproterozoic basement from the rest of the Western zone in which only Pan-African ages have so far been observed. The data suggest that the boundary between the Western and Central Kaoko zones represents a modified thrust zone, controlling the tectonic evolution of the Kaoko belt. The geodynamic evolution and the processes that generated this belt system are discussed in Chapter 5. Nd mean crustal residence ages of granitoid rocks permit subdivision of the belt into four provinces. Province I is characterised by mean crustal residence ages <1.7 Ga and is restricted to the Neoproterozoic granitoids. A wide range of initial Sr isotopic values (87Sr/86Sri = 0.7075 to 0.7225) suggests heterogeneous sources for these granitoids. The second province consists of Mesoproterozoic (1516-1448 Ma) and late Palaeo-proterozoic (1776-1701 Ma) rocks and is probably related to the Eburnian cycle with Nd model ages of 1.8-2.2 Ga. The eNd i values of these granitoids are around zero and suggest a predominantly juvenile source. Late Archaean and middle Palaeoproterozoic rocks with model ages of 2.5 to 2.8 Ga make up Province III in the central part of the belt and are distinct from two early Proterozoic samples taken near the PSZ which show even older TDM ages of ~3.3 Ga (Province IV). There is no clear geological evidence for the involvement of oceanic lithosphere in the formation of the Kaoko-Dom Feliciano orogen. Chapter 6 presents the results of isotopic analyses of garnet porphyroblasts from high-grade meta-igneous and metasedimentary rocks of the sillimanite-K-feldspar zone. Minimum P-T conditions for peak metamorphism were calculated at 731±10 °C at 6.7±1.2 kbar, substantially lower than those previously reported. A Sm-Nd garnet-whole rock errorchron obtained on a single meta-igneous rock yielded an unexpectedly old age of 692±13 Ma, which is interpreted as an inherited metamorphic age reflecting an early Pan-African granulite-facies event. The dated garnets survived a younger high-grade metamorphism that occurred between ca. 570 and 520 Ma and apparently maintained their old Sm-Nd isotopic systematics, implying that the closure temperature for garnet in this sample was higher than 730 °C. The metamorphic peak of the younger event was dated by electronmicroprobe on monazite at 567±5 Ma. From a regional viewpoint, it is possible that these granulites of igneous origin may be unrelated to the early Pan-African metamorphic evolution of the Kaoko Belt and may represent a previously unrecognised exotic terrane.
The Pelagonian Zone and the Vardar Zone in Greece represent the western part of the Hellenide hinterland (Internal Hellenides). While the Pelagonian Zone comprises predominantly crystalline basement and sedimentary cover rocks, the Vardar Zone has long been regarded as an ophiolite-decorated suture zone separating the Pelagonian Zone from the Serbo-Macedonian Massif to the east. Felsic basement rocks from both areas, with the main focus put on the Pelagonian Zone, were dated in order to identify the major crust-forming episodes and to improve the understanding of the evolutionary history of the region. The interpretation of the single-zircon geochronology results was aided by geochemical investigations. The majority of the basement rocks from the Pelagonian Zone yielded Permo-Carboniferous intrusion ages around 300 Ma, underlining the importance of this crust-forming event for the Internal Hellenides of Greece. Geochemically these basement rocks are classified as subduction-related granitoids, which formed in an active continental margin setting. An important result was the identification of a Precambrian crustal unit within the crystalline basement of the Pelagonian Zone. Orthogneisses from the NW Pelagonian Zone yielded Neoproterozoic ages of c. 700 Ma and are so far the oldest known rocks in Greece. These basement rocks, which are also similar to active margin granitoids, were interpreted as remnants of a terrane, the Florina Terrane, which can be correlated to a Pan-African or Cadomian arc. Since the gneisses contain inherited zircons of Middle to Late Proterozoic ages, the original location of the Florina Terrane was probably at the northwestern margin of Gondwana. In the Vardar Zone an important phase of Upper Jurassic felsic magmatism is documented by igneous formation ages ranging from 155 to 164 Ma. The chemical and isotopic composition of these rocks is also in accord with their formation in a volcanic-arc setting at an active continental margin. Older continental material incorporated in the Vardar Zone is documented by 319-Ma-old gneisses and by inherited zircons of mainly Middle Palaeozoic ages. The prevalence of subduction-related igneous rocks indicates that arc formation and accretion orogeny were the most important processes during the evolution of this part of the Internal Hellenides. The geochronological results demonstrate that most of the Pelagonian Zone and the Vardar Zone crystalline basement formed during distinct pre-Alpine episodes at c. 700, 300 and 160 Ma with a predominance of the Permo-Carboniferous magmatic phase.
