956 resultados para Glial marker
Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) promotes survival of midbrain dopaminergic neurons and motoneurons. Expression of GDNF mRNA in cerebellum raises the possibility that cells within this structure might also respond to GDNF. To examine potential trophic activities of GDNF, dissociated cultures of gestational day 18 rat cerebellum were grown for < or = 21 days in the presence of factor. GDNF increased Purkinje cell number without affecting the overall number of neurons or glial cells. A maximal response (50% above control) was elicited with GDNF at 1 pg/ml. Effects of GDNF on Purkinje cell differentiation were examined by scoring the morphologic maturation of cells in treated and control cultures. GDNF increased the proportion of Purkinje cells that displayed relatively mature morphologies, characterized by dendritic thickening and the development of spines and filopodial extensions. Morphologic maturation of the overall neuronal population was unaffected. In sum, our data indicate that GDNF is a potent survival and differentiation factor for Purkinje cells, the efferent neurons of cerebellar cortex. Together with its other actions, these findings raise the possibility that GDNF might be a critical trophic factor at multiple loci in neuronal circuits that control motor function.
Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) and transforming growth factor beta 3 (TGF-beta 3) are members of the TGF-beta superfamily with high neurotrophic activity on cultured nigral dopamine neurons. We investigated the effects of intracerebral administration of GDNF and TGF-beta 3 on the delayed cell death of the dopamine neurons in the rat substantia nigra following 6-hydroxydopamine lesions of dopaminergic terminals in the striatum. Fluorescent retrograde tracer injections and tyrosine hydroxylase immunocytochemistry demonstrated nigral degeneration with an onset 1 week after lesion, leading to extensive death of nigral neurons 4 weeks postlesion. Administration of recombinant human GDNF for 4 weeks over the substantia nigra at a cumulative dose of 140 micrograms, starting on the day of lesion, completely prevented nigral cell death and atrophy, while a single injection of 10 micrograms 1 week postlesion had a partially protective effect. Continuous administration of TGF-beta 3, starting on the day of lesion surgery, did not affect nigral cell death or atrophy. These findings support the notion that GDNF, but not TGF-beta 3, is a potent neurotrophic factor for nigral dopamine neurons in vivo.
The recently cloned, distant member of the transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) family, glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF), has potent trophic actions on fetal mesencephalic dopamine neurons. GDNF also has protective and restorative activity on adult mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons and potently protects motoneurons from axotomy-induced cell death. However, evidence for a role for endogenous GDNF as a target-derived trophic factor in adult midbrain dopaminergic circuits requires documentation of specific transport from the sites of synthesis in the target areas to the nerve cell bodies themselves. Here, we demonstrate that GDNF is retrogradely transported by mesencephalic dopamine neurons of the nigrostriatal pathway. The pattern of retrograde transport following intrastriatal injections indicates that there may be subpopulations of neurons that are GDNF responsive. Retrograde axonal transport of biologically active 125I-labeled GDNF was inhibited by an excess of unlabeled GDNF but not by an excess of cytochrome c. Specificity was further documented by demonstrating that another TGF-beta family member, TGF-beta 1, did not appear to affect retrograde transport. Retrograde transport was also demonstrated by immunohistochemistry by using intrastriatal injections of unlabeled GDNF. GDNF immunoreactivity was found specifically in dopamine nerve cell bodies of the substantia nigra pars compacta distributed in granules in the soma and proximal dendrites. Our data implicate a specific receptor-mediated uptake mechanism operating in the adult. Taken together, the present findings suggest that GDNF acts endogenously as a target-derived physiological survival/maintenance factor for dopaminergic neurons.
Mutant mice produced by gene targeting in embryonic stem (ES) cells often have a complex or embryonic lethal phenotype. In these cases, it would be helpful to identify tissues and cell types first affected in mutant embryos by following the contribution to chimeras of ES cells homozygous for the mutant allele. Although a number of strategies for following ES cell development in vivo have been reported, each has limitations that preclude its general application. In this paper, we describe ES cell lines that can be tracked to every nucleated cell type in chimeras at all developmental stages. These lines were derived from blastocysts of mice that carry an 11-Mb beta-globin transgene on chromosome 3. The transgene is readily detected by DNA in situ hybridization, providing an inert, nuclear-localized marker whose presence is not affected by transcriptional or translational controls. The "WW" series of ES lines possess the essential features of previously described ES lines, including giving rise to a preponderance of male chimeras, all of which have to date exhibited germ-line transmission. In addition, clones selected for single or double targeting events form strong chimeras, demonstrating the feasibility of using WW6 cells to identify phenotypes associated with the creation of a null mutant.
