703 resultados para End Of Life


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Purpose: f i rst , an investigation of baseline differences in Health-Related Quality of l i fe (HRQOl) among adhere and non-adhere patients of Phase III cardiac rehabilitation (CR) was examined. Second, among patients who adhered to the program, effectiveness of t reatment based on HRQOl was evaluated. Methods: Data was collected by the Brock University Heart Institute. Participants completed a questionnaire battery at baseline and again at six months i f they were still a client. Results: The physical dimension of HRQOl differed at baseline between the adhere and non-adhere groups. for everyone point increase in physical HRQOl scores there was an associated 1.06 times greater likelihood that an individual would adhere to the program. Second, in those who adhered to the program for six months, physical HRQOl scores improved 3.18 points. Conclusions: Phase III CR significant improves HRQOl in patients suffering f rom cardiovascular disease.


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The deinstitutionalization of individuals with developmental disabilities to community-based residential services is a pervasive international trend. Although controversial, the remaining three institutions in Ontario were closed in March of 2009. Since these closures, there has been limited research on the effects of deinstitutionalization. The following retrospective study evaluated family perceptions of the impact of deinstitutionalization on the quality of life of fifty-five former residents one year post-closure utilizing a survey design and conceptual quality of life framework. The methods used to analyze the survey results included descriptive statistical analyses and thematic analyses. Overall, the results suggest that most family members are satisfied with community placement and supports, and report an improved quality of life for their family member with a developmental disability. These findings were consistent with previously published studies demonstrating the short-term and long-term benefits of community living for most individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a 12-week FES-ambulation program on locomotor function and quality of life after incomplete spinal cord injury. Six individuals with incomplete SCI participated in the study. Over-ground walking endurance (6MWT), speed (10MWT), independence (WISCI II) and body-weight support were assessed. Quality of life was assessed via the SF-36, WHOQOL-BREF, Perceived Stress Scale, Center of Epidemiological Studies for Depression scale, and task self-efficacy. Participants experienced significant improvements in walking endurance (223.6±141.5m to 297.3±164.5m; p=0.03), body-weight support (55.3±12.6% to 14.7±23.2%; p= 0.005) and four of the six participants showed improvements on the WISCI II scale (1-4 points). In addition, there was a significant reduction in reported bodily pain (6.5±1.2 to 5.0±1.7; p=0.04). Therefore, FES-ambulation is an effective means for enhancing over-ground locomotor function in individuals with incomplete SCI. It may also be an effective method for reducing pain in individuals with SCI.


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This study examined if a person’s quality of life could be predicted by six relevant factors in a sample of 114 individuals with intellectual disability who had moved from institutional settings to community living settings within Ontario. Further, two aspects of self-efficacy were tested to see if they moderated the relationship between the possible predictors and the quality of life indicator. The initial multiple regression model accounted for a very small amount of the variance in the outcome (r2 = .08). The second analysis included decision-making as a predictor (r2 = .35) but did not find it to be moderator. The third analysis used opportunities for change as a predictor (r2 = .28), and as a moderator with two significant interaction terms, health and years in an institutional setting (r2 = .35). These findings support the often-theorized influence of self-efficacy on quality of life for individuals with intellectual disability.


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As the dementia spectrum lacks any viable cure, quality of life is typically regarded as an essential measure of assessing the clinical course and evaluating interventions. With caregivers typically providing this rating to health professionals, the literature has noted inconsistencies between caregiver and person with dementia (PwD) ratings of quality of life and suggested several factors may moderate the rating relationship. To investigate this, an intraclass correlation coefficient was calculated to observe rating agreement and moderator regression analysis was conducted to explore potential moderators. Potential moderators of caregiver burden, caregiver age, caregiver income, PwD IADLs/ADLs, PwD education, PwD cognitive impairment, PwD depressive symptom severity, PwD behavioural symptom severity, as well as relationship between caregiver and PwD. Utilizing secondary data from 107 recruited dyads, analyses conducted found fair agreement between caregivers and those with dementia while none of the hypothesized factors were found to moderate the rating relationship.


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Objective: To determine which socio-demographic, exposure, morbidity and symptom variables are associated with health-related quality of life among former and current heavy smokers. Methods: Cross sectional data from 2537 participants were studied. All participants were at ≥2% risk of developing lung cancer within 6 years. Linear and logistic regression models utilizing a multivariable fractional polynomial selection process identified variables associated with health-related quality of life, measured by the EQ-5D. Results: Upstream and downstream associations between smoking cessation and higher health-related quality of life were evident. Significant upstream associations, such as education level and current working status and were explained by the addition of morbidities and symptoms to regression models. Having arthritis, decreased forced expiratory volume in one second, fatigue, poor appetite or dyspnea were most highly and commonly associated with decreased HRQoL. Discussion: Upstream factors such as educational attainment, employment status and smoking cessation should be targeted to prevent decreased health-related quality of life. Practitioners should focus treatment on downstream factors, especially symptoms, to improve health-related quality of life.


