1000 resultados para Epidemia em Ribeirão Preto
The prevalence of smoking during pregnancy in Ribeirão Preto, a rich Brazilian city, was significantly higher (21.4%) than in São Luís (5.9%), a less developed city. To assess which variables explain the difference in prevalence of smoking during pregnancy, data from two birth cohorts were used, including 2846 puerperae from Ribeirão Preto, in 1994, and 2443 puerperae from São Luís, in 1997/98. In multivariable analysis, risk of maternal smoking during pregnancy was higher in São Luís for mothers living in a household with five or more persons (OR = 1.72, 95%CI = 1.12-2.64), aged 35 years or older (OR = 1.98, 95%CI = 0.99-3.96), who had five or more children (OR = 2.10, 95%CI = 1.16-3.81), and whose companion smoked (OR = 2.20, 95%CI = 1.52-3.18). Age of less than 20 years was a protective factor (OR = 0.55, 95%CI = 0.33-0.92). In Ribeirão Preto there was association with maternal low educational level (OR = 2.18, 95%CI = 1.30-3.65) and with a smoking companion (OR = 3.25, 95%CI = 2.52-4.18). Receiving prenatal care was a protective factor (OR = 0.24, 95%CI = 0.11-0.49). Mothers from Ribeirão Preto who worked outside the home were at a higher risk and those aged 35 years or older or who attended five or more prenatal care visits were at lower risk of smoking during pregnancy as compared to mothers from São Luís. Smoking by the companion reduced the difference between smoking rates in the two cities by 10%. The socioeconomic variables in the model did not explain the higher prevalence of smoking during pregnancy in the more developed city.
The association between socioeconomic position (SEP) and serum lipids has been little studied and the results have been controversial. A total of 2063 young adults born in 1978/79 were evaluated at 23-25 years of age in the fourth follow-up of a cohort study carried out in Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil, corresponding to 31.8% of the original sample. Total serum cholesterol (TC), triglycerides, high-density cholesterol (HDL cholesterol) and low-density cholesterol (LDL cholesterol) were analyzed according to SEP at birth and during young adulthood. SEP was classified into tertiles of family income and a cumulative score of socioeconomic disadvantage was created. TC was 11.85 mg/100 mL lower among men of lower SEP in childhood (P < 0.01) but no difference was found in women, whereas it was 8.46 lower among men (P < 0.01) and 8.21 lower among women of lower SEP in adulthood (P < 0.05). Individuals of lower SEP had lower LDL and HDL cholesterol, with small differences between sexes and between the two times in life. There was no association between SEP and triglyceride levels. After adjustment of income at one time point in relation to the other, some associations lost significance. The greater the socioeconomic disadvantage accumulated along life, the lower the levels of TC, LDL and HDL cholesterol (P < 0.05). The socioeconomic gradient of TC and LDL cholesterol was inverse, representing a lower cardiovascular risk for individuals of lower SEP, while the socioeconomic gradient of HDL cholesterol indicated a lower cardiovascular risk for individuals of higher SEP.
The objective of the present study was to estimate and compare social inequality in terms of three indicators, i.e., low birth weight (LBW), preterm birth (PTB) and small for gestational age (SGA) birth, in three birth cohorts. Two cohorts were from the city of Ribeirão Preto, where data were collected for all 6748 live born singletons in 1978/79 and for one third of live born singletons (2846) in 1994. The third cohort consisted of 2443 singletons born in São Luís over a period of one year (1997/98). In Ribeirão Preto, LBW and PTB rates increased in all social strata from 1978/79 to 1994. Social inequalities regarding LBW and PTB disappeared since the increase in these rates was more accelerated in the groups with higher educational level. The percentage of SGA infants increased over the study period. Social inequality regarding SGA birth increased due to a more intense increase in SGA births in the strata with lower schooling. In São Luís, in 1997/98 there was no social inequality in LBW or PTB rates, whereas SGA birth rate was higher in mothers with less schooling. We speculate that the more accelerated increase in medical intervention, especially due to the increase in cesarean sections in the more privileged groups, could be the main factor explaining the unexpected increase in LBW and PTB rates in Ribeirão Preto and the decrease or disappearance of social inequality regarding these perinatal indicators in the two cities.
