927 resultados para Fitness decoupling
Control recommendations are presented for four genetic or familial diseases that cause significant morbidity and mortality in affected English Bull Terriers. Bull Terrier polycystic kidney disease is an autosomal dominant disease diagnosed by detecting a minimum of three renal cysts, with cysts present in both kidneys, and similarly affected family members to confirm the inherited nature of the cysts. Bull Terrier hereditary nephritis is an autosomal dominant disease diagnosed in otherwise normal animals with urinary protein: creatinine ratios persistently >0.3 and no significant urinary sediment, a family history of the disease, and characteristic glomerular basement membrane lesions. Mitral valve myxomatous degeneration and left ventricular outflow tract obstruction in Bull Terriers are familial diseases diagnosed by auscultating characteristic murmurs in affected animals. Excluding animals with these clinical signs from the breeding pool will reduce the prevalence rates of these diseases, however maintenance of an effective population size is also important. Providing breeders with information on genetics, including the risks associated with inbreeding and the benefits of outcrossing, is likely to improve canine breeding practices, thus increasing fitness and fecundity of these purebred dogs.
Increased professionalism in rugby has elicited rapid changes in the fitness profile of elite players. Recent research, focusing on the physiological and anthropometrical characteristics of rugby players, and the demands of competition are reviewed. The paucity of research on contemporary elite rugby players is highlighted, along with the need for standardised testing protocols. Recent data reinforce the pronounced differences in the anthropometric and physical characteristics of the forwards and backs. Forwards are typically heavier, taller, and have a greater proportion of body fat than backs. These characteristics are changing, with forwards developing greater total mass and higher muscularity. The forwards demonstrate superior absolute aerobic and anaerobic power, and Muscular strength. Results favour the backs when body mass is taken into account. The scaling of results to body mass can be problematic and future investigations should present results using power function ratios. Recommended tests for elite players include body mass and skinfolds, vertical jump, speed, and the multi-stage shuttle run. Repeat sprint testing is a possible avenue for more specific evaluation of players. During competition, high-intensity efforts are often followed by periods of incomplete recovery. The total work over the duration of a game is lower in the backs compared with the forwards; forwards spend greater time in physical contact with the opposition while the backs spend more time in free running, allowing them to cover greater distances. The intense efforts undertaken by rugby players place considerable stress on anaerobic energy sources, while the aerobic system provides energy during repeated efforts and for recovery. Training should focus on repeated brief high-intensity efforts with short rest intervals to condition players to the demands of the game. Training for the forwards should emphasise the higher work rates of the game, while extended rest periods can be provided to the backs. Players should not only be prepared for the demands of competition, but also the stress of travel and extreme environmental conditions. The greater professionalism of rugby union has increased scientific research in the sport; however, there is scope for significant refinement of investigations on the physiological demands of the game, and sports-specific testing procedures.
Adolescents and adults with CF have lower bone mineral density (BMD) than normal, but its relationship with phenotype is not well understood. Point FEV1% predicted (FEV) and rate of change of FEV are biased estimates of disease severity, because progressively older subjects represent a selected survivor population, with females at greater risk of death than males. To investigate the relationship between BMD and phenotype we used an index (predicted age at death) derived from Bayesian estimates of slope and intercept of FEV, age at last measurement and survival status. Predictive equations for the index were derived from 97 subjects (78 survivors) from the RCH CF clinic, and applied to a group of 102 comparable subjects who had BMD measured, classified as having‘mild’ ()75th), ‘moderate’ (25– 75th), or ‘severe’ (-25th centile) phenotype. Total body (TB) and lumbar spine (LS) BMD z-scores (Z) were compared, adjustingfor gender effects, using 2-way ANOVA. Annual mean change in FEV segregated, as expected, according to phenotype, ‘severe’ (ns25), ‘moderate’ (ns51) and ‘mild’ (ns25) y3.01(y3.73 to y2.30)%, y0.85(y1.36 to y0.35)%, 2.70(1.92 to 3.46)%, respectively, with no gender difference. LS and TB BMDZ were different in each phenotype (P-s 0.002), LS BMDZ for ‘severe’, ‘moderate’ and ‘mild’ y1.63(CI: y2.07 to y 1.19), y0.86(CI: y1.17 to y0.55), y0.06(CI: y0.54 to 0.41). Males had lower LS BMDZ than females overall (y1.22 (CI: y1.54 to y0.91) vs. y0.48(CI: y 0.84 to y0.12) Ps0.002). In the ‘severe’ group, males had lower TB BMDZ and LS BMDZ (PF0.002). Low BMD is associated with ‘moderate’ and ‘severe’ phenotypes, with relative preservation in females in the ‘severe’ group. Female biology (reproductive fitness) might promote resistance to bone resorption at a critical level of BMD loss.