We have used the green fluorescent protein (GFP) from the jellyfish Aequorea victoria as a vital marker/reporter in Drosophila melanogaster. Transgenic flies were generated in which GFP was expressed under the transcriptional control of the yeast upstream activating sequence that is recognized by GAL4. These flies were crossed to several GAL4 enhancer trap lines, and expression of GFP was monitored in a variety of tissues during development using confocal microscopy. Here, we show that GFP could be detected in freshly dissected ovaries, imaginal discs, and the larval nervous system without prior fixation or the addition of substrates or antibodies. We also show that expression of GFP could be monitored in intact living embryos and larvae and in cultured egg chambers, allowing us to visualize dynamic changes in gene expression during real time.
Within the central nervous system (CNS) ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) is expressed by astrocytes where it remains stored as an intracellular protein; its release and function as an extracellular ligand are thought to occur in the event of cellular injury. We find that overexpression of CNTF in transgenic mice recapitulates the glial response to CNS lesion, as does its injection into the uninjured brain. These results demonstrate that CNTF functions as an inducer of reactive gliosis, a condition associated with a number of neurological diseases of the CNS.
Nonhomologous integration vectors have been used to demonstrate the feasibility of insertional mutagenesis in haploid tachyzoites of the protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii. Mutant clones resistant to 5-fluorouracil were identified at a frequency of approximately 10(-6) (approximately 2 x 10(-5) of the stable transformants). Four independent mutants were isolated, all of which were shown to lack uracil phosphoribosyl-transferase (UPRT) activity and harbor transgenes integrated at closely linked loci, suggesting inactivation of the UPRT-encoding gene. Genomic DNA flanking the insertion point (along with the integrated vector) was readily recovered by bacterial transformation with restriction-digested, self-ligated total genomic DNA. Screening of genomic libraries with the recovered fragment identified sequences exhibiting high homology to known UPRT-encoding genes from other species, and cDNA clones were isolated that contain a single open reading frame predicted to encode the 244-amino acid enzyme. Homologous recombination vectors were exploited to create genetic knock-outs at the UPRT locus, which are deficient in enzyme activity but can be complemented by transient transformation with wild-type sequences--formally confirming identification of the functional UPRT gene. Mapping of transgene insertion points indicates that multiple independent mutants arose from integration at distinct sites within the UPRT gene, suggesting that nonhomologous integration is sufficiently random to permit tagging of the entire parasite genome in a single transformation.
Müller cells are the main glial cells in the retina, and are related to plexiform layer activity. Recent studies have demonstrated that Müller cells are involved in the synaptic conservation, plasticity, development and metabolism of glutamate. During turtle retinal development, layers, cells and synapses appear at different times. The aim of this research is to study the emergence of Müller cells during embryonic development and their relationship with the synaptogenesis. The authors used retinas from Trachemys scripta elegans embryos at stages S14, 18, 20, 23, and 26. Some retinas were processed with immunocytochemistry in order to detect the presence of glutamine synthetase in Müller cells, which was used as a marker of these cells. Other retinas from the same stages were processed for ultrastructural studies. Samples were observed in confocal and transmission electron microscopes, respectively. The present results show that glutamine synthetase expression in Müller cells occurs at S18, before the emergence of the retinal layers and the early synapses.
Unlike fish and amphibians, mammals do not regenerate retinal neurons throughout life. However, neurogenic potential may be conserved in adult mammal retina and it is necessary to identify the factors that regulate retinal progenitor cells (RPC) proliferative capacity to scope their therapeutic potential. Müller cells can be progenitors for retinal neuronal cells and can play an essential role in the restoration of visual function after retinal injury. Some members of the Toll-like receptor (TLR) family, TLR2, TLR3 and TLR4, are related to progenitor cells proliferation. Müller cells are important in retinal regeneration and stable cell lines are useful for the study of retinal stem cell biology. Our purpose was to obtain a Müller-derived cell line with progenitor characteristics and potential interest in regeneration processes. We obtained and characterized a murine Müller-derived cell line (MU-PH1), which proliferates indefinitely in vitro. Our results show that (i) MU-PH1 cells expresses the Müller cell markers Vimentin, S-100, glutamine synthetase and the progenitor and stem cell markers Nestin, Abcg2, Ascl1, α-tubulin and β-III-tubulin, whereas lacks the expression of CRALBP, GFAP, Chx10, Pax6 and Notch1 markers; (ii) MU-PH1 cell line stably express the photoreceptor markers recoverin, transducin, rhodopsin, blue and red/green opsins and also melanopsin; (iii) the presence of opsins was confirmed by the recording of intracellular free calcium levels during light stimulation; (iv) MU-PH1 cell line also expresses the melatonin MT1 and MT2 receptors; (v) MU-PH1 cells express TLR1, 2, 4 and 6 mRNA; (vi) MU-PH1 express TLR2 at cell surface level; (vii) Candida albicans increases TLR2 and TLR6 mRNA expression; (viii) C. albicans or TLR selective agonists (Pam(3)CysSK(4), LPS) did not elicit morphological changes nor TNF-α secretion; (ix) C. albicans and Pam(3)CysSK(4) augmented MU-PH1 neurospheres formation in a statistically significant manner. Our results indicate that MU-PH1 cell line could be of great interest both as a photoreceptor model and in retinal regeneration approaches and that TLR2 may also play a role in retinal cell proliferation.
