946 resultados para Foreign elements in a language
Thai foreign policy in the 1990s has been said to be contingent on the government in power, which changes between (or within) these groups and vacillates between pro-democratic reformists/principle-pursuers and the conservatives/profit-seekers. In these studies, Thailand’s Indochinese policy has often been referred to as a typical consequence of politics between the pragmatists and the reformists. However, whether or not domestic oppositional politics is the key determinant of foreign policy in the post-Cold War era still requires further examination, precisely because the model is now facing serious challenges between theory and reality. In this paper, I review the existing arguments concerning Thailand’s foreign policy in the post-Cold War Era and point out their limitations and questions for future study.
We address the puzzle why the black market for foreign exchange thrives in Myanmar despite the successful unification of multiple exchange rates. A closer look at the black market reveals that its enduring competitiveness stems from its lower transaction costs. A question arising from this observation is how the official market, namely banks, can compete with and replace the black market. Our empirical analysis based on an original questionnaire survey of private export firms regarding their choices of currency trading modes suggests that banks can attract exporters by exploiting the economies of scope between currency trading and lending.
This article describes a research project involving students from nine different engineering degrees at the Technical university of Madrid. The purpose of the project was to analyze the use of peer and self assessment and the students? attitudes toward alternative assessment procedures.
A total of 32 samples of surficial soil were collected from 16 playground areas in Madrid (Spain), in order to investigate the importance of the geochemistry of the soil on subsequent bioaccessibility of trace elements. The in vitro bioaccessibility of As, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn was evaluated by means of two extraction processes that simulate the gastric environment and one that reproduces a gastric + intestinal digestion sequence. The results of the in vitro bioaccessibility were compared against aqua regia extractions (“total” concentration), and it was found that total concentrations of As, Cu, Pb and Zn were double those of bioaccessible values, whilst that of Cr was ten times higher. Whereas the results of the gastric + intestinal extraction were affected by a high uncertainty, both gastric methods offered very similar and consistent results, with bioaccessibilities following the order: As = Cu = Pb = Zn > Co > Ni > Cr, and ranging from 63 to 7 %. Selected soil properties including pH, organic matter, Fe and CaCO3 content were determined to assess their influence on trace element bioaccessibility, and it was found that Cu, Pb and Zn were predominantly bound to organic matter and, to a lesser extent, Fe oxides. The former fraction was readily accessible in the gastric solution, whereas Fe oxides seemed to recapture negatively charged chloride complexes of these elements in the gastric solution, lowering their bioaccessibility. The homogeneous pH of the playground soils included in the study does not influence trace element bioaccessibility to any significant extent except for Cr, where the very low gastric accessibility seems to be related to the strongly pH-dependent formation of complexes with organic matter. The results for As, which have been previously described and discussed in detail in Mingot et al. (Chemosphere 84: 1386–1391, 2011), indicate a high gastric bioaccessibility for this element as a consequence of its strong association with calcium carbonate and the ease with which these bonds are broken in the gastric solution. The calculation of risk assessments are therefore dependant on the methodology used and the specific environment they address. This has impacts on management strategies formulated to ensure that the most vulnerable of society, children, can live and play without adverse consequences to their health.
We review the evolution, state of the art and future lines of research on the sources, transport pathways, and sinks of particulate trace elements in urban terrestrial environments to include the atmosphere, soils, and street and indoor dusts. Such studies reveal reductions in the emissions of some elements of historical concern such as Pb, with interest consequently focusing on other toxic trace elements such as As, Cd, Hg, Zn, and Cu. While establishment of levels of these elements is important in assessing the potential impacts of human society on the urban environment, it is also necessary to apply this knowledge in conjunction with information on the toxicity of those trace elements and the degree of exposure of human receptors to an assessment of whether such contamination represents a real risk to the city’s inhabitants and therefore how this risk can be addressed.
A geochemical model of an urban environment is presented in which multielemental tracers are used to characterise the circulation of trace elements in particulate matter_atmospheric aerosol, street dust and urban soil, within a city.