One of the key for the understanding of an orogenic belt is the characterization of the terranes involved and the identification of the suture(s) separating crustal blocks: these are essential information for large-scale paleo-reconstructions. In addition, the structural relationships between the terranes involved in the collisional processes and the eventual UHP relicts may provide first order inputs to exhumation models of subducted rocks. The structure of the Rhodope Massif (northern Greece and southern Bulgaria) results from the stacking of high-grade nappes during a continental collision, which age is comprised between Latest-Jurassic and Early-Cenozoic. UHP and HP relicts, associated with oceanic and ultramafic material, suggest the presence of a dismembered suture zone within the massif. The location of this suture remains unclear; furthermore, up to now, the UHP and eclogitic localities represent isolated spots and no synthesis on their structural position within the massif has been proposed. The first aim of this work is to define the relationships between HP-UHP relicts, crustal blocks, shear zones and amphibolitic material. To achieve this objective, we characterized the accreted blocks in terms of protoliths ages of the orthogneisses mainly along two cross sections on the Greek part of the belt. Geochemical affinities of meta-igneous rocks served as a complementary tool for terrane characterization and geodynamic interpretation. Single-zircon Pb-Pb evaporation and zircon U-Pb SHRIMP dating of orthogneiss protoliths define two groups of intrusion-ages: Permo-Carboniferous and Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous. Structurally, these two groups correspond to distinct units: the Late Jurassic gneissic complex overthrusts the one bearing the Permo-Carboniferous orthogneisses. Mylonites, eclogites, amphibolites of oceanic affinities, and UHP micaschists, mark a “melange” zone, intensively sheared towards the SW, which separates the two units. Thus, we interpret them as two distinct terranes, the Rhodope and Thracia terranes, separated by the Nestos suture. The correlation of our findings in northern Greece to the Bulgarian part of the Massif suggests a northern rooting of the Nestos Suture. This configuration results of the closure of a marginal oceanic basin of the Tethys system by a north-directed subduction. This interpretation is supported by the geochemical affinities of the orthogneisses: the Late-Jurassic igneous rocks formed by subduction-related magmatism, pprobably the same north-directed subduction that gave rise to the UHP metamorphism of the metasediments of the “melange” zone. It is noteworthy that the UHP-HP relicts seem to be restricted to the contact between the two terranes suggesting that the UHP relicts are exhumed only within the suture zone. Furthermore, the singularity of the suture suggests that the Late-Jurassic subduction explains the occurrence of UHP and eclogite relicts in the Central Rhodope despite the large age range previously attributed the UHP and/or HP stage.