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Chart of estimate #6 of work done from the end of February to April, 1856. This is signed by Fred Holmes, April, 1856.


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Public policies often involve choices of alternatives in which the size and the composition of the population may vary. Examples are the allocation of resources to prenatal care and the design of aid packages to developing countries. In order to assess the corresponding feasible choices on normative grounds, criteria for social evaluation that are capable of performing variable-population comparisons are required. We review several important axioms for welfarist population principles and discuss the link between individual well-being and the desirability of adding a new person to a given society.


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Affiliation: Louise Lafortune: Faculté de médecine, Université de Montréal


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L’augmentation de la population âgée dans la société indique que les systèmes de soins de la santé font face à de nouveaux défis. Les hauts niveaux d’incapacité qui en résultent peuvent être réduits par les nouvelles technologies, la promotion de la santé ainsi que des stratégies de prévention. Les écrits scientifiques récents soulignent la supériorité des prothèses dentaires implanto-portées par rapport aux prothèses conventionnelles en termes de satisfaction et de qualité de la vie des patients. Cependant, il n'est toujours pas clair si ces avantages ont des effets positifs à long terme sur la santé orale et générale ainsi que sur la qualité de vie des populations âgées. Objectifs, Hypothèses : Notre but était de mesurer l’impact des prothèses mandibulaires retenues par 2 implants sur la qualité de vie associée à la santé bucco-dentaire et générale ainsi que sur la santé orale et la qualité du sommeil des aînés édentés. Nous avons évalué les hypothèses nulles suivantes : il n'y a aucune différence entre les individus portants des prothèses mandibulaires retenues par 2 implants (IODs) et ceux qui portent des prothèses conventionnelles (CDs), par rapport à la qualité de vie reliée à la santé bucco-dentaire et générale, la santé orale et la qualité du sommeil, un an après avoir reçu leurs nouvelles prothèses. Méthodes : Dans cette étude randomisée contrôlée, 255 aînés ont reçu au hasard IODs ou les CDs, les deux types de prothèses étant opposés à des prothèses maxillaires conventionnelles. La qualité de la vie reliée à la santé bucco-dentaire (OHRQoL) et la santé générale subjective ont été mesurées avec les questionnaires Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-20) et Short Form-36 (SF-36) en condition pré-traitement et après un an. La qualité du sommeil et la somnolence diurne ont été mesurées à l’aide du questionnaire Qualité de Sommeil de Pittsburg et de l'Échelle de Somnolence Epworth. La santé orale a été évaluée par un examen clinique. Les variables indépendantes étaient le sens de cohérence et le type de prosthèse, ainsi que des variables socio-démographiques. En utilisant des analyses statistiques bi et multi-factorielles, des comparaisons à l’intérieur d’un même groupe et entre deux groupes ont été effectuées. Résultats : Les différences pré et post traitement pour les cotes OHIP étaient significativement plus grandes pour le groupe IOD que le groupe CD (p<0.05). Le type de traitement et la cote pré-traitement étaient des facteurs significatifs à OHRQoL (p < 0.0001). Dans le groupe CD, il y avait une diminution significative par rapport aux cotes de «Physical Component Scores (PCS)», le fonctionnement physique, le rôle physique et la douleur physique entre les données pré-traitement et un an après le traitement, ce qui indique une diminution au niveau de la santé générale subjective. Dans le groupe IOD, une diminution statistiquement non significative a été remarquée par rapport à toutes les cotes des sous-échelles de SF-36, sauf pour la douleur physique. Le modèle final de régression a démontré qu’après ajustement pour les variables âge, sexe, statut marital et type de traitement, la cote totale finale d’OHIP et les données de bases de PCS prédisaient la cote finale de PCS (p < 0.0001). Aucune corrélation significative entre sens de cohérence et OHRQoL n'a été détectée (r =-0.1; p > 0.05). Les aînés porteurs des prothèses conventionnelles avaient presque 5 fois plus de chance d’avoir une stomatite prothétique que ceux portant des prothèses mandibulaires hybrides retenues par 2 implants (p < 0.0001). Les aînés ayant subjectivement une mauvaise santé générale avaient une qualité de sommeil moins bonne que ceux avec une meilleure santé générale subjective (p < 0.05). Les personnes qui avaient une OHRQoL moins bonne étaient presque 4 fois plus somnolentes pendant le jour que celles avec une meilleure OHRQoL (p=0.003, χ2; OR =3.8 CI 1.5 to 9.8). L'analyse de régression a montré que la santé générale subjective et OHRQoL prévoient la qualité du sommeil (p=0.022 et p=0.001, respectivement) et la somnolence diurne (p=0.017 et p=0.005, respectivement). Conclusions: Les résultats de cette étude suggèrent que, chez les aînés édentés, des prothèses mandibulaires hybrides retenues par deux implants amènent une amélioration significative de la qualité de vie reliée à la santé bucco-dentaire et maintiennent la sensation d’une meilleure santé physique. Des prothèses hybrides implanto-portées peuvent contribuer à la santé orale en réduisant les traumatismes infligés à la muqueuse orale et en contrôlant la stomatite prothétique. Les aînés édentés dont le niveau de qualité de vie reliée à la santé bucco-dentaire est bas, peuvent aussi avoir des troubles de qualité du sommeil.