In the late 1980's child malnutrition was still prevalent in Brazil, and child obesity was beginning to rise in the richest regions of the country. To assess the extent of the nutritional transition during the period and the influence of birth weight and maternal smoking on the nutritional condition of schoolchildren, we estimated the prevalence of excess weight and malnutrition in a cohort of Brazilian schoolchildren from 1987 to 1989. We calculated the body mass index (BMI) of 8- to 10-year-old schoolchildren born in Ribeirão Preto in 1978/79. We considered children with a BMI <5th percentile (P5) to be malnourished, children with P5³BMI
Obesity is one of the rising public health problems characterized as a risk factor for many chronic diseases in adulthood. Early life events such as intrauterine growth restriction, as well as life style, are associated with an increased prevalence of this disease. The present study was performed to determine if intrauterine growth restriction interacts with overweight at primary school age to affect body mass index (BMI) in young adults. From June 1, 1978 to May 31, 1979, 6827 singleton liveborns from Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo State, Brazil, corresponding to 98% of all births at the 8 maternity hospitals, were examined and their mothers were interviewed. Samples from the initial cohort were examined again at primary school age (8 to 11 years of age) and at the time of military service (18 years of age). There were 519 male individuals with complete measurements taken in the three surveys. Intrauterine growth-restricted individuals had a BMI 0.68 kg/m² lower than that of individuals who were not restricted (95%CI = -1.34 to -0.03) and overweight at primary school age showed a positive and strong effect on BMI at 18 years of age (coefficient 5.03, 95%CI = 4.27 to 5.79). However, the increase in BMI was much higher - 6.90 kg/m² - when the conscript had been born with intrauterine growth restriction and presented overweight at primary school age (95%CI = 4.55 to 9.26). These findings indicate that the effect of intrauterine growth restrictionon BMI at 18 years of age is modified by later weight gain during school age.
Malnutrition constitutes a major public health concern worldwide and serves as an indicator of hospitalized patients’ prognosis. Although various methods with which to conduct nutritional assessments exist, large hospitals seldom employ them to diagnose malnutrition. The aim of this study was to understand the prevalence of child malnutrition at the University Hospital of the Ribeirão Preto Medical School, University of São, Brazil. A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted to compare the nutritional status of 292 hospitalized children with that of a healthy control group (n=234). Information regarding patients’ weight, height, and bioelectrical impedance (i.e., bioelectrical impedance vector analysis) was obtained, and the phase angle was calculated. Using the World Health Organization (WHO) criteria, 35.27% of the patients presented with malnutrition; specifically, 16.10% had undernutrition and 19.17% were overweight. Classification according to the bioelectrical impedance results of nutritional status was more sensitive than the WHO criteria: of the 55.45% of patients with malnutrition, 51.25% exhibited undernutrition and 4.20% were overweight. After applying the WHO criteria in the unpaired control group (n=234), we observed that 100.00% of the subjects were eutrophic; however, 23.34% of the controls were malnourished according to impedance analysis. The phase angle was significantly lower in the hospitalized group than in the control group (P<0.05). Therefore, this study suggests that a protocol to obtain patients’ weight and height must be followed, and bioimpedance data must be examined upon hospital admission of all children.
Este trabalho teve por objetivo apresentar os aspectos relacionados com o impacto provocado pelo Programa de Educação em Valores Humanos nas crianças e seus familiares, nos professores, coordenadores, diretores e voluntários que vivenciaram essa metodologia educacional criada por Sathya Sai Baba, nas escolas de Vila Isabel e Ribeirão Preto no ano de 2008. Em primeiro momento, foi necessário definir, mesmo de uma maneira geral, o conceito de valor, chegando ao específico de valores humanos. Buscou-se a relação direta com as religiões, traçando um paralelo entre a sua origem e a influência das religiões nos valores humanos e principalmente na maneira de se comportar dos indivíduos socialmente. Discutiu-se a educação no Brasil, com sua cronologia e influências, a educação na Índia e traçou-se um paralelo entre ambas. Viu-se que a educação brasileira precisava passar por uma transformação e que a implantação de um programa como este está relacionada ao querer por parte da gestão, já que ele agrega valor ao conteúdo formal. Por fim, apresentou-se a parte central do trabalho que é o Programa de Educação em Valores Humanos – PEVH, com sua origem, metodologias, técnicas, organizações mundiais e brasileiras que trabalham parcialmente ou na íntegra com o programa e os impactos provocados por quem vive os valores humanos. Os dados foram apresentados através da pesquisa bibliográfica e de campo que, juntos, confirmaram a importância do resgate dos valores humanos e da sua prática cotidiana na transformação da sociedade, por meio do processo educacional.