Il termine cloud ha origine dal mondo delle telecomunicazioni quando i provider iniziarono ad utilizzare servizi basati su reti virtuali private (VPN) per la comunicazione dei dati. Il cloud computing ha a che fare con la computazione, il software, l’accesso ai dati e servizi di memorizzazione in modo tale che l’utente finale non abbia idea della posizione fisica dei dati e la configurazione del sistema in cui risiedono. Il cloud computing è un recente trend nel mondo IT che muove la computazione e i dati lontano dai desktop e dai pc portatili portandoli in larghi data centers. La definizione di cloud computing data dal NIST dice che il cloud computing è un modello che permette accesso di rete on-demand a un pool condiviso di risorse computazionali che può essere rapidamente utilizzato e rilasciato con sforzo di gestione ed interazione con il provider del servizio minimi. Con la proliferazione a larga scala di Internet nel mondo le applicazioni ora possono essere distribuite come servizi tramite Internet; come risultato, i costi complessivi di questi servizi vengono abbattuti. L’obbiettivo principale del cloud computing è utilizzare meglio risorse distribuite, combinarle assieme per raggiungere un throughput più elevato e risolvere problemi di computazione su larga scala. Le aziende che si appoggiano ai servizi cloud risparmiano su costi di infrastruttura e mantenimento di risorse computazionali poichè trasferiscono questo aspetto al provider; in questo modo le aziende si possono occupare esclusivamente del business di loro interesse. Mano a mano che il cloud computing diventa più popolare, vengono esposte preoccupazioni riguardo i problemi di sicurezza introdotti con l’utilizzo di questo nuovo modello. Le caratteristiche di questo nuovo modello di deployment differiscono ampiamente da quelle delle architetture tradizionali, e i meccanismi di sicurezza tradizionali risultano inefficienti o inutili. Il cloud computing offre molti benefici ma è anche più vulnerabile a minacce. Ci sono molte sfide e rischi nel cloud computing che aumentano la minaccia della compromissione dei dati. Queste preoccupazioni rendono le aziende restie dall’adoperare soluzioni di cloud computing, rallentandone la diffusione. Negli anni recenti molti sforzi sono andati nella ricerca sulla sicurezza degli ambienti cloud, sulla classificazione delle minacce e sull’analisi di rischio; purtroppo i problemi del cloud sono di vario livello e non esiste una soluzione univoca. Dopo aver presentato una breve introduzione sul cloud computing in generale, l’obiettivo di questo elaborato è quello di fornire una panoramica sulle vulnerabilità principali del modello cloud in base alle sue caratteristiche, per poi effettuare una analisi di rischio dal punto di vista del cliente riguardo l’utilizzo del cloud. In questo modo valutando i rischi e le opportunità un cliente deve decidere se adottare una soluzione di tipo cloud. Alla fine verrà presentato un framework che mira a risolvere un particolare problema, quello del traffico malevolo sulla rete cloud. L’elaborato è strutturato nel modo seguente: nel primo capitolo verrà data una panoramica del cloud computing, evidenziandone caratteristiche, architettura, modelli di servizio, modelli di deployment ed eventuali problemi riguardo il cloud. Nel secondo capitolo verrà data una introduzione alla sicurezza in ambito informatico per poi passare nello specifico alla sicurezza nel modello di cloud computing. Verranno considerate le vulnerabilità derivanti dalle tecnologie e dalle caratteristiche che enucleano il cloud, per poi passare ad una analisi dei rischi. I rischi sono di diversa natura, da quelli prettamente tecnologici a quelli derivanti da questioni legali o amministrative, fino a quelli non specifici al cloud ma che lo riguardano comunque. Per ogni rischio verranno elencati i beni afflitti in caso di attacco e verrà espresso un livello di rischio che va dal basso fino al molto alto. Ogni rischio dovrà essere messo in conto con le opportunità che l’aspetto da cui quel rischio nasce offre. Nell’ultimo capitolo verrà illustrato un framework per la protezione della rete interna del cloud, installando un Intrusion Detection System con pattern recognition e anomaly detection.
L’acquifero freatico costiero ravennate è intensamente salinizzato fino a diversi km nell’entroterra. Il corpo dell’acquifero è formato da sabbie che poggiano su un substrato argilloso ad una profondità media di 25 m, i depositi affioranti sono sabbie e argille. Il lavoro svolto consiste in una caratterizzazione dello stato di salinizzazione con metodologie indirette (geoelettrica) e metodologie dirette (letture dei parametri fisici delle acque in pozzo). I sondaggi elettrici verticali (V.E.S.) mostrano stagionalità dovuta alle differenti quantità di pioggia e quindi di ricarica, le aree con depositi superficiali ad alta conducibilità idraulica (sabbie) hanno una lente d’acqua dolce compresa tra 0,1 e 2,25 m di spessore, al di sotto della quale troviamo una zona di mescolamento con spessori che vanno da 1,00 a 12,00 m, mentre quando in superficie abbiamo depositi a bassa conducibilità idraulica (limi sabbiosi e argille sabbiose) la lente d’acqua dolce scompare e la zona di mescolamento è sottile. Le misure dirette in pozzo mostrano una profondità della tavola d’acqua quasi ovunque sotto il livello del mare in entrambi i mesi monitorati, Giugno e Dicembre 2010, presentando una profondità leggermente maggiore nel mese di Dicembre. Dalla ricostruzione litologica risulta un acquifero composto da 4×109 m3 di sabbia, per cui ipotizzando una porosità media del 30% sono presenti 1,2×109 m3 di acqua. Dalla modellazione numerica (Modflow-SEAWAT 2000) risulta che l’origine dell’acqua salata che si trova in falda trova più facilmente spiegazione ipotizzando la sua presenza fin dalla formazione dell’acquifero, residuo delle acque marine che regredivano. Un’altra problematica analizzata è valutare l’applicazione della metodologia a minifiltri in uno studio sulla salinizzazione delle acque di falda. É stata implementata la costruzione di un transetto sperimentale, che ha permesso la mappatura dell’interfaccia acqua dolce/salmastra/salata con una precisione finora non raggiungibile.