Origin and patterns of distribution of trace elements in street dust. Unleaded petrol and urban lead
The elemental composition, patterns of distribution and possible sources of street dust are not common to all urban environments, but vary according to the peculiarities of each city. The common features and dissimilarities in the origin and nature of street dust were investigated through a series of studies in two widely different cities, Madrid (Spain) and Oslo (Norway), between 1990 and 1994. The most comprehensive sampling campaign was carried out in the Norwegian capital during the summer of 1994. An area of 14 km2, covering most of downtown Oslo and some residential districts to the north of the city, was divided into 1 km2 mapping units, and 16 sampling increments of approximately 150 g were collected from streets and roads in each of them. The fraction below 100 μm was acid-digested and analysed by ICP-MS. Statistical analyses of the results suggest that chemical elements in street dust can be classified into three groups: “urban” elements (Ba, Cd, Co, Cu, Mg, Pb, Sb, Ti, Zn), “natural” elements (Al, Ga, La, Mn, Na, Sr, Th, Y) and elements of a mixed origin or which have undergone geochemical changes from their original sources (Ca, Cs, Fe, Mo, Ni, Rb, Sr, U). Soil resuspension and/or mobilisation appears to be the most important source of “natural” elements, while “urban” elements originate primarily from traffic and from the weathering and corrosion of building materials. The data for Pb seem to prove that the gradual shift from leaded to unleaded petrol as fuel for automobiles has resulted in an almost proportional reduction in the concentration of Pb in dust particles under 100 μm. This fact and the spatial distribution of Pb in the city strongly suggest that lead sources other than traffic (i.e. lead accumulated in urban soil over the years) may contribute as much lead, if not more, to urban street dust.
In many cases the only places available for the construction of a new car park are the existing streets or roads. These streets may also have important or historic buildings very close to the structure, which means that they cannot be disturbed in any way during the construction of the parking structure. In many cases the only places available for the construction of a new car park are the existing streets or roads. These streets may also have important or historic buildings very close to the structure, which means that they cannot be disturbed in any way during the construction of the parking structure.
In this chapter we are going to develop some aspects of the implementation of the boundary element method (BEM)in microcomputers. At the moment the BEM is established as a powerful tool for problem-solving and several codes have been developed and maintained on an industrial basis for large computers. It is also well known that one of the more attractive features of the BEM is the reduction of the discretization to the boundary of the domain under study. As drawbacks, we found the non-bandedness of the final matrix, wich is a full asymmetric one, and the computational difficulties related to obtaining the integrals which appear in the influence coefficients. Te reduction in dimensionality is crucial from the point of view of microcomputers, and we believe that it can be used to obtain competitive results against other domain methods. We shall discuss two applications in this chapter. The first one is related to plane linear elastostatic situations, and the second refers to plane potential problems. In the first case we shall present the classical isoparametric BEM approach, using linear elements to represent both the geometry and the variables. The second case shows how to implement a p-adaptive procedure using the BEM. This latter case has not been studied until recently, and we think that the future of the BEM will be related to its development and to the judicious exploitation of the graphics capabilities of modern micros. Some examples will be included to demonstrate the kind of results that can be expected and sections of printouts will show useful details of implementation. In order to broaden their applicability, these printouts have been prepared in Basic, although no doubt other languages may be more appropiate for effective implementation.
Since the epoch-making "memoir" of Saint-Venant in 1855 the torsion of prismatic and cilindrical bars has reduced to a mathematical problem: the calculation of an analytical function satisfying prescribed boundary values. For over one century, till the first applications of the F.E.M. to the problem, the only possibility of study in irregularly shaped domains was the beatiful, but limitated, theory of complex function analysis, several functional approaches and the finite difference method. Nevertheless in 1963 Jaswon published an interestingpaper which was nearly lost between the splendid F. E.M. boom. The method was extended by Rizzo to more complicated problems and definitively incorporated to the scientific community background through several lecture-notes of Cruse recently published, but widely circulated during past years. The work of several researches has shown the tremendous possibilities of the method which is today a recognized alternative to the well established F .E. procedure. In fact, the first comprehensive attempt to cover the method, has been recently published in textbook form. This paper is a contribution to the implementation of a difficulty which arises if the isoparametric elements concept is applicated to plane potential problems with sharp corners in the boundary domain. In previous works, these problems was avoided using two principal approximations: equating the fluxes round the corner or establishing a binode element (in fact, truncating the corner). The first approximation distortes heavily the solution in thecorner neighbourhood, and a great amount of element is neccesary to reduce its influence. The second is better suited but the price payed is increasing the size of the system of equations to be solved. In this paper an alternative formulation, consistent with the shape function chosen in the isoparametric representation, is presented. For ease of comprehension the formulation has been limited to the linear element. Nevertheless its extension to more refined elements is straight forward. Also a direct procedure for the assembling of the equations is presented in an attempt to reduce the in-core computer requirements.
The development of (static and dynamics)programs with constant and linear elements has shown good behaviour. It seems so natural to combine both advantages so that the results will not be affected by local distortions. This paper will be dedicated to presenting the reserch of mixed elements and the way to solve the over-determination that appears in some cases. Although all the study has been done with the potential theory, its application to elastic problems is straightforward.