986 resultados para Everingham, Catherine
As long as the incidence of stroke continues to grow, patients with large right hemisphere lesions suffering from hemispatial neglect will require neuropsychological evaluation and rehabilitation. The inability to process information especially that coming from the left side accompanied by the magnetic orientation to the ipsilesional side represents a real challenge for rehabilitation. This dissertation is concerned with crucial aspects in the clinical neuropsychological practice of hemispatial neglect. In studying the convergence of the visual and behavioural test batteries in the assessment of neglect, nine of the seventeen patients, who completed both the conventional subtests of the Behavioural Inattention Test and the Catherine Bergego Scale assessments, showed a similar severity of neglect and thus good convergence in both tests. However, patients with neglect and hemianopia had poorer scores in the line bisection test and they displayed stronger neglect in behaviour than patients with pure neglect. The second study examined, whether arm activation, modified from the Constraint Induced Movement Therapy, could be applied as neglect rehabilitation alone without any visual training. Twelve acute- or subacute patients were randomized into two rehabilitation groups: arm activation training or traditional voluntary visual scanning training. Neglect was ameliorated significantly or almost significantly in both training groups due to rehabilitation with the effect being maintained for at least six months. In studying the reflections of hemispatial neglect on visual memory, the associations of severity of neglect and visual memory performances were explored. The performances of acute and subacute patients with hemispatial neglect were compared with the performances of matched healthy control subjects. As hypothesized, encoding from the left side and immediate recall of visual material were significantly compromised in patients with neglect. Another mechanism of neglect affecting visual memory processes is observed in delayed visual reproduction. Delayed recall demands that the individual must make a match helped by a cue or it requires a search for relevant material from long-term memory storage. In the case of representational neglect, the search may succeed but the left side of the recollected memory still fails to open. Visual and auditory evoked potentials were measured in 21 patients with hemispatial neglect. Stimuli coming from the left or right were processed differently in both sensory modalities in acute and subacute patients as compared with the chronic patients. The differences equalized during the course of recovery. Recovery from hemispatial neglect was strongly associated with early rehabilitation and with the severity of neglect. Extinction was common in patients with neglect and it did not ameliorate with the recovery of neglect. The presence of pusher symptom hampered amelioration of visual neglect in acute and subacute stroke patients, whereas depression did not have any significant effect in the early phases after the stroke. However, depression had an unfavourable effect on recovery in the chronic phase. In conclusion, the combination of neglect and hemianopia may explain part of the residual behavioural neglect that is no longer evident in visual testing. Further research is needed in order to determine which specific rehabilitation procedures would be most beneficial in patients suffering the combination of neglect and hemianopia. Arm activation should be included in the rehabilitation programs of neglect; this is a useful technique for patients who need bedside treatment in the acute phase. With respect to the deficit in visual memory in association with neglect, the possible mechanisms of lateralized deficit in delayed recall need to be further examined and clarified. Intensive treatment induced recovery in both severe and moderate visual neglect long after the first two to first three months after the stroke.
Vastine Anna Rotkirchin kirjoitukseen Catherine M:n uusi alastomuus / Naistutkimus 2002 : 3.
Suurelta osin Natura-alueeseen kuuluvan Kokemäenjoen suistoalueen kuivan maan ja suiston edustan vesialueen erityyppisten maaperäkerrostumien kerrosjärjestys ja alueellinen jakautuminen selvitettiin pintamaaperän kartoituksella, tutkimuskaivannoilla ja kairauksella. Suiston kerrostumat luokiteltiin viiteen maaperämuodostumaan. Vanhimmasta nuorimpaan, Toukari, Vainio-Mattila, Hevosluoto, Lanajuopa ja Säikkä muodostumaan. Nämä edustavat vanhoja Itämeren altaan ja nuorempia merelle päin etenevän suiston eri osien kerrostumisympäristöjä. Eri muodostumien fysikaaliset ja kemialliset ominaisuudet kuvattiin ja ne eroavat luonteeltaan ratkaisevasti toisistaan. Suiston etenemistä edustavat Hevosluoto- ja Säikkä-muodostumat ovat kontaminoituneet 1900-luvun alkupuolelta lähtien yhä voimakkaammin ihmistoiminnasta kertyvistä raskasmetallipitoisuuksista ja orgaanisista haitta-aineista. Tämä näkyy erityisesti elohopean, kadmiumin, arseenin, lyijyn, sinkin, nikkelin, dioksiinien ja furaanien kokonaispitoisuuksien kasvuna näissä muodostumissa. Pitoisuudet ovat suurimpia muodostumien nuorimmissa osissa. Kuivalla maalla raskasmetallipitoisuudet ylittävät paikoin valtioneuvoston pilaantuneelle maaperälle asettamat kynnysarvot, jolloin säädökset on huomioitava suiston maaperää muokattaessa. Vesialueella nämä kynnysarvot ylittyvät myös orgaanisten haitta-aineiden osalta. Tietyin osin ovat esimerkiksi arseenin ja nikkelin osalta taustapitoisuudet suistoalueen vanhimmassa Toukari muodostumassa jo luontaisesti kynnysarvoja suuremmat. Tämä pitää osata ottaa huomioon maansiirtotoimenpiteitä suunniteltaessa. Suistoon kerrostuvan maa-aineksen ja nopean maankohoamisen vuoksi suisto etenee nykyisin 30-40 m vuodessa merialueelle päin. Tämä mataloittaa vääjäämättömästi suiston edustan vesialueita kerrostumisen siirtyessä merelle päin. Näin myös Natura-alueen ainutlaatuiset biotoopit vähitellen siirtyvät merelle päin.