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La supériorité des prothèses mandibulaires retenues par deux implants (IODs) sur les prothèses conventionnelles (CDs) nécessitent d’être éclaircies notamment en rapport à leur influence sur la qualité de vie reliée à la santé bucco-dentaire (OHRQoL) ainsi que sur la stabilité de cet effet de traitement. De plus, l’influence des facteurs psychologiques, tel que le sens de cohérence (SOC), sur l’effet de traitement reste encore inconnue. Le but de cette étude est de déterminer l’amplitude de l’influence du port des IODs et des CDs sur l’OHRQoL et d’évaluer la stabilité de l’effet de traitement dans le temps, tout en prenant en considération le niveau du SOC. MÉTHODOLOGIE: Des participants édentés (n=172, âge moyen 71, SD = 4.5) ayant reçu des CDs ou des IODs ont été suivis sur une période de deux ans. L’OHRQoL a été évaluée à l’aide du questionnaire « Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP -20) » et ce avant le traitement et à chacun des deux suivis. Le SOC a été évalué à l’aide du questionnaire « The Orientation to Life (SOC -13) » à chacun des deux suivis. Des analyses statistiques ont été effectuées pour évaluer les différences intra et entre groupes (analyses statistiques descriptives, bivariées et multivariées). RÉSULTATS: Une amélioration statistiquement significative de l’OHRQoL entre les statuts avant et après traitement a été notée dans les deux groupes (Wilks’s Lambda = 0.473, F (1,151) = 157.31, p < 0.0001). L’amplitude de l’effet du traitement IOD est 1.5 fois plus grande que celle du traitement CD. Ces résultats ont été stables pendant les deux années d’étude et ils n’ont pas été influencés par le SOC. CONCLUSION: Le traitement IOD amène une meilleure OHRQoL à long terme en comparaison avec le traitement CD et ce sans influence du niveau du SOC. Ces résultats sont cliniquement significatifs et confirment la supériorité des IODs sur les CDs.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Aux soins intensifs néonataux, les professionnels et les parents évaluent le pronostic du développement et de la qualité de vie (QdV). Le but de cette thèse est de comprendre comment les parents prédisent la QdV future de leurs enfants. Cette étude qualitative basée sur la théorisation ancrée comprend dix entrevues avec des parents. Les résultats indiquent que le pronostic développemental influence les prédictions parentales de QdV, mais il n’est pas suffisant, car la QdV est multidimensionnelle. Les parents utilisent des mécanismes d’adaptation pour gérer la maladie et l’hospitalisation de leur enfant. Ceux qui pensent qu’ils, et leur enfant, seront capables de s’adapter à un mauvais état développemental, prévoient une QdV réévaluée. Le pronostic neuro-développemental et la QdV future ne sont pas facilement estimés et les professionnels doivent en être conscients. Aider les parents à identifier des mécanismes d’adaptation peut les amener à estimer un meilleur pronostic de la QdV.