Objective: To test a conceptual model linking parental physical activity orientations, parental support for physical activity, and children's self-efficacy perceptions with physical activity participation. Participants and Setting: The sample consisted of 380 students in grades 7 through 12 (mean age, 14.0 +/- 1.6 years) and their parents. Data collection took place during the fall of 1996. Main Outcome Measures: Parents completed a questionnaire assessing their physical activity habits, enjoyment of physical activity, beliefs regarding the importance of physical activity, and supportive behaviors for their child's physical activity. Students completed a 46-item inventory assessing physical activity during the previous 7 days and a 5-item physical activity self-efficacy scale. The model was tested via observed variable path analysis using structural equation modeling techniques (AMOS 4.0). Results: An initial model, in which parent physical activity orientations predicted child physical activity via parental support and child self-efficacy, did not provide an acceptable fit to the data. Inclusion of a direct path from parental support to child physical activity and deletion of a nonsignificant path from parental physical activity to child physical activity significantly improved model fit. Standardized path coefficients for the revised model ranged from 0.17 to 0.24, and all were significant at the p < 0.0001 level. Conclusions: Parental support was an important correlate of youth physical activity, acting directly or indirectly through its influence on self-efficacy. Physical activity interventions targeted at youth should include and evaluate the efficacy of individual-level and community-level strategies to increase parents' capacity to provide instrumental and motivational support for their children's physical activity.
In this paper we present a technique for visualising hierarchical and symmetric, multimodal fitness functions that have been investigated in the evolutionary computation literature. The focus of this technique is on landscapes in moderate-dimensional, binary spaces (i.e., fitness functions defined over {0, 1}(n), for n less than or equal to 16). The visualisation approach involves an unfolding of the hyperspace into a two-dimensional graph, whose layout represents the topology of the space using a recursive relationship, and whose shading defines the shape of the cost surface defined on the space. Using this technique we present case-study explorations of three fitness functions: royal road, hierarchical-if-and-only-if (H-IFF), and hierarchically decomposable functions (HDF). The visualisation approach provides an insight into the properties of these functions, particularly with respect to the size and shape of the basins of attraction around each of the local optima.
Introdução: O alongamento muscular é frequentemente utilizado nas práticas desportivas, com o objetivo de aumentar a flexibilidade muscular e amplitude articular, assim como diminuir o risco de lesões e melhorar o desempenho atlético. Objetivo: Analisar o efeito agudo do alongamento com diferentes tempos no desempenho da força dinâmica de membros superiores e inferiores em homens jovens. Métodos: Participaram da amostra 14 voluntários do sexo masculino com idade de 23 ± 2 anos, peso corporal de 84 ± 10kg, estatura de178 ± 7cm, IMC de 26 ± 2kg/m2 e percentual de gordura de 11 ± 3%. Eles foram avaliados com o teste de 10RM em três situações distintas: condição sem alongamento (SA), aquecimento especifico seguido do teste de 10-RM; condição com oito minutos de alongamento (AL-8), uma sessão de alongamento estático com oito minutos de duração, seguido do aquecimento e teste de 10RM; e a condição alongamento 16 minutos (AL-16), 16 minutos de alongamento seguidos dos procedimentos descritos anteriormente. Os testes foram feitos no supino reto e leg-press 45º; os alongamentos foram selecionados de forma a atingir as musculaturas solicitadas nos respectivos exercícios. Resultados: Houve redução de 9,2% da força muscular dinâmica de membros superiores em comparação dos grupos SA e AL16, e entre os grupos AL8 e AL16 (p < 0,001). Em membros inferiores essa redução de força (p < 0,001) foi de 4,8% para AL-8 e de 14,3% para AL-16 em comparação com o grupo SA. Conclusão: Sessões de alongamentos estáticos efetuados antes de atividades que envolvam força dinâmica possuem a capacidade de alterar negativamente o desempenho dessa qualidade física, acarretando pior rendimento em longos períodos de alongamento.