Konserttitaltiointi Händelfestspiele Göttingen -festivaaleilta 1976.
Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
Foi estudada a composição química e o teor de fenilalanina em 13 tipos de flocos de cereais produzidos no país e disponíveis no comércio de São Paulo. Todos os produtos contêm elevado teor de carboidratos totais, superior a 77%, fornecendo no mínimo 345 kcal/100g. Os seus teores protéicos (Nx5,7) são variáveis e se situam entre 3,8 e 7,3%. Os teores de fenilalanina variam entre 224 e 451 mg/100g de produto, sendo os valores mais baixos encontrados nos cereais com o menor teor protéico, que correspondem aos flocos de milho com maior concentração de açúcar. Através da análise de aminoácidos, foram encontrados em média 5,96g de fenilalanina/100g de aminoácidos recuperados. As diferenças em torno desta média não foram estatisticamente significativas e mostraram-se independentes do cereal que deu origem aos produtos. Houve correlação linear entre o teor de nitrogênio (micro-Kjeldahl) e a concentração de fenilalanina nas amostras (coef. correl. 0,9887) o que permite estimar o teor de fenilalanina unicamente a partir da análise de nitrogênio, adotando o teor de 5,96g de fenilalanina/100g aminoácidos. Os cálculos resultaram nos teores de fenilalanina dos 13 produtos, que não diferiram estatisticamente dos obtidos pela análise de aminoácidos.
A (mainly votive) missal consisting of seven distinct parts. Put together in several stages, somewhat haphazardly. Parts II and III are probably the oldest parts. The final stage in the composition of the book is probably the addition of part VII. Part II belongs in the same liturgical tradition as C.ö.IV.7 (Oripään Missale I), probably that of Diocese of Linköping. Part III, a votive missal, is an informal copy of a book that would most probably have been used close to a Swedish cathedral (Linköping?). How the present book found its way to Oripää chapel is not known.
A influência da temperatura do ar de secagem e da concentração de agente carreador sobre as propriedades físico-químicas do suco de açaí em pó produzido por spray drying foi avaliada. O processo foi realizado em um mini spray dryer de bancada e maltodextrina 10DE foi utilizada como agente carreador. A temperatura do ar de secagem variou de 138 a 202 °C e a concentração de maltodextrina variou de 10 a 30%. As características analisadas foram: umidade, higroscopicidade, retenção de antocianinas, cor, distribuição do tamanho de partículas e morfologia. O aumento da temperatura resultou em partículas maiores, menos úmidas, mais higroscópicas e com menor retenção de antocianinas, além de provocar uma diminuição do parâmetro de cor L* e do ângulo de tom H*. O aumento na concentração de maltodextrina resultou em partículas maiores e menos higroscópicas, com maior luminosidade (L*), menores valores de C* e maiores valores de H*. Em relação à morfologia, o aumento da temperatura levou à formação de uma maior quantidade de partículas com superfície lisa, fato atribuído à maior transferência de calor e, consequentemente, à formação mais rápida de uma membrana ao redor da gota atomizada.
The purpose of this research was to combine the use of the component blend design to the response surface methodology, in order to foresee the effect of ternary apple juice blends (Catarina, Granny Smith and Pink Lady cultivars) on the physical-chemical characteristics of musts appointed to sparkling drink elaboration. Twelve mixes were made (three individual samples, three binary mixes and six ternary mixes), analyzed on the content of total reducing sugars, total titratable acidity and phenolic compounds; and adjusted, respectively, to the linear, quadratic and special cubic models. The results were organized in ternary charts of surface response and, from the overlap of these charts, it was determined a viable region which delimited the range of apple juice compositions that make musts physically and chemically suitable to sparkling drink elaboration. To represent the various possible combinations, the central point of the triangular area of the viable region was calculated and, this point, which represents the proportions of 23.22% of Catarina, 66.23% of Granny Smith and 10.55% of Pink Lady cultivars, was chosen to constitute the formulation of the must to be used in the elaboration of apple sparkling drinks.