601 resultados para Hanafites--Doctrines


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This dissertation examines the social and financial activities of Buddhist nuns to demonstrate how and why they deployed Buddhist doctrines, rituals, legends, and material culture to interact with society outside the convent. By examining the activities of the nuns of the Daihongan convent (one of the two administrative heads of the popular pilgrimage temple, Zenkōji) in Japan’s early modern period (roughly 1550 to 1868) as documented in the convent’s rich archival sources, I shed further light on the oft-overlooked political and financial activities of nuns, illustrate how Buddhist institutions interacted with the laity, provide further nuance to the discussion of how Buddhist women navigated patriarchal sectarian and secular hierarchies, and, within the field of Japanese history, give voice to women who were active outside of the household unit around which early modern Japanese society was organized.

Zenkōji temple, surrounded by the mountains of Nagano, has been one of Japan’s most popular pilgrimage sites since the medieval period. The abbesses of Daihongan, one Zenkōji’s main sub-temples, traveled widely to maintain connections with elite and common laypeople, participated in frequent country-wide displays of Zenkōji’s icon, and oversaw the creation of branch temples in Edo (now Tokyo), Osaka, Echigo (now Niigata), and Shinano (now Nagano). The abbesses of Daihongan were one of only a few women to hold the imperially sanctioned title of eminent person (shōnin 上人) and to wear purple robes. While this means that this Pure Land convent was in some ways not representative of all convents in early modern Japan, Daihongan’s position is particularly instructive because the existence of nuns and monks in a single temple complex allows us to see in detail how monastics of both genders interacted in close quarters.

This work draws heavily from the convent’s archival materials, which I used as a guide in framing my dissertation chapters. In the Introduction I discuss previous works on women in Buddhism. In Chapter 1, I briefly discuss the convent’s history and its place within the Zenkōji temple complex. In Chapter 2, I examine the convent’s regular economic bases and its expenditures. In Chapter 3, I highlight Daihongan’s branch temples and discuss the ways that they acted as nodes in a network connecting people in various areas to Daihongan and Zenkōji, thus demonstrating how a rural religious center extended its sphere of influence in urban settings. In Chapter 4, I discuss the nuns’ travels throughout the country to generate new and maintain old connections with the imperial court in Kyoto, confraternities in Osaka, influential women in the shogun’s castle, and commoners in Edo. In Chapter 5, I examine the convent’s reliance upon irregular means of income such as patronage, temple lotteries, loans, and displays of treasures, and how these were needed to balance irregular expenditures such as travel and the maintenance or reconstruction of temple buildings. Throughout the dissertation I describe Daihongan’s inner social structure comprised of abbesses, nuns, and administrators, and its local emplacement within Zenkōji and Zenkōji’s temple lands.

Exploring these themes sheds light on the lives of Japanese Buddhist nuns in this period. While the tensions between freedom and agency on the one hand and obligations to patrons, subordination to monks, or gender- and status-based restrictions on the other are important, and I discuss them in my work, my primary focus is on the nuns’ activities and lives. Doing so demonstrates that nuns were central figures in ever-changing economic and social networks as they made and maintained connections with the outside world through Buddhist practices and through precedents set centuries before. This research contributes to our understanding of nuns in Japan’s early modern period and will participate in and shape debates on the roles of women in patriarchal religious hierarchies.


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Al evaluar los contactos de Plutarco con otras culturas contemporáneas, los investigadores todavía no han llegado a un consenso acerca de la relación entre el queronense y la literatura cristiano-primitiva. Un buen ejemplo de esto aparece al atender al motivo de la creación del alma humana. La intención de las próximas páginas es, tras un análisis de los textos plutarqueos, atender a estos posibles contactos con NHC, los heresiólogos y el Corpus Hermeticum a fin de dilucidar sus similitudes y diferencias.