Many applications including object reconstruction, robot guidance, and. scene mapping require the registration of multiple views from a scene to generate a complete geometric and appearance model of it. In real situations, transformations between views are unknown and it is necessary to apply expert inference to estimate them. In the last few years, the emergence of low-cost depth-sensing cameras has strengthened the research on this topic, motivating a plethora of new applications. Although they have enough resolution and accuracy for many applications, some situations may not be solved with general state-of-the-art registration methods due to the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and the resolution of the data provided. The problem of working with low SNR data, in general terms, may appear in any 3D system, then it is necessary to propose novel solutions in this aspect. In this paper, we propose a method, μ-MAR, able to both coarse and fine register sets of 3D points provided by low-cost depth-sensing cameras, despite it is not restricted to these sensors, into a common coordinate system. The method is able to overcome the noisy data problem by means of using a model-based solution of multiplane registration. Specifically, it iteratively registers 3D markers composed by multiple planes extracted from points of multiple views of the scene. As the markers and the object of interest are static in the scenario, the transformations obtained for the markers are applied to the object in order to reconstruct it. Experiments have been performed using synthetic and real data. The synthetic data allows a qualitative and quantitative evaluation by means of visual inspection and Hausdorff distance respectively. The real data experiments show the performance of the proposal using data acquired by a Primesense Carmine RGB-D sensor. The method has been compared to several state-of-the-art methods. The results show the good performance of the μ-MAR to register objects with high accuracy in presence of noisy data outperforming the existing methods.
The rich and diverse dinocyst assemblages in Cores 162-985A-32X through 62X confirm the importance of these microfossils in unraveling the evolution of the Norwegian Sea. Cosmopolitan taxa, with well-documented stratigraphic ranges in northwest Europe, indicate the following ages: Sections 162-985A-62X-1 through 51X-2, Rupelian (early Oligocene); 50X-5, Oligocene, possibly Chattian; 48X-6, Aquitanian? (early Miocene); 48X-4 through 37X-5, Aquitanian (early Miocene); and 36X-5 through 32X-1, Burdigalian (early Miocene). This stratigraphic interpretation suggests that a major hiatus, which can be correlated with an apparently coeval hiatus at Site 643, occurs within the Chattian at Site 985. Several endemic dinocyst taxa with unusual morphology and restricted stratigraphic occurrences are present in Hole 985A and other Norwegian Sea sites, especially Site 643. By using Hole 985A data for control, the Oligocene-Miocene sediments can be correlated with some degree of confidence in the Norwegian Basin.
More than 50 discrete volcanic ash layers were recovered at the five drill sites of the Blake Nose depth transect (Leg 171B, western central Atlantic). The majority of these ash layers are intercalated with Eocene hemipelagic sediments with a pronounced frequency maximum in the upper Eocene. Several ash layers appear to be deposited from volcanic fallout with little or no indication of secondary remobilization. They provide excellent stratigraphic markers for a correlation of the Leg 171B drill sites. Other ash layers were probably redeposited from volcaniclastic-rich turbidity currents, but they still represent geologically instantaneous events that can be used in stratigraphic correlation between adjacent drill holes. Additional nonvolcanic marker beds, like the suspect late Eocene impact event layer, were included in our hole-to-hole correlations. Stratigraphic and downcore positions of marker beds were compiled and plotted against existing composite depth records that were constructed to guide high-resolution sampling. Comparison of our correlation with the spliced composite sections of each drill site reveals several minor and some major discrepancies. These may result from drilling distortion or missing sections, from the lack of unambiguous criteria for the synchronism of ash layers, or from the systematic exclusion of marker-bed data in the construction of the spliced record. Integration of both correlation approaches will help eliminate most of the observed discrepancies.