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Ship recycling has been considered as the best means to dispose off an obsolete ship. The current state of art of technology combined with the demands of sustainable developments from the global maritime industrial sector has modified the status of erstwhile ‘ship breaking’ involving ship scrap business to a modern industry undertaking dismantling of ships and recycling/reusing the dismantled products in a supply chain of pre owned product market by following the principles of recycling. Industries will have to formulate a set of best practices and blend them with the engineering activities for producing better quality products, improving the productivity and for achieving improved performances related to sustainable development. Improved performance by industries in a sustainable development perspective is accomplished only by implementing the 4E principles, ie.,. ecofriendliness, engineering efficiency, energy conservation and ergonomics in their core operations. The present study has done a comprehensive investigation into various ship recycling operations for formulating a set of best practices.Being the ultimate life cycle stage of a ship, ship recycling activities incorporate certain commercial procedures well in advance to facilitate the objectives of dismantling and recycling/reusing of various parts of the vessel. Thorough knowledge regarding these background procedures in ship recycling is essential for examining and understanding the industrial business operations associated with it. As a first step, the practices followed in merchant shipping operations regarding the decision on decommissioning have been and made available in the thesis. Brief description about the positioning methods and important preparations for the most feasible ship recycling method ie.,. beach method have been provided as a part of the outline of the background information. Available sources of guidelines, codes and rules & regulations for ship recycling have been compiled and included in the discussion.Very brief summary of practices in major ship recycling destinations has been prepared and listed for providing an overview of the global ship recycling activities. The present status of ship recycling by treating it as a full fledged engineering industry has been brought out to establish the need for looking into the development of the best practices. Major engineering attributes of ship as a unique engineering product and the significant influencing factors on her life cycle stage operations have been studied and added to the information base on ship recycling. Role of ship recycling industry as an important player in global sustainable development efforts has been reviewed by analysing the benefits of ship recycling. A brief synopsis on the state of art of ship recycling in major international ship recycling centres has also been incorporated in the backdrop knowledgebase generation on ship recycling processes.Publications available in this field have been reviewed and classified into five subject categories viz., Infrastructure for recycling yards and methods of dismantling, Rules regarding ship recycling activities, Environmental and safety aspects of ship recycling, Role of naval architects and ship classification societies, Application of information technology and Demand forecasting. The inference from the literature survey have been summarised and recorded. Noticeable observations in the inference include need of creation of a comprehensive knowledgebase on ship recycling and its effective implementation in the industry and the insignificant involvement of naval architects and shipbuilding engineers in ship recycling industry. These two important inferences and the message conveyed by them have been addressed with due importance in the subsequent part of the present study.As a part of the study the importance of demand forecasting in ship recycling has been introduced and presented. A sample input for ship recycling data for implementation of computer based methods of demand forecasting has been presented in this section of the thesis.The interdisciplinary nature of engineering processes involved in ship recycling has been identified as one of the important features of this industry. The present study has identified more than a dozen major stake holders in ship recycling having their own interests and roles. It has also been observed that most of the ship recycling activities is carried out in South East Asian countries where the beach based ship recycling is done in yards without proper infrastructure support. A model of beach based ship recycling has been developed and the roles, responsibilities and the mutual interactions of the elements of the system have been documented as a part of the study Subsequently the need of a generation of a wide knowledgebase on ship recycling activities as pointed out by the literature survey has been addressed. The information base and source of expertise required to build a broad knowledgebase on ship recycling operations have been identified and tabulated. Eleven important ship recycling processes have been identified and a brief sketch of steps involved in these processes have been examined and addressed in detail. Based on these findings, a detailed sequential disassembly process plan of ship recycling has been prepared and charted. After having established the need of best practices in ship recycling initially, the present study here identifies development of a user friendly expert system for ship recycling process as one of the constituents of the proposed best practises. A user friendly expert system has been developed for beach based ship recycling processes and is named as Ship Recycling Recommender (SRR). Two important functions of SRR, first one for the ‘Administrators’, the stake holders at the helm of the ship recycling affairs and second one for the ‘Users’, the stake holders who execute the actual dismantling have been presented by highlighting the steps involved in the execution of the software. The important output generated, ie.,. recommended practices for ship dismantling processes and safe handling information on materials present onboard have been presented with the help of ship recycling reports generated by the expert system. A brief account of necessity of having a ship recycling work content estimation as part of the best practices has been presented in the study. This is supported by a detailed work estimation schedule for the same as one of the appendices.As mentioned earlier, a definite lack of involvement of naval architect has been observed in development of methodologies for improving the status of ship recycling industry. Present study has put forward a holistic approach to review the status of ship recycling not simply as end of life activity of all ‘time expired’ vessels, but as a focal point of integrating all life cycle activities. A new engineering design philosophy targeting sustainable development of marine industrial domain, named design for ship recycling has been identified, formulated and presented. A new model of ship life cycle has been proposed by adding few stages to the traditional life cycle after analysing their critical role in accomplishing clean and safe end of life and partial dismantling of ships. Two applications of design for ship recycling viz, recyclability of ships and her products and allotment of Green Safety Index for ships have been presented as a part of implementation of the philosophy in actual practice.


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In this article, we study reliability measures such as geometric vitality function and conditional Shannon’s measures of uncertainty proposed by Ebrahimi (1996) and Sankaran and Gupta (1999), respectively, for the doubly (interval) truncated random variables. In survival analysis and reliability engineering, these measures play a significant role in studying the various characteristics of a system/component when it fails between two time points. The interrelationships among these uncertainty measures for various distributions are derived and proved characterization theorems arising out of them