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La tesis mariológica de la conceptio per aurem, según la cual la Virgen María habría concebido a Jesucristo por el oído en el momento de escuchar del ángel el mensaje celestial anunciándole que, sin perder su virginidad, sería madre del Hijo de Dios encarnado, ha merecido hasta ahora muy pocos estudios académicos rigurosamente fundados en fuentes primarias. De hecho, en la literatura especializada son muy escasas las referencias a tal teoría y, cuando algún estudioso la evoca, casi siempre se contenta con aludir a ella, sin aportar pruebas documentales. Sin embargo, tal como lo revelan las nueve pinturas italianas aquí analizadas, esa teoría fue ilustrada mediante sutiles metáforas visuales en muchas obras pictóricas medievales, las cuales se inspiraron en una sólida tradición literaria. Además una pléyade de Padres de la Iglesia y teólogos medievales testimonia, mediante afirmaciones explícitas, que semejante teoría gozó de notable aceptación entre los maestros del pensamiento cristiano. Basándose en numerosos textos patrísticos y teológicos, este artículo intenta dos objetivos esenciales: exponer, ante todo, las distintas formulaciones teóricas propuestas por esos pensadores; y además, tratar de poner en luz los significados dogmáticos que subyacen bajo esa sorprendente tesis.


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Con este trabajo nos proponemos estudiar las políticas agrarias del franquismo y particularmente la creación y actuación del Servicio de Extensión Agraria (1955) en el contexto de la difusión de la Teoría de la Modernización. Comenzaremos con una contextualización de las relaciones culturales entre España y los EE.UU. y su potencial proyección sobre el ámbito rural. A continuación, prestaremos atención a la impronta del modelo extensionista norteamericano en la organización y metodología del Servicio de Extensión Agraria. Sin perder de vista la importancia de la escala estatal para la implementación y adaptación de las distintas políticas agrarias, atenderemos al contexto político e ideológico internacional como elemento que permite ampliar la comprensión y estudio de dichas políticas. En ese sentido, propondremos finalmente una primera aproximación comparativa al estudio del SEA en relación con diferentes experiencias de extensionismo agrario en Latinoamérica.


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This thesis defends the position that the Eastern Orthodoxy has the potential to develop, on the basis of its core concepts and doctrines, a new political theology that is participatory, personalist and universalist. This participatory political theology, as I name it, endorses modern democracy and the values of civic engagement. It enhances the process of democracy-building and consolidation in the SEE countries through cultivating the ethos of participation and concern with the common good among and the recognition of the dignity and freedom of the person. This political-theological model is developed while analyzing critically the traditional models of church-state relations (the symphonia model corresponding to the medieval empire and the Christian nation model corresponding to the nation-state) as being instrumentalized to serve the political goals of non-democratic regimes. The participatory political-theological model is seen as corresponding to the conditions of the constitutional democratic state. The research is justified by the fact the Eastern Orthodoxy has been a dominant religiouscultural force in the European South East for centuries, thus playing a significant role in the process of creation of the medieval and modern statehood of the SEE countries. The analysis employs comparative constitutional perspectives on democratic transition and consolidation in the SEE region with the theoretical approaches of political theology and Eastern Orthodox theology. The conceptual basis for the political-theological synthesis is found in the concept and doctrines of the Eastern Orthodoxy (theosis and synergy, ecclesia and Eucharist, conciliarity and catholicity, economy and eschatology) which emphasize the participatory, personalist and communal dimensions of the Orthodox faith and practice. The paradigms of revealing the political-theological potential of these concepts are the Eucharistic ecclesiology and the concept of divine-human communion as defining the body of Orthodox theology. The thesis argues that with its ethos of openness and engagement the participatory political theology presupposes political systems that are democratic, inclusive, and participatory, respecting the rights and the dignity of the person. The political theology developed here calls for a transformation and change of democratic systems towards better realization of their personalist and participatory commitments. In the context of the SEE countries the participatory political theology addresses the challenges posed by alternative authoritarian political theologies practiced in neighboring regions.