The current level of demand by customers in the electronics industry requires the production of parts with an extremely high level of reliability and quality to ensure complete confidence on the end customer. Automatic Optical Inspection (AOI) machines have an important role in the monitoring and detection of errors during the manufacturing process for printed circuit boards. These machines present images of products with probable assembly mistakes to an operator and him decide whether the product has a real defect or if in turn this was an automated false detection. Operator training is an important aspect for obtaining a lower rate of evaluation failure by the operator and consequently a lower rate of actual defects that slip through to the following processes. The Gage R&R methodology for attributes is part of a Six Sigma strategy to examine the repeatability and reproducibility of an evaluation system, thus giving important feedback on the suitability of each operator in classifying defects. This methodology was already applied in several industry sectors and services at different processes, with excellent results in the evaluation of subjective parameters. An application for training operators of AOI machines was developed, in order to be able to check their fitness and improve future evaluation performance. This application will provide a better understanding of the specific training needs for each operator, and also to accompany the evolution of the training program for new components which in turn present additional new difficulties for the operator evaluation. The use of this application will contribute to reduce the number of defects misclassified by the operators that are passed on to the following steps in the productive process. This defect reduction will also contribute to the continuous improvement of the operator evaluation performance, which is seen as a quality management goal.
A previously developed model is used to numerically simulate real clinical cases of the surgical correction of scoliosis. This model consists of one-dimensional finite elements with spatial deformation in which (i) the column is represented by its axis; (ii) the vertebrae are assumed to be rigid; and (iii) the deformability of the column is concentrated in springs that connect the successive rigid elements. The metallic rods used for the surgical correction are modeled by beam elements with linear elastic behavior. To obtain the forces at the connections between the metallic rods and the vertebrae geometrically, non-linear finite element analyses are performed. The tightening sequence determines the magnitude of the forces applied to the patient column, and it is desirable to keep those forces as small as possible. In this study, a Genetic Algorithm optimization is applied to this model in order to determine the sequence that minimizes the corrective forces applied during the surgery. This amounts to find the optimal permutation of integers 1, ... , n, n being the number of vertebrae involved. As such, we are faced with a combinatorial optimization problem isomorph to the Traveling Salesman Problem. The fitness evaluation requires one computing intensive Finite Element Analysis per candidate solution and, thus, a parallel implementation of the Genetic Algorithm is developed.