The aim of this study was to identify molecular pathways involved in audiogenic seizures in the epilepsy-prone Wistar Audiogenic Rat (WAR). For this, we used a suppression-subtractive hybridization (SSH) library from the hippocampus of WARs coupled to microarray comparative gene expression analysis, followed by Northern blot validation of individual genes. We discovered that the levels of the non-protein coding (npc) RNA BC1 were significantly reduced in the hippocampus of WARs submitted to repeated audiogenic seizures (audiogenic kindling) when compared to Wistar resistant rats and to both naive WARs and Wistars. By quantitative in situ hybridization, we verified lower levels of BC1 RNA in the GD-hilus and significant signal ratio reduction in the stratum radiatum and stratum pyramidale of hippocampal CA3 subfield of audiogenic kindled animals. Functional results recently obtained in a BC1-/- mouse model and our current data are supportive of a potential disruption in signaling pathways, upstream of BC1, associated with the seizure susceptibility of WARs. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Patients with chronic pancreatitis may have abnormal gastrointestinal transit, but the factors underlying these abnormalities are poorly understood. Gastrointestinal transit was assessed, in 40 male outpatients with alcohol-related chronic pancreatitis and 18 controls, by scintigraphy after a liquid meal labeled with (99m)technetium-phytate. Blood and urinary glucose, fecal fat excretion, nutritional status, and cardiovascular autonomic function were determined in all patients. The influence of diabetes mellitus, malabsorption, malnutrition, and autonomic neuropathy on abnormal gastrointestinal transit was assessed by univariate analysis and Bayesian multiple regression analysis. Accelerated gastrointestinal transit was found in 11 patients who showed abnormally rapid arrival of the meal marker to the cecum. Univariate and Bayesian analysis showed that diabetes mellitus and autonomic neuropathy had significant influences on rapid transit, which was not associated with either malabsorption or malnutrition. In conclusion, rapid gastrointestinal transit in patients with alcohol-related chronic pancreatitis is related to diabetes mellitus and autonomic neuropathy.
Esta tese apresenta dados de um estudo descritivo exploratório com crianças em situação de rua da cidade de Ribeirão Preto, interior do Estado de São Paulo. Foi abordada, através de uma perspectiva ecológica, a temática da infância, abrangendo seus significados e determinações para estas crianças, questões de temporalidade e da identificação, descrição e significação de atividades cotidianas em situação de rua. A amostra foi composta por dez crianças com idades entre oito e onze anos, de ambos os sexos. Com base nos pressupostos teórico-metodológicos da Teoria dos Sistemas Ecológicos e na revisão da literatura nas áreas da História, Psicologia e Psicopatologia do Desenvolvimento foram criados quatro instrumentos de pesquisa (entrevista sócio-demográfica, jogo de sentenças incompletas sobre a infância, entrevista semi-estruturada sobre o tempo e gravuras sobre atividades cotidianas em situação de rua), aplicados na própria situação de rua. Os dados mostram: a) a diversidade da rua enquanto ambiente de desenvolvimento, b) a presença de contatos familiares freqüentes na vida das crianças, c) a defasagem escolar característica, d) a infância definida dentro de parâmetros ideais propostos no macrossistema, e) a vivência do tempo estruturada em rotinas onde a cronologia não se encontra presente de forma incisiva, f) as atividades cotidianas abrangendo diferentes significações, com expressões de diversos afetos e opiniões sobre o viver a situação de rua. A Teoria dos Sistemas Ecológicos sustenta a análise destes dados dentro de parâmetros de integração entre as dimensões Tempo, Pessoa, Processo e Contexto, viabilizando a valorização da criação de instrumentos que favoreçam a descrição e análise da realidade pelos próprios participantes da pesquisa e a proposta e sustentação de projetos de intervenção nesta realidade.