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This thesis examines the importance of effective stakeholder engagement that complies with the doctrines of social justice in non-renewable resources management decision-making. It uses hydraulic fracturing in the Green Point Shale Formation in Western Newfoundland as a case study. The thesis uses as theoretical background John Rawls’ and David Miller’ theory of social justice, and identifies the social justice principles, which are relevant to stakeholder engagement. The thesis compares the method of stakeholder engagement employed by the Newfoundland and Labrador Hydraulic Fracturing Review Panel (NLHFRP), with the stakeholder engagement techniques recommended by the Structured Decision Making (SDM) model, as applied to a simulated case study involving hydraulic fracturing in the Green Point Shale Formation. Using the already identified social justice principles, the thesis then developed a framework to measure the level of compliance of both stakeholder engagement techniques with social justice principles. The main finding of the thesis is that the engagement techniques prescribed by the SDM model comply more closely with the doctrines of social justice than the engagement techniques applied by the NLHFRP. The thesis concludes by recommending that the SDM model be more widely used in non- renewable resource management decision making in order to ensure that all stakeholders’ concerns are effectively heard, understood and transparently incorporated in the nonrenewable resource policies to make them consistent with local priorities and goals, and with the social justice norms and institutions.


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This essay studies the origin and globalization of the Rastafarian movement. Poverty and disenchantment in the inner cities of Kingston gave way in the early 1930's to the black power movement through Marcus Garvey's "Back to Africa" crusade, which eventually led to the appearance of the Rastafarian movement, a "messianic religious and political movement". In this essay, I propose to analyze when, how and why the Rastafarian movement began, its doctrines and the vehicles which were used for its cultural globalization, in other words, the diffusion of the Rastafarian´s beliefs, meanings, ideals and culture outside the borders of Jamaica. My aim is to offer a better understanding of the Rastafarian movement (commonly only associated with the consumption of drugs), so it is important to analyze this study in a cultural point of view. Some authors1 define culture as the way of life that is influenced by behavior, knowledge, and beliefs.The lack of information about a certain culture may lead to the perception that a specific culture is wrong or inferior to ours and this normally causes conflict between individuals. Appreciating and accepting cultural diversity is an ability which helps to communicate effectively in an international way, therefore, leading to the globalization of a certain culture, in this case, of the Rastafarian cultural movement. There is a significant variation within the Rastafarian movement and no formal organization; for example, some Rastafarians see it more as a way of life than a religion, but uniting the diverse movements is the belief in the divinity and/or messiahship of the Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie I, the influence of Jamaican culture, the resistance to oppression, and the pride in African heritage.


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Tout le monde sait que Balzac avait voulu au départ, vers 1831, qualifier Le Chef-d’œuvre inconnu1 de «conte fantastique» et qu’il avait choisi comme titre du premier chapitre «Maître Frenhofer», du nom du personnage singulier dont la présence devrait assurer à ce récit le mérite d’être baptisé «fantastique». Mais il a renoncé plus tard à son projet initial en le complétant (1836-37) par le développement de discours abondants sur les doctrines esthétiques et sur la technique picturale, pour l’intégrer dans la section «Études philosophiques» de La Comédie humaine. Selon Marc Eigeldinger, ce travail complémentaire l’a rendu deux fois plus long. On devine l’ambition de l’auteur de représenter un des secrets de la création en peinture.


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[ES]Las dictaduras europeas emergentes constituyeron una amenaza al orden liberal y democrático del momento, imponiendo su ideología a todo pensamiento contrario al Régimen, incluyendo el Derecho Penal, en el cual se veían reflejados estos valores. Desde esta perspectiva, se van a estudiar las diferentes doctrinas que preceden estos movimientos totalitarios, centrando su atención en la figura tipificada de la reincidencia, sus formas y su tratamiento dentro de los textos legales que estuvieron vigentes durante el periodo fascista y franquista. Se llevará a cabo una visión de la codificación actual en ambos países y un enfoque hacia la situación futura de la reincidencia y los reincidentes.


