906 resultados para Holiday, Harry
Tag & Release is the newsletter for the South Carolina Governor's Cup Billfishing Series, an official program of the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources in cooperation with the South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism and the Harry R.E. Hampton Memorial Wildlife Fund.
Tag & Release is the newsletter for the South Carolina Governor's Cup Billfishing Series, an official program of the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources in cooperation with the South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism and the Harry R.E. Hampton Memorial Wildlife Fund.
Tag & Release is the newsletter for the South Carolina Governor's Cup Billfishing Series, an official program of the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources in cooperation with the South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism and the Harry R.E. Hampton Memorial Wildlife Fund.
During the interwar period (1919-1939) protagonists of the early New Zealand Olympic Committee [NZOC] worked to renegotiate and improve the country’s international sporting participation and involvement in the International Olympic Committee [IOC]. To this end, NZOC effectively used its locally based administrators and well-placed expatriates in Britain to variously assert the organisation’s nascent autonomy, independence and political power, progress Antipodean athlete’s causes, and, counter any potential doubt about the nation’s peripheral position in imperial sporting dialogues. Adding to the corpus of scholarship on New Zealand’s ties and tribulations with imperial Britain (in and beyond sport) (e.g. Beilharz and Cox 2007; Belich 2001, 2007; Coombes 2006; MacLean 2010; Phillips 1984, 1987; Ryan 2004, 2005, 2007), in this paper I examine how the political actions and strategic location of three key NZOC agents (specifically, administrator Harry Amos and expatriates Arthur Porritt and Jack Lovelock) worked in their own particular ways to assert the position of the organisation within the global Olympic fraternity. I argue that the efforts of Amos, Porritt and Lovelock also concomitantly served to remind Commonwealth sporting colleagues (namely Britain and Australia) that New Zealand could not be characterised as, or relegated to being, a distal, subdued, or subservient colonial sporting partner. Subsequently I contend that NZOC’s development during the interwar period, and particularly the utility of expatriate agents, can be contextualised against historiographical shifts that encourage us to rethink, reimagine, and rework narratives of empire, colonisation, national identity, commonwealth and belonging.
During the interwar period (1919–1939), protagonists of the early New Zealand Olympic Committee (NZOC) worked to renegotiate and improve the country's international sporting participation and involvement in the International Olympic Committee. To this end, NZOC effectively used its locally based administrators and well-placed expatriates in Britain to variously assert the organization's nascent autonomy, independence and political power, progress Antipodean athlete's causes and counter any potential doubt about the nation's peripheral position in imperial sporting dialogues. Adding to the corpus of scholarship on New Zealand's ties and tribulations with imperial Britain, both in and beyond sport (e.g. Beilharz and Cox, 2007, “Settler Capitalism Revisited,” Thesis Eleven 88: 112–124; Belich, 2001, Paradise Reforged: A History of the New Zealanders from the 1880s to the Year 2000, Auckland: Allen Lane; Belich, 2007, Making Peoples: A History of the New Zealanders from Polynesian Settlement to the End of the Nineteenth Century, Auckland: The Penguin Group; Coombes, 2006, Rethinking Settler Colonialism: History and Memory in Australia, Canada, Aotearoa New Zealand and South Africa, Manchester: Manchester University Press; MacLean, 2010, “New Zealand (Aotearoa),” In Routledge Companion to Sports History, edited by Steve W. Pope and John Nauright, 510–525, London: Routledge; Phillips, 1984, “Rugby, War and the Mythology of the New Zealand Male,” The New Zealand Journal of History 18 (1): 83–103; Phillips, 1987, A Man's Country: The Image of the Pakeha Male, Auckland: Penguin Books; Ryan, 2004, The Making of New Zealand Cricket, 1832–1914, London: Frank Cass; Ryan, 2005, Tackling Rugby Myths: Rugby and New Zealand Society 1854–2004, Dunedin: University of Otago Press; Ryan, 2007, “Sport in 19th-Century Aotearoa/New Zealand: Opportunities and Constraints,” In Sport in Aotearoa/New Zealand Society, edited by Chris Collins and Steve Jackson, 96–111, Auckland: Thomson), I will examine how the political actions and strategic location of three key NZOC agents (specifically, administrator Harry Amos and expatriates Arthur Porritt and Jack Lovelock) worked in their own particular ways to assert the position of the organization within the global Olympic fraternity. I argue that the efforts of Amos, Porritt and Lovelock also concomitantly served to remind Commonwealth sporting colleagues (namely Britain and Australia) that New Zealand could not be characterized as, or relegated to being, a distal, subdued or subservient colonial sporting partner. Subsequently, I contend that NZOC's development during the interwar period, and particularly the utility of expatriate agents, can be contextualized against historiographical shifts that encourage us to rethink, reimagine and rework narratives of empire, colonization, national identity, commonwealth and belonging.