O objeto de estudo desta pesquisa é o ensino de pós-graduação “lato sensu” de enfermagem psiquiátrica e saúde mental das Escolas de Enfermagem da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) e Universidade de São Paulo/Ribeirão Preto (USP/RP). Orientada pelo referencial histórico-estrutural, que supõe uma perspectiva dialética, essa prática é entendida como um processo dinâmico, contraditório e em transformação construído por seus atores na sociedade. O estudo tem entre seus objetivos caracterizar e analisar o ensino de pós-graduação “lato sensu” dos cursos referidos, identificando seus paradigmas, mudanças incorporadas e suas articulações com as propostas da Reforma Psiquiátrica. Os cursos da EEUFRGS e USP/RP são pioneiros e dinamizadores do ensino especializado da área, titulando os enfermeiros e consubstanciando a formação de novos cursos no país. De forma semelhante, respeitando as especificidades, ambos os cursos procuram a capacitação específica em enfermagem psiquiátrica, habilitando os profissionais para uma intervenção prática de qualidade. Apresentam uma abordagem teórica ampla das diferentes concepções da psiquiatria, caracterizando-se pela transmissão das idéias hegemônicas da área: a visão organicista da loucura e, ao mesmo tempo, apresentando as concepções da Reforma Psiquiátrica. Essas concepções antagônicas transmitidas nesse ensino, tem gerado movimento, possibilitado crítica, manutenção, reestruturação e inovação dos cursos estudados. Especialização é um processo de ensino que procura ampliar os conhecimentos e concepções da área, preparando os profissionais para intervir e transformar a prática. Essa formação tem o objetivo de capacitar o enfermeiro, oferecendo um saber teórico/prático que o diferencia na sua prática profissional. Esse ensino deve ser aproveitado como espaço político e de crítica, tendo presente a existência de limites e poderes diferentes, que podem ocasionar mudanças positivas e/ou negativas, mas que buscam construir/reconstruir esse ensino e a prática de enfermagem psiquiátrica.
AZEVEDO, George Dantas de et al. Procoagulant state after raloxifene therapy in postmenopausal women. Fertility and Sterility, Estados Unidos, v.84, n.6, p.1680-1684, 2005
AZEVEDO, George Dantas de et al. Raloxifene therapy does not affect uterine blood flow in postmenopausal women: a transvaginal Doppler study. Maturitas, Amsterdam, v.47, n.3, p.195-200, 2004
Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a eficácia de uma estratégia de ensino sobre diagnósticos de enfermagem, fundamentada na aprendizagem, baseada em problemas no desempenho do raciocínio clínico e julgamento diagnóstico dos discentes de graduação. É estudo experimental, realizado em duas fases: validação de conteúdo dos problemas e aplicação da estratégia educativa. Os resultados mostraram melhora na capacidade de agrupamento dos dados dos discentes do grupo experimental. Conclui-se que houve influência positiva da estratégia implementada
We evaluated the water characteristics and particle sedimentation in Macrobrachium amazonicum (Heller 1862) grow-out ponds supplied with a high inflow of nutrient-rich water. Prawns were subject to different stocking and harvesting strategies: upper-graded juveniles, lower-graded juveniles, non-graded juveniles + selective harvesting and traditional farming (non-grading juveniles and total harvest only). Dissolved oxygen, afternoon N-ammonia and N-nitrate and soluble orthophosphate were lower in the ponds in comparison with inflow water through the rearing cycle. Ponds stocked with the upper population fraction of graded prawns showed higher turbidity, total suspended solids and total Kjeldahl nitrogen than the remaining treatments. An increase in the chemical oxygen demand:biochemical oxygen demand ratio from inlet (4.9) to pond (7.1-8.0) waters indicated a non-readily biodegradable fraction enhancement in ponds. The sedimentation mean rate ranged from 0.08 to 0.16 mm day(-1) and sediment contained >80% of organic matter. The major factors affecting pond ecosystem dynamic were the organic load (due to primary production and feed addition) and bioturbation caused by stocking larger animals. Data suggest that M. amazonicum grow-out in ponds subjected to a high inflow of nutrient-rich water produce changes in the water properties, huge accumulation of organic sediment at the pond bottom and non-readily biodegradable material in the water column. However, the water quality remains suitable for aquaculture purposes. Therefore, nutrient-rich waters, when available, may represent a source of unpaid nutrients, which may be incorporated into economically valued biomass if managed properly.