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As Lições Aprendidas em contexto militar permite reduzir o risco operacional e, simultaneamente, aumentar o grau de sucesso das operações. Desde a década de cinquenta, o Exército português demostrou querer aprender com a experiência, nomeadamente com os Franceses na Argélia e Indochina e com os Ingleses no Quénia e Malásia. Na década de sessenta e início dos anos setenta, durante a denominada Guerra de África, acentuou-se esta necessidade. O Exército Português, desde 2012, dispõe de uma capacidade de Lições Aprendidas, constituída por um processo, estrutura e ferramentas, que tem como principal objetivo, precisamente, facilitar o desiderato de se tornar uma organização aprendente. Neste sentido, é pertinente estudar e comparar estes dois sistema, para melhor perceber o fenómeno no passado e evidenciar a capacidade de hoje em dia. Para isso é necessário descreve-los segundo certos parâmetros ou indicadores. Estes indicadores estão evidentes no modelo criado pela Organização Tratado Atlântico Norte para uma capacidade de Lições Aprendidas. Na Investigação foi utilizado uma abordagem Dedutiva, como procedimentos podemos já depreender que foram utilizados o Histórico e Comparativo, as técnicas de recolha de dados foram as Entrevistas e Análise Documental. O estudo proporcionou a materialização do processo, a perceção da estrutura dedicada, das ferramentas, a influência da mentalidade, liderança, e difusão de informação feitas na guerra de África. Na atualidade, muitos dos indicadores de análise estão descritos em diretivas e doutrina de referência, no entanto é pertinente perceber como é que funcionam e criam melhorias hoje em dia. Conclui-se que o modelo criado pela Organização Tratado Atlântico Norte, que valida uma capacidade de Lições Aprendidas nas organizações militares é intemporal, pois depreende-se, que a lógica que a sustenta em tudo se aplica à guerra de África Portuguesa e à atualidade, o que demostra que esta capacidade é fundamental para tornar o Exército Português mais eficaz e eficiente nas suas atividades e missões futuras.


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O seguinte Trabalho de Investigação Aplicada tem como objetivo analisar e explicar a forma como evoluíram e se organizaram as unidades de artilharia e morteiros do Corpo Expedicionário Português, no período compreendido entre 1914 e 1918, assim como analisar, descrever e explicar a sua organização para o combate, emprego operacional e forma de atuar, no setor português em França, no período compreendido entre 1917 e março de 1918. O período analisado está inserido no conflito da Grande Guerra de 1914-1918, que se destacou pela desadequação do novo armamento com a forma antiquada de combater. O resultado foi um conflito de baixa mobilidade, com um elevado custo humano e pouco progresso, o que levou à criação de um sistema defensivo complexo que se estendeu, a Oeste, desde a fronteira Suíça até ao Mar do Norte, mais conhecido como trincheiras. A artilharia e morteiros surgem, em parte, como resposta às necessidades de um novo tipo de guerra, em que o sucesso depende não só nos números, mas também, de forma crescente, nos materiais. Para a realização deste trabalho de investigação aplicada, tendo como referência o método da investigação histórica, foi analisada, numa abordagem diacrónica, a evolução da organização e dos materiais utilizados pelas unidades de artilharia e morteiros do Corpo Expedicionário Português e, numa abordagem sincrónica, identificando as diferentes variáveis, como as inovações doutrinárias e orgânicas, as adaptações ao modelo britânico e as formas de atuação e emprego operacional das unidades de artilharia e morteiros do Corpo Expedicionário Português. Este trabalho baseia-se na análise de conteúdo de fontes primárias manuscritas e impressas, textuais e iconográficas, nacionais e internacionais, diretamente relacionadas com o tema abordado.