O presente projecto tem como objectivo a disponibilização de uma plataforma de serviços para gestão e contabilização de tempo remunerável, através da marcação de horas de trabalho, férias e faltas (com ou sem justificação). Pretende-se a disponibilização de relatórios com base nesta informação e a possibilidade de análise automática dos dados, como por exemplo excesso de faltas e férias sobrepostas de trabalhadores. A ênfase do projecto está na disponibilização de uma arquitectura que facilite a inclusão destas funcionalidades. O projecto está implementado sobre a plataforma Google App Engine (i.e. GAE), de forma a disponibilizar uma solução sob o paradigma de Software as a Service, com garantia de disponibilidade e replicação de dados. A plataforma foi escolhida a partir da análise das principais plataformas cloud existentes: Google App Engine, Windows Azure e Amazon Web Services. Foram analisadas as características de cada plataforma, nomeadamente os modelos de programação, os modelos de dados disponibilizados, os serviços existentes e respectivos custos. A escolha da plataforma foi realizada com base nas suas características à data de iniciação do presente projecto. A solução está estruturada em camadas, com as seguintes componentes: interface da plataforma, lógica de negócio e lógica de acesso a dados. A interface disponibilizada está concebida com observação dos princípios arquitecturais REST, suportando dados nos formatos JSON e XML. A esta arquitectura base foi acrescentada uma componente de autorização, suportada em Spring-Security, sendo a autenticação delegada para os serviços Google Acounts. De forma a permitir o desacoplamento entre as várias camadas foi utilizado o padrão Dependency Injection. A utilização deste padrão reduz a dependência das tecnologias utilizadas nas diversas camadas. Foi implementado um protótipo, para a demonstração do trabalho realizado, que permite interagir com as funcionalidades do serviço implementadas, via pedidos AJAX. Neste protótipo tirou-se partido de várias bibliotecas javascript e padrões que simplificaram a sua realização, tal como o model-view-viewmodel através de data binding. Para dar suporte ao desenvolvimento do projecto foi adoptada uma abordagem de desenvolvimento ágil, baseada em Scrum, de forma a implementar os requisitos do sistema, expressos em user stories. De forma a garantir a qualidade da implementação do serviço foram realizados testes unitários, sendo também feita previamente a análise da funcionalidade e posteriormente produzida a documentação recorrendo a diagramas UML.
O trabalho apresentado por este documento aborda os problemas que advêm da necessidade de integração de aplicações, desenvolvidas em diferentes instantes no tempo, por diferentes equipas de trabalho, que para enriquecer os processos de negócio necessitam de comunicar entre si. A integração das aplicações tem de ser feita de forma opaca para estas, sendo disponibilizada por uma peça de software genérica, robusta e sem custos para as equipas desenvolvimento, na altura da integração. Esta integração tem de permitir que as aplicações comuniquem utilizando os protocolos que desejarem. Este trabalho propõe um middleware orientado a mensagens como solução para o problema identificado. A solução apresentada por este trabalho disponibiliza a comunicação entre aplicações que utilizam diferentes protocolos, permite ainda o desacoplamento temporal, espacial e de sincronismo na comunicação das aplicações. A implementação da solução tem base num sistema publish/subscribe orientado ao conteúdo e tem de lidar com as maiores exigências computacionais que este tipo de sistema acarta, sendo que a utilização deste se justifica com o enriquecimento da semântica de subscrição de eventos. Esta implementação utiliza uma arquitectura semi-distribuída, com o objectivo de aumentar a escalabilidade do sistema. A utilização da arquitectura semi-distribuída implica que a implementação da solução tem de lidar com o encaminhamento de eventos e divulgação das subscrições, pelos vários servidores de eventos. A implementação da solução disponibiliza garantias de persistência, processamento transaccional e tolerância a falhas, assim como transformação de eventos entre os diversos protocolos. A extensibilidade da solução é conseguida à custa de um sistema de pluggins que permite a adição de suporte a novos protocolos de comunicação. Os protocolos suportados pela implementação final do trabalho são RestMS e TCP.
The aim of this paper is concerned with the design and development of a functional framework for maritime mode integration in European automotive supply chain management when considering outbound distribution. Furthermore, it provides a readjustment of traditional concepts and terminology with findings that the role of ro-ro port terminals should be considered as decoupling points, poles and postponement platforms. Case studies examine relevant Western European ro-ro port terminals for cars and respective links to assembly/factories of vehicles localized in the hinterland and concludes that ro-ro port terminals reduce logistical friction and impedance, as well as promote space/time compression.