Social tourism is often presented by charities and governmental organisations as a potential means to counter social exclusion. It has more specifically been linked to potential benefits such as improvements in family relations, a more pro-active attitude to life, an improvement in the academic performance of children etc. Even though this argument is often used when promoting social tourism, there is very little research evidence that supports these claims. This research concentrates on visitor-related social tourism for low-income groups, and the effects a social holiday can have on the daily lives of the families who are offered these holidays. The paper reports on qualitative two-stage research that has been conducted with participants of social holidays in the UK and their welfare agents. It will present findings as to how far holidays can assist with the integration of socially excluded, and this on different levels: family relations, parenting, pro-social attitudes, mental and physical health and community involvement are examples of categories used to measure change. Different types of holidays will also be compared to analyse the merits and limitations of each type (individual family holidays versus group holidays).
This witness seminar on the events in the East End of London of 4 October 1936, traditionally known as the ‘Battle of Cable Street’, was held at the Institute of Historical Research on 1 May 1991. It was chaired by Professor Geoffrey Alderman and introduced by Noreen Branson. The participants were Sid Bailey (former member of the BUF), Dr David Cesarani, Tony Gilbert, Charlie Goodman, Joyce Goodman, Professor Colin Holmes, Frank Lesser, Kevin Morgan (biographer of Harry Pollitt), Phil Piratin (Communist MP for Mile End 1945–50), Michael Quill, Jack Shaw, Harold Smith, Ronald F. Webb (former member of the BUF) and Len Wise (former member of the BUF). Yvonne Kapp was unable to attend but she sent a short account of her recollections of the event and this has been included with this transcript.
We present a novel data analysis strategy which combined with subcellular fractionation and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) based proteomics provides a simple and effective workflow for global drug profiling. Five subcellular fractions were obtained by differential centrifugation followed by high resolution LC-MS and complete functional regulation analysis. The methodology combines functional regulation and enrichment analysis into a single visual summary. The workflow enables improved insight into perturbations caused by drugs. We provide a statistical argument to demonstrate that even crude subcellular fractions leads to improved functional characterization. We demonstrate this data analysis strategy on data obtained in a MS-based global drug profiling study. However, this strategy can also be performed on other types of large scale biological data.
A teoria da carteira de Harry Markowitz, originalmente publicada em 1952 no Journal of Finance, "Portfolio Selection", desenvolveu um método de solução geral do problema da estrutura das carteiras, que engloba o tratamento quantificado do risco. Propõe a determinação de um conjunto de carteiras eficientes empregando unicamente os conceitos de média para a rentabilidade que se espera obter e de variância (ou desvio padrão) para a incerteza associada a essa rentabilidade, e daí a denominação de média-variância à análise de Markowitz. Chamou também a atenção para a diversificação das carteiras, mostrando como um investidor pode reduzir o desvio padrão da rendibilidade da carteira através da escolha de acções cujas variações não sejam exactamente paralelas.
No mundo contemporâneo globalizado, definido pela sua qualidade essencialmente fluida e instável, o carácter distintivo da viagem parece dissolver-se face à contracção do planeta, à economia das ―trocas simbólicas‖ e a um alegado processo de diluição das diferenças e de homogeneização cultural. Com efeito, a mediatização da sociedade e a proliferação icónica contemporâneas produzem um aparente estado de saturação da geografia real e de multiplicação de lugares enquanto representações e imagens, permitindo pôr em causa a própria necessidade e urgência de deslocação, bem como admitir a abolição do ―estatuto de privilégio‖ de certos lugares e a derradeira quebra no conceito aurático das férias e das viagens, tradicionalmente assente em antinomias cruciais entre o quotidiano/familiar e o diferente/extraordinário. O presente artigo propõe-se abordar o paradigma da mobilidade contemporânea, nomeadamente no que diz respeito à traumática aniquilação do espaço e do tempo e ao seu impacto fortemente disruptivo sobre a dimensão ontológica de uma prática cultural cujo poder aurático se encontra tradicionalmente relacionado com a conquista de distâncias, a percepção de diferenças e a experiência de alteridade. O artigo pretende, por outro lado, refutar a declaração pós-moderna de que a familiarização com o outro conduz a uma diminuição do potencial de choque cultural no turismo contemporâneo, discutindo a relevância e a prevalência da busca de contraste e formas de vivência de alteridade no complexo novelo de motivações da viagem turística contemporânea.