Le pietre artificiali ed i cementi artistici utilizzati durante la stagione Liberty rappresentano tutt’oggi un patrimonio artistico non ancora sufficientemente studiato. In seguito ad una ricerca bibliografica su testi e riviste dei primi anni del Novecento, è stata eseguita una ricognizione del patrimonio architettonico emiliano-romagnolo, al fine di valutarne i materiali e le tipologie di degrado più diffuse. Le città e le zone oggetto di studio sono state: Bologna, Ferrara, Modena e provincia, Reggio Emilia, Parma, Firenze, la Romagna e le Marche settentrionali. Tra gli edifici individuati sono state analizzate le decorazioni e gli intonaci di tre edifici ritenuti particolarmente significativi: il villino Pennazzi (noto anche come Villa Gina) a Borgo Panigale (Bologna), villa Verde a Bologna e l’ex-albergo Dorando Pietri a Carpi. Da tali edifici sono stati selezionati campioni rappresentativi delle diverse tipologie di decorazioni in pietra artificiale e successivamente sono stati caratterizzati in laboratorio tramite diffrattometria a raggi x (XRD), termogravimetria (TGA), microscopio ottico in sezioni lucide, microscopio elettronico a scansione (SEM) e porosimetria ad intrusione di mercurio (MIP). In particolare per Villa Verde sono state formulate e caratterizzate diverse tipologie di malte variando il tipo di legante ed il rapporto acqua/cemento, al fine di garantire la compatibilità fisico-meccanica con il supporto negli interventi di risarcimento delle lacune previsti nel restauro. L’attività sperimentale svolta ha permesso di mettere a punto un vero e proprio protocollo diagnostico per il restauro di questo tipo di decorazioni che potrà essere utilizzato sia nei casi di studio analizzati che per ogni futuro intervento.
Lo scopo di questa tesi è quello di valutare l'effetto della salinizzazione dei suoli sugli invertebrati edafici. Nell'ambito di questo obiettivo generale sono state effettuate due distinte attività di ricerca: una indagine sul campo e una serie di esperimenti di laboratorio. Lo studio sul campo è stato condotto nella Pineta di San Vitale (Ravenna, Italia). L'obiettivo specifico è stato quello di valutare la qualità biologica dei suoli attraverso l'analisi del popolamento dei microartropodi edafici, in relazione alla diversità del suolo e in particolare alla salinizzazione. La qualità biologica dei suoli è stata valutata mediante l'indice QBS-ar. La Pineta è stata campionata nella zona Est, più colpita da intrusione salina e nella zona Ovest dove questo fenomeno è meno evidente. I campionamenti sono stati effettuati in primavera ed estate. I risultati confermano che le caratteristiche chimico-fisiche si modificano in base al gradiente sommità dunali-depressioni interdunali. Per quanto riguarda il popolamento dei microartropodi alcune caratteristiche sono comuni alla maggior parte delle stazioni con lo stesso pedotipo. Non è stato evidenziato alcuno stress sui popolamenti attribuibule alla salinizzazione. Nel complesso, i valori di QBS-ar sono piuttosto elevati. Gli esperimenti di laboratorio sono stati finalizzata alla valutazione degli effetti combinati della salinità del suolo e della contaminazione da pesticidi (chlorpyrifos) sul lombrico Eisenia andrei. Nel complesso, i risultati indicano che effetti avversi sui lombrichi sono possibili a livelli di salinizzazione dei suoli ancora compatibili a concentrazioni di chlorpyrifos che sono piuttosto alte in confronto con i tipici risultati di campo, ma ancora compatibili con l'uso consigliato.