Introdução – Os efeitos fisiológicos da atividade física e do treino são atualmente motivo de extensa investigação cujos resultados mostraram já de forma incontroversa os seus benefícios em diferentes condições clínicas. Diferentes estudos mostraram já os efeitos benéficos do exercício regular de intensidade leve a moderada na diminuição do risco de cancro, bem como na aptidão física de indivíduos portadores de cancro, submetidos ou não a cirurgia. A prescrição do exercício mais adequado para a sua maior eficácia na melhoria da aptidão física e para a diminuição da fadiga não é, no entanto, ainda consensual. O objetivo deste estudo foi o de rever o conhecimento atual sobre os benefícios do exercício físico em sobreviventes de cancro da mama, bem como sistematizar as linhas orientadoras atuais para a prescrição do exercício físico na referida população. Metodologia – Recorreu-se a uma revisão da literatura, tendo como base as palavras-chave: cancro da mama, sobreviventes de cancro da mama, risco de cancro, exercício físico, atividade física e treino, dando preferência a estudos que, na classificação de Oxford, correspondessem aos níveis I (ensaios clínicos randomizados e revisões sistemáticas) e II de evidência científica (ensaios clínicos não randomizados). Conclusão – Embora se reconheça que o exercício físico é benéfico para a população em geral e existam linhas orientadoras para a prescrição do exercício físico em indivíduos com cancro, estas não são ainda absolutamente consensuais, necessitando sempre de individualização no treino. A investigação em torno das questões que envolvem a adequada prescrição do exercício físico em indivíduos com ou em risco de desenvolver cancro é primordial. ABSTRACT - Introduction – Physiological effects of physical activity and training are currently subject of extensive research which has already showed uncontroversial benefits in different clinical conditions. Different studies have already shown the beneficial effects of mild to moderate regular exercise in decreasing cancer risk and increasing physical fitness of individuals suffering from cancer, undergoing surgery or not. However, the appropriate exercise prescription for greater efficacy in improving physical fitness and decreasing fatigue is not yet consensus. The aim of this study was to review current knowledge about the benefits of exercise on breast cancer survivors and systematize the existing guidelines for prescribing exercise in this population. Methodology – A literature review was conducted based on the keywords: breast cancer, breast cancer survivors, cancer risk, physical exercise, physical activity and training, giving preference to studies in the classification of Oxford corresponded to level I (randomized clinical trials and systematic reviews) and II (no randomized clinical trials) scientific evidence. Conclusion – Although it is recognized that exercise is beneficial for general population and that there are guidelines for exercise prescription for individuals with cancer, there is no absolute agreement and they constantly require individual adaptations in training. Research on issues involving the correct prescription of exercise for individuals with or at risk of developing cancer is vital.
Mestrado em Fisioterapia.
OBJECTIVE: Physical activity during pregnancy is a poorly investigated subject on population level. The study aimed to describe duration, type and frequency of leisure-time physical activity during pregnancy, and to explore its associated factors. METHODS: A population-based study was carried out during 2004 in Southern Brazil. A total of 4,471 mothers were interviewed soon after delivery. Physical activity was measured using a questionnaire, developed for the study. Results were obtained by Poisson regression. RESULTS: In the sample, 14.8% of women reported to engage in some type of physical activity prior to pregnancy and 12.9% during pregnancy. In the first trimester, 10.4% of all mothers engaged in some type of physical activity; 8.5% in the second trimester and 6.5% in the third trimester. Only 194 mothers (4.3%) were active during the whole pregnancy. In the adjusted analysis, leisure-time physical activity was positively associated with schooling, physical activity advice during prenatal care, and family income (p<0.001), being employed during pregnancy (p=0.05), and number of pregnancies (p=0.02). Walking was the most frequent activity. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of leisure-time physical activity is low among Brazilian pregnant women. Although physical activity is not perceived as being pregnancy-threatening, and current guidelines recommend it, this population's behavior does not seem to be changing. Active lifestyle for both pregnant women and future mothers should be encouraged.