Nesta dissertação pretende-se caracterizar o desempenho energético de um grande edifício de serviços existente, da tipologia ensino, avaliar e identificar potenciais medidas que melhorem aquele desempenho, permitindo, em complemento, determinar a sua classificação energética no âmbito da legislação vigente. A pertinência do estudo prende-se com a avaliação do desempenho energético dos edifícios e com o estudo de medidas de melhoria que permitam incrementar a eficiência energética, por recurso a um programa de simulação energética dinâmica certificado – DesignBuilder e tendo em conta a regulamentação portuguesa em vigor. Inicialmente procedeu-se à modelação do edifício com recurso ao programa DesignBuilder, e, simultaneamente, realizou-se um levantamento de todas as suas características ao nível de geometria, pormenores construtivos, sistemas AVAC e de iluminação e fontes de energia utilizadas. Com vista à caracterização do modo de operação do edifício, foi realizado um levantamento dos perfis reais de utilização em termos de ocupação, iluminação e equipamentos para os vários espaços. Foram realizadas medições de caudais de ar novo e da temperatura do ar, em alguns equipamentos e alguns espaços específicos. Foram realizadas medições em tempo real e leituras de contagens da energia eléctrica utilizada, quer em período de aulas quer em período de férias, que permitiram a desagregação das facturas da energia eléctrica que se apresentam globais para o campus do ISEP. Foram realizadas leituras de contagens de gás natural. Em sequência, foi realizada a simulação energética dinâmica com o intuito de ajustar o modelo criado aos consumos reais e de analisar medidas de melhoria que lhe conferissem um melhor desempenho energético. Essas medidas são agrupadas em quatro tipos: - Medidas de natureza comportamental; - Medidas de melhoria da eficiência energética nos sistemas de iluminação; - Medidas de melhoria de eficiência energética nos sistemas AVAC;- Medidas que visam a introdução de energias de fonte renovável; Em sequência, foi elaborada a simulação nominal e calculados os indicadores de eficiência energética com vista à respectiva classificação energética do edifício, tendo o edifício apresentado uma Classe Energética D de acordo com a escala do SCE. Finalmente, foi avaliado o impacto das diferentes medidas de melhoria identificadas e com potencial de aplicação, isto é, que apresentaram um retorno simples do investimento inferior a oito anos, tanto ao nível do desempenho energético real do edifício, como ao nível da sua classificação energética. De onde se concluiu que existe um potencial de 7% de redução nos consumos energéticos actuais do edifício e de 18% se o funcionamento do edifício for em pleno, ou seja, se todos os seus sistemas estiverem efectivamente em funcionamento, e que terá impacto na classificação energética alcançado uma Classe Energética C.
Energy systems worldwide are complex and challenging environments. Multi-agent based simulation platforms are increasing at a high rate, as they show to be a good option to study many issues related to these systems, as well as the involved players at act in this domain. In this scope the authors’ research group has developed a multi-agent system: MASCEM (Multi-Agent System for Competitive Electricity Markets), which simulates the electricity markets. MASCEM is integrated with ALBidS (Adaptive Learning Strategic Bidding System) that works as a decision support system for market players. The ALBidS system allows MASCEM market negotiating players to take the best possible advantages from the market context. However, it is still necessary to adequately optimize the player’s portfolio investment. For this purpose, this paper proposes a market portfolio optimization method, based on particle swarm optimization, which provides the best investment profile for a market player, considering the different markets the player is acting on in each moment, and depending on different contexts of negotiation, such as the peak and offpeak periods of the day, and the type of day (business day, weekend, holiday, etc.). The proposed approach is tested and validated using real electricity markets data from the Iberian operator – OMIE.
Das Ziel des vorliegenden Forschungsprojekts besteht darin, die Arbeitsfähigkeit von Arbeitnehmern zu verbessern, die wegen unspezifischer Nacken- und/oder Kreuzschmerzen bei der Arbeit fehlen. Zu diesem Zweck haben wir ein Interventionsmodell entwickelt, das die modernen Ansätze der Rehabilitation bei Rückenerkrankungen mit den Erkenntnissen und Vorgehensweisen der Arbeitswissenschaften erweitert [Autoren S. 939] Le but du présent projet de recherche est d'améliorer la capacité de travail d'employés en arrêt à la suite de lombalgies et/ou de cervicalgies non spécifiques. C'est dans cette perspective que nous avons développé un modèle d'intervention fondé sur les principes de la réhabilitation des affections rachidiennes et les mesures professionnelles en relation avec l'ergonomie à la place de travail [auteurs p. 939]
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 59635