967 resultados para Gensonné, Armand


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Purpose Acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) and myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) primarily afflict older individuals. Hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) is generally not offered because of concerns of excess morbidity and mortality. Reduced-intensity conditioning (RIC) regimens allow increased use of allogeneic HCT for older patients. To define prognostic factors impacting long-term outcomes of RIC regimens in patients older than age 40 years with AML in first complete remission or MDS and to determine the impact of age, we analyzed data from the Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research (CIBMTR). Patients and Methods We reviewed data reported to the CIBMTR (1995 to 2005) on 1,080 patients undergoing RIC HCT. Outcomes analyzed included neutrophil recovery, incidence of acute or chronic graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), nonrelapse mortality (NRM), relapse, disease-free survival (DFS), and overall survival (OS). Results Univariate analyses demonstrated no age group differences in NRM, grade 2 to 4 acute GVHD, chronic GVHD, or relapse. Patients age 40 to 54, 55 to 59, 60 to 64, and >= 65 years had 2-year survival rates as follows: 44% (95% Cl, 37% to 52%), 50% (95% Cl, 41% to 59%), 34% (95% Cl, 25% to 43%), and 36% (95% Cl, 24% to 49%), respectively, for patients with AML (P = .06); and 42% (95% Cl, 35% to 49%), 35% (95% Cl, 27% to 43%), 45% (95% Cl, 36% to 54%), and 38% (95% Cl, 25% to 51%), respectively, for patients with MDS (P = .37). Multivariate analysis revealed no significant impact of age on NRM, relapse, DFS, or OS (all P>.3). Greater HLA disparity adversely affected 2-year NRM, DFS, and OS. Unfavorable cytogenetics adversely impacted relapse, DFS, and OS. Better pre-HCT performance status predicted improved 2-year OS. Conclusion With these similar outcomes observed in older patients, we conclude that older age alone should not be considered a contraindication to HCT.


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A barreira costeira da Pinheira esta localizada no litoral Centro-Sul do estado de Santa Catarina. Sua rnorfologia e estratigrafia são típicas de uma barreira regressiva. Durante o Holoceno Superior (Últimos 5 ka), a barreira progradou cerca de 5.500 metros, a uma taxa media de 1 ,I mlano. Sua progradação foi determinada por um rebaixamento de aproximadamente 2 m do nível do mar e, principalmente, por uma expressivo aporte de sedimentos arenosos em seu sistema praial, provenientes da plataforma continental adjacente. Nos Últimos 3.500 metros de progradaHo da barreira, ocorridos nos Últimos 3.1 ka, cerca de 60 cordões de dunas frontais foram formados. O intervalo de tempo decorrido entre a formação de dois cordões sucessivos foi de aproximadamente 52 anos. O estudo das propriedades granulométricas do sistema praia-duna atual e de dois dos cordões antigos de dunas frontais, denominados cordões intermediArio e interno, e formados, respectivamente, há cerca de 1280 e 3140 anos AP, revelou que, nos Últimos 3 ka não ocorreram variações significativas destas propriedades. Esta não variação, no tempo, das propriedades granulométricas é atribuída a natureza policíclica do estoque de areia consumido na progradação da barreira e a sua manutenção como fonte de sedimentos durante a progradação, elou a uma relativa constância, nos últimos 3 ka, das condições dinâmicas gerais dos sistema praia-duna atual da enseada da Pinheira. O estudo comparativo entre os diferentes sub-ambientes, ou zonas do sistema praia-duna atual (face da praia, berma e duna frontal), mostrou que o desvio padrão e a assimetria são potencialmente importantes na distinção entre depdsitos eolicos (dunas frontais) e praiais (face da praia) da barreira.


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Busca-se, no presente estudo descrever e discutir a experiência mineira de aplicação do modelo de sistemas na administração pública do Estado iniciado em 1971, orientado pelo Instituto Latino-Americano de Planificação Econômica e Social, ILPES, que recomendou, dentre inúmeras proposições ao Governo do Estado, que se adotasse na administração mineira tal forma de organização.


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Desde o inicio do século, a Cultura vem desempenhando papel central na mediação da luta de classes, no Brasil. A "intelligentsia" comportou-se como se pairasse sobre todas as classes (anos 30 e 40); buscou assumir a liderança ideológica da nação (anos 50 e 60); sofreu censura, tortura e exílio (anos 70) . Desde o inicio da década de 80, parte dos intelectuais vem buscando, na militância partidária, o caminho para a construção de um projeto de sociedade contra-hegemônico e democrático. Para grande parte da "intelligentsia", entretanto, pragmatismo e conciliação parecem continuar a ser a melhor receita de vida. Na sua visão de mundo, apoios e subvenções governamentais aparentemente valem mais que ética e democracia.


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Processing in the visual system starts in the retina. Its complex network of cells with different properties enables for parallel encoding and transmission of visual information to the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) and to the cortex. In the retina, it has been shown that responses are often accompanied by fast synchronous oscillations (30 - 90 Hz) in a stimulus-dependent manner. Studies in the frog, rabbit, cat and monkey, have shown strong oscillatory responses to large stimuli which probably encode global stimulus properties, such as size and continuity (Neuenschwander and Singer, 1996; Ishikane et al., 2005). Moreover, simultaneous recordings from different levels in the visual system have demonstrated that the oscillatory patterning of retinal ganglion cell responses are transmitted to the cortex via the LGN (Castelo-Branco et al., 1998). Overall these results suggest that feedforward synchronous oscillations contribute to visual encoding. In the present study on the LGN of the anesthetized cat, we further investigate the role of retinal oscillations in visual processing by applying complex stimuli, such as natural visual scenes, light spots of varying size and contrast, and flickering checkerboards. This is a necessary step for understanding encoding mechanisms in more naturalistic conditions, as currently most data on retinal oscillations have been limited to simple, flashed and stationary stimuli. Correlation analysis of spiking responses confirmed previous results showing that oscillatory responses in the retina (observed here from the LGN responses) largely depend on the size and stationarity of the stimulus. For natural scenes (gray-level and binary movies) oscillations appeared only for brief moments probably when receptive fields were dominated by large continuous, flat-contrast surfaces. Moreover, oscillatory responses to a circle stimulus could be broken with an annular mask indicating that synchronization arises from relatively local interactions among populations of activated cells in the retina. A surprising finding in this study was that retinal oscillations are highly dependent on halothane anesthesia levels. In the absence of halothane, oscillatory activity vanished independent of the characteristics of the stimuli. The same results were obtained for isoflurane, which has similar pharmacological properties. These new and unexpected findings question whether feedfoward oscillations in the early visual system are simply due to an imbalance between excitation and inhibition in the retinal networks generated by the halogenated anesthetics. Further studies in awake behaving animals are necessary to extend these conclusions


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Pós-graduação em Artes - IA