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O presente trabalho de investigação tem como objetivo geral investigar os grandes progressos e inovações da Artilharia de Campanha no decorrer da Primeira Guerra Mundial. O período analisado está inserido no conflito da Primeira Guerra Mundial de 1914-1918, que se caracterizou fundamentalmente por ser um conflito onde existiu pouca mobilidade, uma quantidade excessiva de mortes e um desenvolvimento progressivo de armamento pesado para fazer face ao impasse provocado por uma guerra essencialmente de trincheiras. O crescimento exponencial da artilharia tornou-se, então, uma urgente necessidade num conflito onde a inovação dos materiais se sobrepôs à quantidade de homens. Para a elaboração deste trabalho de investigação aplicada, tendo como modelo o método da investigação histórica, foi analisada, numa abordagem diacrónica, o desenvolvimento da materiais e doutrinas utilizados pelas unidades de artilharia, sendo destacados essencialmente os exércitos da Alemanha, França e Grã-Bretanha. Por outro lado, numa abordagem sincrónica, foram identificadas as distintas inovações tais como o nascimento de novos tipos de artilharia, grande diversificação nas munições, tendência para a artilharia de tiro indireto substituir a de tiro direto, desenvolvimentos no controlo do tiro, novas formas de comunicação, artilharia de muito maior alcance, entre outros, pelo que este trabalho tem como finalidade demonstrar o papel da artilharia na criação do sistema de trincheiras e posteriormente no ultrapassar da imobilidade destas. Este trabalho baseia-se na análise de conteúdo de fontes primárias manuscritas e impressas, textuais e iconográficas, nacionais e internacionais, diretamente relacionadas com o tema abordado.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Direito, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito, 2016.


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The partial defence of provocation is one of the most controversial doctrines within the criminal law. It has now been abolished in a number of international jurisdictions. Addressing the trajectory of debates about reform of the provocation defence across different jurisdictions, Sex, Culpability and the Defence of Provocation considers the construction and representation of subjectivity and sexual difference in legal narrations of intimate partner homicide. Undeniably, the most vexing exculpatory cultural narrative of our times is that of a woman 'asking for it'. This book explores how the process of judgment in a criminal trial involves not only the drawing of inferences from the facts of a particular case, but also operates to deliver a narrative. Law, it is argued, constructs a narrative of how the female body incites male violence. And, pursuing an approach that is informed by socio-legal studies, literary theory and feminist theories of the body, Sex, Culpability and the Defence of Provocation considers how this narrative is constructed via a range of discursive practices that position woman as a threat to masculine norms of propriety and autonomy. Once we have a clear understanding of the significance of narrative in legal decision-making, we can then formulate textual strategies of resistance to the violence of law's victim-blaming narratives by rewriting them.


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This paper examines the seemingly unlikely rapport between the ‘Christian existentialist’, radically Protestant thinker, Søren Kierkegaard and French classicist and historian of philosophy, Pierre Hadot, famous for advocating a return to the ancient pagan sense of philosophy as a way of life. Despite decisive differences we stress in our concluding remarks, we argue that the conception of philosophy in Hadot as a way of life shares decisive features with Kierkegaard’s understanding of the true ‘religious’ life: as something demanding existential engagement from its proponent, as well as the learning or recitation of accepted doctrines. The mediating figure between the two authors, the paper agrees with Irina (2012), is Socrates and his famous irony. In order to appreciate Kierkegaard’s rapport with Hadot, then (and in contrast to Gregor, who has also treated the two figures) we first of all consider Hadot’s treatment of the enigmatic ‘old wise man’ who remains central to Kierkegaard’s entire authorship. (Part 1) However, to highlight Hadot’s Socratic proximity to Kierkegaard (in contrast to Irina), we set up Hadot’s Socrates against the contrasting portrait readers can find in John M. Cooper’s recent work on Socrates and philosophy as a way of life. Part II of the essay turns back from Hadot’s and Kierkegaard’s Socrates towards Hadot’s own work, and argues—again moving beyond both Gregor and Irina’s works on Hadot and Kierkegaard—that the shape of Hadot’s ‘authorship’, including his remarkably classical style, can be understood by way of Kierkegaard’s notion of indirect communication. In our concluding remarks, in the spirit of Kierkegaard, we pinpoint the fundamental difference between the two thinkers, arguing that for Hadot in contrast to Kierkegaard, a stress on existential commitment in no way speaks against the philosophical defence of a form of rational universalism. Reading Hadot via Kierkegaard allows us to appreciate Hadot’s novelty as attempting to ‘squaring the circle’ between an emphasis on subjectivity and, as it were, the subjective dimensions of philosophers’ pursuit of rational universality.