Since large stretches of European coasts are already retreating and projected scenarios are worsening, many artificial structures, such as breakwaters and seawalls, are built as tool against coastal erosion. However artificial structures produce widespread changes that alter the coastal zones and affect the biological communities. My doctoral thesis analyses the consequences of different options for coastal protection, namely hard engineering ‘artificial defences’ (i.e. impact of human-made structures) and ‘no-defence’ (i.e. impact of seawater inundation). I investigated two new aspects of the potential impact of coastal defences. The first was the effect of artificial hard substrates on the fish communities structure. In particular I was interested to test if the differences among breakwaters and natural rocky reef would change depending on the nature of the surrounding habitat of the artificial structure (prevalent sandy rather than rocky). The second was the effect on the native natural sandy habitats of the organic detritus derived from hard-bottom species (green algae and mussels) detached from breakwaters. Furthermore, I investigated the ecological implication of the “no-defend” option, which allow the inundation of coastal habitats. The focus of this study was the potential effect of seawater intrusion on the degradation process of marine, salt-marsh and terrestrial detritus, including changes on the breakdown rates and the associated macrofauna. The PhD research was conducted in three areas along European coasts: North Adriatic sea, Sicilian coast and South-West England where different habitats (coastal, estuarine), biological communities (soft-bottom macro-benthos; rocky-coastal fishes; estuarine macro-invertebrates) and processes (organic enrichment; assemblage structure; leaf-litter breakdown) were analyzed. The research was carried out through manipulative and descriptive field-experiments in which specific hypothesis were tested by univariate and multivariate analyses.
The PhD thesis at hand consists of three parts and describes the petrogenetic evolution of Uralian-Alaskan-type mafic ultramafic complexes in the Ural Mountains, Russia. Uralian-Alaskan-type mafic-ultramafic complexes are recognized as a distinct class of intrusions. Characteristic petrologic features are the concentric zonation of a central dunite body grading outward into wehrlite, clinopyroxenite and gabbro, the absence of orthopyroxene and frequently occurring platinum group element (PGE) mineralization. In addition, the presence of ferric iron-rich spinel discriminates Uralian-Alaskan-type complexes from most other mafic ultramafic rock assemblages. The studied Uralian-Alaskan-type complexes (Nizhnii Tagil, Kytlym and Svetley Bor) belong to the southern part of a 900 km long, N–S-trending chain of similar intrusions between the Main Uralian Fault to the west and the Serov-Mauk Fault to the east. The first chapter of this thesis studies the evolution of the ultramafic rocks tracing the compositional variations of rock forming and accessory minerals. The comparison of the chemical composition of olivine, clinopyroxene and chromian spinel from the Urals with data from other localities indicates that they are unique intrusions having a characteristic spinel and clinopyroxene chemistry. Laser ablation-ICPMS (LA-ICPMS ) analyses of trace element concentrations in clinopyroxene are used to calculate the composition of their parental melt which is characterized by enriched LREE (0.5-5.2 prim. mantle) and other highly incompatible elements (U, Th, Ba, Rb) relative to the HREE (0.25-2.0 prim. mantle). A subduction-related geotectonic setting is indicated by a positive anomaly for Sr and negative anomalies for Ti, Zr and Hf. The mineral compositions monitor the evolution of the parental magmas and decipher differences between the studied complexes. In addition, the observed variation in LREE/HREE (for example La/Lu = 2-24) can be best explained with the model of an episodically replenished and erupted open magma chamber system with the extensive fractionation of olivine, spinel and clinopyroxene. The data also show that ankaramites in a subduction-related geotectonic setting could represent parental magmas of Uralian-Alaskan-type complexes. The second chapter of the thesis discusses the chemical variation of major and trace elements in rock-forming minerals of the mafic rocks. Electron microprobe and LA-ICPMS analyses are used to quantitatively describe the petrogenetic relationship between the different gabbroic lithologies and their genetic link to the ultramafic rocks. The composition of clinopyroxene identifies the presence of melts with different trace element abundances on the scale of a thin section and suggests the presence of open system crustal magma chambers. Even on a regional scale the large variation of trace element concentrations and ratios in clinopyroxene (e.g. La/Lu = 3-55) is best explained by the interaction of at least two fundamentally different magma types at various stages of fractionation. This requires the existence of a complex magma chamber system fed with multiple pulses of magmas from at least two different coeval sources in a subduction-related environment. One source produces silica saturated Island arc tholeiitic melts. The second source produces silica undersaturated, ultra-calcic, alkaline melts. Taken these data collectively, the mixing of the two different parental magmas is the dominant petrogenetic process explaining the observed chemical variations. The results further imply that this is an intrinsic feature of Uralian-Alaskan-type complexes and probably of many similar mafic-ultramafic complexes world-wide. In the third chapter of this thesis the major element composition of homogeneous and exsolved spinel is used as a petrogenetic indicator. Homogeneous chromian spinel in dunites and wehrlites monitors the fractionation during the early stages of the magma chamber and the onset of clinopyroxene fractionation as well as the reaction of spinel with interstitial liquid. Exsolved spinel is present in mafic and ultramafic rocks from all three studied complexes. Its composition lies along a solvus curve which defines an equilibrium temperature of 600°C, given that spinel coexists with olivine. This temperature is considered to be close to the temperature of the host rocks into which the studied Uralian-Alaskan-type complexes intruded. The similarity of the exsolution temperatures in the different complexes over a distance of several hundred kilometres implies a regional tectonic event that terminated the exsolution process. This event is potentially associated with the final exhumation of the Uralian-Alaskan-type complexes along the Main Uralian Fault and the Serov-Mauk Fault in the Uralian fold belt.
Nell’ambito del progetto multidisciplinare “Coastal Salt Water Intrusion”, che si propone di indagare “l’Intrusione salina nella costa ravennate con i conseguenti impatti territoriali-ambientali, connessi al previsto innalzamento del livello marino per cause climatiche e di subsidenza”, si inserisce il presente studio con l’obiettivo di fornire una caratterizzazione idrogeochimica delle acque di falda e superficiali e un modello geochimico generale sui processi di salinizzazione o desalinizzazione in atto nella falda freatica costiera della costa ravennate. E’ stato fatto un confronto fra tre metodiche di estrazione del complesso di scambio della matrice solida dell’acquifero che utilizzano rispettivamente acetato di ammonio, cloruro di bario e argento-tiourea. Sono stati posizionati 5 transetti perpendicolari alla linea di costa per un totale di 44 punti di campionamento con due campagne di prelievi, al termine della primavera e al termine dell’estate. La caratterizzazione dei processi di mixing e scambio ionico con la matrice solida dell’acquifero è avvenuta mediante analisi dei cationi ed anioni fondamentali, determinazione della CEC sulla matrice solida dell’acquifero, modellizzazione mixing/scambio ionico, modellizzazione della composizione teorica della frazione scambiabile in funzione della composizione acqua all’equilibrio e interpolazione geostatistica dei dati raccolti e costruzione di mappe geochimiche (curve di iso-concentrazione). La metodologia di estrazione che utilizza il bario-cloruro è risultata la più affidabile. Le acque prelevate dalla falda superficiale evidenziano miscelazione in varie proporzioni acqua marina/acqua dolce, scambi ionici per interazione acqua/sedimento, dissoluzione di CaSO4.2H2O. I processi di salinizzazione e/o addolcimento mostrano una significativa variabilità nello spazio (variabilità legata alla distanza dalla costa, al profilo topografico e alla distribuzione dei corpi sabbiosi litoranei) e nel tempo (variabilità legata alla piovosità e alla gestione delle acque superficiali e del sottosuolo). La complessa variabilità spazio-temporale dei processi in atto nella falda superficiale non consente di evidenziare una complessiva prevalenza di fenomeni di salinizzazione rispetto a quelli di addolcimento.